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    fm variable capacitor

    Abstract: AM deMODULATOR AM DEMODULATOR USING PLL L9453 IMA11 FM PLL pll fm demodulator SIEMENS saw filter S028 SDIP32
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS SHEET TDA9812 Multistandard VIF-PLL and FM-PLL/AM demodulator Preliminary specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC02 1995 Mar 21 Philips Semiconductors PHILIPS PH ILIPS 7110fiEb o o a a w 74T Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification

    OCR Scan
    TDA9812 7110fiHb 711Dfl2ti fm variable capacitor AM deMODULATOR AM DEMODULATOR USING PLL L9453 IMA11 FM PLL pll fm demodulator SIEMENS saw filter S028 SDIP32 PDF

    TDB 723

    Abstract: IS-345 ADPCM D 711 N 65 T PCD5032 PCD5040 S028
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL fc.7E D • 7110fiEb DDt,Slb3 ^3T ■ Philip» Semiconductors RF Communications Products PHIN Preliminary specification ADPCM codec for digital cordless telephone PCD5032 ADPCM CODEC for Digital Cordless Telephone The PCD5032 is a CMOS device designed for use in Digital European Cordless Telephone

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    PCD5032 PCD5032 PCD5032. TDB 723 IS-345 ADPCM D 711 N 65 T PCD5040 S028 PDF


    Abstract: mfc capacitor philips
    Text: bSE J> • PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL 7110fiEb DObabST 4T1 HIPHIN BLY92C . y v. V.H.F. POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor intended fo r use in class-A, B and C operated h.f. and v.h.f. transmitters w ith a nominal supply voltage o f 28 V. The transistor is resistance stabilized and is guaran­

    OCR Scan
    711iOÃ BLY92C OT-120. 7Z68949 BLY92C mfc capacitor philips PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL SbE D • 7110fiEb 00442^0 ÜSS « P H I N Philips Components Data sheet status Product specification date of issue March 1991 GENERAL DESCRIPTION N-channel enhancement mode field-effect power transistor in a plastic full-pack envelope.

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    7110fiEb BUK446 -1000A -1000B BUK446-1000A/B 7110fl2b PDF

    271 Ceramic Disc Capacitors

    Abstract: BLV11
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL L5E D • 7110fiEb ODbEÖOb 07e] X BLV11 V.H.F. POW ER TRANSISTO R N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor intended for use in class-A, B and C operated mobile, h.f. and v.h.f. transmitters with a nominal supply voltage of 13,5 V. The transistor is resistance stabilized and is

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    7110fiZb BLV11 271 Ceramic Disc Capacitors BLV11 PDF


    Abstract: 74ABT374AD 74ABT374ADB 74ABT374AN 74ABT374APW
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 74ABT374A Octal D-type flip-flop; positive-edge trigger 3-State Product specification 1995 Feb 16 IC 23 Data Handbook Philips Semiconductors PHILIPS PHILIPS 7110fiEb 24Ô This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer Philips Semiconductors

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    74ABT374A 7110fiEb 64mA/-32mA 500mA 7110fl2ti OT360-1 711002b 74ABT374A 74ABT374AD 74ABT374ADB 74ABT374AN 74ABT374APW PDF


    Abstract: J110 PZFJ108 PZFJ109 PZFJ110
    Text: • 7110fiEb OObflOMfl M m ■ PHIN Philips Semiconductors Data sheet status Product specification date of issue July 1993 FEATURES • High speed sw itching • Interchangeability o f drain and source connections • Low RDS on at zero gate voltage (< 8 £2 for PZFJ108)

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    7110fl2b PZFJ108/PZFJ109/PZFJ110 PZFJ108) -SOT223 OT223 MBB114 711GS2b PZFJ109) PZFJ110) MBB114 J110 PZFJ108 PZFJ109 PZFJ110 PDF


    Abstract: 8745H
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Satellite sound receiver with l2C-bus control TDA8745 FEATURES • On-chip frequency synthesizer and mixer: - tuning range 4 to 9.77 M Hz - reference oscillator 4 M H z using a crystal or 4 MHz frequency source

    OCR Scan
    TDA8745 711Dfl2ti 0101E00 SFE10.52MJA10 8745H PDF


    Abstract: IEC134 S028 TDA8709T fdk id
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification T -1 7 -0 7 -1 3 Video analog input interface TDA8709 PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL SbE D 7110fi2b 0 0 3 7 C H 3 FEATURES APPLICATIONS • 8-bit resolution • Video signal processing • Sampling rate up to 30 MHz • Digital picture processing

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    T-77-07-IZ TDA8709 7110fl2b 0037DT3 TDA8709 711Qfl5b D03710b IEC134 S028 TDA8709T fdk id PDF


    Abstract: tRANSISTOR 2.7 3.1 3.5 GHZ cw
    Text: • 3 3 - 1 3 RZ2731B60W PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL SbE D 7110fl2ti 004Li57ö OflS M P H I N PULSED MICROWAVE POWER TRANSISTOR NPN silicon planar epitaxial microwave power transistor, intended fo r use in a common-base class-C broadband pulse power am plifier w ith a frequency range o f 2.7 to 3.1 GHz.

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    RZ2731B60W 711002b 004b5Ã RZ2731B60W tRANSISTOR 2.7 3.1 3.5 GHZ cw PDF

    thy 266

    Abstract: m1435 M1443 M2803 BTR59-800R lg philips inverter M3226 IEC134 BTR59 Gate Turn-Off Thyristors
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL SflE D m 7110ÔHb 0D5305Ô TOT H P H I N B T R 5 9 S E R IE S FAST GATE TURN-OFF THYRISTORS Thyristors in SOT-93 envelopes which are capable o f being turned both on and o ff via the gate and may be used w ith gate-assisted tu rn -o ff in anode-commutated circuits. They are suitable fo r use in

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    BTR59 OT-93 thy 266 m1435 M1443 M2803 BTR59-800R lg philips inverter M3226 IEC134 Gate Turn-Off Thyristors PDF


    Abstract: 80C51 P83C524FBA P83C524FBP P83C524FFA P83C524FFP P83C524FHP
    Text: P H IL IP S I N T E R N A T I O N A L bSE J> □ 7 1 1 D Ö 2 b D D b l 3 4 3 544 H P H I N Philips Preliminary specification 8-bit microcontroller P83C524 CONTENTS 15 INSTRUCTION SET 1 FEATURES

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    L1343 P83C524 P83C524 80C51 P83C524FBA P83C524FBP P83C524FFA P83C524FFP P83C524FHP PDF


    Abstract: BCY59 bcy58 bcy591 bcy581x rs-2 BCY59X BCY59IX BCY59VII BCY58VII
    Text: BCY58 BCY59 PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL SbE D I 711002b 00420^5 2Ö1 M P H I N T-3S-07 SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS N-P-N transistors in TO-18 metal envelopes with the collector connected to the case, for use in ampli­ fier and switching applications. Q UICK R E F E R E N C E D ATA

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    BCY58 BCY59 7110a2b 00M2CH2 T-3S-07 BCY58-BCY59 bcy591x BCY59 bcy58 bcy591 bcy581x rs-2 BCY59X BCY59IX BCY59VII BCY58VII PDF

    P87C575EHAA I

    Abstract: P83C575EHPN 80C51 80C575 83C575 87C575 EC20D 2031h
    Text: Philips Semiconductora Microcontroller Product 7 1 1 □ fl 2 b 0□bbb03 CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontroller Product specification PHIN 80C575/83C575/87C575 80C51 based architecture - 8k x 8 ROM 83C575) - 8k x 8 EPROM (87C575) - ROMIess (80C575)

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    80C575/83C575/87C575 80C575/83C575/87C575 8XC575 83C575) 87C575) 16-bit 48tcucL 48tcLCL P87C575EHAA I P83C575EHPN 80C51 80C575 83C575 87C575 EC20D 2031h PDF

    buw13a philips semiconductor

    Abstract: buw13a BUW13 S0T93 BUW1 buw13a philips
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors Silicon diffused power transistors BUW13; BUW13A High-voltage, high-speed, glass-passivated npn power transistors in a SOT93 envelope, intended for use in converters, inverters, switching regulators, motor control systems etc.

    OCR Scan
    BUW13; BUW13A BUW13 S0T93. 0D777T7 77R7043 711002b buw13a philips semiconductor buw13a S0T93 BUW1 buw13a philips PDF


    Abstract: NE5535 na741
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors Linear Products High slew rate operational amplifier NE/SE531 PIN CONFIGURATIONS DESCRIPTION The 531 is a fast slewing high performance operational amplifier which retains DC performance equal to the best general purpose

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    NE/SE531 NE531 NE5535 na741 PDF

    "Pager receiver"

    Abstract: LQFP32 PCD5003 PCF5001 UAA2082 UAA2082H UAA2082U sine wave generator using ic 555 philips audio power amplifier ic 3456
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Advanced pager receiver UAA2082 FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Wide frequency range: VHF, UHF and 900 MHz bands The UAA2082 is a high-performance low-power radio receiver circuit primarily intended for VHF, UHF and

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    UAA2082 PCA5000A, PCF5001 PCD5003 llG62b "Pager receiver" LQFP32 UAA2082 UAA2082H UAA2082U sine wave generator using ic 555 philips audio power amplifier ic 3456 PDF


    Abstract: 74ABT16374B
    Text: ADVANCED BiCMOS PRODUCTS 74ABT16374B Dual octal D-type flip-flop; positive-edge trigger 3-State Product specification October 7, 1994 IC23 Philips Sem iconductors PHILIPS PH ILIPS 7110a2L 0 0 7 cîflb3 fl?3 This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer

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    74ABT16374B OT362-1 711002b 74ABT16 74ABT16374B PDF

    infrared diode 35L

    Abstract: K011 FM audio transmitter FML-16 QFP64 SAA7283 SAA7284 SAA7284GP SAA7284ZP diode mark L2C
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Terrestrial digital sound decoder for conventional intercarrier PLL-IF systems SAA7284 FEATURES • Single-chip solution including FM and vision filters, analog demodulator and audio switching • Dual standard with automatic selection between PAL

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    SAA7284 infrared diode 35L K011 FM audio transmitter FML-16 QFP64 SAA7283 SAA7284 SAA7284GP SAA7284ZP diode mark L2C PDF

    FT 3528

    Abstract: SAA7350 3528 20 PINS TDA1547 g2g 573 3528 pins 20
    Text: Philips S em iconductora Linear P roducts Prelim inary specification Dual top-performance bitstream DAC TDA1547 FEATURES • Top-grade audio performance * very low harmonic distortion - high signal-to-noise ratio - w ide dy n a m ic ran ge of approxim ately 108 dB not

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    TDA1547 TDA1547 711002b GG7t1170 711DflSb 0D7T171 FT 3528 SAA7350 3528 20 PINS g2g 573 3528 pins 20 PDF


    Abstract: 50 hz notch filter using gyrator upd 765 controller AM DEMODULATOR USING PLL 565 "SECAM Decoder" OPA BASEBAND MHZ tda9151 SAA4961 SDIP32 TDA4665
    Text: Philips Preliminary specification l2C-bus controlled, alignment-free PAL/NTSC/SECAM decoder/sync processor with PALplus helper demodulator TDA9144 FEATURES • Multi-standard colour decoder and sync processor for

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    TDA9144 TDA9141 711002b CIRCUIT DIAGRAM OF AM DEMODULATOR USING PLL 565 50 hz notch filter using gyrator upd 765 controller AM DEMODULATOR USING PLL 565 "SECAM Decoder" OPA BASEBAND MHZ tda9151 SAA4961 SDIP32 TDA4665 PDF


    Abstract: specifications tv pattern generator op07 philips display 16x2 TRANSISTOR BH RW tv font PCA84C640 PCA84C646 PCA84C646P PCA84C846
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS PCA84C646; PCA84C846 Microcontrollers for TV tuning control and OSD applications Preliminary specification Supersedes data of June 1994 File under Integrated Circuits, IC14 1995 Jun 15 PHILIPS Philips Semiconductors This M aterial C o p y r i g h t e d B y Its

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    PCA84C646; PCA84C846 711062b PCF84CXXXA PWM00 PWM07) 7110fl2b C21DC specifications tv pattern generator op07 philips display 16x2 TRANSISTOR BH RW tv font PCA84C640 PCA84C646 PCA84C646P PCA84C846 PDF


    Abstract: 83C508 87C508 P87C508
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 83C508/87C508 CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontroller Preliminary specification IC20 Data Handbook 1995 May 15 Philips Semiconductors PHILIPS PHILIPS Preliminary specification Philips Semiconductors CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontroller

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    83C508/87C508 110fi2b 83C508 87C508 8XC508) 80C51 8XC508 80C51. 87C508 P87C508 PDF

    ha 13627

    Abstract: APC UPS CIRCUIT DIAGRAM APC UPS WIRING DIAGRAM APC UPS CIRCUIT layout CIRCUIT DIAGRAM APC UPS 700 f5j transistor stt 433 AM Transmitter block diagram P8XC592 APC UPS 650 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM P87C592
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS i A S l n l H I T P8XC592 8-bit microcontroller with on-chip CAN Product specification Supersedes data of August 1992 File under Integrated Circuits, IC20 January 1995 Philips Semiconductors PHILIPS 7110 62 b DOfibbTb bflH Philips Semiconductors

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    P8XC592 711062b SCD36 453062/150Q/02/pp116 7110A2b ha 13627 APC UPS CIRCUIT DIAGRAM APC UPS WIRING DIAGRAM APC UPS CIRCUIT layout CIRCUIT DIAGRAM APC UPS 700 f5j transistor stt 433 AM Transmitter block diagram P8XC592 APC UPS 650 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM P87C592 PDF