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    7402 TTL GATE Search Results

    7402 TTL GATE Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    7UL1G32NX Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), 2-Input/OR, XSON6, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    7UL1G86NX Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), 2-Input/Exclusive-OR, XSON6, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    7UL1G00NX Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), 2-Input/NAND, XSON6, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    7UL1G08NX Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), 2-Input/AND, XSON6, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    7UL1G02NX Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), 2-Input/NOR, XSON6, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    7402 TTL GATE Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: 74574 7486 XOR GATE 7486 full adder latch 74574 7408, 7404, 7486, 7432 7490 Decade Counter 74373 cmos dual s-r latch 2 bit magnitude comparator using 2 xor gates design a BCD counter using j-k flipflop
    Text: Semiconductor Logic Device Cross-Reference Here is a comprehensive cross-reference of TTL and CMOS chips that are readily available over the counter from such places as Maplin Electronics in the UK . Tables of both TTL and CMOS devices are provided along with tables grouping chips with the same functionality together.


    IC 7408

    Abstract: IC 7812 REGULATOR IC 7812 IC TTL 7400 NEC d446c d446c data sheet IC 7408 ic 74151 IC 74153 REGULATOR IC 7912
    Text: 1 of 8 Home Up Hewlett-Packard Part Number to Industry Standard HP Part Number DESCRIPTION Equivalent Part Number 1810-0076 SIP Resistor Network, 1K8 x 8 no industry number 1810-0307 RESISTOR ARRAY 316-101 100 ohms AB 1816-1104 1K ROM HP1350 Char. Gen. no industry number

    HP1350 82S126 1818-0373B MK34127N D446C-2 NEC/AMNE592 IC 7408 IC 7812 REGULATOR IC 7812 IC TTL 7400 NEC d446c d446c data sheet IC 7408 ic 74151 IC 74153 REGULATOR IC 7912 PDF


    Abstract: fzh261 FZK105 FZH131 FZJ111 FZH115 FZH205 Multiplexer IC 74151 FZH265B 74LS104
    Text: Digital I.C.s, 74INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DIGITAL TTL, 74LS & 74HC Series Quad 2-input NAND gate Quad 2-input NAND gate, open collector Quad 2-input NOR gate Quad 2-input NOR gate, open collector Hex inverter Hex inverter, O/C collector Hex inverter, Buffer 30V O/P

    74INTEGRATED Line-to-10 150ns 16-DIL 150ns 18-pin 250ns 300ns FZH115B fzh261 FZK105 FZH131 FZJ111 FZH115 FZH205 Multiplexer IC 74151 FZH265B 74LS104 PDF

    on off 555 timer using relay drive

    Abstract: 555 timer truth table missing pulse detector using 555 555 off delay 555 off delay timer circuits constant current circuit using 555 timer 555 missing pulse detector circuit 555 missing pulse detector 74LS02 datasheet 555 timer remote control
    Text: MID400 POWER LINE MONITOR INTRODUCTION The MID400 is an optically isolated AC line-to-logic interface device for monitoring ON or OFF status of an AC power line. The logic circuitry operates from a standard 5V supply. The MID400 is packaged in a compact 8-pin plastic DIP package. The optical isolation provided by the MID400 makes it suitable for power-to-logic

    MID400 AN300002 on off 555 timer using relay drive 555 timer truth table missing pulse detector using 555 555 off delay 555 off delay timer circuits constant current circuit using 555 timer 555 missing pulse detector circuit 555 missing pulse detector 74LS02 datasheet 555 timer remote control PDF

    IC 7486

    Abstract: CI 74LS08 TTL 7408 IC TTL 7432 7408 TTL TTL 74ls08 7408 ic diagram IC TTL 7402 IC 7432 74LS32 TTL
    Text: FA IR C H ILD D IG ITA L TTL High Speed Schottky 54S/74S 3 ns/19 mW Logic/Connection Diagram'2’ S U. High Speed 54H/74H 6 ns/22 mW c B £ Std. TTL 54/74 10 ns/10 mW o o 54/7402 — 54S/74S02 D10 — — — — D11 4L,6B 54LS /74LS 27 54/7427 — — D12

    OCR Scan
    ns/10 54LS/74LS 54H/74H ns/22 54S/74S ns/19 54LS/74LS02 54S/74S02 54LS/74LS27 IC 7486 CI 74LS08 TTL 7408 IC TTL 7432 7408 TTL TTL 74ls08 7408 ic diagram IC TTL 7402 IC 7432 74LS32 TTL PDF

    7400 fan-out

    Abstract: 7402 nor 7491 8-bit 7490 Decade Counter TTL 7400 TTL 7400 AND propagation delay TTL 7400 propagation delay TTL 7475 TTL 7490 7402 J-K Flip-Flop
    Text: Logic Integrateci Circuits, MIC 7400 Series TTL G a te s in order of gates per package Type M IC M IC M IC M IC M IC M IC M IC M IC M IC M IC M IC M IC 7430 7453 7454 7420 7440 7450 7451 7460 7410 7400 7401 7402 Positive logic definition Gates per package

    OCR Scan

    TTL LS 7402

    Abstract: 74LS02 pin configuration TTL 7402 7402 pin configuration 7402 TTL 7402 NOR gate 7402 74LS 7402
    Text: Signetics I 7402, LS02, S02 Gates Quad Two-input NOR Gate Product Specification Logic Products TYPICAL PROPAGATION DELAY TYPE TYPICAL SUPPLY CURRENT TOTAL 7402 10ns 11mA 74LS02 10ns 2.2mA 74S02 3.5ns 22mA ORDERING CODE COMMERCIAL RANGE VCC = 5 V ± 5 % ; T A = 0°C to +70°C

    OCR Scan
    74LS02 74S02 N7402N, N74LS02N, N74S02N N74LS02D, N74S02D 10Suls WF07570S 400f2 TTL LS 7402 74LS02 pin configuration TTL 7402 7402 pin configuration 7402 TTL 7402 NOR gate 7402 74LS 7402 PDF

    7402 NOR gate ic pin configuration

    Abstract: IC 7402 IC PIN CONFIGURATION OF 74LS02 7402 pin configuration 74LS02 pin configuration 74LS02 function table 7402 ic ttl 7402 7402 logic gate ic IC 74LS02
    Text: Signetics I 7402, LS02, S02 Gates Quad Two-Input NOR Gate Product Specification Logic Products TYPICAL PROPAGATION DELAY TYPE TYPICAL SUPPLY CURRENT TOTAL 7402 10ns 11mA 74LS02 10ns 2.2mA 74S02 3.5ns 22mA ORDERING CODE COMMERCIAL RANGE VCC = 5V±5%; Ta = 0°C to +70°C

    OCR Scan
    74LS02 74S02 N7402N, N74LS02N, N74S02N N74LS02D, N74S02D 400-Q 7402 NOR gate ic pin configuration IC 7402 IC PIN CONFIGURATION OF 74LS02 7402 pin configuration 74LS02 pin configuration 74LS02 function table 7402 ic ttl 7402 7402 logic gate ic IC 74LS02 PDF

    IC 7402

    Abstract: IC TTL 7402 74LS02 gate diagram logic diagram of ic 7402 54LS02 TTL SN7402
    Text: SN 5402, SN 54 LS0 2, SN 54S02, SN 7402, SN 74LS02, SN 74S02 QUADRUPLE 2-INPUT POSITIVE NOR GATES DECEMBER 1 9 8 3 -R E V IS E D MARC H 1 9 6 8 • Package Options Include Plastic "Sm all O utline” Packages, Ceramic Chip Carriers and Flat Packages, and Plastic and Ceramic

    OCR Scan
    54S02, 74LS02, 74S02 IC 7402 IC TTL 7402 74LS02 gate diagram logic diagram of ic 7402 54LS02 TTL SN7402 PDF

    TTL LS 7407

    Abstract: CI 7407 CI 7402 TTL LS 7402 ls 7408 TTL 74s02 CI 74LS02 74LS27 TTL 7425 TTL 74ls02
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL-TTL D7 54/7430, 54H/74H30 54S/74S30, 54LS/74LS30 Vcc NC r r r NC r D8 54S/74S133, 54LS/74LS133 D9 54S/74S134 Vcc NC r fi fi Ili ill HI Li Lil lil GND LzJ R R R R F IR R F I E RRRRRRRFl li lli lli lli J lill ill ill iJGND

    OCR Scan
    54H/74H30 54S/74S30, 54LS/74LS30 54S/74S133, 54LS/74LS133 54S/74S134 54S/74S02, 54LS/74LS02, 54LS/74LS28 74LS33 TTL LS 7407 CI 7407 CI 7402 TTL LS 7402 ls 7408 TTL 74s02 CI 74LS02 74LS27 TTL 7425 TTL 74ls02 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TYPES SN5402, SN54L02, SN54LS02, SN54S02, SN7402, SN74LS02, SN74S02 QUADRUPLE 2-INPUT POSITIVE-NOR GATES REVISED DECEMBER 1983 Package Options include Both Plastic and Ceramic Chip Carriers in Addition to Plastic and Ceramic DIPs S N 5 4 0 2 , S N 5 4 L 0 2 . . . J PACKAGE

    OCR Scan
    SN5402, SN54L02, SN54LS02, SN54S02, SN7402, SN74LS02, SN74S02 PDF

    IC 7402, 7404, 7408, 7432, 7400

    Abstract: TTL IC 7405 7400 logic gate ic IC AND GATE 7408 ic 7400 logic symbol 7408 AND GATE fan in 9N01 IC 7400 nand gate 7408, 7404, 7486, 7432 IC 7404 hex inverter
    Text: SSI • GATES, BUFFERS AND INVERTERS LOW POWER tpcj = 20 ns Pd = 2 mW per Gate STANDARD tpd = 10 ns Pd = 10 mW per Gate 0°C to +70° C and -5 5 ° to +125°C 0° to +70° C -5 5 ° t o +125° C 9 L00 9N00/7400 9N00/5400 9N01/7401 9N01/5401 9N03/7403 9N03/5403

    OCR Scan
    9N00/7400 9N01/7401 9N03/7403 9N26/7426 9N10/7410 9N12/7412 9N20/7420 9N30/7430 9N00/5400 9N01/5401 IC 7402, 7404, 7408, 7432, 7400 TTL IC 7405 7400 logic gate ic IC AND GATE 7408 ic 7400 logic symbol 7408 AND GATE fan in 9N01 IC 7400 nand gate 7408, 7404, 7486, 7432 IC 7404 hex inverter PDF

    7404 TTL CMOS

    Abstract: cmos 7404 7400 family monitor products 970 7400A1A1 ttl family 7404 DDDD252 7400 series pin connection TTL 7402 # 7400 TTL

    OCR Scan
    T-50-Z3 7404 TTL CMOS cmos 7404 7400 family monitor products 970 7400A1A1 ttl family 7404 DDDD252 7400 series pin connection TTL 7402 # 7400 TTL PDF

    SN74LS02 function

    Abstract: SN74LS02 SN74LS02 function table ci sn7402 SN54S02 LS02 SN5402 SN54LS02 SN7402 SN74S02
    Text: TYPES SN5402, SN54L02, SN54LS02, SN54S02, SN7402, SN74LS02, SN74S02 QUADRUPLE 2-INPUT POSITIVE-NOR GATES R F V IR F D D E C E M B E R 1 9 8 3 • S N 5 4 0 2 . S N 5 4 L 0 2 -1 P AC KA G E SN 5 4 L S 0 2 . SIM 5 4 S 0 2 I OR W P AC K A G E S N 7 4 0 2 . . . J OR N P AC KA G E

    OCR Scan
    SN5402, SN54L02, SN54LS02, SN54S02, SN7402, SN74LS02, SN74S02 SN54LS02 SN74LS02 function SN74LS02 SN74LS02 function table ci sn7402 SN54S02 LS02 SN5402 SN7402 PDF

    74LS08 Quad 2-Input AND Gates

    Abstract: TTL 74s32 TTL 7408 or 2 input 74Ls32 74LS11 and 74LS32 74ls32 quad 2-input OR gates 54LS TTL 7421 74LS 3-input NOR 74LS11
    Text: FAIRCHILD DIGITAL TTL High Speed 54H/74H 6 ns/22 mW High Speed Schottky 54S/74S 3 ns/19 mW Logic/Connection Diagram'2’ E £ Std. TTL 54/74 10 ns/10 mW ~c o o c S U. Low Power Schottky 54LS/74LS 5 ns/2 mW Cont’d 9000 Series 8 ns/10 mW SSI FUNCTIONS 5

    OCR Scan
    ns/10 54H/74H ns/22 54S/74S ns/19 54LS/74LS 54LS/74LS02 54LS/74LS27 54LS/74LS260 74LS08 Quad 2-Input AND Gates TTL 74s32 TTL 7408 or 2 input 74Ls32 74LS11 and 74LS32 74ls32 quad 2-input OR gates 54LS TTL 7421 74LS 3-input NOR 74LS11 PDF

    CI 7408

    Abstract: 74LS series logic gates CI 7402 TTL 7408 7408 and 7408 TTL CI 74LS08 TTL 7486 7408 CI 74LS86
    Text: FAIRCHILD DIGITAL TTL Quad 2-Input 9015 3 Triple 3-Input — 4 Dual 4-Input w/Strobe — 5 Dual 4-Input Exp — 6 Dual 5-Input — Logic/Connection Diagram12* 2 High Speed Schottky 54S/74S 3 ns/19 mW — 3 LL High Speed 54H/74H 6 ns/22 mW Quad 2-Input E

    OCR Scan
    ns/10 54LS/74LS 54H/74H ns/22 54S/74S ns/19 54LS/74LS02 54S/74S02 54LS/74LS27 CI 7408 74LS series logic gates CI 7402 TTL 7408 7408 and 7408 TTL CI 74LS08 TTL 7486 7408 CI 74LS86 PDF

    7411 pin diagram

    Abstract: TTL 7408 DS 7409 74LS574 CI 7408 7407 connection diagram 74LS386 TTL 7408 DIAGRAMS 74LS08 PIN CI 74LS08
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL -TTL D93 54LS/74LS379 D94 9386, 74LS266, 54LS/74LS386 D95 54LS/74LS398 r ei fi r E5i r?i n Vcc 1 4 5 12 13 4 5 7 6 14 15 17 16 lOa Ila lo b lib lo c lie lo d lid S CP Qa Qb 2 GND Vcc = Pin 20 GND = Pin 10 Vcc = Pin 16

    OCR Scan
    54LS/74LS379 74LS266, 54LS/74LS386 54LS/74LS398 54LS/74LS399 54LS/74LS574 54LS/74LSS02 O04S09 54LS/74LS11 54H/74H11 7411 pin diagram TTL 7408 DS 7409 74LS574 CI 7408 7407 connection diagram 74LS386 TTL 7408 DIAGRAMS 74LS08 PIN CI 74LS08 PDF

    CI 7408

    Abstract: CI 74LS08 TTL 74ls21 74LS21 7407 connection diagram 54LS CI 7413 7432 TTL fairchild 74LS125 7408 and
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS D IG IT A L - T T L D65 54/7413, 54LS/74LS13 Vcc NC R R R fü| FÖI f71 r«l D66 54/74125, 54LS/74LS125 D67 54/74126, 54LS/74LS126 Vcc Vcc äJ QND E D68 54LS/74LS365 j y E D O 3X 5 rn m D O E D D O E D O IPTJ? ~ ? f i r

    OCR Scan
    54LS/74LS13 54LS/74LS125 54LS/74LS126 54LS/74LS365 54LS/74LS366 54LS/74LS367 54LS/74LS368 I4S09 54LS/74LS11 54H/74H11 CI 7408 CI 74LS08 TTL 74ls21 74LS21 7407 connection diagram 54LS CI 7413 7432 TTL fairchild 74LS125 7408 and PDF

    CI 74LS08

    Abstract: 7432 TTL fairchild TTL 7421 74LS21 ttl 7432 TTL 74ls32 TTL 7409 TTL 7486 TTL 74ls86 TTL 7432 fairchild
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS D IG IT A L-T T L D16 547408, 54H/74H08, 54S/74S08, 54LS/74LS08 54/7409, 54S/74S09, 54LS/74LS09 D18 54/7411, 54H/74H11, 54S/74S11, 54LS/74LS11, 54S/74S15, 54LS/74LS15 D17 9S41 1^1 FH [iä| [vii Eòi [T| r»1 Vcc Vcc füi

    OCR Scan
    54H/74H08, 54S/74S08, 54LS/74LS08 54S/74S09, 54LS/74LS09 54H/74H21 54LS/74LS21 54S/74S32 54LS/74LS32 54H/74H11, CI 74LS08 7432 TTL fairchild TTL 7421 74LS21 ttl 7432 TTL 74ls32 TTL 7409 TTL 7486 TTL 74ls86 TTL 7432 fairchild PDF


    Abstract: FL 9014 TTL 7409 TTL 7486 74LS32 74ls86 TTL 74s32 74LS08 74LS11 74LS02
    Text: FAIRCHILD DIGITAL TTL SSI FUNCTIONS Cont’d X to x n agic/Conne Diagram igh Speed 54H/74H ns/22 mW O IO U) —1 ligh Speed Schottky 54S/74S ns/19 mW CO Std. TTL 54/74 1 ns/10 mW E a> Dw Power Schottky ILS/74LS ns/2 mW ~'c o u c 3 U. 9000 Series ns/10 mW

    OCR Scan
    ns/10 54S/74S ns/19 54H/74H ns/22 ILS/74LS 54LS/74LS02 54S/74S02 54LS/74LS27 Z427 FL 9014 TTL 7409 TTL 7486 74LS32 74ls86 TTL 74s32 74LS08 74LS11 74LS02 PDF

    7408 CMOS

    Abstract: TTL 7452 ttl 74183 LS 74141 7408, 7404, 7486, 7432 7404 7408 7432 TTL 74289 74106 CMOS 4017 series ttl 74395
    Text: KG10000 SERIES SEMI-CUSTOM CMOS GATE ARRAY CMOS SILOCON GATE ARRAY Th e KG10000 S e rie s is c o n sists o f s ilico n gate C M O S arrays w hose inte rco n n e ctio n are in itia lly u n s p e c ifie d , th e re fo re custom LSI is p ro ce sse d w ith o n ly one m ask ste p a cu sto m ize d m etal m ask a c c o rd ­

    OCR Scan
    KG10000 7408 CMOS TTL 7452 ttl 74183 LS 74141 7408, 7404, 7486, 7432 7404 7408 7432 TTL 74289 74106 CMOS 4017 series ttl 74395 PDF

    logic diagram of 7432

    Abstract: CI 7408 TTL 7486 7408 s.i 7408 FL 9014 7486 nor CI 74LS08 7408 fairchild 7432 TTL
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL-TTL D16 547408, 54H/74H08, 54S/74S08, 54LS/74LS08 54/7409, 54S/74S09, 54LS/74LS09 D18 54/7411, 54H/74H11, 54S/74S11, 54LS/74LS11, 54S/74S15, 54LS/74LS15 D17 9S41 1^1 FH [iä| [vii Eòi [T| r»1 Vcc Vcc füi Fai np f i ! Föi lyi rn

    OCR Scan
    54H/74H08, 54S/74S08, 54LS/74LS08 54S/74S09, 54LS/74LS09 54H/74H21 54LS/74LS21 54S/74S32 54LS/74LS32 54H/74H11, logic diagram of 7432 CI 7408 TTL 7486 7408 s.i 7408 FL 9014 7486 nor CI 74LS08 7408 fairchild 7432 TTL PDF

    SN74LS02 function

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SN5402, SN54LS02, SN54S02, SN7402, SN74LS02, SN74S02 QUADRUPLE 2 INPUT POSITIVE-NOR GATES DECEMBER 1 9 8 3 -REVISED MARCH 1988 Package Options Include Plastic "Small Outline" Packages. Ceramic Chip Carriers and Flat Packages, and Plastic and Ceramic DIPs SN 5402 . . . J

    OCR Scan
    SN5402, SN54LS02, SN54S02, SN7402, SN74LS02, SN74S02 54LS02, 74LS02, SN74LS02 function PDF

    TTL 74139

    Abstract: 74153 mux MSI 74148 16cudslr CI 74138 sn 74373 8mcomp 7404 7408 7432 7408, 7404, 7486, 7432 Flip-Flop 7471
    Text: PLSLIB-TTL /$ ^ n^ X LIBRARY • TTL MacroFunction Library Diskette. • ADLIB, Altera Design Librarian Diskette. To increase design ease and productivity Altera has created M acroFunctions. These are high level building blocks that allow the user to design at

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