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    711GA2B Search Results

    711GA2B Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: PCD8584P PCD8584T scn68000 bus arbitration mab8051 S020 SOT163A
    Text: DEVELOPMENT DATA PCD8584 T h is data sheet c o n ta in s advance in fo rm a tio n and sp e cific atio n s are sub ject to cha nge w it h o u t notice. / \ PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL 5GE D • 711Ga2b DG3513H bbS « P H I N -T - l2C-BUS CONTROLLER GENERAL DESCRIPTION

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    PCD8584 711GA2b DG3513H PCD8584 SCN68000 PCD8584P PCD8584T bus arbitration mab8051 S020 SOT163A PDF


    Abstract: SOT128 X3A-BFQ234 BFQ232 BFQ235 BFQ236
    Text: P h ilip s Sem icon du ctors P rodu ct specification NPN 1 GHz video transistor crystal PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL X3A-BFQ234 SbE D D ESCRIPTION 711Ga2b □Ü4 b 0 licî 2T5 IPHIN M E C H A N IC A L DATA N PN crystal used In BFQ232 A (SOT32), BFQ235(A) (SOT128) and BFQ236(A) (SOT223). Crystals are

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    BFQ232 BFQ235 OT128) BFQ236 OT223) X3A-BFQ234 X3A-BFQ234 7110flEb URV-3-5-52/733 BF0232 SOT128 PDF


    Abstract: B892 data sheet P80CLXXX th02 PCF8570 PCF8570P PCF8570T CF8571
    Text: IN TEG R A TED C IR C U ITS PCF8570 256 x 8-bit static low-voltage RAM with l2C-bus interface Preliminary specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC12 August 1994 Philips Semiconductors PHILIPS 711Ga2b PHILIPS OCIT^og 41 fl This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer

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    PCF8570 S08for 007CJ71C| B892 B892 data sheet P80CLXXX th02 PCF8570 PCF8570P PCF8570T CF8571 PDF


    Abstract: 2T3 transistor
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL bSE J> • 711Ga2b G0b42û4 LSÔ « P H I N Philips Semiconductors Product Specification PowerMOS transistor BUK582-100A Logic level GENERAL DESCRIPTION N-channel enhancement mode

    OCR Scan
    0Qb42flS BUK582-100A OT223 -ID/100 OT223. 2T3 transistor PDF

    SAB 8048 P 220 SM 590

    Abstract: MAA 723 MADE S18B micro controller based cfl Inverter soc 512a d74c 4X16 lcd 1514c 8 lcd digit counter s1bc
    Text: PCF84C633A J V_ SINGLE-CHIP 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER WITH LCD DRIVERS, DERIVATIVE PORT, TIMER/CAPTURE AND TIMER/COUNTER DESCRIPTION IMPORTANT The PCF84C633A is a microcontroller with 20 on-chip liquid crystal display LCD outputs. These can be configured for

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    PCF84C633A PCF84C633A PCF84CXX 16-bit 7Z24606 711002b 007412b SAB 8048 P 220 SM 590 MAA 723 MADE S18B micro controller based cfl Inverter soc 512a d74c 4X16 lcd 1514c 8 lcd digit counter s1bc PDF


    Abstract: 52AP PCD3351A PCD3352A PCD3353A PCD33XXA
    Text: Philips Sem iconductors Prelim inary specification Single-chip 8-bit Telecom Microcontroller PCD3351 A/52 A/53 A F O R D E T A IL E D IN F O R M A T IO N SEE T H E L A T E S T ISSUE O F H A N D B O O K IC 0 3 O R D A T A S H E E T FEATURES • 8-bit CPU, ROM, RAM, I/O in a single 28-lead

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    PCD3351 28-lead PCD3351A) PCD3352A) PCD3353A) MAB8048) t13-19 MAB8048 52AP PCD3351A PCD3352A PCD3353A PCD33XXA PDF


    Abstract: Companding compressor audio pin configuration of i3 processor Philips Capacitor K1 audio compressor compressor IC noise cancellation IC SIgnetics RF Communications Products NE5752
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL bDE ]> • 711062b OQSafi'iS 033 H P H I N Philips Semiconductor* RF Communication« Product* Objective specification Audio processor - companding, VOX and amplifier section NE/SA5752 T The NE/SA5752 is a high performance low power audio signal processing system

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    NE/SA5752 711Ga2b COMPIM Companding compressor audio pin configuration of i3 processor Philips Capacitor K1 audio compressor compressor IC noise cancellation IC SIgnetics RF Communications Products NE5752 PDF

    marking code W1

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR 3358 BFT92 BFT92W
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification PNP 4 GHz wideband transistor BFT92W FEATURES DESCRIPTION • High power gain Silicon PNP transistor in a plastic, SOT323 S-mini package. The BFT92W uses the same crystal as the SOT23 version, BFT92. • Gold metallization ensures

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    BFT92W OT323 BFT92W BFT92. MBCB70 OT323. 7110fl2b marking code W1 TRANSISTOR 3358 BFT92 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary specification Philips Semiconductors Adaptive allocation and scaling for PASC coding in DCC systems_ FEATURES • Wide operating voltage range: 2.7 to 5.5 V • Low power consumption: 13 mW; 3.0 V • Low power decode mode: 1 mW; 5.0 V COMPACT CASSETTE

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    SQT307) SAA2013H FS256. CLK24. th2190 PDF


    Abstract: PCB80C552-5-16WP PCB80C552-5-24WP PCB80C552 80c552 instruction set S87C552-5A68 5a68 80C552 80C51 83C552
    Text: Philips Semiconductora Microcontroller Products 7110flgb 00bb517 S70 « P H I N Pf0duct3pecification Single-chip 8-bit microcontroller 87C552 Single-chip 8-bit microcontroller with 10-bit A/D, capture/compare timer, high- speed outputs, PWM PIN CONFIGURATIONS

    OCR Scan
    7110flgb 00bb517 87C552 10-bit 87C552 80C51 80C51. 83C552â 80C552â PCF80C552-5-16WP PCB80C552-5-16WP PCB80C552-5-24WP PCB80C552 80c552 instruction set S87C552-5A68 5a68 80C552 83C552 PDF


    Abstract: 83L51FB 87L51FB kapton S87L51
    Text: •I 7 1 1 0 0 2 b QDbfc.132 153 « P H I N Philips Semiconductors Microcontroller Products Product specification CMOS single-chip 3.0V 8-bit microcontroller DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 83L51 FB and 87L51 FB hereafter genetically referred to as 8XL51 FB Single-Chip 3.0V 8-Bit Microcontrollers are

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    7110a5ti 83L51FB/87L51FB 83L51 87L51 8XL51 80C51 80C51. 87L51FB 16-bit 83L51FB kapton S87L51 PDF

    Philips FA 261

    Abstract: 110-COP S2R marking
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Military Microprocessor Products Product specification Dual universal serial communications controller DUSCC 68562 PIN CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION The Philips Semiconductors Dual Universal Serial Communications Controller (DUSCC) is a single-chip MOS-LSI communications

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    SD00234 7110fic 711Dfi2b 711Gfi2h Philips FA 261 110-COP S2R marking PDF


    Abstract: SAA7151B SAA7191B SAA7196 SAA9051 TDA8758 TDA8758G TQFP48 my51
    Text: Ph ilip s S em iconductors Prelim inary specification YC 8-bit low-power analog-to-digital video TDA8758 interface _ _ • _ FEATURES APPLICATIONS • Two 8-bit ADCs: • Video signal decoding - one Luminance or CVBS channel • Digital picture processing

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    TDA8758 VCC01 TDA8758 711032b 0D772MÃ SAA7194 SAA7151B SAA7191B SAA7196 SAA9051 TDA8758G TQFP48 my51 PDF


    Abstract: 74HL33648D 74HL33648DB PZT material
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Preliminary Specification Octal bus transceiver/register; 3-state; inverting FEATURES • • • • • • • QUICK REFERENCE DATA GND = 0 V; Tm mb= 25 °C; t, = t, = 2.0 ns Wide supply voltage range of 1.2 V to 3.6 V in accordance with the JEDEC

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    74HL33648 74HL33648 CP QUICK CONNECT 74HL33648D 74HL33648DB PZT material PDF

    50HZ oscillator sinus vco

    Abstract: 7b45 HP611 HCSA SAA7110 update MS24 SAA7110 SAA7197 TDA9150 CLL323
    Text: Preliminary specification Philips Semiconductors SAA7110 One Chip Frontend 1 OFC1 Digital multistandard colour decoder with 2 A /D converters The YUV bus supports a data rate o f (780 x fh) for 60 Hz 12.2727MHz (NTSC) (944 x for 50 Hz 14.75MHz (PAL/SECAM)

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    SAA7110 SAA7110 110fl2b D07b470 50HZ oscillator sinus vco 7b45 HP611 HCSA SAA7110 update MS24 SAA7197 TDA9150 CLL323 PDF

    if filter 10.7

    Abstract: "Logarithmic Amplifier" Logarithmic Logarithmic Amplifier TDA8780M
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS TDA8780M True logarithmic amplifier Product specification Supersedes data of November 1994 File under Integrated Circuits, IC03 PHILIPS Philips Se m ico n d u cto rs 7iio flZb ocm cm 1995 Jul 25 tst Philips Semiconductors Product specification

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    TDA8780M 7110flZb 711002t. 00T1101 if filter 10.7 "Logarithmic Amplifier" Logarithmic Logarithmic Amplifier TDA8780M PDF


    Abstract: 74HL33652D 74HL33652DB
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product Specification Octal transceiver/register with dual enable; 3-state FEATURES • • • • • • • Wide supply voltage range of 1.2 V to 3.6 V In accordance w ith the JEDEC 3.3 V ±0.3 V supply CMOS low power consum ption

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    74HL33652 74HL33652 7110flZb CP QUICK CONNECT 74HL33652D 74HL33652DB PDF

    LM 3715

    Abstract: pal 007B tda4580 TDA4655 TDA4680 TDA4685 TDA4686 TDA4686WP TDA9160 TV RECEIVER 1993 IF
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Video processor with automatic cut-off control FEATURES • Intended for double line frequency application 100/120 Hz « Operates from an 8 V DC supply • Black level clamping of the colour difference, luminance and RGB

    OCR Scan
    TDA4686 711DB2b D0770D2 LM 3715 pal 007B tda4580 TDA4655 TDA4680 TDA4685 TDA4686 TDA4686WP TDA9160 TV RECEIVER 1993 IF PDF

    diode a4t surface mount device

    Abstract: smd a4t A4t smd BB219 equivalent philips vhf uhf tuner A4t 3 smd A4T em smd MBH054 BSD tuner cable tv amplifier
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification 9 V VHF and UHF mixer/oscillator for TV and VCR cable tuners TDA5630BT FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Balanced mixer with a common emitter input for band A single input • Local oscillator buffer output for external prescaler

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    TDA5630BT TDA5630BT 711Gfl2b 0104b31 diode a4t surface mount device smd a4t A4t smd BB219 equivalent philips vhf uhf tuner A4t 3 smd A4T em smd MBH054 BSD tuner cable tv amplifier PDF


    Abstract: rav21 fxs 100 10 PCE84C882 PCE84C886 SDIP42 AN94049 65432
    Text: Preliminary specification Philips Semiconductors Microcontroller for monitor OSD and auto-sync applications _ PCE84C882 CONTENTS 1 2 OSD CONTROL REGISTERS 12.7 Derivative Derivative Derivative Derivative Derivative Derivative Derivative 13 TO FORMAT THE OSD

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    14-bit OM4873 rav21 fxs 100 10 PCE84C882 PCE84C886 SDIP42 AN94049 65432 PDF

    uhf tv booster circuit diagram

    Abstract: philips if catv amplifier 4894 gt 6312 diagram tv Philips 14
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Wideband amplifier module OM2081/60 DESCRIPTION A one-stage wideband amplifier in hybrid integrated circuit form on a thin-fiim substrate. The device is intended for use in mast-head booster amplifiers, as an amplifier in MATV and CATV systems and as a general purpose amplifier for VHF

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    OM2081/60 MSA338 IS21I2 SCD24 711002b DDRM42Ã uhf tv booster circuit diagram philips if catv amplifier 4894 gt 6312 diagram tv Philips 14 PDF

    stereo preamplifier 16 pin ic

    Abstract: cassette head preamplifier philips C101 C201 C202 R101 R102 R202 TDA1523
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Stereo cassette head preamplifier and equalizer TDA1523 FEATURES G E N E R A L D E S C R IP TIO N • Two independent amplifiers with open-loop gain of 90 dB typical The TDA 1523 is a playback amplifier for car radio/cassette

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    TDA1523 TDA1523 stereo preamplifier 16 pin ic cassette head preamplifier philips C101 C201 C202 R101 R102 R202 PDF


    Abstract: SOT173 TRANSISTOR C 4460 RF NPN POWER TRANSISTOR C 10-12 GHZ npn transistor dc 558 TRANSISTOR D 471 1702 NPN transistor 150-1 SOT-173 c 3421 transistor
    Text: Philips Sem iconductors Product specification NPN 5 GHz wideband transistor SbE T> PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL DESCRIPTION BFP90A 711Dfl2b 00M53SÔ S3fl « P H I N PINNING NPN transistor in hermetically sealed, sub-miniature SOT173 and SOT173X mlcro-stripline envelopes. It is

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    -r-31- BFP90A OT173 OT173X 711Gfl2b 00453SA OT173. BFP90A SOT173 TRANSISTOR C 4460 RF NPN POWER TRANSISTOR C 10-12 GHZ npn transistor dc 558 TRANSISTOR D 471 1702 NPN transistor 150-1 SOT-173 c 3421 transistor PDF


    Abstract: 74abt373 Philips 74ABT 74ABT373 74ABT373D 74ABT373N
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL bSE D • 7110ABL, □057475 BAD ■ P H I N Philips Semiconductors Advanced BiCMOS Products Product specification Octal transparent latch 3-State 74ABT373 QUICK REFERENCE DATA FEATURES • 8-bit transparent latch SYMBOL CONDITIONS

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    7110fl2b 00S747S 74ABT373 64mA/-32mA 500mA 74ABT373 74ABT 500ns 74ABT373DB 74abt373 Philips 74ABT373D 74ABT373N PDF