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    Abstract: instruction list MSM66101 MSM66507
    Text: This version: Jan. 1998 Previous version: Nov. 1996 E2E1025-27-Y2 ¡ Semiconductor OLMS-66K SERIES INSTRUCTION LIST OLMS-66K SERIES INSTRUCTION LIST MSM66101, 66201/66P201, 66207/66P207, 66507/66P507, 66509/66P509 Data Move Mnemonic Word move Word load Word move (Word store)

    E2E1025-27-Y2 OLMS-66K MSM66101, 66201/66P201, 66207/66P207, 66507/66P507, 66509/66P509 MSM66507/66P507, mnemonic instruction list MSM66101 MSM66507 PDF


    Abstract: LH0031 MSM66509 MSM66P509 QFP128 P1P11 ADCR14 lh0090 TMR11
    Text: J2E1029-27-Y3 ¡ 電子デバイス 作成:1998年 1月 MSM66509/66P509 l 前回作成:1996年11月 MSM66509/66P509 高速高性能、10ビットA/Dコンバータ内蔵16ビットマイクロコントローラ n 概要 MSM66509/66P509は、沖オリジナルのCPUコアnX-8/500を使用した、高性能16ビットマイクロコン

    J2E1029-27-Y3 MSM66509/66P509 MSM66509/66P509 0A/D16 MSM66509/66P509CPUnX-8/50016 16CPUROMRAM10A/D 19CAP 16RTO 16PWMRTO 16CAPRTO 3tow-10 LH0031 MSM66509 MSM66P509 QFP128 P1P11 ADCR14 lh0090 TMR11 PDF


    Abstract: register
    Text: E2E1029-27-Y3 ¡ Semiconductor MSM66509/66P509 ¡ Semiconductor This MSM66509/66P509 version: Jan. 1998 Previous version: Nov. 1996 OLMS-66K Series 16-Bit Microcontroller GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM66509/66P509 is a high-performance 16-bit microcontroller that employs OKI

    E2E1029-27-Y3 MSM66509/66P509 OLMS-66K 16-Bit MSM66509/66P509 nX-8/500 QFP128-P-2828-0 register PDF


    Abstract: XORB OLMS66K 66P507 MSM66101 DD1010
    Text: J2E1025-27-Y2 作成:1998年 1月 前回作成:1996年11月 OLMS-66Kシリーズ 命令一覧表 l n OLMS-66Kシリーズ命令一覧表 MSM66101, 66201/66P201, 66207/66P207, 66507/66P507, 66509/66P509 l データ転送 ニーモニック ワード型転送命令

    J2E1025-27-Y2 OLMS-66K MSM66101, 66201/66P201, 66207/66P207, 66507/66P507, 66509/66P509 MSM66507/66P50766509/66P509 OLMS-66K XORB OLMS66K 66P507 MSM66101 DD1010 PDF


    Abstract: sm 0038 tsop
    Text: E2E1029-27-Y3 OKI Semiconductor MSM66509/66P509 This version: Jan. 1998 Previous version: Nov. 1996 OLMS-66K Senes 16-Bit Microcontroller GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M SM 66509/66P 509 is a high-perform ance 16-bit m icrocontroller that em ploys OKI original n X -8 /5 0 0 CPU core.

    OCR Scan
    E2E1029-27-Y3 MSM66509/66P509 OLMS-66K 16-Bit 66509/66P 66P509 10-bit 125nsec 12JD sm 0038 tsop PDF


    Abstract: M66507
    Text: O K I Semiconductor OLMS-66K SERIES INSTRUCTION LIST OLMS-66K SERIES INSTRUCTION LIST MSM66101,66201/66P201, 66207/66P207, 66507/66P507,66509/66P509 Data Move Mnemonic I L | ST ! MOV Word move Word store Word move CLR ! FILL* : Word fill Word clear XCHG

    OCR Scan
    OLMS-66K MSM66101 66201/66P201, 66207/66P207, 66507/66P507 66509/66P509 66507/66P507, 66509/66P 66507/66P mnemonic M66507 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM66509/66P509 OLMS-66K Series 16-Bit Microcontroller GENERAL DESCRIPTION T he M S M w -iW / ttiP5 lW is a high-perform ance 1 S-bit m icrocontroller em p lo ys O K I original n V S / 5 0 0 C P U core. Tlio M S M 66504/66P501- n u ll id es a 16-bit C P U , R O M , R A M , a 10-bit A / D converter, serial ports,

    OCR Scan
    MSM66509/66P509 OLMS-66K 16-Bit 66504/66P501 10-bit I25nsec 8/16-bit QFP128-P-2828-0 MSM66509-xxxCS-BK PDF

    ic MIP 391

    Abstract: MSM66509-XXXCS-BK MIP 391 QFP128-P-2828-BK OLMS-66K Ti 66K p15a13 00F61
    Text: Semiconductor OKI MSM66509/66P509 OLMS-66K Series 16-Bit Microcontroller GENERAL DESCRIPTIO N T he M S M w -iW / ttiP 5lW is a h ig h -p e rfo rm a n c e 1 S-bit m ic ro c o n tro lle r th .it e m p lo y s O K I o rig in a l n V S /5 0 0 CPU core. T lio M S M 66504/66P501- n u ll id es a 16-bit CPU, R O M , R A M , a 10-bit A / D converter, serial ports,

    OCR Scan
    MSM66509/66P509 OLMS-66K 16-Bit n\-S/500 14/66P5 10-bit QFP128-P-2828-0 b7242MQ Q024blQ ic MIP 391 MSM66509-XXXCS-BK MIP 391 QFP128-P-2828-BK Ti 66K p15a13 00F61 PDF

    ic MIP 411

    Abstract: AL398
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM66509/66P509 OLMS-66K Series 16-Bit Microcontroller GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M SM 66509/66P509 is a high-perform ance 16-bit m icrocontroller that em ploys O K I o rig in al nX-8/500 C P U core. The MSM66509,/66P509 includes a 16-bit C P U , R O M , R A M , a 10-bit A / D converter, serial ports,

    OCR Scan
    MSM66509/66P509 OLMS-66K 16-Bit 66509/66P509 nX-8/500 MSM66509 /66P509 10-bit ic MIP 411 AL398 PDF

    TXC1 433

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM66509/66P509 nX 66K CMOS 16-Bit Microcontroller G EN ERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM66509/66P509 is a high-performance 16-bit microcontroller that employs silicon-gate complementary metal-oxide semiconductor CMOS process technology. The MSM66509/66P509 includes a 16-bit CPU, ROM, RAM, a 10-bit A /D converter, serial ports,

    OCR Scan
    MSM66509 MSM66P509 16-Bit MSM66509/66P509 10-bit TXC1 433 PDF


    Abstract: XORB MT29C8G48MAPLDJA-6 IT MT29C2G24MAKLAJA-6 IT
    Text: O K I Semiconductor nX 66K SERIES INSTRUCTION UST nX 66K SERIES INSTRUCTION LIST MSM66101,66201/66P201/66207/66P207 Data Transfer Instructions Mnemonic Function L 1 6 -b it load LB 8 -b it load ST 1 6-b it store STG 8 -b it store MOV 1 6 -b it transfer MOVB

    OCR Scan
    MSM66101 MSM66201 MSM66P201 MSM66207 MSM66P207 16-bit 64K-byte mnemonic XORB MT29C8G48MAPLDJA-6 IT MT29C2G24MAKLAJA-6 IT PDF