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    623SBD Search Results

    623SBD Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLS CHA F -p-^| | H7E D • 623SbD5 0DS7^Db T H S A 9060 Features: • epoxy-encapsulated housing • small dimensions Application: • indicator control in pocket cameras • light intensity control of radio clocks • exposure meters • contrast control of

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    623SbD5 9060 PDF

    Siemens PEB 2040

    Abstract: Siemens PEB 2045 TS127 08 PLCC-40 CDIP40 D55A PEB2045 P 30B4 PL-CC-44 tsco4
    Text: SIEMENS AKTIEN6ESELLSCHAF 47E D • S IE M E N S 623SbDS 0035^31 5 ■ ISIEG -T -7 5 -//' Memory Time Switch CMOS MTSC Preliminary Data PEB 2045 PEF 2045 CMOS 1C Type Ordering Code Package PEB 2045 P PEB 2045 C PEB 2045 N PEF 2045 P PEF 2045 C PEF 2046 N

    OCR Scan
    623SbDS 75-/h2t Q67100-H8322 P-DIP-40 Q67100-H8323 C-DIP-40 Q67100-H8602 PL-CC-44 Q67100-H6056 Siemens PEB 2040 Siemens PEB 2045 TS127 08 PLCC-40 CDIP40 D55A PEB2045 P 30B4 PL-CC-44 tsco4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS Silizium-PIN-Fotodiode mit Tageslichtsperrfilter NEU: in SMT Silicon PIN Photodiode with Daylight Filter NEW: in SMT BP 104 BP 104 FS sp acing -R a d ia n t sensitive area C athode A pp ro x. w e ig ht 0.1 g C hip p osition P hotosensitive Area = 2 .2 0 m m x 2 .2 0 m m

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    Siemens MTD 95 A 08 N

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEM ENS 4M x 1-Bit Dynamic RAM Low Power 4M x 1-Bit Dynamic RAM HYB 514100BJ/BT -50/-60/-70 HYB 514100BJL/BTL -50/-60/-70 Advanced Inform ation • 4 194 304 w ords by 1-bit organization • 0 to 70 “C operating tem perature • Fast access time RAS access time:

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    514100BJ/BT 514100BJL/BTL HYB5141OOBJ/BT/BJL/BTL fl23SbOS Siemens MTD 95 A 08 N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS TUA 601 OX preliminary IC-SPECIFICATION TV Mixer-Oscillator-PLL for 1.1 GHz page Contents 1 Functional Description, Application 2 3-4 Pin Defintion and Function 5 Block Diagram Circuit Description 6-10 Pinning, Package 11 Absolute Maximum Ratings 12

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    S879-B200-V1 fl23SbD5 PDF

    siemens g52

    Abstract: ABB STT 111 AJ 11P 20mA13 STT 3 SIEMENS BB833 TUA6110XS d bb833 SIEMENS marking MB1700
    Text: \ « ♦ S IE M E N S T U A 6 1 10X S p re lim in a ry IC -S P E C IF IC A T IO N C ontents SAT M ixer-O scillator-PLL for 3.3G H z C ontents Functional D escription, Application Pin Defintion and Function Block Diagram Circuit Description Pinning, Package

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    6110XS_ 23SbOS S879-A100-V1 A235bDS siemens g52 ABB STT 111 AJ 11P 20mA13 STT 3 SIEMENS BB833 TUA6110XS d bb833 SIEMENS marking MB1700 PDF


    Abstract: MARKING CODE SMD JW C17S 16T MARKING P-SOJ-32-1 TSOP-32 Q67100-Q1536
    Text: SIEM ENS 16M X 4-Bit Dynamic RAM 4k & 8k-Refresh HYB 3164400AJ/AT(L) -40/-50/-60 HY b 3165400AJ/AT(L) -40/-50/-60 Prelim inary Inform ation • 16 777 216 words by 4-bit organization • 0 to 70 "C operating tem perature • Fast Page M ode operation •

    OCR Scan
    3164400AJ/AT 3165400AJ/AT P-TSOPtl-32-1 23SL0S SMD MARKING CODE AQ1 MARKING CODE SMD JW C17S 16T MARKING P-SOJ-32-1 TSOP-32 Q67100-Q1536 PDF

    VOC sensor

    Abstract: vbb resistor 45VTYP RXJ Series
    Text: Preliminary data SIEMENS BTS 620 TWO CHANNEL PROFET Description PROFET R an intelligent power switch with integrated Two independent high-side switches Overtemperature protection for each channel Overload protection for each channel Short circuit protection by overtemperature protection 2

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    fi23Sb05 A23SbDS 0G5Mfl73 VOC sensor vbb resistor 45VTYP RXJ Series PDF


    Abstract: TXC CXO A51AC isdn modem 2S34 chmn m1p7 SAB-R3000
    Text: SIEMENS AKTIEN6ESELLSCHAF 47E D • ô53St.0S QQBbbSa Ô m S l E ú SAB 82532 1 INTRODUCTION The Enhanced Serial Communication Controller ESCC2 SAB 82532 is a data communication device with two symmetrical serial channels. It has been designed to implement high-speed com­

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    T-75-37-07 235b05 82532N-TS PL-CC-68 MARKING CODE SMD JW TXC CXO A51AC isdn modem 2S34 chmn m1p7 SAB-R3000 PDF

    siemens sab 82538

    Abstract: 3tb siemens T-0657 SiEMENS PM 350 98 SAB 80188 QD70 SIEMENS ESCC8 1fa MARKING processor hbt 00 04 g Q67100-H6441
    Text: SIEM ENS Enhanced Serial Communication Controller ESCC8 SAB 82538 SAF 82538 Preliminary Data 1 CMOS 1C General Features Serial Interface • Eight independent full duplex serial channels - On chip clock generation or external clock source - On chip DPLL for clock recovery of each

    OCR Scan
    CRC-32 fl23Sb05 siemens sab 82538 3tb siemens T-0657 SiEMENS PM 350 98 SAB 80188 QD70 SIEMENS ESCC8 1fa MARKING processor hbt 00 04 g Q67100-H6441 PDF

    TAE 4453 A

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: bOE ]> • ö23SbDS D O M W O SIEMENS Ô23 H S I E â SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF T Quad PNP Operational Amplifier • • • • • • ? '0 7 - ^ o TAE 4453 TAF 4453 Features • • • • " 7 Bipolar 1C Supply voltage range between 3 V and 36 V Low current consumption, 1,6m A typ.

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    23SbDS fl53SbQS TAE 4453 A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS BTS 630 PWM Power Unit The device allows continuous power control for lamps,LEDs or inductive loads. • Highside switch • Overtemperatur protection • Short circuit / overload protection through pulse widt reduction and overload shutdown • Load dump protection

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    T0220/7 E3128 l23SbDS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS 8M X 32-Bit EDO-DRAM Module HYM328025S/GS-50/-60 Advanced Information • 8 388 608 words by 32-bit organization • Fast access and cycle time 50 ns access time 84 ns cycle time -50 version 60 ns access time 104 ns cycle time (-60 version) • Hyper page mode (EDO) capability

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    32-Bit HYM328025S/GS-50/-60 DD653tiS 328025S/GS-50/-60 fl235bD5 D0fl53bb PDF

    Transistor BSX 47-10

    Abstract: Transistor BSX 45-10 7CW Transistors S1553 7CW 02 Q60218-X45-V6 BSX 45-10 BSX45 BSX47 Transistor NF 45-10
    Text: IS I E G 2SC D • öSBSfciQS DDQ4ÖQ7 i NPN Silicon Planar Transistors Y - 1 * - '* BSX45 BSX46 BSX47 ~SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF BSX 45, BSX 46, and BSX 47 are epitaxial NPN silicon planar transistors in TO 39 case 5 C 3 DIN 41873 . Their collectors are electrically connected to their cases. The transistors

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    BSX45 BSX46 BSX47 Q60218-X45 Q60218-X45-V6 Q60218-X45-V10 Q60218-X45-V16 Q60218-X46 Q60218-X46-V6 Q60218-X46-V10 Transistor BSX 47-10 Transistor BSX 45-10 7CW Transistors S1553 7CW 02 Q60218-X45-V6 BSX 45-10 BSX47 Transistor NF 45-10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS BAV 70S Silicon Switching Diode Array Type Marking Ordering Gode BAV 70S A4s Pin Configuration Q62702-A1097 1/4=A1 2/5=A2 Package 3/6=C1/2 SOT-363 Maximum Ratings per Diode Symbol Parameter Values 70 Diode reverse voltage Peak reverse voltage Forward current

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    Q62702-A1097 OT-363 40mmm 535bQ5 aH35fc PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS Extended Line Card Interface Controller ELIC 1 PEB 20550 PEF 20550 Features Switching EPIC®-1 • Non-blocking switch for 32 digital (e.g. ISDN) or 64 voice subscribers - Bandwidth 16, 32, or 64 kbit/s - Two consecutive 64-bit/s channels can be

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    64-bit/s 128-kbit/s IA-BIDfCl80x 1A-BID180x 0235b05 54CC2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS S/T Bus Interface Circuit Extended 1 PEB 2081 Features • Full duplex 2B+D S/T-interface transceiver according to the following specifications: - ITU Recommendation 1.430 - ETS 300 012 - ANSI T1.605 • 192 kbit/s transmission rate • Pseudo-ternary coding with 100 % pulse width

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    P-LCC-28-R EJ06tou N025IAI GPL05018 fl235b05 PDF

    TDA 4600-2

    Abstract: tda4600 BY360 Q63100-P2462-J29 TDA4601D tda4601 SMPS CIRCUIT DIAGRAM TDA 4600 class d amplifier tda Q63100 P2462-J29
    Text: bGE D SIEMENS fl235bGS OOMTMbl EOb « S I E G SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF -pStf-ll-31 Control ICs for Switched-Mode Power Supplies TDA 4601 ; -D Bipolar IC Features • • • • • Direct control of the switching transistor Low start-up current Reversing linear overload characteristic

    OCR Scan
    fl235bQS Q67000-A2379 4601-D Q67000-A2390 P-DIP-18-1 4601/D A23Sb05 TDA 4600-2 tda4600 BY360 Q63100-P2462-J29 TDA4601D tda4601 SMPS CIRCUIT DIAGRAM TDA 4600 class d amplifier tda Q63100 P2462-J29 PDF

    BTS 302

    Abstract: siemens LAL 2.25 BTS410G BTS302 ZENER A24 e3040 410H DIODE smd Wj 20/BTS 302
    Text: SIEMENS BTS 41 OG PROFET • High-side switch • Short-circuit protection • Overtemperature protection • Overload protection • Load dump protection1 • Undervoltage and overvoltage shutdown with auto-restart and hysteresis • Reverse battery protection ’ /

    OCR Scan
    BTS410G T0220AB/5 6235bOS fl23Sfc 0GSH720 C67078-S5305-A6 E3040 BTS 302 siemens LAL 2.25 BTS410G BTS302 ZENER A24 e3040 410H DIODE smd Wj 20/BTS 302 PDF

    marking code ya SMD Transistor

    Abstract: SmD TRANSISTOR a71
    Text: SIEMENS 5-V Low-Drop Fixed Voltage Regulator TLE 4269 Features • • • • • • • • • • Output voltage tolerance < ± 2 % Very low current consumption Early warning Reset output low doown to Vq = 1 V Overtemperature protection Reverse polarity proof

    OCR Scan
    Q67000-A9190 Q67006-A9173 Q67006-A9288 P-DSO-14-4 Q67006-A9192 P-DSO-20-6 regulato757 D11672fi marking code ya SMD Transistor SmD TRANSISTOR a71 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS TL E 4270 5-V L ow -D rop Fixed V o ltage R egulator Features Output voltage tolerance < ± 2 % Low-drop voltage Integrated overtemperature protection Reverse polarity protection Input voltage up to 42 V Overvoltage protection up to 65 V < 400 ms

    OCR Scan
    Q67000-A9209-A903 P-T0220-5-11 Q67000-A9243-A904 P-T0220-5-12 Q67006-A9201-A901 P-T0263-5-1 Q67000-A9209-A801 P-T0220-5-1 Q67000-A9243-A802 P-T0220-5-2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS 2-Phase Stepper-Motor Driver TLE 4726 Overview Bipolar 1C Features • 2 x 0.75 A / 50 V outputs • Integrated driver, control logic and current control chopper • Fast free-wheeling diodes • Low standby-current drain • Full, half, quarter, mini step

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    Q67006-A9297_ P-DSO-24-3_ 6535bG a235b05 P-DSO-24-3 PS05144 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS 256 MBit Synchronous DRAM HYB 39S256400/800/160T Preliminary Information • High Performance: Multiple Burst Read with Single W rite Operation -8 -8B -10 Units 125 100 100 MHz fCK3 8 10 10 ns Data M ask for Read/W rite control fAC3 6 6 7 ns Data M ask for byte control

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    39S256400/800/160T 0235b05 39S256400/80Q/160AT A53SbDS D1113G0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS TLE 5226 G Smart Quad Channel Low-Side Switch Product Summary Vs 4.8 - 32 V Drain source voltage VoS AZ max V On resistance 60 0.2 Output current RoNJyp) 3.4 Id 1,2 0.35 2x5 Id3/1 2x3 C V* Supply voltage zl o CC Features • Low ON-resistance 2 x 0.2 Î2 , 2 x 0.35 Î2 (typ.)

    OCR Scan
    S23Sb05 235bOS fl23SbOS Q67006-A9207 PDF