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    Abstract: IEC134
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors NPN 2 GHz wideband transistor PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL *7 ^ 3 / StE D • S '? BFW30 711Gfl5b DtmbOSb 17E BiPHIN PINNING DESCRIPTION NPN transistor in a TO-72 metal envelope, with Insulated electrodes and a shield lead connected to the

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    BFW30 711DflSb 004bDEfl BFW30 IEC134 PDF


    Abstract: transistor D 1666 BFQ23C BFP91A f 1405 zs 1557 transistor SOT173
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors PNP 5 GHz wideband transistor BFQ23C PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL DESCRIPTION SbE ]> • 711Gfl5b 0DMS410 S41 ■ P H I n ] PINNING PNP transistor in hermetically-sealed, sub-miniature, SOT 173 and SOT 173X micro-stripline envelopes. It is

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    OT173 OT173X BFQ23C 7110fl5b 0DMS410 OT173. BFP91A NPN PHILIPS transistor D 1666 BFQ23C BFP91A f 1405 zs 1557 transistor SOT173 PDF

    philips BFW30

    Abstract: B 1184 BFW30 transistor 1183 IEC134
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors NPN 2 GHz wideband transistor PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL *7 ^ 3 / StE D • S '? BFW30 711Gfl5b DtmbOSb 17E BiPHIN PINNING DESCRIPTION NPN transistor in a TO-72 metal envelope, with Insulated electrodes and a shield lead connected to the

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    BFW30 711DflSb 004bDEfl philips BFW30 B 1184 BFW30 transistor 1183 IEC134 PDF

    transistor 2n930

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2N930 PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL T V SbE D ' 2 f ~ 711Gfl5b DDMESbE GST 17 • PHIN N-P-N SILICON PLANAR TRANSISTOR N-P-N transistors in TO -18 metal envelopes with the collector connected to the case. These devices are primarily intended for use in high performance, low-level, low-noise amplifier appli­

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    2N930 711Gfl5b transistor 2n930 PDF

    d 1879 TRANSISTOR

    Abstract: transistor D 1666 BFQ23C transistor d 1557 BFP91A B 1449 transistor TRANSISTOR D 471
    Text: Philips Sem Product specification “^ 3 / — / f PNP 5 GHz wideband transistor PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL DESCRIPTION SbE ]> • BFQ23C 711Gfl5b 0 D M S 4 1 0 S41 PINNING PNP transistor in

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    BFP91A. BFQ23C 711Gfl5b d 1879 TRANSISTOR transistor D 1666 BFQ23C transistor d 1557 BFP91A B 1449 transistor TRANSISTOR D 471 PDF


    Abstract: 0071547 philips hybrid OM976
    Text: 7110fl2b 0 0 7 1 S 4 3 Philips Semiconductors TDM M P H I N Preliminary specification Video output amplifier FEATURES OM976/1 PINNING • DC coupled video amplifier for cathode drive, with a positive-going video input. 1 input • Low internal thermal resistance

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    7110a2fc. OM976/1 OM976/1 OM976 0071547 philips hybrid OM976 PDF


    Abstract: T71A m0718 m1521
    Text: BYV79 SERIES PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL SbE D • 7HDflSb DD414Sb T67 « P H I N T - 0 1 - 1 7 ULTRA FAST RECOVERY RECTIFIER DIODES Glass-passivated, high-efficiency epitaxial rectifier diodes in plastic envelopes, featuring low forward voltage drop, ultra fast reverse recovery times w ith very low stored charge and soft-recovery

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    BYV79 D414Sb BYV79â T-03-1? 711D65b M0723 T71A m0718 m1521 PDF


    Abstract: LD 25 V BUK793-60A philips ah 686
    Text: Philips Components Data sheet status P re lim in a ry s p e c ific a tio n date of issue PHILIPS March 1991 BUK793-60A PowerMOS transistor SensorFET INTERNATIONAL SbE ]> Li GENERAL DESCRIPTION N-channel enhancem ent mode field-effect power transistor in a

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    BUK793-60A 711Gfl5b 00MM747 BUK793-60A 711DflEb fqmb LD 25 V philips ah 686 PDF


    Abstract: 07233
    Text: P h ilips S e m ico n d uctors M ilita ry M icrop ro cesso r Products P ro du ct s p ecifica tio n CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontroller FEATURES ? ° 2 32 ?532‘ 15 80C52/80C52-16 To insure a good power-up reset, the RST pin must be high long enough to allow the oscillator time to start up (normally a few

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    80C52/80C52-16 80C51 16-bit 12MHz 16MHz 80C32/80C32-16 00fl4fl41 80C32-16 07233 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Linear Products Product specification EIA-232-D/V.28 driver/receiver MC145406 DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION The MC145406 is a silicon-gate CMOS 1C that combines 3 drivers and 3 receivers to fulfill the electrical specifications of standards

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    EIA-232-D/V MC145406 MC145406 EIA-232-D EIA-232-D MC145406. EIA-232-D/CCITT PDF


    Abstract: 51fs Mka7 IN23B IN34A in67a
    Text: Philips S em iconductors Prelim inary specification DCC read amplifier READ 3 TDA1380 FEATURES • Single 3 V supply • Low power consumption • Differential inputs for low power head configuration COMPACT CASSETTE • Can be used with 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation digital

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    TDA1381 TDA1380 SAA2023 TDA1380 711Dfl2fc, SAA2051 51fs Mka7 IN23B IN34A in67a PDF


    Abstract: SAA7191 SAA7191B SAA9051 SAA9065 U714
    Text: P relim in a ry s p e c ific a tio n P h ilip s S e m ic o n d u c to rs V ideo P ro d u c ts Video enhancement . and D/A processor VEDA 1. FEATURES -CM O S circuit to enhance video data and to convert luminance and colour-difference signals from digital-to-analog

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    SAA9065 -16-bit SAA7151B SAA7191 SAA7191B SAA9051 SAA9065 U714 PDF

    philips CTC 1351 transistor

    Abstract: P8XC592 RBL 43 P TRANSISTOR 80C51 P80C592 P80C592FFA P80C592FHA P83C592 P83C592FFA P83C592FHA
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification 8-bit microcontroller with on-chip CAN CONTENTS P8xC592 14 INTERRUPT SYSTEM Interrupt Enable and Priority Registers Interrupt Vectors Interrupt Priority 1 FEATURES 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 14.1 14.2 14.3 3 ORDERING INFORMATION

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    P8xC592 711QfiZb DlDb77T philips CTC 1351 transistor P8XC592 RBL 43 P TRANSISTOR 80C51 P80C592 P80C592FFA P80C592FHA P83C592 P83C592FFA P83C592FHA PDF


    Abstract: S0068 BAS15
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification High-speed diode BAS15 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Hermetically sealed leaded glass SOD68 DO-34 package The BAS15 is a high-speed switching diode fabricated in planar technology, and encapsulated in the hermetically sealed leaded glass SOD68 (DO-34)

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    BAS15 DO-34) BAS15 MAM156 MBG453 S0068 PDF

    flyback data pin diagram

    Abstract: tv transmitter amplifier circuit tda2595 components in horizontal output colour tv circuit Block Diagram of colour tv transmitter
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL SbE D • 711GÖEL 003SL04 IDI H P H I N TDA2595 A T-77-07-13 HORIZONTAL COMBINATION GENERAL DESCRIPTION The TDA2595 is a monolithic integrated circuit intended for use in colour television receivers. Features • Positive video input; capacitively coupled source impedance < 200 SI

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    003SL04 TDA2595 T-77-C7-13 TDA2595 flyback data pin diagram tv transmitter amplifier circuit components in horizontal output colour tv circuit Block Diagram of colour tv transmitter PDF

    K 3911

    Abstract: BUK451-60A BUK451-60B T0220AB
    Text: Philips Components D ata sheet status Preliminary specification date of issue March 1991 PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL GENERAL DESCRIPTION N-channel enhancement mode field-effect power transistor in a plastic envelope. The device is intended for use in Switched Mode Power Supplies

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    BUK451-60A/B 711Dfl2b BUK451 711Gfi2b 44S73 K 3911 BUK451-60A BUK451-60B T0220AB PDF

    spindle motor control

    Abstract: Spindle VCM IPA5147K PLCC52 TDA5147K Hard Disk drive spindle motor control inductive sense IRVCM
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification 12 V Voice Coil Motor VCM driver and spindle motor drive combination chip TDA5147K FEATURES • Retract circuit operates down to 2 V Spindle motor driver • Internal thermal sense circuitry with an over temperature

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    TDA5147K 7110fl2b 010b451 spindle motor control Spindle VCM IPA5147K PLCC52 TDA5147K Hard Disk drive spindle motor control inductive sense IRVCM PDF

    HA 11719

    Abstract: LQFP32 PCD5002 PCD5002H UAA2080 UAA2082
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Advanced POCSAG and APOC-1 Paging _ . * * Decoder CONTENTS 1 FEATURES 2 APPLICATIONS 3 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 4 ORDERING INFORMATION 5 LICENSE 6 BLOCK DIAGRAM 7 PINNING 8 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5

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    PCD5002 711G62b HA 11719 LQFP32 PCD5002 PCD5002H UAA2080 UAA2082 PDF


    Abstract: 74LVC377PW S020
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Octal D-type flip-flop with data enable; positive-edge trigger 74LVC377 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Wide supply voltage range of 1,2V to 3.6V The 74LVC377 is a low-voltage Si-gate CMOS device, superior to most advanced CMOS compatible TTL families.

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    74LVC377 74LVC377 RHHRHHHRFIR11 OT360-1 MO-153 74LVC377PW S020 PDF


    Abstract: 80C52 87C528 P87C528 A8-A13
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Military Microcontroller Products Product specification CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontroller 87C528 DESCRIPTION The 87C528 single-chip 8-bit microcontroller is manufactured in an advanced CMOS process and is a derivative of the 80C51

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    87C528 80C51 512x8 16-bit 16MHz 48tcLCL 80C52 P87C528 A8-A13 PDF

    circuit diagram of rc transmitter and receiver

    Abstract: ocs ctc diagram remote control receiver and transmitter SCC2692 ir transmitter and receiver ir transmitter receiver SCC2692AC1F28 SCC2692AC1F40 SCC2692AC1N40 SCC2692AE1F28
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS SCC2692 Dual asynchronous receiver/transmitter DUART Product specification 1995 May 1 IC19 Philips Semiconductors PHILIPS PHILIPS 7110A5L, 0Qci0144 15b Philips Semiconductors Product specification Dual asynchronous receiver/transmitter (DUART)

    OCR Scan
    SCC2692 SCC2692 OT117-2 MS-011AB circuit diagram of rc transmitter and receiver ocs ctc diagram remote control receiver and transmitter ir transmitter and receiver ir transmitter receiver SCC2692AC1F28 SCC2692AC1F40 SCC2692AC1N40 SCC2692AE1F28 PDF


    Abstract: 2n4416 transistor spice 2n4416 transistor 2N4416A SiS 671 HA 7926 "Field Effect Transistor" sis 735 2N4416 equivalent Transistor 2N4416A
    Text: P hilips Sem iconductors M 7 1 1 0 fl2 ti DDbBDTB 151 • IP H IN N-channel field-effect transistor Product specification 2N4416; 2N4416A QUICK REFERENCE DATA FEATURES o CO • Interchangeability of drain and source connections < SYMBOL • Low noise PARAMETER

    OCR Scan
    2N4416; 2N4416A 2N4416 2n4416 2n4416 transistor spice 2n4416 transistor 2N4416A SiS 671 HA 7926 "Field Effect Transistor" sis 735 2N4416 equivalent Transistor 2N4416A PDF

    BC 937

    Abstract: 16Oi Philips MBB BDS933 BDS935 BDS937 BDS939 BDS941 t33 smd A93 SMD
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL SbE D • 711002b 00431bD 54T H P H I N Philips C o m p o n e n ts T -3 7 -D 5 “ BDS933/935/937/939/941 Data sheet status Product specification NPN Silicon epitaxial base date of issue April 1991 power transistors DESCRIPTION PINNING - SOT223

    OCR Scan
    00431bD T-33- BDS933/935/937/939/941 OT223) BDS934/936/938/940/942. OT223 BDS933 BDS935 BDS937 BDS939 BC 937 16Oi Philips MBB BDS941 t33 smd A93 SMD PDF


    Abstract: 65ZS 88-108 rf amplifier BGY132 vhf power module
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification VHF amplifier modules BGY132; BGY133 FEA TUR ES D ES C R IPTIO N • Broadband V H F amplifiers The BGY132 and BGY133 are two stage amplifier modules. Each module comprises two NPN silicon planar transistor chips together with lumped-element

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    BGY132; BGY133 BGY132 BGY133 -SOT132B MSB029 7110fl2b 65ZS 88-108 rf amplifier vhf power module PDF