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    ablebond 293-1

    Abstract: philips 3h1 pot core pot core 3h1 NEOSID metal detector coil DIAGRAM metal detector diagram VD neosid OM386M NEOSID 22 inductive proximity detector ic
    Text: OM386M OM387M \ PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL 5bE D m 711002b Ô3Ô • HYBRID INTEGRATED CIRCUITS FOR INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY DETECTORS H y b rid integrated c ircu its intended fo r in d u ctive p ro x im ity detectors in tu b u la r co n stru ctio n , especially th e M 8 h o llo w stud. The O M 386M is fo r positive supply voltage and th e O M 387M is fo r

    OCR Scan
    OM386M OM387M 711002b OM386M OM387M OM386B/OM387B 7Z69066. ablebond 293-1 philips 3h1 pot core pot core 3h1 NEOSID metal detector coil DIAGRAM metal detector diagram VD neosid NEOSID 22 inductive proximity detector ic PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PHILIPS IN TE RN AT IO NA L bSE ]> • 711DÖSb 0DbM3Gl Philips Semiconductors PowerMOS transistor Fast recovery diode FET GENERAL DESCRIPTION N-channel enhancement mode field-effect power transistor in a plastic envelope. FREDFET with fast recovery reverse diode, particular!/ suitable

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    BUK637-400B BUK637-400B PDF

    SAB 8048 P 220 SM 590

    Abstract: MAA 723 MADE S18B micro controller based cfl Inverter soc 512a d74c 4X16 lcd 1514c 8 lcd digit counter s1bc
    Text: PCF84C633A J V_ SINGLE-CHIP 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER WITH LCD DRIVERS, DERIVATIVE PORT, TIMER/CAPTURE AND TIMER/COUNTER DESCRIPTION IMPORTANT The PCF84C633A is a microcontroller with 20 on-chip liquid crystal display LCD outputs. These can be configured for

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    PCF84C633A PCF84C633A PCF84CXX 16-bit 7Z24606 711002b 007412b SAB 8048 P 220 SM 590 MAA 723 MADE S18B micro controller based cfl Inverter soc 512a d74c 4X16 lcd 1514c 8 lcd digit counter s1bc PDF


    Abstract: i3 i5 i7 processor vp07 CCIR-656 DA201 F111 LQFP64 QFP64 SAA7111 SAA7111A

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    SAA7111A Line-21 711002b YUV411 i3 i5 i7 processor vp07 CCIR-656 DA201 F111 LQFP64 QFP64 SAA7111 SAA7111A PDF


    Abstract: PMLL4150 PMLL4151 PMLL4153 smd diode b23
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification High-speed diodes PMLL4150; PMLL4151; PMLL4153 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Small hermetically sealed glass SMD package The PMLL4150, PMLL4151, PMLL4153 are high-speed switching diodes fabricated in planar technology, and encapsulated in small hermetically sealed

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    PMLL4150; PMLL4151 PMLL4153 PMLL4150 PMLL4151 PMLL4153are PMLL4150, PMLL4151, PMLL4153 711002b d1067 smd diode b23 PDF


    Abstract: MOD 1087 speed display PCF8576CT RTO 618 entire LQFP64 PCF8566 PCF8576C PCF8576CU QCHD722 infrared led receiver s28
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS h m m m PCF8576C Universal LCD driver for low multiplex rates 1995 Jun 30 Product specification Supersedes data of March 1990 File under Integrated Circuits, IC12 Philips Semicondu ctors • 711052b 0Qci D 7 1 cl 4 bb ■ This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer

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    PCF8576C 711002b characters260 7110ABLi 0CH075b PCF8576CH MOD 1087 speed display PCF8576CT RTO 618 entire LQFP64 PCF8566 PCF8576C PCF8576CU QCHD722 infrared led receiver s28 PDF


    Abstract: BT138F triac 134 M3403 triac bt138f
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL bSE ]> • 711002t. 0 ü b 2 2 R 5 J bS'i « P H I N BT138F SERIES FULL-PACK TRIACS Glass-passivated 12 ampere triacs in SO T-186 envelopes, w h ic h fe a tu re an e le c tric a lly isolated m o u n tin g base. T h e y are intended f o r use in applica tio ns req u irin g high b id ire c tio n a l tra n sie n t and b lo ckin g

    OCR Scan
    711002b L22R5 BT138F OT-186 BT138F- M2404 triac 134 M3403 triac bt138f PDF


    Abstract: BU505DF
    Text: Product specification Philips Sem iconductors Silicon diffused power transistors BU505F; BU505DF High-voltage, high-speed, glass-passivated npn pow er transistor in a S O T 186 envelope w ith electrically isolated m ounting base, intended fo r use in ho rizo n ta f d e flectio n circu its o f co lo u r television receivers.

    OCR Scan
    BU505F; BU505DF OT186 8U505DF) 7z92107 7Z92109 711062b BU505F PDF


    Abstract: 83C552 87C552 GQCC1-J68 timer highspeed a81s ABA12
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Military Microcontroller Products Product specification Single-chip 8-bit EPROM microcontroller with 10-bit A/D, capture compare timer, high-speed outputs, PWM CFEATURES 87C552 PIN CONFIGURATION • 80C51 central processing unit • 8k x 8 EPROM expandable externally to 64k bytes

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    10-bit 87C552 80C51 16-bit po1992 711Dfi 83C552 GQCC1-J68 timer highspeed a81s ABA12 PDF

    common anoda 7-segment display 4 digit

    Abstract: DAC with BCD input DAC with BCD inputs NE587 NE587N NE591
    Text: P hilips Sem iconductors Linear Products P roduct specification LED decoder/driver NE587 DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATIONS The NE587 is a latch/decoder/driver for 7-segment common anode LED displays. The NE587 has a programmable current output up to 50mA which is essentially Independent of output voltage, power

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    NE587 NE587 110fl2b common anoda 7-segment display 4 digit DAC with BCD input DAC with BCD inputs NE587N NE591 PDF


    Abstract: servo sg 90 KRY 102 72/7 49.86 Mhz KRY 121 71/3 KRY 121 81/2 p491 P32P4910A FULL WAVE RECTIFIER 5z3 2N1996
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductora PRML Read Channel with PR4, 8/9 ENDEC, 4-Burst Servo GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Philips Semiconductors P32P4910A is a high performance BiCMOS read channel IC that provides all of the functions needed to implement an entire Partial Response Class 4 PR4 read channel for zoned recording hand disk

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    P32P4910A P32P4910A OT407-1 7110flEb ld33b servo sg 90 KRY 102 72/7 49.86 Mhz KRY 121 71/3 KRY 121 81/2 p491 FULL WAVE RECTIFIER 5z3 2N1996 PDF


    Abstract: TDA9162 DBS13P TDA8351A TDA8366 TDA9150 TDA9151B TDA9160A
    Text: IN TEG R A TED C IR C U ITS TDA8351A DC-coupled vertical deflection output circuit O bjective specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC02 January 1995 Philips Semiconductors PHILIPS P H IL IP S 7 11 DA 2L , □Dflb4El T17 This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer

    OCR Scan
    TDA8351A 711DA2L, 533061/1500/01/pp16 tda8367 TDA9162 DBS13P TDA8351A TDA8366 TDA9150 TDA9151B TDA9160A PDF


    Abstract: 74LVT 74LVT244A 74LVT244APW S020
    Text: Philips Sem iconductors P roduct specification 3.3V Octal buffer/line driver 3-State 74LVT244A FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Octal bus interface The LVT244A is a high-performance BiCMOS product designed for V cc operation at 3.3V. • 3-State buffers This device is an octal buffer that is ideal for driving bus lines. The

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    74LVT244A 64mA/-32mA 500mA OT36Q-1 MO-153AC 1995Nov LVT244A 74LVT 74LVT244A 74LVT244APW S020 PDF


    Abstract: DIN45004B
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification CATV amplifier module FEATURES BGY888 PINNING -SOT115J2 • Excellent linearity PIN DESCRIPTION • Extremely low noise 1 input • High gain 2 common • Excellent return loss properties. 3 common 5 APPLICATIONS

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    BGY888 BGY888 OT115J2 -SOT115J2 DIN45004B: 0015M11 OT115J2. DIN45004B PDF


    Abstract: IEC134 TDA4851
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Three gain control video pre-amplifier FEATURES • Fully DC controllable • 3 separate video channels • Input black level clamping • White level adjustment for 3 channels • Contrast control for all 3 channels

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    TDA4883 TDA4883 711062b 66b73 IEC134 TDA4851 PDF


    Abstract: em80 saa1500 t 935 capacitor charge indicator L100 car battery charger MKA529 led Display system OBJECTIVE saa1500t segment bargraph
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Integrated Circuicts Objective specification State-of-charge indicator for NiMH and NiCd powered applications SAA1500T FEATURES APPLICATIONS • 5-segment state-of-charge indication for LED or LCD displays • Intelligent battery powered, portable, applications with

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    SAA1500T 711DflEL 007T2b3 SAA1500T em80 saa1500 t 935 capacitor charge indicator L100 car battery charger MKA529 led Display system OBJECTIVE saa1500t segment bargraph PDF


    Abstract: S020 SAA7197 SAA7197T Philips 3514 X
    Text: Philips Sem icond uctors Video Products Prelim inary specification Clock signal generator circuit for Desktop Video systems SCGC FEATURES • Suitable for Desktop Video systems • Two different sync sources selectable • PLL frequency multiplier to generate 4 times of input frequency

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    SAA7197 LFC02 711DA2b 7110BEb Q07tfiDS DIL20 S020 SAA7197 SAA7197T Philips 3514 X PDF

    SAA 1251

    Abstract: saa 1291 SN40 1Ns4 87C652 1251 saa 80C51 MANUAL 80C51 ME 1117 Philips FA 291 AMPLIFIER
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontroller 87C652 DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION The 87C652 Single-Chip 8-Bit Microcontroller is manufactured in an advanced CMOS process and is a derivative of the 80C51 microcontroller family. The 87C652 has the

    OCR Scan
    87C652 87C652 80C51 80C51. 16-bit 80C51) 853-0590B SAA 1251 saa 1291 SN40 1Ns4 1251 saa 80C51 MANUAL ME 1117 Philips FA 291 AMPLIFIER PDF

    ha 13627

    Abstract: P8XC592 TRANSISTOR BSP 149 80C51 P80C592 P80C592FFA P80C592FHA P83C592 P83C592FFA P83C592FHA
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification 8-bit microcontroller with on-chip CAN P8xC592 CONTENTS 14 INTERRUPTSYSTEM 1 FEATURES 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 14.1 14.2 14.3 Interrupt Enable and Priority Registers Interrupt Vectors Interrupt Priority 3 ORDERING INFORMATION

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    P8xC592 01G57S4 ha 13627 P8XC592 TRANSISTOR BSP 149 80C51 P80C592 P80C592FFA P80C592FHA P83C592 P83C592FFA P83C592FHA PDF


    Abstract: smd diode Lz DIODE BZ BZV80
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Voltage reference diodes BZV80; BZV81 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Reference voltage range: 5.89 to 6.51 V nom. 6.20 V Leadless voltage reference diode in a small glass SQD80 SMD package. • Low temperature coefficient range:

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    BZV80; BZV81 SQD80 G10S413 BZV81 smd diode Lz DIODE BZ BZV80 PDF


    Abstract: mab8411 mab84xx family MAB8401 ram 16x8 MAB8048 PC10 PC11 MAB84
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors Single-chip 8-bit microcontroller family specification 1 INTRODUCTION This family data sheet describes the microcontroller core which is common for all members of the MAB84XX family. For complete information of a

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    MAB84XX MAB84XX 711062b D74b2H mab8411 mab84xx family MAB8401 ram 16x8 MAB8048 PC10 PC11 MAB84 PDF


    Abstract: BUW12 BUW12A
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Silicon diffused power transistors BUW12; BUW12A High-voltage, high-speed, glass-passivated npn power transistors in a S O T 9 3 envelope, intended fo r use in converters, inverters, switching regulators, m o to r control systems etc.

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    BUW12; BUW12A BUW12 711Gfl2b DG77775 711Dfl2b D0777fll BUW12A BUW12 PHILIPS PDF

    specifications tv pattern generator

    Abstract: PCAB4C640 0p07 screen led 16*128 ttl 74174 PWM03 colour television block diagram op07 tv font tv pattern generator ic
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Microcontroller for TV tuning control and OSD application PCA84C846 1 FEATURES PCF84CXXXA KERNEL • Foreground colours: 8, character-by-character basis • 8-bit CPU, ROM, RAM, I/O and derivative logic in one

    OCR Scan
    PCF84CXXXA DP10/AFC1, DP11/AFC2 DP12/AFC3 711062b specifications tv pattern generator PCAB4C640 0p07 screen led 16*128 ttl 74174 PWM03 colour television block diagram op07 tv font tv pattern generator ic PDF

    receiver philips fr 310

    Abstract: 173 MHz RF receiver "Pager receiver" c10c3 KS 2152 tl 4216 4 MHz Oscillator pcf5001 POCSAG POCSAG Receiver
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Advanced pager receiver UAA2082 FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Wide frequency range: VHF, UHF and 900 MHz bands The UAA2082 is a high-performance low-power radio receiver circuit primarily intended for VHF, UHF and

    OCR Scan
    UAA2082 PCA5000A, PCF5001 PCD5003 wir260 711062b receiver philips fr 310 173 MHz RF receiver "Pager receiver" c10c3 KS 2152 tl 4216 4 MHz Oscillator POCSAG POCSAG Receiver PDF