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    64K NMOS DYNAMIC RAM Search Results

    64K NMOS DYNAMIC RAM Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    7028L20PFGI Renesas Electronics Corporation 64K x16 Dual-Port RAM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    70V5388S166BC8 Renesas Electronics Corporation 64K x 18 FourPort RAM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    70V5388S100BC Renesas Electronics Corporation 64K x 18 FourPort RAM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    7M134S60CB Renesas Electronics Corporation 64K MASTER DUAL PORT RAM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    7028L15PFG8 Renesas Electronics Corporation 64K x16 Dual-Port RAM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    64K NMOS DYNAMIC RAM Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: KM4164BP KM4164 km4164b
    Text: KM4164B NMOS DRAM 64K x 1 Bit Dynamic RAM with Page Mode FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Performance range The KM4164B is a fully decoded NMOS Dynamic Ran­ dom Access Memory organized as 65,536 one-bit words. The design is optimized for high speed, high perfor­

    OCR Scan
    KM4164B KM4164B-10 KM4164B-12 KM4164B-15 100ns 120ns 150ns 190ns 220ns 260ns NMOS DRAM KM4164BP KM4164 km4164b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: in te i 82C03 CMOS 64K DYNAMIC RAM CONTROLLER Provides All Signals Necessary to NMOS 2164A and CMOS Control (51C64) 64K Dynamic Memories • Provides Refresh/Access Arbitration ■ Internal Clock Capability ■ Directly Addresses and Drives Up to 64 Devices Without External Drivers

    OCR Scan
    82C03 51C64) 82C03 51C6nd 82C03. AFN-02144B PDF

    RE 4TP

    Abstract: 273tp 82C03
    Text: in te i 82C03 CMOS 64K DYNAMIC RAM CONTROLLER • Provides All Signals Necessary to NMOS 2164A and CMOS Control (51C64) 64K Dynamic Memories ■ Internal Clock Capability ■ Directly Addresses and Drives Up to 64 Devices Without External Drivers ■ Provides System Acknowledge and Trans­

    OCR Scan
    82C03 51C64) 51C64 82C03. AFH-021UB RE 4TP 273tp PDF

    2164 dynamic ram

    Abstract: intel 8203 2164A 8202a intel microprocessor pin diagram 8202A intel 4002 8088 ram 256K pin diagram of intel IC 8203 diagram of IC 8203 Intel 2164
    Text: in t e i 82C03 CMOS 64K DYNAMIC RAM CONTROLLER • Provides All Signals Necessary to NMOS 2164A and CMOS Control (51C64) 64K Dynamic Memories Internal Clock Capability ■ Directly Addresses and Drives Up to 64 Devices Without External Drivers Provides System Acknowledge and Trans­

    OCR Scan
    82C03 51C64) 82C03 51C64 82C03. 2164 dynamic ram intel 8203 2164A 8202a intel microprocessor pin diagram 8202A intel 4002 8088 ram 256K pin diagram of intel IC 8203 diagram of IC 8203 Intel 2164 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: preliminary FUJITSU MOS Memories • MB8264A-12-W, MB8264A-15-W NMOS 65,536-Bit Dynamic Random Access Memory With Wide Temperature Range Description The MB8264A-W Is a 64K x 1 dynamic RAM intended for operation over the case temperature range -55*C to 110 *C. The part Is also

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    MB8264A-12-W, MB8264A-15-W 536-Bit MB8264A-W MBB264A-18 PDF


    Abstract: SIMM 30-pin 30-pin SIMM RAM KM41C256P KM44C256bp KM41C1000BJ 257J KM44C256BZ 1K x4 static ram 30-pin simm memory "16m x 8"
    Text: FUNCTION GUIDE MEMORY ICs 2. PRODUCT GUIDE 2.1 Dynamic RAM Part Number Capacity Organization Speed ns Technology Features Packages Remark 64K bit KM4164BP 100/120/150 NMOS Page Mode 16 Pin DIP Now 256K bit KM41C256P KM41C256J KM41C256Z KM41C257P KM41C257J

    OCR Scan
    KM4164BP KM41C256P KM41C256J KM41C256Z KM41C257P KM41C257J KM41C257Z KM41C258P KM41C258J KM41C258Z KM424C256Z SIMM 30-pin 30-pin SIMM RAM KM44C256bp KM41C1000BJ 257J KM44C256BZ 1K x4 static ram 30-pin simm memory "16m x 8" PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Prelim inary FUJITSU MOS Memories • M B 8 2 6 4 A - 1 2 - W , M B 8 2 6 4 A - 1 5 - W NMOS 65,536-Bit Dynamic Random Access Memory With Wide Temperature Range Description The MB8264A-W is a 64K x 1 dynamic RAM intended for operation over the case temperature range - 5 5 °C to 110°C. The part is also

    OCR Scan
    536-Bit MB8264A-W 004pn PDF


    Abstract: Dynamic Memory Refresh Controller MC3242A RA54 64k nmos dynamic ram M6800 nmos to ttl interface CASE-710
    Text: INTERFACE CIRCUITS continued gïïû ^ Offifetfife}©© ©oû(o] ©©oüSd^D NMOS Memories to TTL Systems MULTIPLEXED 16-PIN RAM CONTROL (For 4K, 16K, and 64K Dynamic Memories) MC3480 — Memory Controller. Used with all three levels of RAM. The memory controller chip is designed to greatly sim­

    OCR Scan
    16-PIN MC3480 M6800. MC3242A MC3480 MC3242A A12/14 A13/15 Dynamic Memory Refresh Controller RA54 64k nmos dynamic ram M6800 nmos to ttl interface CASE-710 PDF


    Abstract: MB8264A-12 MB8264A-12-W MB8264A-15-W MB8264A MB82S4A-1S-W
    Text: P relim inary F U J IT S U M O S M e m o rie s M B 8 2 6 4 A -1 2 -W , M B 8 2 6 4 A -1 5 -W NMOS 65,536-Bit Dynamic Random Access Memory With Wide Temperature Range Description The MB8264A-W is a 64K x 1 dynamic RAM Intended for operation over the case temperature range - 5 5 °C to 110°C. The part is also

    OCR Scan
    MB8264A-12-W, MB8264A-15-W 536-Bit MB8264A-W MB8294A-12-W MB82S4A-1B-W MB8264A-15 MB8264A-12 MB8264A-12-W MB8264A-15-W MB8264A MB82S4A-1S-W PDF


    Abstract: LH2464-10 lh2464 dynamic ram nmos 18 pins LH2464-15 64k nmos dynamic ram TOED30
    Text: LH2464 FEA T U R ES NMOS 256K 64K x 4 Dynamic RAM DESCRIPTION • 65,536 x 4 bit organization • A c c e s s times: 100/120/150 ns (M AX.) • C y c le times: 200/220/260 ns (MIN.) • P a g e mode, Read-M odify-W rite operation T h e LH 2 4 6 4 is a 65,536 x 4 bit d yn a m ic R A M fabri­

    OCR Scan
    LH2464 18-pin, 300-mil DIP18-P-300) LH2464-10 LH2464-12 LH2464-10 dynamic ram nmos 18 pins LH2464-15 64k nmos dynamic ram TOED30 PDF

    a5 gnd

    Abstract: NTE4164 NTE2117 NTE2164 BB 298 NTE2102 64k dynamic RAM 64k nmos static ram NTE2114 NTE2128
    Text: MICROPROCESSOR & MEMORY CIRCUITS INCLUDES PERIPHERALS NTE2056 16-Lead DIP, See Diag. 249 8 -B it Multiplying D/A Converter NTE2102 16-Lead DIP, See Diag. 249 NMOS, 1K Static RAM (SRAM), 350ns NTE2104 16-Lead DIP, See Diag. 249 NMOS, 4K Dynamic RAM (DRAM), 200ns

    OCR Scan
    NTE2056 16-Lead NTE2102 350ns NTE2104 200ns NTE2107 22-Lead a5 gnd NTE4164 NTE2117 NTE2164 BB 298 64k dynamic RAM 64k nmos static ram NTE2114 NTE2128 PDF


    Abstract: AK42064
    Text: HIGH DENSITY DYNAMIC RANDCM ACCESS MEMORY MODULES ACCUTEK DESCRIPTION The Accutek family of high density dynamic RAM modules are comprised of 64K x 1 or 256K x 1 dynamic RAMs packaged in LCCs or PLCCs along with chip capacitors, mounted to multi-layer ceramic

    OCR Scan
    150ns AK41128 AK42064 PDF


    Abstract: LH2464-10 LH2464-15 dynamic ram nmos 18 pins lh2464 AS2v
    Text: LH2464 FEATURES • 65,536 x 4 bit organization • Access times: 100/120/150 ns MAX. • Cycle times: 200/220/260 ns (MIN.) • Page mode, Read-Modify-Write operation • Power supply: +5 V + 10% • Power consumption (MAX.): Operating: 523/457/413 mW (MAX.)

    OCR Scan
    LH2464 18-pin, 300-mil LH2464 DIP18-P-300) LH2464-10 LH2464-12 LH2464-10 LH2464-15 dynamic ram nmos 18 pins AS2v PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LH2465 FEATURES • 65,536 x 4 bit organization • Access times: 120/150 ns MAX. • Cycle times: 220/260 ns (MIN.) • Nibble-Mode, Read-Modify-Write operation • Power supply: +5 V ± 10% • Power consumption: Operating: 457/413 mW (MAX.) Standby: 27.5 mW (MAX.)

    OCR Scan
    LH2465 LH2465 18-pin 7J7777W 18-pin, 300-mil DIP18-P-300) LH2465-12 PDF


    Abstract: LM33256N 64K x 8 BIT DYNAMIC RAM LM33256K sanyo LC3564PL lc3664* sanyo LC324256 4m static ram 8K Static RAM 16k nmos dynamic ram
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP Continued from preceding page. 3SE D • 7 n 7 D 7 b 0QD75b3 S ■ T'W'Zl-V- M E M O R I E S monolithic integrated circuit —-v.y *f* ; Type 1 . ij Package' Pins 4 Package’ -■Circuit Functions & Applications c : * j: MainSjedficafibns

    OCR Scan
    0QD75b3 150ns, versionofLC3518B ofLC3518B ofLC3518BL 120ns, LM33256 LM33256N 64K x 8 BIT DYNAMIC RAM LM33256K sanyo LC3564PL lc3664* sanyo LC324256 4m static ram 8K Static RAM 16k nmos dynamic ram PDF


    Abstract: MB8264-15 i-117 mb81416
    Text: NMOS Dynamic RAMs Quick Cuide To Products in This Section D ev Ice O rg an ization Ac c m « Tim « max Pow er S u p p ly Volts P o w er D issip atio n Package P ag e MRM17-10 V U i117-12 16K x 1 16K x 1 100 nS 120 nS +5 +5 182/20 mW 160/20 mW 16-pin 16-pin

    OCR Scan
    MB8264A-10 r264A-12 B264A-15 -264A-12W MBH264A-15W H265-20 bk265A-l0 MB8265A-12 Vbc265A MB8266A-1G MB8264 MB8264-15 i-117 mb81416 PDF


    Abstract: NTE6532
    Text: MICROPROCESSOR & MEMORY CIRCUITS INCLUDES PERIPHERALS NTE6507 28-Lead DI P, See Diag. 253 NMOS, 8-B it Microprocessor (MPU) w/On Chip Clock OSC R E 3 rf_V - / _ Q 0 2 (Outp) V ssH Q 0 0 (In) NTE6508 16-Lead DIP, See Diag. 249 CMOS, 1K Static RAM (SRAM), 300ns

    OCR Scan
    NTE6507 28-Lead NTE6532 40-Lead NTE6508 16-Lead 300ns NTE6802 NTE6532 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MICROPROCESSOR & MEMORY CIRCUITS INCLUDES PERIPHERALS NTE2056 16-Lead DIP, See Diag. 249 8-B it Multiplying D/A Converter Range Control 0 Compensation A6 n 0 A7 0 V ret(-) A 5B ^ A1 Q 0 A8 (LSB) A2 B 0 Data Out a: Q A7 A3 Q Q Data In A 2 g 0 A6 A4 Q j A0 Q

    OCR Scan
    NTE2056 16-Lead NTE2102 350ns NTE2104 200ns NTE2107 22-Lead PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: irrteT ADWAN ! OMIFÜKßMTTOOM M51C259HL HIGH PERFORMANCE LOW POWER STATIC COLUMN 64K x 4 CHMOS DYNAMIC RAM Military Maximum Access Time ns) M51C259HL-15 M51C259HL-20 150 200 Maximum Column Address Access Time (ns) 70 90 Maximum CHMOS Standby Current (mA)

    OCR Scan
    M51C259HL M51C259HL-15 M51C259HL-20 M51C259HL PDF


    Abstract: M51C259HL-15 M51C259HL-20
    Text: in te T M51C259HL HIGH PERFORMANCE LOW POWER STATIC COLUMN 64K x 4 CHMOS DYNAMIC RAM M ilitary M51C259HL-15 M51C259HL-20 Maximum Access Time ns 150 200 Maximum Column Address Access Time (ns) 70 90 Maximum CHMOS Standby Current (mA) 0.1 0.1 Static Column Mode Operation

    OCR Scan
    M51C259HL M51C259HL-15 M51C259HL-20 M51C259HL-20 PDF


    Abstract: AM9064-15PC am9064 AM9064-10 R/Detector/"Detector IC"/"CD"/Am2964B/Am9064-15
    Text: Am9064 65,536 x 1 Dynamic RAM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS High speed RAS access of 100 and 120ns Single +5V ±10% power supply Low power 22mW standby - 330mW active — 220ns cycle time - 385mW active — 190ns cycle time Read, Write, Read-Modify-Write, Page-Mode and RASOnly refresh capability

    OCR Scan
    Am9064 120ns 330mW 220ns 385mW 190ns 220ns Am9064 03759B AM9064-15 AM9064-15PC AM9064-10 R/Detector/"Detector IC"/"CD"/Am2964B/Am9064-15 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r MICROPROCESSOR & MEMORY CIRCUITS INCLUDES PERIPHERALS NTE2732A 24-Lead DIP, See Diag. 300 NMOS, 32K EPROM, UV, 200ns NTE2764 28-Lead DIP, See Diag. 510 NMOS, 64K EPROM, 200ns VppO A? 0 ~ ^ r _ 0 vcc A6 1 2 AS AS 1 B A9 A4 § j ] A11 ^ ÖE/Vpp A3 I A2 1

    OCR Scan
    NTE2732A 24-Lead 200ns NTE2764 28-Lead NTE2800 14-Lead 1400-Bit NTE4256 PDF

    PT 1017

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CMOS STATIC RAM 256K 64K x 4-BIT ADVANCE INFORMATION IDT71258 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • High-speed (equal access and cycle time) — Military: 25/35/45/55ns (max.) — Commercial: 20/25/35/45ns (max.) • Low-power operation

    OCR Scan
    IDT71258 25/35/45/55ns 20/25/35/45ns IDT71258S 400mW 400nW IDT712581Active: 350mW 100jiW 24-pin, PT 1017 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CMOS STATIC RAM 256K 64K x 4-BIT ADVANCE INFORMATION IDT71258 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • High-speed (equal access and cycle time) — Military: 25/35/45/55ns (max.) — Commercial: 20/25/35/45ns (max.) • Low-power operation

    OCR Scan
    IDT71258 25/35/45/55ns 20/25/35/45ns IDT71258S 400mW IDT712581Active: 350mW 24-pin, 24-pin 28-pin IDT71258 PDF