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    750MM2X Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number:EN4893 FX853 MOSFET:N-Channel Silicon MOSFET SBD:Schottky Barrier Diode DC-DC Converter Applications Features Package Dimensions • Composite type composed of a low ON-resistance Nchannel MOSFET for ultrahigh-speed switching and low-voltage driving and a fast-recovery, low forward

    EN4893 FX853 FX853 2SK1467 SB05-05P, FX853] PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number:EN4886 FX603 P-Channel Silicon MOSFET Ultrahigh-Speed Switching Applications Features Package Dimensions • Composite type composed of two low ON-resistance P-channel MOSFET chips for ultrahigh-speed switching and low-voltage drive. · Facilitates high-density mounting.

    EN4886 FX603 FX603 2SJ187, FX603] PDF


    Abstract: IC UA 1458 marking 503 BX1458 2SB1202 FX503
    Text: Ordering number:EN4903 FX503 PNP Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor High-Current Switching Applications Features Package Dimensions • Composite type with 2 PNP transistors contained in one package, facilitating high-density mounting. · The FX503 houses two chips, each being equivalent

    EN4903 FX503 FX503 2SB1202, FX503] BX-1458 IC UA 1458 marking 503 BX1458 2SB1202 PDF

    marking 501

    Abstract: BX1388
    Text: Ordering number:EN4877 FX501 PNP Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor High-Current Switching Applications Features Package Dimensions • Composite type with 2 PNP transistors contained in one package, facilitating high-density mounting. · The FX501 houses two chips, each being equivalent

    EN4877 FX501 FX501 2SB1205, FX501] marking 501 BX1388 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number:EN5030 FX510 PNP Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor High-Current Switching Applications Features Package Dimensions • Composite type with 2PNP transistors contained in one package, facilitating high-density mounting. · The FX510 houses two chips, each being equivalent

    EN5030 FX510 FX510 2SA1552, FX510] EN5030 PDF


    Abstract: FX901 PNP Transistor MOSFET
    Text: Ordering number:EN5387 FX901 PNP Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor N-Channel MOS Silicon FET Silicon Schottky Barrier Diode DC-DC Converter Applications Features Package Dimensions • Composite type with a PNP transistor and a 2.5V drive N-channel MOSFET with a built-in low

    EN5387 FX901 FX901] EN5387 FX901 PNP Transistor MOSFET PDF


    Abstract: marking 207
    Text: Ordering number:EN5050 FX207 P-Channel Silicon MOSFET Very High-Speed Switching Applications Features Package Dimensions • Low ON-resistance. · Very high-speed switching. · 2.5V drive. unit:mm 2121 [FX207] Switching Time Test CIrcuit 1:No Contact 2:Gate

    EN5050 FX207 FX207] FX207 marking 207 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number:EN4917 FX205 P-Channel Silicon MOSFET Very High-Speed Switching Applications Features Package Dimensions • Low ON-resistance. · Very high-speed switching. · Low-voltage drive. unit:mm 2121 [FX205] Switching Time Test CIrcuit 1:No Contact

    EN4917 FX205 FX205] 750mmh PDF


    Text: Ordering number:EN4893 FX853 MOSFET:N-Channel Silicon MOSFET SBD:Schottky Barrier Diode DC-DC Converter Applications Features Package Dimensions • Composite type composed of a low ON-resistance Nchannel MOSFET for ultrahigh-speed switching and low-voltage driving and a fast-recovery, low forward



    Abstract: 2SK1467
    Text: Ordering number:EN4887 FX604 N-Channel Silicon MOSFET Ultrahigh-Speed Switching Applications Features Package Dimensions • Composite type composed of two low ON-resistance N-channel MOSFET chips for ultrahigh-speed switching and low-voltage drive. · Facilitates high-density mounting.

    EN4887 FX604 FX604 2SK1467, FX604] 2SK1467 PDF


    Abstract: FX505 ITR11390 ITR11391 bx13 n4879
    Text: 注文コード No. N 4 8 7 9 FX505 No. N4879 O0500 FX505 特長 PNP エピタキシァルプレーナ形シリコントランジスタ 大電流スイッチング用 ・PNP トランジスタを 1 パッケージに 2 素子内蔵した複合タイプであり高密度実装が可能である。

    FX505 N4879 O0500 FX505 2SB1203 750mm2 500mA 2SB1203 ITR11390 ITR11391 bx13 n4879 PDF


    Abstract: FX507 ITR11412 ITR11413 ITR11414
    Text: 注文コード No. N 4 9 0 5 FX507 No. N4905 O3000 FX507 NPN エピタキシァルプレーナ形シリコントランジスタ 大電流スイッチング用 用途 ・液晶バックライトドライブ用。 特長 ・NPN トランジスタを 1 パッケージに 2 素子内蔵した複合タイプであり高密度実装が可能である。

    FX507 N4905 O3000 FX507 2SC3647 750mm2 100mA 2SC3647 ITR11412 ITR11413 ITR11414 PDF


    Abstract: 2SJ416 FX856 53723
    Text: 注文コード No. N 5 3 7 2 A FX856 No. N 5 3 7 2 A 30100 新 開発速報 No. ※ 5372 とさしかえてください。 FX856 特長 MOSFET : P チャネル MOS 形シリコン電界効果トランジスタ SBD : ショットキバリアダイオード

    FX856 FX856 2SJ416 SB07-03P 750mm2 IT01339 IT01337 IT01341 IT01342 TA-2770 2SJ416 53723 PDF


    Abstract: FX501 ITR11346 ITR11347 ITR11348 ITR11349 BX1388
    Text: 注文コード No. N 4 8 7 7 FX501 No. N 4 8 7 7 80300 FX501 特長 PNP エピタキシァルプレーナ形シリコントランジスタ 大電流スイッチング用 ・PNP トランジスタを 1 パッケージに 2 素子内蔵した複合タイプであり高密度実装が可能である。

    FX501 FX501 2SB1205 750mm2 500mA ITR11354 2SB1205 ITR11346 ITR11347 ITR11348 ITR11349 BX1388 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number:EN5051 FX208 N-Channel Silicon MOSFET Very High-Speed Switching Applications Features Package Dimensions • Low ON-resistance. · Very high-speed switching. · 2.5V drive. unit:mm 2121 [FX208] Swithing Time Test CIrcuit 1:No Contact 2:Gate

    EN5051 FX208 FX208] PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number: EN 4877 FX501 No.4877 I P N P Epitaxial P lan a r Silicon Transistor SA%YOi High-Current Switching Applications F eatures • Composite type with 2 PNP transistors contained in one package, facilitating high-density mounting. • The FX501 houses two chips, each being equivalent to the 2SB1205, in one package.

    OCR Scan
    FX501 FX501 2SB1205, 42695MO BX-1388 PDF

    SD marking

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN 4888 _ FX605 No.4888 P-Channel Silicon MOSFET SA0YO I 1 ^— L Ultrahigh-Speed Switching Applications II_ _ F e a tu re s • Composite type composed of two low ON-resistance P-channel MOSFET chips for ultrahigh-speed

    OCR Scan
    FX605 FX605 2SJ190, SD marking PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I Ordering num ber: EN4906 FX508 NPN Epitaxial P lanar Silicon Transistor S A \ Y O i H igh-Current Switching Applications A p p licatio n s • LCD backlight drive F e a tu re s •Composite type with 2 NPN transistors contained in one package, facilitating high-density mounting.

    OCR Scan
    EN4906 FX508 FX508 2SD1815, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number :EN4885 No-4885 FX602 // N-Channel Silicon MOSFET SAHYO i Ultrahigh-Speed Switching Applications • H L _ I I _ _ F eatu res ■Composite type composed of two low ON-resistance N-channel MOSFET chips for ultrahigh-speed

    OCR Scan
    EN4885 No-4885 FX602 FX602 2SK2152, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering num ber:EN 4903 _FX503 No.4903 i PN P E pitaxial Planar Silicon T ransistor High-Current Switching Applications F e a tu r e s •Composite type w ith 2 PN P tran sisto rs contained in one package, facilitating high-density mounting. • The FX503 houses two chips, each being equivalent to the 2SB1202, in one package.

    OCR Scan
    FX503 FX503 2SB1202, PDF

    RTO BH

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering num ber:EN4877 _FX501 No.4877 i P N P E pitaxial P la n a r Silicon T ra n sisto r i High-Current Switching Applications F e a tu re s • Composite type w ith 2 P N P tran s isto rs contained in one package, facilitating high-density mounting.

    OCR Scan
    EN4877 FX501 FX50X 2SB1205, RTO BH PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number: EN4886 FX603 No.4886 \vo P-Channel Silicon MOSFET Ultrahigh-Speed Switching Applications _ u_ _ _ F e a tu re s • Composite type composed of two low ON-resistance P-channel MOSFET chips for ultrahigh-speed

    OCR Scan
    EN4886 FX603 FX603 2SJ187, PDF


    Abstract: C51ST
    Text: Ordering num ber: E N 5028 No.5028 SA% YOi // _ FX401 TR : PNP Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor SBD : Schottky Barrier Diode DC-DC Converter F eatures • Complex type of a low saturation voltage, high speed switching and large current PNP transistor and

    OCR Scan
    FX401 FX401 2SB1121 SB30-03P, 300mA 750mm2X sb30-03p C51ST PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O rdering num ber: EN 5029 FX509 No.5029 PN P E p itax ial P la n a r Silicon T ran sisto r SA iVO High-Current Switching Applications F e a tu r e s • Com posite type w ith 2 PN P tran sisto rs contained in one package, facilitatin g high-density mounting.

    OCR Scan
    FX509 FX509 2SB1215, PDF