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    711QFL5B Search Results

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    Abstract: LUE2009S
    Text: ^33'05 LUE2003S LUE2009S J^ PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL SbE ]> • 711Qfl5b 004fc,250 2S3 ■ PHIN MICROWAVE LINEAR POWER TRANSISTORS NPN silicon transistors for use in common-emitter class-A linear power amplifiers up to 4 GHz. Diffused emitter ballasting resistors, a self-aligned process entirely ion implanted and gold sandwich

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    LUE2003S LUE2009S 71lQfl2b FO-163 LUE2003S LUE2009S PDF

    1000 v fast recovery rectifier diodes

    Abstract: M057 BYD34D BYD34G BYD34J BYD34K BYD34M Philips FA 564
    Text: 5bE D m 711002b DM0575 T22 H P H I N Maintenance type - not for new designs pnmps Avalanche fast soft-recovery rectifier diodes PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL DESCRIPTION Glass passivated rectifier diodes in hermetically sealed axial-leaded ID

    OCR Scan
    M0575 BYD34 1000 v fast recovery rectifier diodes M057 BYD34D BYD34G BYD34J BYD34K BYD34M Philips FA 564 PDF


    Abstract: IT 331 CTS 10MHz oscillator MAB8048 PCF84C853AP PCF84C853AT
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL 3ME D • 711005b GGllb23 Q ■ PCF84C853A SINGLE-CHIP 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER WITH DERIVATIVE PORTS, TIMER/CAPTURE AND TIMER/COUNTER DESCRIPTION The PCF84C853A is a microcontroller with 33 quasi-bidlrectlonal I/O port lines. In addition to the shared features of the

    OCR Scan
    711005b GGllb23 pcf84c853a PCF84C853A PCF84C853A. PCF84CXX PCF84C853 84CXXX 16-bit ECMI IT 331 CTS 10MHz oscillator MAB8048 PCF84C853AP PCF84C853AT PDF

    MCL T1-1

    Abstract: MAB8048 PCF84C12 PCF84C121 PCF84C121P PCF84C121T S020
    Text: D EV ELO P M EN T DATA 34E m This data sheet contains advance information and specifications are subject to change without notice. _ 711Dfl2b 0011455 S I | PCF84C121 PHILIPS INT ER NATIONAL _ SINGLE-CHIP 8-BIT M ICROCONTROLLER WITH 8 B Y T E S EEPROM

    OCR Scan
    711002b G0114SS PCF84C121 PCF84C121. PCF84C121 PCF84C12. 7110fl2b MCL T1-1 MAB8048 PCF84C12 PCF84C121P PCF84C121T S020 PDF


    Abstract: IEC-134 bargraph LCD bargraph LTD351R-11 panel-meter Philips International
    Text: PHILIPS INT ERNATIONAL Data sheet status Product specification date of issue July 1990 faOE ]> • 711052b 0G5710M S&& IPHIN LTD351 Liquid Crystal Display DEVICE DESCRIPTION The LTD351 is a bargraph display. Typical applications include panelmeters and general purpose bargraph

    OCR Scan
    711052b 0G5710M LTD351 LTD351 D0S710b IEC134) LTD351R-11 IEC134 IEC-134 bargraph LCD bargraph LTD351R-11 panel-meter Philips International PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BDT92F; BDT94F BDT96F PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL SbE ]> • 711DÖEfc> Q 0 4 3 3 M D S13 ■ P H I N T -3 3 -O t SILICON EPITAXIAL POWER TRANSISTORS PNP silicon epitaxial power transistors, each in aSOT186 envelope with an electrically insulated mounting base.

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    BDT92F; BDT94F BDT96F aSOT186 BDT91F, BDT93Fand BDT95F. BDT92F 711Qfl5b T-33-09 2009-6F PDF


    Abstract: 60n20 BDV95
    Text: BDV92 BDV94 BDV96_ _ PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL SbE D • 7110êBb 004341S S3T ■ P H I N T - 3 3 - 2 - 3 , SILICON EPITAXIAL BASE POWER TRANSISTORS P-N-P epitaxial base power transistors in the plastic SOT-93 envelope. These transistors are intended

    OCR Scan
    BDV92 BDV94 BDV96_ 004341S OT-93 BDV91, BDV93 BDV95. OT-93. BDV96 60n20 BDV95 PDF

    Philips 4312 020

    Abstract: ferroxcube wideband hf choke transistor 4312 BLT53 philips Trimmer 60 pf philips capacitor 470 philips transistor UHF POWER TRANSISTOR UHF POWER transistor d 1991 ar
    Text: 711002b Q O b E b m PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL UHF power transistor FEATURES • Emitter-ballasting resistors for an optimum temperature profile • Gold metallization ensures excellent reliability • Withstands full load mismatch. IPHIN 0G1 Product specification

    OCR Scan
    711002b BLT53 OT122 OT122D MCD200 MCD20 Philips 4312 020 ferroxcube wideband hf choke transistor 4312 BLT53 philips Trimmer 60 pf philips capacitor 470 philips transistor UHF POWER TRANSISTOR UHF POWER transistor d 1991 ar PDF

    ck3 ppc

    Abstract: 80C51 83C504 87C504 exo 35j DSTRT
    Text: • 711Qfl2b 0 0 b b 2 S 7 i m ■PHIN Philips Semiconductors Microcontroller Products Objective specification CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontroller DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 83C504 and 87C504 hereafter referred to as 8XC504 Single-Chip 8-Bit Microcontroller is manufactured in an

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    83C504/87C504 83C504 87C504 8XC504) 80C51 8XC504 80C51. 16-bit ck3 ppc 87C504 exo 35j DSTRT PDF

    xl 3358

    Abstract: function of tv deflection section KA025 tda9151 ic 2n35 data ttl D372 UKA039 gbs transistor RFT Semiconductors
    Text: Philips S em iconductors O bjective specification Programmable deflection controller TDA9151 T - 7 7 - o r - u PH IL IP S INTERNATIONAL FEATURES 711Qfl2b 00 37 2 0 5 S b l 5bE D General • Current source output for high EMC immunity • 6.75,13.5 and 27 MHz clock

    OCR Scan
    TDA9151 T-77-or-w 16-bit 711002b T-77-Ã TDA9151 711005b 003730b xl 3358 function of tv deflection section KA025 ic 2n35 data ttl D372 UKA039 gbs transistor RFT Semiconductors PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Components D ata sheet status Preliminary specification d ate of Issue March 1991 BUK441-60A/B PowerMOS transistor PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL GENERAL DESCRIPTION N-channel enhancement mode field-effect power transistor in a plastic full-pack envelope. The device is intended for use in

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    BUK441-60A/B 7110flEb BUK441 T-39-09 BUK441-60A/B 711Gfl2fc. 004MSb3 PDF


    Abstract: PCB80C552-5-16WP PCB80C552-5-24WP PCB80C552 80c552 instruction set S87C552-5A68 5a68 80C552 80C51 83C552
    Text: Philips Semiconductora Microcontroller Products 7110flgb 00bb517 S70 « P H I N Pf0duct3pecification Single-chip 8-bit microcontroller 87C552 Single-chip 8-bit microcontroller with 10-bit A/D, capture/compare timer, high- speed outputs, PWM PIN CONFIGURATIONS

    OCR Scan
    7110flgb 00bb517 87C552 10-bit 87C552 80C51 80C51. 83C552â 80C552â PCF80C552-5-16WP PCB80C552-5-16WP PCB80C552-5-24WP PCB80C552 80c552 instruction set S87C552-5A68 5a68 80C552 83C552 PDF

    ADC0820 application note

    Abstract: 20pin 4bit adc Flash-ADC ADC0820 ADC0820BNED ADC0820BNEN ADC0820BSAD ADC0820BSAN ADC0820BSEF ADC0820CNED
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL 5&E ]> • 711DB2LJ QQS111S LIT H P H I N Philips Semlconductors-Signetics Linear Products Product specification 8-Bit, high-speed, xP-compatible A/D converter with track/hold function Anrnfwn AUUUWU PIN CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION FEATURES

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    711062b DDS111S ADC0820 100mV/ ADC0820, 711Dfl5b ADC0820 application note 20pin 4bit adc Flash-ADC ADC0820BNED ADC0820BNEN ADC0820BSAD ADC0820BSAN ADC0820BSEF ADC0820CNED PDF


    Abstract: BUV98A ATT25 BUV98AV BUV98V
    Text: PHI L IP S I N T E R N A T I O N A L 4SE D El 711002b 0031127 O E2PHIN BUV98 V BUV98A(V) T-33-/3 SILIC O N DIFFUSED PO W ER T R A N S IS T O R S High-voltage, high-current, high-speed transistors, assembled in the isolated ISO T O P package; intended for use in inverters, converters and motor control applications on 220 V to 380 V mains supplies.

    OCR Scan
    711002t, BUV98 BUV98A T-33-/3 OT227B BUV98V BUV98AV) 98AIV) 7ZB19IS ATT25 BUV98AV PDF


    Abstract: TDA1372 ix 2933 Symbios Logic 53cf94 53cf90 d1055 DA FAB SAA7390 TDA1371 80C32
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification High performance Compact Disc-Recordable CD-R controller CONTENTS 1 FEATURES 1.1 General Interface logic (CD-ROM operation) Hardware third-level error correction Interface logic (CD-R operation) DRAM buffer controller (256 kbytes x 8,

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    711002b 53cf92a TDA1372 ix 2933 Symbios Logic 53cf94 53cf90 d1055 DA FAB SAA7390 TDA1371 80C32 PDF


    Abstract: T-31-21 A 3121 IC FO-67
    Text: MRB11175Y PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL SbE D 711002b D04t33G 3Mb H P H I N PULSED MICROWAVE POWER TRANSISTOR NPN silicon power transistor intended fo r use in m ilita ry and professional applications. It operates only in pulsed conditions and is recommended fo r IFF applications at 1.09 GHz.

    OCR Scan
    MRB11175Y 711062b D04b330 FO-67 MRB11175Y 711005b. 004b333 T-31-21 A 3121 IC PDF

    cassette head preamplifier philips

    Abstract: tda1522
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Stereo cassette head preamplifier and equalizer TDA1522 FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Two independent amplifiers with open-loop gain of 90 dB typical The TDA1522 is a playback amplifier for car radio/cassette

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    philips PLL FM MODULATOR

    Abstract: philips fm demodulator satellite TDA8730 design diagram of ac voltage stabilizer pll fm demodulator fm pll demodulator detector U-505 philips VIDEO FM DEMODULATOR
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification T -77-05'-05' TDA8730 PLL FM demodulator for DBS signals_ PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL GENERAL DESCRIPTION The TDA8730 is a sensitive PLL demodulator for the second IF and direct broadcasting satellite DBS

    OCR Scan
    T-77-Ã TDA8730 711002b 0D371Ã TDA8730 711Dfl5b DG371Ã BB215 philips PLL FM MODULATOR philips fm demodulator satellite design diagram of ac voltage stabilizer pll fm demodulator fm pll demodulator detector U-505 philips VIDEO FM DEMODULATOR PDF

    8x8 DOT MATRIX 12 pin configurations

    Abstract: COUNTER MODULO 504 COUNTER MODULO 503 mPC 514 MAB8048 PC10 PCF84C230 TF 2309 14-segment display map 8E1Y
    Text: DEVELOPMENT DATA 34E e This data sheet contains advance information and specifications are subject to change without notice. 711Qñ2b 00H 473 7 H PCF84C230 PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL T - M R - f l- o S SINGLE-CHIP 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER WITH LCD DRIVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION

    OCR Scan
    T-49-fi-oS PCF84C230 84CXXX 40-lead 711085b T-49-19-08 8x8 DOT MATRIX 12 pin configurations COUNTER MODULO 504 COUNTER MODULO 503 mPC 514 MAB8048 PC10 TF 2309 14-segment display map 8E1Y PDF


    Abstract: g229 OC121 LTD203F-21 LTD203R-21 Philips 3.5 digit 7 segment lcd display 4 digit 7 segment lcd lcd for multimeters LCD 4digit 4-DIGIT 7-SEGMENT
    Text: PHILIPS fciüE D INTERNATIONAL • 711üflEfci GD57033 1T3 IPHIN Philips C om ponents LTD203 Data sheet status Product specification date of issue July 1990 Liquid crystal display DEVICE DESCRIPTION The LTD203 is a 4-digit, 7-segment multi-function LCD. Typical applications include counters, multi-meters and 24

    OCR Scan
    GD57033 LTD203 LTD203 7Z2229S 7110a2b LTD203R-11 LTD203R-21 LTD203F-21 LTD203R-11 g229 OC121 LTD203F-21 Philips 3.5 digit 7 segment lcd display 4 digit 7 segment lcd lcd for multimeters LCD 4digit 4-DIGIT 7-SEGMENT PDF


    Abstract: "Hard Disk Drive" preamplifier hard disk head preamp DFE9952R mts servo controller EQUALIZER "DOWN SAMPLER" FILTER TAP coefficients ADAPTIVE EQUALIZER "DOWN SAMPLER" FILTER TAP coefficients adaptive equalizer error filter down sampler adaptive equalizer circuit down sampler DC50K
    Text: Ob|ectlve Specification Philips Semiconductors DFE Read Signal Processor DFE9952R GENERAL DESCRIPTION The DFE9952R is a 200 Mbit/s Decision Feedback Equalization DFE read channel integrated circuit designed for hard disk drives. With enhanced decision feedback equalization implemented with advanced BiCMOS technology, the

    OCR Scan
    DFE9952R DFE9952R OT314-2 711002b G1D32 "Hard Disk Drive" preamplifier hard disk head preamp mts servo controller EQUALIZER "DOWN SAMPLER" FILTER TAP coefficients ADAPTIVE EQUALIZER "DOWN SAMPLER" FILTER TAP coefficients adaptive equalizer error filter down sampler adaptive equalizer circuit down sampler DC50K PDF


    Abstract: TDA8762 D1017 SSOP28 pal oo7
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification 10-bit high-speed iow-power analog-to-digital converter TDA8762 FEATURES APPLICATIONS • 10 -bit resolution High-speed analog-to-digital conversion for: • Sampling rate up to 40 MHz • Video data digitizing

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    10-bit TDA8762 71X0flBb AN96025 TDA8762 D1017 SSOP28 pal oo7 PDF


    Abstract: SAA7140 VR029 ss339 new 60 ypf
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Objective specification High Performance Scaler HPS SAA7140A 1. Features « Scaling of video pictures down to randomly sized windows • Horizontal upscaling (zoom) • Two dimensional phase correct data processing for improved signal quality of scaled data, especially for

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    SAA7140A 16-bit 711002b 7110fl2t. SAA7140A SAA7140 VR029 ss339 new 60 ypf PDF


    Abstract: ja transistor Transistor B 886
    Text: P H I L I P S IN T E R N A T IO N A L 41E D • 7 1 1 Dfi2 b 0030546 fl ■ P H I N T ' V / - « 3 P h ilip s S e m ic o n d u c to rs P ro du ct sp ecification High-voltage optocouplers SL5582/SL5583 FEA TUR ES • A pin distance of 10.16 mm • An external clearance of 9.6 mm

    OCR Scan
    SL5582/SL5583 sn20v ja transistor Transistor B 886 PDF