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    7-SEGMENT DISPLAY TDSR 5150 Search Results

    7-SEGMENT DISPLAY TDSR 5150 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TC4511BP Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, BCD-to-7-Segment Decoder, DIP16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CST4835-150EB Coilcraft Inc Current Sense Transformer Visit Coilcraft Inc
    CST4835-150EC Coilcraft Inc Current Sense Transformer Visit Coilcraft Inc
    CST4835-150E Coilcraft Inc Current sensor, SMT, RoHS, halogen-free Visit Coilcraft Inc
    ICM7245AIM44Z Renesas Electronics Corporation 8-Character, 16-Segment, Microprocessor Compatible, LED Display Decoder Driver, MQFP, /Tray Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    7-SEGMENT DISPLAY TDSR 5150 Datasheets Context Search

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    TDSR 5150 G

    Abstract: tdsr 5160 g TDSR 5150 pin tdsr 5150 TDSO 5150 l tdso 5160 k TDSR 5150 F data sheet tdsr 5160 TDSO516 tdsr 5160
    Text: TDS.51. Vishay Telefunken 13 mm Seven Segment Display Color Red Red Orange red Orange red Yellow Yellow Green Green Type TDSR515. TDSR516. TDSO515. TDSO516. TDSY515. TDSY516. TDSG515. TDSG516. Circuitry Common anode Common cathode Common anode Common cathode

    TDSR515. TDSR516. TDSO515. TDSO516. TDSY515. TDSY516. TDSG515. TDSG516. D-74025 02-Jun-99 TDSR 5150 G tdsr 5160 g TDSR 5150 pin tdsr 5150 TDSO 5150 l tdso 5160 k TDSR 5150 F data sheet tdsr 5160 TDSO516 tdsr 5160 PDF

    7-segment display tdsr 5150

    Abstract: TDSR 5150 G tdsr 5160 g TDSR 5150 7 segment display 5160 5150 7 segment TDSR 5150 pin tdso 5160 k TDSR 5150 F tdsr 5160
    Text: TDS.51. Vishay Semiconductors Standard 7– Segment Display 13 mm Color Red Red Orange red Orange red Yellow Yellow Green Green Type TDSR515. TDSR516. TDSO515. TDSO516. TDSY515. TDSY516. TDSG515. TDSG516. Circuitry Common anode Common cathode Common anode

    TDSR515. TDSR516. TDSO515. TDSO516. TDSY515. TDSY516. TDSG515. TDSG516. D-74025 05-Oct-00 7-segment display tdsr 5150 TDSR 5150 G tdsr 5160 g TDSR 5150 7 segment display 5160 5150 7 segment TDSR 5150 pin tdso 5160 k TDSR 5150 F tdsr 5160 PDF

    TDSR 5150 G

    Abstract: tdsr 5160 g 7-segment display tdsr 5150 TDSO 5150 l TDSR 5150 pin 5150 7 segment 7 segment display 5160 TDSR 5160 pin TDSY 5150 K TDSR 5150
    Text: TDS.51. Vishay Telefunken Standard 7– Segment Display 13 mm Color Red Red Orange red Orange red Yellow Yellow Green Green Type TDSR515. TDSR516. TDSO515. TDSO516. TDSY515. TDSY516. TDSG515. TDSG516. Circuitry Common anode Common cathode Common anode Common cathode

    TDSR515. TDSR516. TDSO515. TDSO516. TDSY515. TDSY516. TDSG515. TDSG516. D-74025 05-Oct-00 TDSR 5150 G tdsr 5160 g 7-segment display tdsr 5150 TDSO 5150 l TDSR 5150 pin 5150 7 segment 7 segment display 5160 TDSR 5160 pin TDSY 5150 K TDSR 5150 PDF

    Sony IMX 183

    Abstract: Sony sony cmos sensor imx 178 Sony imx 214 Sony ImX 252 sony cmos sensor imx 226 Sony IMX 219 CMOS Sony "IMX 219" CMOS sony IMX 322 cmos sony cmos sensor imx 185
    Text: i.MX 6Solo/6DualLite Applications Processor Reference Manual Document Number: IMX6SDLRM Rev. 1, 04/2013 i.MX 6Solo/6DualLite Applications Processor Reference Manual, Rev. 1, 04/2013 2 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Contents Section number Title Page Chapter 1


    TDSR 5150 pin

    Abstract: TDSR 5160 pin TDSR 5150 G TDSR 5150 tdsr 5160 g 7-segment display tdsr 5150 TDSR 5150 F 7 segment display 5160
    Text: 74 b b ß5 1 0 0 0 b S7 7 4SS 0.510 INCH 13 MM SEVEN SEGMENT DISPLAYS OPTOELECTRONICS YELLOW GREEN MAN5350/5360 MAN5450/5460 RED ORANGE-RED MAN5750/5760 MAN5950/5960 Large, easy to read, digits Common anode or common cathode models Fast switching - excellent for multiplexing

    OCR Scan
    MAN5350/5360 MAN5450/5460 MAN5750/5760 MAN5950/5960 V2V62 C1702 C1244 C1222 5950/M TDSR 5150 pin TDSR 5160 pin TDSR 5150 G TDSR 5150 tdsr 5160 g 7-segment display tdsr 5150 TDSR 5150 F 7 segment display 5160 PDF


    Abstract: MC1709CL mc1709cp2 LM101AI delta inverter dac 08N TRANSISTOR C1741 MC1353 MC1539L TRANSISTOR 7808a mc1394
    Text: M a s te r In d e x an d C ro s s -R e fe re n c e G u id e R e lia b ility E n h a n c e m e n t P ro g ra m s S e le c to r G u id e 3 M e m o ry /M ic ro p ro c e s s o r S u p p o rt D riv e rs /R e c e iv e rs C o m m u n ic a tio n In te rfa c e T e le p h o n y

    OCR Scan
    EB-20 S310N 310IN MC1741L MC1709CL mc1709cp2 LM101AI delta inverter dac 08N TRANSISTOR C1741 MC1353 MC1539L TRANSISTOR 7808a mc1394 PDF


    Abstract: 8035HL F1L 250 V fuse BPK-70 interfacing 8275 crt controller with 8086 i8282 hall marking code A04 Transistor AF 138 DK55 82720 intel
    Text: COMPONENT DATA CATALOG JANUARY 1982 Intel C orporation makes no w arranty fo r the use of its products and assumes no re sponsib ility fo r any e rrors w hich may appear in th is docum ent nor does it make a com m itm ent to update the info rm atio n contained herein.

    OCR Scan
    RMX/80, P80A49H 8035HL F1L 250 V fuse BPK-70 interfacing 8275 crt controller with 8086 i8282 hall marking code A04 Transistor AF 138 DK55 82720 intel PDF