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    Abstract: GPR25L080B GPLB5X GPR25 27mhz car toys remote control GPL162006A 6502 MCU gpr25l321b a2400 gpc11033d
    Text: Product Selection Guide 2009 凌通科技主要以研發和行銷消費性積體電路IC產品為主,本公司擁有IC電路設計及應用軟體設計相關技術,包括嵌入式記憶 體(Embedded Memory)類比的IP和DSP等,將高科技技術商品化,使人們享受高科技帶來的歡樂、舒適與便利是我們努力

    GPBA01B GPBA02A GPUSB101A GPR25L GPR25L080B GPLB5X GPR25 27mhz car toys remote control GPL162006A 6502 MCU gpr25l321b a2400 gpc11033d PDF

    ck 66 ul94v-0 lcd

    Abstract: 7 Segment 42056 IC 7217 Unit COUNTER lcd 256 color PIN DIAGRAM OF 7 segment display LT 542 EM65567 EM65567AF EM65567AGH PIN DIAGRAM OF 7 segment display LT 543 making display
    Text: EM65567 66 COM/ 96 SEG 256 Color STN LCD Driver Elan Microelectronics Crop. m i l e r P EM65567 y r a in 66COM/ 96SEG 256 Color STN LCD Driver April 29, 2003 Version 0.3 Preliminary * This specification is subject to be changed without notice. 1 2003/4/29

    EM65567 66COM/ 96SEG EM65567 COM29 COM30 COM31 ck 66 ul94v-0 lcd 7 Segment 42056 IC 7217 Unit COUNTER lcd 256 color PIN DIAGRAM OF 7 segment display LT 542 EM65567AF EM65567AGH PIN DIAGRAM OF 7 segment display LT 543 making display PDF


    Abstract: B096 B115 C115 C130 C155 D115 D130 E157 77130
    Text: Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors MEQ Features ‧Endurance with ripple current: 85℃, 20,000 hours ‧RoHS Compliance Sleeve & Marking Color: Black & Golden SPECIFICATIONS Items Performance -40℃ ~ +85℃ Category Temperature Range at 120Hz, 20℃ ±20%

    120Hz, 120Hz) D155 B096 B115 C115 C130 C155 D115 D130 E157 77130 PDF


    Abstract: diode zener nt 9838 Keller AG am3 socket pinout AT-610 XILINX vhdl code REED SOLOMON NORTEL OC-12 A26 zener w9 0780 specifications for multiplexer of nortel
    Text: Editorial contact: Ann Duft Xilinx, Inc. 408 879-4726 [email protected] Kathy Keller Oak Ridge Public Relations (408) 253-5042 [email protected] Product Marketing contact: Bruce Jorgens Xilinx, Inc. (408) 879-5236 [email protected]

    1998--Dramatically SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF POWER SAVER DEVICE diode zener nt 9838 Keller AG am3 socket pinout AT-610 XILINX vhdl code REED SOLOMON NORTEL OC-12 A26 zener w9 0780 specifications for multiplexer of nortel PDF

    intel 865 MOTHERBOARD pcb CIRCUIT diagram

    Abstract: datasheet str 5707 str 5707 vhdl code for 8-bit parity checker xcs20-tq144 up board exam date sheet 2012 symbol elektronika standard american CD 5888 pin configuration of 7486 IC GENIUS MOUSE CONTROLLER
    Text: Xilinx PCI Data Book R , XILINX, XACT, XC2064, XC3090, XC4005, XC-DS501, FPGA Archindry, NeoCAD, NeoCAD EPIC, NeoCAD PRISM, NeoROUTE, Plus Logic, Plustran, P+, Timing Wizard, and TRACE are registered trademarks of Xilinx, Inc. , all XC-prefix product designations, XACTstep, XACTstep Advanced, XACTstep Foundry, XACT-Floorplanner, XACTPerformance, XAPP, XAM, X-BLOX, X-BLOX plus, XChecker, XDM, XDS, XEPLD, XPP, XSI, Foundation Series, AllianceCORE, BITA, Configurable Logic Cell, CLC, Dual Block, FastCLK, FastCONNECT, FastFLASH, FastMap, HardWire,

    XC2064, XC3090, XC4005, XC-DS501, intel 865 MOTHERBOARD pcb CIRCUIT diagram datasheet str 5707 str 5707 vhdl code for 8-bit parity checker xcs20-tq144 up board exam date sheet 2012 symbol elektronika standard american CD 5888 pin configuration of 7486 IC GENIUS MOUSE CONTROLLER PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor – JMJ FEATURES Ø Load life of 2000 hours at 85℃ Ø Size may be selected Ø High ripple current Ø Used for computers, communication powers and inverters SPECIFICATIONS Items Operating Temperature Range ℃ Capacitance Tolerance (25℃,120Hz)

    120Hz) 2000hours 36x53 36x83 36x100 51x75 PDF


    Abstract: SSOP-20 TSSOP-20 WM8782 WM8782GEDT WM8782SEDS
    Text: w WM8782 24-Bit, 192kHz Stereo ADC DESCRIPTION FEATURES The WM8782 is a high performance, low cost stereo audio ADC designed for recordable media applications. • • • • • The device offers stereo line level inputs along with two control input pins FORMAT, IWL to allow operation of the

    WM8782 24-Bit, 192kHz WM8782 24-bit J-STD-020B SSOP-20 TSSOP-20 WM8782GEDT WM8782SEDS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor – JMJ FEATURES  Load life of 2000 hours at 85℃  Size may be selected  High ripple current  Used for computers, communication powers and inverters SPECIFICATIONS Items Operating Temperature Range ℃ Capacitance Tolerance (25℃,120Hz)

    120Hz) 2000hours 36x53 36x83 36x100 51x75 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SPLB39B 6144 Dots Data Bank Preliminary FEB. 14, 2005 Version 0.1 Sunplus Technology reserves the right to change this documentation without prior notice. Information provided by Sunplus Technology is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Sunplus Technology makes no warranty for any errors which may appear in this document.



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SCREW TERMINAL TYPE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS FXA Series Warranty of 5,000 hours at 85°C Product Specifications Features • Long-life and high-ripple series for inverter realized through adoption of high-reliability organic acid type electrolyte

    120Hz) 120Hz 120Hz FXA2W102Y FXA2W122Y FXA2W152Y FXA2W182Y FXA2W222Y FXA2W272Y PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Suntan ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR GE N E RAL, M I N IATU R I Z E D TS13D CD135 FEATU R E S Load life of 2000 hours at 85℃ Size may be selected High ripple current Used for computers, communication powers and inverters  Specifications I T E M S P E R F O R M A N C E

    TS13D CD135 120Hz) 315WV, 2000hours 64x96 64x115 64x130 77x115 77x130 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Richey RCT Series • • • Load life of 2000 hours at 85°C High ripple current Computers, communication powers, and inverters SPECIFICATIONS Item Operating Temperature Range °C Capacitance Tolerance (25°C, 120Hz) Leakage current (µ A) Characteristics

    120Hz) 36x83 33x83 36x100 51x75 Richey PDF


    Abstract: JIS 5102 b083 A121 B100 B121 D096 code A083 90x130 A053
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS MGA Series: Large Can Screw Terminal, 105 °C FEATURES • Endurance with ripple current: 105°C, 2000 hours SPECIFICATIONS Performance Item Operating Temp. -40°C ~+105°C ± 20% 120Hz, 20°C Capacitance Toloerance Leakage Current

    120Hz, 120Hz) 35x53 35x65 35x83 35x100 A083 JIS 5102 b083 A121 B100 B121 D096 code A083 90x130 A053 PDF


    Abstract: XCV1000E
    Text: Reference QPRO QPRO QML-Certified FPGAs and PROMs The Xilinx QPRO family of Radiation Hardened FPGAs and PROMs are finding homes in many new satellite and space applications. Both the XQR4000XL and XQVR Virtex products are being designed into space systems that will utilize reconfigurable technology. Numerous communications and GPS satellites, space probe, and

    XQR4000XL XCV1000E XCV3200E XCV405EM XCV812EM XC2S200) XC9500 XC4000E/L/EX XC4000XL/XLA XC4020) XC2S200 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QPro Reference QML-Certified FPGAs and PROMs The Xilinx QPro family of radiation hardened FPGAs and PROMs are finding homes in many new satellite and space applications. Both the XQR4000XL and XQVR Virtex™ products are being designed into space systems that will utilize reconfigurable

    XQR4000XL incorpo6x36 48x48 56x56 20x30 32x48 48x72 64x96 XQ4000E/EX XC1736D XQR/XQ4062XL PDF


    Abstract: PRT147 CMSG79 61EH lgs1 circuit diagram DIN 7964 CMSG65 481h 7A1H
    Text: King Billion Electronics Co., Ltd 駿 億 電 子 股 份 有 限 公 司 HE84770C HE80000 SERIES - Table of Contents 1. General Description 2. Features

    HE84770C HE80000 KDS80 HE84770C PRT147 CMSG79 61EH lgs1 circuit diagram DIN 7964 CMSG65 481h 7A1H PDF


    Abstract: VR12 INTEL tsop Ir sensor intel VR12 Infrared sensor TSOP 1738 HE84G770 S96 infrared VOICE RECORDER IC 9600 32768 GRAY display lcd 4x20
    Text: King Billion Electronics Co., Ltd 駿 億 電 子 股 份 有 限 公 司 HE84G770 HE80004H SERIES - Table of Contents 1. General Description 2. Features

    HE84G770 HE80004H HE84G770H s127 VR12 INTEL tsop Ir sensor intel VR12 Infrared sensor TSOP 1738 HE84G770 S96 infrared VOICE RECORDER IC 9600 32768 GRAY display lcd 4x20 PDF

    ltd 4601 g

    Abstract: HE84770D PRT147 PRT102 51FH
    Text: King Billion Electronics Co., Ltd 駿 億 電 子 股 份 有 限 公 司 HE84770D HE80000 SERIES - Table of Contents 1. General Description 2. Features

    HE84770D HE80000 ltd 4601 g HE84770D PRT147 PRT102 51FH PDF


    Abstract: 28X4
    Text: 6023 Virtex 2.5 V Field Programmable Gate Arrays R DS003 v.2.1 May 10, 2000 3* Features • • • • • Final Product Specification • Fast, high-density Field-Programmable Gate Arrays - Densities from 50k to 1M system gates - System performance up to 200 MHz

    DS003 66-MHz FG680 D13B2 28X4 PDF


    Abstract: CD136 D10R
    Text: CD136 SERIES ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS STANDARD RATINGS Rated Voltage V.DC 200 250 315 Surge Voltage (V.DC) 250 300 365 Rated Capacitance Dissipation Factor MAX Ripple Current 330 0.15 390 (¦Ì F) 105¡æ 120Hz Outline Size Code §¶DxL(mm) 0.9 A5

    CD136 120Hz 36X53 36X65 36X83 C12R D10R PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HXILINX Virtex 2,5 ¥ Field Programmable Gate Arrays N ovem ber 9, 1998 Version 1.1 - AD VAN C E P roduct S pecification Features • • • • • • Fast, high-density Field-P rogram m able Gate Arrays - D ensities from 50 k to 1M system gates - System perform ance up to 200 MHz

    OCR Scan
    BG432 BG352 HQ240 FG600 FG680 XCV300-6PQ240C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: f lX IL IN X Virtex 2.5 V Field Programmable Gate Arrays November 9 ,1 9 9 8 Version 1.1 - ADVAN CE Product Specification Features • • • • • • Fast, high-density Field-Programmable Gate Arrays - Densities from 50k to 1M system gates - System performance up to 200 MHz

    OCR Scan
    66-MHz 16-bit 32-bit ReV600 XCV800 XCV1000 XCV300-6PQ240C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: £ XILINX Virtex 2.5 V Field Programmable Gate Arrays February 16, 1999 Version 1.3 Advance Product Specification Features • • • • • • Fast, high-density Field-Programmable Gate Arrays - Densities from 50k to 1M system gates - System performance up to 200 MHz

    OCR Scan
    66-MHz 16-bit 32-bit XCV400 XCV600 XCV800 XCV1000 XCV300 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: V ir te x 2 .5 V £ XILINX Field Programmable Gate Arrays May 13, 1999 Version 1.5 Advance Product Specification Features • • • • • • Fast, high-density Field-Programmable Gate Arrays - Densities from 50k to 1M system gates - System performance up to 200 MHz

    OCR Scan
    66-MHz 16-bit 32-bit Regis00 XCV1000 XCV300 FG680 PDF