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    74BBFI51 Search Results

    74BBFI51 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification 7 Heavy duty optocouplers 2UALITY T E C H N O L O G I E S C0 RP CNW11AV-1/2/3 S7E D 74bbfi51 0 0 G 4 4 b 4 03T « f i T Y FEATURES • Minimum 2 mm isolation thickness between emitter and receiver • A wide body encapsulation with a

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    CNW11AV-1/2/3 74bbfi51 E90700 OT212. 74bbflSl 0DD4fl03 MSA048-2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PANEL INDICATORS DPTOELECïROmCS YELLOW M V 53173 HIGH EFFICIENCY GREEN M V 54173 HIGH EFFICIENCY RED M V 57173 DESCRIPTION The MV5X173 series is a large rectangular lamp which contains two LED chips with separate anodes and cathodes for each light. The illuminated area is

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    MV5X173 500-inchesx0 250-inches 500-inchx 250-inch C1702 C1194A MV53173 MV54173 74bbfi51 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DUAL PHOTOTRANSISTOR OPTOCOUPLER OPTOELECTRONICS MCT9001 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS D ESCRIPTIO N The MCT9001 is a tw o channel optocoupler in a standard, end stackable, 8 pin dual-in-line package, This part offers the same packing density as 4 pin optocouplers, while m inim izing co m ponent count and

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    MCT9001 MCT9001 E50151 C1680 C1685 C1294 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

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    GMA2888C GMA2988C GMA2488C GMC2888C GMC2988C GMC2488C 2688C MX2X88C GMX2X88C GMC2688C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I REFLECTIVE OBJECT SENSOR OPTOELECTRONICS QRD1113/1114 P PACKAGE DIMENSIONS DESCRIPT The QRD1113/1114 reflective sensors consist of an infrared emitting diode and an NPN silicon phototransistor mounted side by side in a black plastic housing. The on-axis radiation of the emitter and the

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    QRD1113/1114 QRD1113/1114 QRD1113/1114. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GaAs INFRARED EMITTING DIODE OPTOELECTRONICS QEC112/113 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS DESCRIPTION .126 3.20 .106 (2.69) REFERENCE SURFACE r .203 (5.16) .183(4.65) .030 (0.76) NOM _L .042 (1.07) X ±.010 (±.25) CATHODE t .800 (20.3) MIN 1 I .050 (1.27) REF I The QEC11X is a 940 nm GaAs LED encapsulated in a

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    QEC112/113 QEC11X QSC11X 000L270 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TAPERED PACKAGE T-13/. SOLID STATE LAMPS OPTOELECTRONICS STANDARD RED MV502XA PACKAGE DIMENSIONS DESCRIPTION The MV502X Series of solid state indicators is made with gallium arsenide phosphide light emitting diodes. Encapsulation and lens is epoxy. Various lens effects are

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    MV502XA MV502X MV5021A MV5022A MV5023A MV5024A MV5025A MV5026A C654A 10QuS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 0.43-INCH SEVEN SEGMENT DISPLAYS optoelectronics HIGH EFFICIENCY RED 5082-7650 SERIES RED 5082-7700 SERIES FEA TU RES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ DESCRIPTIO N Industry-standard 0.43-inch displays High Efficiency Red and standard Red models Left or right decimal versions

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    43-INCH 43-inch 082-775X /5082-765X C2022 C2021 5082-7650 PDF


    Abstract: Quality Technologies optocouplers 2ty transistor
    Text: P h ilip s S em Product specification GaAIAs high-voltage optocouplers 2UALITY TECHNOLOGIES CORP CNG82/CNG83 S7E 1> • 74t.bfiSl 0 0 0 4 4 3 e T s 5 T " S 7 t Y FEATURES • High output/input current

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    CNG82/CNG83 E90700 BS415 0110b OT212. 74bbflSl 0DD4fl03 sot212 Quality Technologies optocouplers 2ty transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OPTOELECTRONICS PCB MOUNT LED INDICATORS T-3/4 S u b m in ia tu re - Long P a c k a g e Front View -I I-»- Part Number Typical Wave­ length \p (nm) Lens Color Typical Viewing Angle 660 Red Diffused 40° 1.7 2.0 1.0 1 2.0 3 Yellow 585 Yellow Diffused 40°

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    MV5000 MV5300 MV5400 MR5000 MR5010 V37509 MV33509 MV34509 PDF

    CBC 184 transistor

    Abstract: CNX35U Transistor 2TY CBC 184 c transistor
    Text: CNX35U CNX36U PM VO O I I Û U A L IT Y T E C H N O L O G I E S CORP S7E D 7 4 b b 6 5 1 G G G 4 53 4 EfiS • ■ 3T Y — % OPTOCOUPLERS Optically coupled isolators consisting o f an infrared emitting GaAs diode and a silicon npn phototransistor w ith accessible base. Plastic envelopes. Suitable fo r TTL integrated circuits.

    OCR Scan
    CNX35U CNX36U E90700 0110b 74bbfl51 OT212. 74bbflSl 0DD4fl03 CBC 184 transistor CNX35U Transistor 2TY CBC 184 c transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors Wide body, high isolation/high-gain optocouplers flUALITY TECHNOLOGIES CORP CNW 138/CNW 139 57E J> 7Mbt3fl51 0004512 bll • ö T Y FEATURES • Wide body DIL encapsulation, with a pin distance of 10.16 mm • Minimum clearance of 9.6 mm

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    138/CNW 7Mbt3fl51 OT212. 74bbflSl 0DD4fl03 MSA048-2 PDF

    Transistor 3TY

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I I ÛU AL ITY T E C H N O L O G I E S CORP S7E D • 7 4 b b ô 5 1 0 G G4 41 7 212 « f l T Y U N u a t» CNG36 GaAIAs OPTOCOUPLERS O ptically coupled isolators consisting o f an infrared emitting GaAIAs diode and a silicon npn phototransistor w ith accessible base in a SOT90B envelope, designed fo r low input current and long life

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    CNG36 OT90B OT212. 74bbflSl 0DD4fl03 MSA048-2 Transistor 3TY PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PHOTOTRANSISTOR OPTOCOUPLER OPTOELECTRONICS MCT210 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS DESCRIPTION The MCT210 incorporates a NPN silicon planar phototransistor optically coupled to a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode. The MCT210 has a specified minimum CTR of 50%, saturated, and 150%, unsaturated.

    OCR Scan
    MCT210 MCT210 MCT210â E90700) 74bbfl51 000bl23 D00L124 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OPTOELECTRONICS I PHOTOTRANSISTOR OPTOCOUPLER MCT271 DESCRIPTION PACKAGE DIMENSIONS db & The MCT271 is a phototransistor-type optically coupled isolator. A gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode is selectively coupled with an NPN silicon phototransistor.

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    MCT271 MCT271 E90700 C1682 C1681 C1683 C1684 C1296A 74bbfl51 C1294 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PLASTIC SILICON PHOTODARLINGTON OPTOELECTRDHICS L 14 R 1 DESCRIPTION PACKAGE DIMENSIONS >•—D—• * î t— t—I — — E J .isLs The L14R1 is a silicon photodarlington encapsulated in a clear, wide angle, sidelooker package. i ' Code I I SECTION X-X

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    L14R1 ST1335 at2870Â 0Q0b440 4bbfi51 PDF

    c1941 transistor

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR C1941
    Text: ISO HIGH-PERFORMANCE AlGaAs PHOTOTRANSISTOR OPTOCOUPLERS OPTOELECTRONICS II MCT5200 MCT5201 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS DESCRIPTION The MCT520X are high performance logic compatible phototransistor type optically coupled isolator products. They are constructed using a very low degradation and

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    MCT5200 MCT5201 MCT520X C1819 74bbfl51 MCT5200 74bbfi51 c1941 transistor TRANSISTOR C1941 PDF


    Abstract: ic 74xx 74lxx
    Text: s HIGH GAIN SPLIT-DARLINGTON OPTOCOUPLERS o OPTOELECTRONICS 6N138 6N139 DESCRIPTION The 6N138/9 single channel optocouplers contain a 700 nm GaAsP LED emitter which is optically coupled to a high gain detector in a split Darlington configuration, providing extremely

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    6N138 6N139 6N138/9 MCC670 74LXX 74SXX 74LSXX 74HXX 74SXX 74LSxx ic 74xx 74lxx PDF

    transistor c1718

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PHOTODARLINGTON OPTOCOUPLERS OPTOELECTRONICS 4N32 4N33 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS DESCRIPTION The 4N32 and 4N33 have a gallium arsenide infrared emitter optically coupled to a silicon planar photodarlington. FEATURES & APPLICATIONS High isolation resistance— 101,ft

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    E90700 ST1603A 74bbfiSl C1686 C1894 C1717 C1718 C1719 74bbfl51 74bbfi51 transistor c1718 PDF


    Abstract: tr/TRANSISTOR BI 243
    Text: E Q SLOTTED OPTICAL SWITCH OP TO E L E CT R ON I CS H21A4/5/6 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS SYMBOL -D1 - ©T — lX 3 | g b! SECTION X - xT~ LEAD PROFILE S T 1339-01 MILLIMETERS M!N. MAX. INCHES MIN. A 10.7 11.0 .422 .433 A, 3.0 3.2 .119 .125 3.0 3.2 .119

    OCR Scan
    H21A4/5/6 ST1144-11 ST1141-11 ST1145-11 ST1142-11 ST1143-11 TRANSISTOR BI 243 tr/TRANSISTOR BI 243 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DOUBLE HETEROJUNCTION AIGaAs LOW CURRENT RED LED LAMPS OPTOELECTRONICS J-VA HLMP-D150A/D155A T-1 HLMP-K150/K155 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS DESCRIPTION 3.15±0.2 A recently developed double heterojunction DH AIGaAs/GaAs material technology is the basis of the light

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    HLMP-D150A/D155A HLMP-K150/K155 C2203 C2205 C2213 HLMP-K150/K 0QQL717 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EO 0.800-INCH SEVEN SEGMENT DISPLAYS OPTOELECTRONICS HIGH EFFICIEN CY GREEN MAN8400 SERIES FEATURES High Efficiency Green nitrogen-doped GaAsP on GaP Large, easy to read, digits Common anode or common cathode models Fast switching — excellent for multiplexing

    OCR Scan
    800-INCH MAN8400 74bbfl51 00Dbb04 C1697 0D0bb05 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [ * n SURFACE M O U N T LED LAMP 1 2 0 6 C H IP TYPE OPTOELECTRONICS RED YELLOW GREEN QTLP650D-2 QTLP650D-3 QTLP650D-4 Diffused Diffused Diffused RED YELLOW GREEN AIGaAs RED QTLP650C-2 QTLP650C-3 QTLP650C-4 QTLP650C-7 W ater W ater W ater W ater Clear Clear

    OCR Scan
    QTLP650D-2 QTLP650D-3 QTLP650D-4 QTLP650C-2 QTLP650C-3 QTLP650C-4 QTLP650C-7 QT-008-A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [s9 AIGaAs INFRARED EMITTING DIODE OPTOELECTRONICS QED522/523 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS DESCRIPTION Th e Q E D 52X is an 8 8 0 nm AIGaAs LED encapsulated in a clear, peach tinted, plastic T O -4 6 package. REFERENCE SURFACE .230 5.84 .210(5.33) FEATURES Tight production Ea distribution.

    OCR Scan
    QED522/523 74bbfi51 PDF