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    5818EPF Search Results

    5818EPF Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALLEGRO MICROSYSTEMS INC blE » □S0433fl 000b05b 73b M A L 6R 5818-F BiMOS H 32-B IT SERIAL-INPUT, LATCHED SOURCE DRIVERS W ITH ACTIVE DMOS PULL-DOWNS U C N 5818EPF ON [ « £lin o [w -< 3 - flxno Qc “ in o s? Olin o S *ir>o E? •in o <• ^ 3 - m-<

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    5818-F 5818EPF UCN5818AF UCN5818EPF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BiMOS II 32-BIT SERIAL-INPUT, LATCHED SOURCE DRIVERS WITH ACTIVE DMOS PULL-DOWNS UC N 5818EPF Designed primarily for use with vacuum fluorescent displays, the UCN5818AF and 5818EPF smart power BiMOS II drivers combine CMOS shift registers, data latches, and control circuitry, with bipolar

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    32-BIT 5818EPF UCN5818AF UCN5818EPF PDF


    Abstract: SN75518N
    Text: BiM OS II 32-B IT SERIAL-INPUT ; LATCHED SOURCE DRIVERS FOR -40°C TO +S5°C OPERATION U C Q 5818EPF ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS at T a = 25°C Logic Supply Voltage, VDD. 15 V Driver Supply Voltage, V BB. 60 V Continuous Output Current,

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    5818EPF UCQ5818AF UCQ5818EPF 5818EPF SN75518N PDF


    Abstract: 5818EPF
    Text: 5818-F BiMOS II 32-BIT SERIAL-INPUT, LATCHED SOURCE DRIVERS WITH ACTIVE DMOS PULL-DOWNS U CN 5818EPF Designed prim arily for use with vacuum fluorescent displays, the UCN5818AF and 5818EPF smart power BiMOS II drivers combine CM O S shift registers, data latches, and control circuitry, with bipolar

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    5818-F 32-BIT 5818EPF UCN5818AF UCN5818EPF SN75518N 5818EPF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5818-F BiMOS II 32-BIT SERIAL-INPUT. LATCHED SOURCE DRIVERS WITH ACTIVE DMOS PULL-DOWNS U C N 5818EPF Designed primarily for use with vacuum fluorescent displays, the UCN5818AF and 5818EPF smart power BiMOS II drivers combine CMOS shift registers, data latches, and control circuitry, with bipolar

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    5818-F 32-BIT 5818EPF UCN5818AF UCN5818EPF PDF


    Abstract: UCN5812AF UCN5890A UCN5818AF UCN5811A UCN5811 UCN5812EPF UCN5810AF
    Text: BIMOS SERIAL-INPUT, LATCHED SOURCE DRIVERS UCN5810A/AF/LW/LWF, UCN5811A, UCN5812AF/EPF, AND UCN5818AF/EPF FEATURES UC N 5812EPF • 5 MHz Typical Serial Data Input Rate ■ Low-Power CMOS Logic and Latches ■ Replace Up To 24 ICs and 32 Discrete Devices ■ Output Ratings to 80 V Available

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    UCN5810A/AF/LW/LWF, UCN5811A, UCN5812AF/EPF, UCN5818AF/EPF UCN5812EPF UCN5810A/LW UCN5810AF/LWF 10-Bit UCN5811A 12-Bit UCN5810A UCN5812AF UCN5890A UCN5818AF UCN5811 UCN5812EPF UCN5810AF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BiMOS n 32-BIT SERIAL-INPUT, LATCHED SOURCE DRIVERS FOR -40°C TO +8S°C OPERATION Designed primarily for use with vacuum-fluorescent displays, the UCQ5818AF and 5818EPF smart power BiMOS II drivers com­ bine CMOS shift registers, data latches, and control circuitry, with

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    32-BIT UCQ5818AF UCQ5818EPF 5818EPF 00CH4D3 1U025Ã PDF


    Abstract: UCN5818EPF GP025 UCN5811 UCN5818AF UCN5811A UCN5818AF-1 UCN5818EPF-1 A1226 UCN58
    Text: B iM O S I I 3 2 - B I T SER IA L-IN P U T, L A T C H E D SO U R C E D R IV E R S W IT H A C T IV E D M O S PU LL-D O W N S Designed primarily for use with vacuum fluorescent displays, the UCN5818AF and 5818EPF smart power BiMOS II drivers combine CMOS shift registers, data latches, and control circuitry, with bipolar

    OCR Scan
    32-BIT UCN5818EPF UCN5818AF) UCN5818EPF) SN75518N UCN5818EPF GP025 UCN5811 UCN5818AF UCN5811A UCN5818AF-1 UCN5818EPF-1 A1226 UCN58 PDF