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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OBSOLETE CLC5957 SNWS004C – JUNE 2000 – REVISED APRIL 2013 CLC5957 12-Bit, 70 MSPS Broadband Monolithic A/D Converter Check for Samples: CLC5957 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • • The CLC5957 is a monolithic 12-bit, 70MSPS analogto-digital converter. The device has been optimized

    CLC5957 SNWS004C CLC5957 12-Bit, 70MSPS 0-300MHz PDF

    200Khz bandwidth

    Abstract: nyquist ADC12DL066 ADC12L066 ADC12L080 CLC5903
    Text: Effects and Benefits of Undersampling in High-Speed ADC Applications Published in the May 24, 2004 issue of Design & Elektronik Germany Paul McCormack, National Semiconductor Corporation Fuerstenfeldbruck, Germany Undersampling or violating the nyquist criterion is a technique often utilised in ADC applications. RF

    frequen5903. 200Khz bandwidth nyquist ADC12DL066 ADC12L066 ADC12L080 CLC5903 PDF

    snr sfdr thd

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CLC5955 CLC5955 11-bit, 55MSPS Broadband Monolithic A/D Converter Literature Number: SNWS007A CLC5955 11-bit, 55MSPS Broadband Monolithic A/D Converter April 2002 N CLC5955 11-bit, 55MSPS Broadband Monolithic A/D Converter Features The CLC5955 is a monolithic 11-bit, 55MSPS analog-to-digital

    CLC5955 CLC5955 11-bit, 55MSPS SNWS007A snr sfdr thd PDF


    Abstract: LM4051CIM3-ADJ LMH6622 LMH6628 LMH6702 VDR 220 W
    Text: ご注意:この日本語データシートは参考資料として提供しており内容 が最新でない場合があります。製品のご検討およびご採用に際 しては、必ず最新の英文データシートをご確認ください。

    ADC11L066 66MSPS 450MHz 80MSPS 3V66MSPS 357mW 300mV ADC11L066 LM4051CIM3-ADJ LMH6622 LMH6628 LMH6702 VDR 220 W PDF


    Abstract: CLC5902 CLC5957 CLC5957MTD CLC5957PCASM
    Text: CLC5957 12-bit, 70MSPS Broadband Monolithic A/D Converter October 1999 N CLC5957 12-bit, 70MSPS Broadband Monolithic A/D Converter General Description Features The CLC5957 is a monolithic 12-bit, 70MSPS analog-to-digital converter. The device has been optimized for use in IF-sampled

    CLC5957 12-bit, 70MSPS CLC5957 CL5956 CLC5902 CLC5957MTD CLC5957PCASM PDF


    Abstract: ADC12DL066 DA11
    Text: ご注意:この日本語データシートは参考資料として提供しており内容が最新でない 場合があります。製品のご検討およびご採用に際しては、必ず最新の英文デー タシートをご確認ください。

    ADC12DL066 66MSPS 450MHz ADC12D040 ds200552 66MSPS ADC12D040 ADC12DL066 DA11 PDF


    Abstract: ADC12DL066 DA11
    Text: ご注意:この日本語データシートは参考資料として提供しており内容が最新でない 場合があります。製品のご検討およびご採用に際しては、必ず最新の英文デー タシートをご確認ください。

    ADC12DL066 66MSPS 450MHz ds200552 66MSPS 450MHz ADC12D040 ADC12DL066 DA11 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CLC5955 11-bit, 55MSPS Broadband Monolithic A/D Converter April 2002 N CLC5955 11-bit, 55MSPS Broadband Monolithic A/D Converter Features The CLC5955 is a monolithic 11-bit, 55MSPS analog-to-digital converter. The device has been optimized for use in IF-sampled

    CLC5955 11-bit, 55MSPS PDF


    Abstract: CLC5957MTD CLC5957MTDX CLC5957PCASM
    Text: CLC5957 12-Bit, 70 MSPS Broadband Monolithic A/D Converter General Description Features The CLC5957 is a monolithic 12-bit, 70MSPS analog-todigital converter. The device has been optimized for use in IF-sampled digital receivers and other applications where

    CLC5957 12-Bit, CLC5957 70MSPS 0-300MHz 12-bit CLC5957MTD CLC5957MTDX CLC5957PCASM PDF

    VDR 220 W

    Abstract: ADC12DL066 ADC12L063 ADC12L066 LMH6628 LMH6702
    Text: ご注意:この日本語データシートは参考資料として提供しており内容が最新でない 場合があります。製品のご検討およびご採用に際しては、必ず最新の英文デー タシートをご確認ください。

    66MSPS 450MHz ADC12L066 80MSPS 3V66MSPS 357mW VDR 220 W ADC12DL066 ADC12L063 ADC12L066 LMH6628 LMH6702 PDF


    Abstract: LM4051CIM3-ADJ LMH6622 LMH6628 LMH6702
    Text: ご注意:この日本語データシートは参考資料として提供しており内容が最新でない 場合があります。製品のご検討およびご採用に際しては、必ず最新の英文デー タシートをご確認ください。

    ADC11L066 66MSPS 450MHz 80MSPS 3V66MSPS 357mW 300mV ADC11L066 LM4051CIM3-ADJ LMH6622 LMH6628 LMH6702 PDF

    delta modulation using microcontroller 8051

    Abstract: Viterbi Decoder BSFC77GV6 hd video downconverter 80C88A HDM8513A HDM8515 HDM8515P qpsk transmitter using microcontroller HYNIX 8 BIT MICROCONTROLLERS INSTRUCTION
    Text: HDM8515 Users Manual DVB/DSS Compliant Receiver Dec. 2000 Priliminary 1 Direct Broadcast Satellite DBS has been one of the most successful new product introductions in the history of consumer electronics. This product represents the first application of digital video compression for broadcast television. Originally intended to

    HDM8515 45Msps 60MHz. 60MHz, -30MHz 30MHz. 30MHz, 60MHz delta modulation using microcontroller 8051 Viterbi Decoder BSFC77GV6 hd video downconverter 80C88A HDM8513A HDM8515P qpsk transmitter using microcontroller HYNIX 8 BIT MICROCONTROLLERS INSTRUCTION PDF


    Abstract: ADC12L063 ADC12L066 LMH6628 LMH6702 ADC1100
    Text: ご注意:この日本語データシートは参考資料として提供しており内容が最新でない 場合があります。製品のご検討およびご採用に際しては、必ず最新の英文デー タシートをご確認ください。

    66MSPS 450MHz ADC12L066 80MSPS 3V66MSPS 357mW ADC12DL066 ADC12L063 ADC12L066 LMH6628 LMH6702 ADC1100 PDF

    vectron frequency inverter

    Abstract: CLC5903 cic filter matlab design GSM 900 modulation matlab envelope detector CLC-CAPT-PCASM convert integer to float in AGC using Matlab 32x8 EPROM CLC5526 HP8644B
    Text: N CLC-LDRCS-PCASM LDRCS Evaluation Board User’s Guide Overview Required Evaluation Items LDRCS Board CLC-LDRCS-PCASM +5V/1A power supply Signal generator DRCS Control Panel software The Low Power Diversity Receiver Chipset (LDRCS) is an IF sampling receiver optimized for GSM/EDGE systems. It provides

    CLC5526 ADC12L066 CLC5903 Tuner/272-9959 vectron frequency inverter cic filter matlab design GSM 900 modulation matlab envelope detector CLC-CAPT-PCASM convert integer to float in AGC using Matlab 32x8 EPROM CLC5526 HP8644B PDF


    Abstract: ADC12D040 ADC12DL066 DA10 DB10 LM4051CIM3-ADJ
    Text: ご注意:この日本語データシートは参考資料として提供しており内容が最新でない 場合があります。製品のご検討およびご採用に際しては、必ず最新の英文デー タシートをご確認ください。

    ADC11DL066 66MSPS 450MHz 686mW 10MHz) ADC11DL066 ADC12D040 ADC12DL066 DA10 DB10 LM4051CIM3-ADJ PDF

    220v AC voltage stabilizer schematic diagram

    Abstract: LG color tv Circuit Diagram tda 9370 1000w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram schematic diagram atx Power supply 500w TV SHARP IC TDA 9381 PS circuit diagram wireless spy camera 9744 mini mainboard v1.2 sony 279-87 transistor E 13005-2 superpro lx
    Text: QUICK INDEX NEW IN THIS ISSUE! Detailed Index - See Pages 3-24 AD9272 Analog Front End, iMEMS Accelerometers & Gyroscopes . . . . . . 782, 2583 Connectors, Cable Assemblies, IC Sockets . . . . . . . . . . . 28-528 Acceleration and Pressure Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2585

    AD9272 P462-ND LNG295LFCP2U P463-ND LNG395MFTP5U 220v AC voltage stabilizer schematic diagram LG color tv Circuit Diagram tda 9370 1000w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram schematic diagram atx Power supply 500w TV SHARP IC TDA 9381 PS circuit diagram wireless spy camera 9744 mini mainboard v1.2 sony 279-87 transistor E 13005-2 superpro lx PDF


    Abstract: ADC11DL066 ADC12D040 ADC12DL066 DA10 DB10 LM4051CIM3-ADJ 2w85 d2004-3
    Text: ご注意:この日本語データシートは参考資料として提供しており内容が最新でない 場合があります。製品のご検討およびご採用に際しては、必ず最新の英文デー タシートをご確認ください。

    ADC11DL066 66MSPS 450MHz 686mW 10MHz) X976 ADC11DL066 ADC12D040 ADC12DL066 DA10 DB10 LM4051CIM3-ADJ 2w85 d2004-3 PDF


    Abstract: CLC5902 CLC5957 CLC5957MTD CLC5957MTDX CLC5957PCASM
    Text: CLC5957 12-bit, 70MSPS Broadband Monolithic A/D Converter June 2000 N CLC5957 12-bit, 70MSPS Broadband Monolithic A/D Converter General Description Features The CLC5957 is a monolithic 12-bit, 70MSPS analog-to-digital converter. The device has been optimized for use in IF-sampled

    CLC5957 12-bit, 70MSPS CLC5957 CL5956 CLC5902 CLC5957MTD CLC5957MTDX CLC5957PCASM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CLC5957 12-Bit, 70 MSPS Broadband Monolithic A/D Converter General Description Features The CLC5957 is a monolithic 12-bit, 70MSPS analog-todigital converter. The device has been optimized for use in IF-sampled digital receivers and other applications where

    CLC5957 12-Bit, 70MSPS 0-300MHz 12-bit PDF

    NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX

    Abstract: LM 7448 8800 gtx LM3431MH NVIDIA 8800 nvidia geforce 8800 geforce NVIDIA GPU NVIDIA bga nvidia
    Text: エネルギー効率に優れたアナログ IC が創る新たな世界 /jpn 50 年の歴史の中で培ってきた革新的なアナログ技術を活用し LED ライティング ナショナル セミコンダクターは、エレクトロニクス・システム向けに、

    CSP-9-111C2 SpecificationCSP-9-111S2 CSP-9-111S2 NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX LM 7448 8800 gtx LM3431MH NVIDIA 8800 nvidia geforce 8800 geforce NVIDIA GPU NVIDIA bga nvidia PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: - 286 - * fr'^-^8 £•, H D - A => 's>*-9 m « H PC664GS CXDU71M MC10322 B ro o ktree V —— MOTOROLA TFS +25' C TFS 40MSPS s in 40MSPS min BU74KPJ85, 75 Bt477KPJ80, 66 Bt47 7 KPJ5 0 ,35 Bro o ktree Brooktree U PC662GH ^ n^9£ TFS TFS TFS TFS * * * 811"- H

    OCR Scan
    BU74KPJ85, Bt477KPJ80, UPC662GH uPC664GS CXD1171M MC10322 66MSPS 35MSPS 180iA BT477KPJ80 PDF


    Abstract: BT475
    Text: - 286 - * f r ' ^ - ^ 8 £• , H D - A => 's>*-9 m « H PC664GS CXDU71M MC10322 B ro o ktree V —— MOTOROLA TFS +25' C TFS 40MSPS s in 40MSPS min BU74KPJ85, 75 Bt477KPJ80, 66 Bt47 7 KPJ5 0 ,35 Bro o ktree Brooktree U PC662GH ^ n^9£ TFS TFS TFS TFS * * * 811"- H

    OCR Scan
    BU74KPJ85, Bt477KPJ80, Bt477KPJ50 PC662GH PC664GS CXD1L71M 66MSPS 35MSPS BT477KPJ80 BT475 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: - 286 * - f r '^ - ^ 8 m £•, H D - A => 's > * - 9 « H PC664GS CXDU71M MC10322 B r o o k tr e e V —— MOTOROLA TFS +25' C TFS 40MSPS s i n 40MSPS min B U 7 4 K P J8 5 , 75 Bt4 7 7 K P J8 0 , 66 Bt4 7 7 K P J5 0 ,35 B r o o k tr e e B r o o k tr e e

    OCR Scan
    BU74KPJ85, Bt477KPJ80, Bt477KPJ50 PC662GH PC664GS CXD1L71M 66MSPS 35MSPS BT477KPJ80 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: - * 286 - f r '^ - ^ 8 m £•, H D - A => 's>*-9 « H PC664GS CXDU71M MC10322 B ro o ktree V —— MOTOROLA TFS +25' C TFS 40MSPS s in 40MSPS min BU74KPJ85, 75 Bt477KPJ80, 66 Bt47 7 KPJ5 0 ,35 Bro o ktree Brooktree U PC662GH ^ n^9£ TFS TFS TFS TFS * * * 8 1 1 "- H

    OCR Scan
    BU74KPJ85, Bt477KPJ80, Bt477KPJ50 PC662GH PC664GS CXD1L71M 66MSPS 35MSPS BT477KPJ80 PDF