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    70116 MICROPROCESSOR Search Results

    70116 MICROPROCESSOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    IP80C88-2 Renesas Electronics Corporation CMOS 8-Bit/16-Bit Microprocessor Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    CP80C88 Renesas Electronics Corporation CMOS 8-Bit/16-Bit Microprocessor Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    CP80C88-2 Renesas Electronics Corporation CMOS 8-Bit/16-Bit Microprocessor Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    IP80C88 Renesas Electronics Corporation CMOS 8-Bit/16-Bit Microprocessor Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    TMPM3HNFDBFG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Arm Cortex-M3 Core Based Microcontroller/32bit/P-LQFP100-1414-0.50-002 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    70116 MICROPROCESSOR Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UPD70116C 1/3 IL08 * C-MOS 16-BIT MICROPROCESSOR —TOP VIEW— 39 IC 1 AD14 I/O 2 VDD 40 2 39 AD15 3 I/O 4 AD13 I/O 3 38 A16/PS0 OUT AD12 I/O 4 37 A17/PS1 OUT AD11 I/O 5 36 A18/PS2 OUT AD10 I/O 6 35 A19/PS3 OUT 5 6 7 8 AD9 I/O 7 34 UBE OUT 9 *

    UPD70116C 16-BIT A16/PS0 A17/PS1 A18/PS2 A19/PS3 UPD70108, 70108H UPD70116, 70116H PDF


    Abstract: IEM-1220 nec V25 microcontroller uPD70320GJ uPD70320L-8 ICA-13 PD70320 uPD70320-8
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT µPD70320 V25TM 16/8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER The µPD70320 V25 is a single-chip microcontroller on which 16-bit CPU, RAM, serial interface, timer, DMA controller, interrupt controller, etc. are all integrated. The µPD70320 is compatible with the 8/16-bit microprocessor

    PD70320 V25TM 16/8-BIT 16-bit PD70320 8/16-bit PD70108/ V20TM/V30TM) V35TM uPD70108 IEM-1220 nec V25 microcontroller uPD70320GJ uPD70320L-8 ICA-13 uPD70320-8 PDF


    Abstract: nec V25 microcontroller uPD70108 uPD70320L-8 4011BP uPD70320 PD70320 uPD70320-8 UPD70320GJ-8 UPD70320GJ-8-5BG
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid



    Abstract: 8080 instructions
    Text: SONY C X Q 70116 16-Bit Microprocessor Description Pin Configuration Top View The C XQ 70116 is a C M O S 16-bit microprocessor / Small-scale\ / Larae-tcale 1 I Mode /\M o d e / with internal 16-bit architecture and a 16-bit external data bus. The C XQ 70116 instruction set is a superset

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit CXQ70116 CXQ70108 CXQ70116 34MAX---------------- 8080 instructions PDF


    Abstract: 8080 instructions
    Text: Z 70116V 30 High-Performance 16-Bit Microprocessor Prelim inary Zilog Specification May 1986 DESCRIPTION • IEEE-796 bus compatible interface The Z 70116 V30 is a CMOS 16-bit microprocessor with an internal 16-bit architecture and a 16-bit external data bus.

    OCR Scan
    0116V 16-Bit Z70116 Z70108 IEEE-796 8080 instructions PDF


    Abstract: zilog Z0840004PSC Z08400-04PSC z0840004 Z70116-8 dkrh 2BNV Z70116V30 IEEE-796 Z70108
    Text: Z 70 1 1 6 V 3 0 High-Perform ance 16-Bit Microprocessor Prelim inary Zilog Specification May 1986 DESCRIPTION • IEEE-796 bus compatible interface The Z 70116 V30 is a CMOS 16-bit microprocessor with an internal 16-bit architecture and a 16-bit external data bus.

    OCR Scan
    Z70116V30 16-Bit Z70116 Z70116 Z70108 Z0840004PSC zilog Z0840004PSC Z08400-04PSC z0840004 Z70116-8 dkrh 2BNV IEEE-796 PDF


    Abstract: PD70116-10 ASA16 UPD8080 UPD70116 D141F PD70116 UPD70116D UPD70116D-10 dkrh
    Text: N E C 6427525 N E C ELECTRONICS INC Tfl DE§ t.427S25 0014^74 1 980 14974 ELECTRONICS INC NEC NEC Electronics Inc. Q //PD 70116 V30 16-BIT HIGH-PERFORMANCE CMOS MICROPROCESSOR -T ' ‘/ 9 - / 7 V 6 Description Ordering Information_ The//PD70116 (V30) is a CMOS 16-bit microprocessor

    OCR Scan
    427S25 uPD70116 16-bit the/jPD8086/8088; The/uPD70116 //PD70116 //PD70108 UPD8080A PD70116-10 ASA16 UPD8080 D141F PD70116 UPD70116D UPD70116D-10 dkrh PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC 3GE ft • fc.427Sa5 QQEbbQf i juPD70116 V 3 0 1 6 -B it Microprocessor: High-Perform ance, CMOS NEC Electronics Inc. T Description Ordering Inform ation T he//PD 70116 (V30 ) is a CMOS 16-bit m icro proce ssor w ith an internal 16-bit arch itecture and a 16-bit external

    OCR Scan
    427Sa5 juPD70116 16-bit The/yPD70116 the/uPD8086/8088; /PD70116 //PD70116 PDF

    nec v33

    Abstract: nec v30 PD70136 UPD70116 V30 microprocessor 4 bit by bit 4 multiplication IC PGA-68 uPD70136 DAT16 uPD70136L-16
    Text: \T I< C m ^i w //P D 7 0 1 3 6 V 3 3 16-B it, High-Speed CMOS Microprocessor *• ^ NEC Electronics Inc. Description Th e /aPD 70136 (V33 ) is a high-speed C M O S 16-bit m icroprocessor th a t is o b je c t a n d source co de c o m p a t­ ible w ith th e itP D 70116 (V30 ). P erfo rm a n ce is four tim es

    OCR Scan
    uPD70136 V33TM 16-bit uPD70116 PD7013 juPD70136R-12 iPD70136R-16 uPD70136L-12 uPD70136L-16 juPD70136GJ-12 nec v33 nec v30 PD70136 UPD70116 V30 microprocessor 4 bit by bit 4 multiplication IC PGA-68 DAT16 PDF


    Abstract: srt 8n PEP V30 LH70116-8 MEM1014
    Text: L H 70116 V30 H igh-P erform ance 1 6-B it Microprocessor LH70116 (V30) • High-Performance 16-Bit Microprocessor ■ D e scrip tio n Pin C o n n e c tio n s T h e L H 7 0 1 1 6 (V 3 0) is a CMOS 1 6 - b i t m ic r o ­ p r o c e s s o r w ith in te r n a l 1 6 - b i t a r c h i te c tu r e a n d a

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit LH70116 LH70116 LH70108 70116 srt 8n PEP V30 LH70116-8 MEM1014 PDF


    Abstract: PS3 usb sony sony PS3 st mem AD10 AD11 AD14 CXQ70108 IEEE-796 PD70116
    Text: SONY 16-Bit Microprocessor C X Q 70116 Pin C o n fig u ratio n T op V iew D e sc rip tio n The C X Q 7 0 1 16 is a CMOS 1 6 -b it m ic ro p ro c e s s o r w ith in te rn a l 1 6 - b it a rc h ite c tu re and a 16 - b it external data bus. The C X Q 7 0 1 1 6 in s tru c tio n s e t is a sup erset

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit CXQ70t16 CXQ70116 PS3 usb sony sony PS3 st mem AD10 AD11 AD14 CXQ70108 IEEE-796 PD70116 PDF

    nec 70116C-8 v30

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SEC NEC Electronics Inc. //P D 7 0 1 1 6 V 3 0 1 6 -B it Microprocessor: High-Perform ance, CMOS Description Ordering Inform ation The^PD70116{V30 ) is a CM O S 16-bit m icroprocessor w ith an internal 16-bit arch itecture and a 16-bit external data bus. The//PD70116 in stru ction set is a superset of

    OCR Scan
    PD70116 16-bit The//PD70116 the/jPD8086/8088; /PD70116 nec 70116C-8 v30 PDF


    Abstract: UPD71084 PD71084C 71084
    Text: ^ //PD71084 C lo c k P u l s e Generator / Driver D escription Pin Configuration The ¿iPD71084 is a clock pulse generator/driver for the V20T“/V30 microprocessors and their peripherals using NEC’s high-speed CMOS technology. 18-Pln Plastic DIP CKSYN C 1

    OCR Scan
    uPD71084 iPD71084 /V30TM 18-Pln for/uPD70108/70116 3-004047A yt/PD71084 3-004048A /PD71084 83-004051B V30TM PD71084C 71084 PDF


    Abstract: 71011 JIPD71011 JJPD71011 JUPD71011 D71011
    Text: NEC JUPD71011 Clock Pulse Generator/Driver NEC Electronics Inc. Description Pin Configurations The /iPD71011 is a clock pulse generator/driver for the V20lg>/V30 microprocessors and their peripherals using 18-Pin Plastic DIP NEC's high-speed CMOS technology.

    OCR Scan
    uPD71011 18-Pin /iPD71011 V20lg xPD70108/70116 PD71011 53ML-6U7A PD71011 71011 JIPD71011 JJPD71011 JUPD71011 D71011 PDF


    Abstract: D70208GF-8-3B9 D70208GF-10-3B9 uPD70216 "pin compatible" d70208gf MPD70216 PD70208L nec V20 microcontroller PD70216GF PD70208
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿PD70208,70208 A , 70216.70216(A) V40 , V50™ 16/8, 16-BIT MICROPROCESSOR DESCRIPTION The ¿¡PD70208 (V40) is a 16/8-bit microprocessor of 16-bit architecture provided with an 8-bit data bus. The /¿PD70216 (V50) is a 16-bit microprocessor of 16-bit architecture provided with a 16-bit data bus.

    OCR Scan
    uPD70208 uPD70216 V40TM, V50TM 16-BIT PD70208 16/8-bit d70208l D70208GF-8-3B9 D70208GF-10-3B9 uPD70216 "pin compatible" d70208gf MPD70216 PD70208L nec V20 microcontroller PD70216GF PD70208 PDF


    Abstract: 70116-10 t127b AL6-P SERVICE MANUAL PS3 ic6660f 70116 70116 microprocessor NEC SAG 2003 PD70116
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ju P D 7 0 1 1 6 V30 16-BIT MICROPROCESSOR The ¿/PD70116 V30 is a CMOS 16-bit m icroprocessor. The /¿PD70116 has a pow erful instruction set w hich includes b it processing and packed BCD operation and high speed m ultiplication/division instructions,

    OCR Scan
    V30TM 16-BIT uPD70116 /iPD70116 1PD70116 16-/8-bit iPD70108 V20TM) iem-871 70116-10 t127b AL6-P SERVICE MANUAL PS3 ic6660f 70116 70116 microprocessor NEC SAG 2003 PD70116 PDF


    Abstract: NEC V20 cpu NEC V20 MPD71084
    Text: NEC jurPD71084 Clock Pulse Generator/Driver NEC Electronics Inc. Description Pin Configurations The ftPD71084 is a clock pulse generator/driver for mi­ croprocessors including the V20 and V30® and their peripherals using NEC’s high-speed CMOS technology.

    OCR Scan
    uPD71084 18-Pin ftPD71084 fiPD70108/70116 /xPD71084s JJPD71084 83-000199B fiPD71084 710B4 NEC V20 cpu NEC V20 MPD71084 PDF


    Abstract: nec v30
    Text: SEC /7PD70116 V30 16-Bit Microprocessor: High-Performance, CMOS NEC Electronics Inc. Description Ordering Inform ation The/i/PD70116 (V30 ) is a CMOS 16-bit microprocessor with an internal 16-bit architecture and a 16-bit external data bus. The//PD70116 instruction set is a superset of

    OCR Scan
    /7PD70116 16-Bit The/i/PD70116 The//PD70116 the/uPD8086/8088; //PD70116 /uPD70116 PD70116 nec v30 PDF

    nec v20

    Abstract: 71084 HPD71084 JHPD71084 JIPD71084 JJPD71084 NEC V20 cpu
    Text: NEC jurPD71084 Clock Pulse G enerator/Driver NEC Electronics Inc. Description Pin Configurations The PD71084 is a clock pulse generator/driver fo r mi­ croprocessors including the V20 and V30® and their peripherals using NEC’s high-speed CMOS technology.

    OCR Scan
    uPD71084 PD71084 nPD70108/70116 PD71084s pPD71084 3-004174A nec v20 71084 HPD71084 JHPD71084 JIPD71084 JJPD71084 NEC V20 cpu PDF


    Abstract: AKO 50 365 NEC D70116 PD70116 UPD70116 V30 microprocessor UPD8080A fiPD70116 upd8080
    Text: SEC /¿PD70116 V30 16-Bit Microprocessor: High-Performance, CMOS D escriptio n O rderin g In fo rm atio n The/iPD70116(V30 ) is a CMOS 16-bit microprocessor with an internal 16-bit architecture and a 16-bit external data bus. The//PD70116 instruction set is a superset of

    OCR Scan
    uPD70116 16-bit the/uPD8086/8088; //PD70116 /iPD70108 PD70116 D70116 AKO 50 365 NEC D70116 PD70116 UPD70116 V30 microprocessor UPD8080A fiPD70116 upd8080 PDF


    Abstract: nec v30 upd8080 uPD70116
    Text: NEC NEC Electronics Inc. //PD70116 V30 , 70116H (V30H) 16-Bit Microprocessor: High-Performance, CMOS Description Ordering Inform ation The/iPD70116 (V30 ) is a CMOS 16-bit microprocessor with an internal 16-bit architecture and a 16-bit external data bus. The/uPD70116 instruction set is a superset of

    OCR Scan
    //PD70116 70116H 16-Bit The/iPD70116 The/uPD70116 the/uPD8086/8088; /UPD70116 D70116 nec v30 upd8080 uPD70116 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: L H 70 1 16 V30 H igh-P erform ance 16-B it Microprocessor LH70116 (V30) • High-Performance 16-Bit Microprocessor ■ Description T h e L H 7 0 1 1 6 (V 30) is a CMOS 1 6 - b i t m ic r o ­ p r o c e s s o r w ith i n te r n a l 1 6 - b i t a r c h i te c tu r e a n d a

    OCR Scan
    LH70116 PDF


    Abstract: EA12T
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT XPD70330, 70330(A V 3 5 TM 16-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLERS A stricter quality assurance program is applied to the |iPD70330(A) than to the (XPD70330 (standard) (NEC calls this program “Special* in respect to the quality grade category).

    OCR Scan
    uPD70330 16-BIT iPD70330 XPD70330 iPD70330 nPD70330 iPD70108/70116 V20TM/V30TM) p1150 EA12T PDF


    Abstract: U10032E PD70136A uPD70136A NEC V33A U10136E uPD72291 PD72291 4N34 70136
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT V33A 16-BIT MICROPROCESSOR DESCRIPTION The /<PD70136A V33A is a 16-bit, high-speed microprocessor whose instruction execution time is approximately four times faster than that for the /iPD70116 (V30™). The pPD70136A has the same instruction set as that for the

    OCR Scan
    V33ATM 16-BIT uPD70136A 16-bit, uPD70116 V30TM) pPD70136A //PD70116 J/PD70136A d70136 U10032E PD70136A NEC V33A U10136E uPD72291 PD72291 4N34 70136 PDF