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    HARTING Technology Group 19620031440

    Heavy Duty Power Connectors METAL HOOD HAN 3A 1 LEVR LCKING
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    TTI 19620031440 Each 50 10
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    • 10 $11.03
    • 100 $10.15
    • 1000 $9.56
    • 10000 $9.56
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    HARTING Technology Group 17011541205

    Hard Metric Connectors HAR-BUS HM MEL. TYP A, AFS 1
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    TTI 17011541205 Bulk 10
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    • 10 $8.53
    • 100 $7.91
    • 1000 $7.52
    • 10000 $7.22
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    77X155 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: B096 B115 C115 C130 C155 D115 D130 E157 77130
    Text: Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors MEQ Features ‧Endurance with ripple current: 85℃, 20,000 hours ‧RoHS Compliance Sleeve & Marking Color: Black & Golden SPECIFICATIONS Items Performance -40℃ ~ +85℃ Category Temperature Range at 120Hz, 20℃ ±20%

    120Hz, 120Hz) D155 B096 B115 C115 C130 C155 D115 D130 E157 77130 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor – JMJ FEATURES Ø Load life of 2000 hours at 85℃ Ø Size may be selected Ø High ripple current Ø Used for computers, communication powers and inverters SPECIFICATIONS Items Operating Temperature Range ℃ Capacitance Tolerance (25℃,120Hz)

    120Hz) 2000hours 36x53 36x83 36x100 51x75 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor – JMJ FEATURES  Load life of 2000 hours at 85℃  Size may be selected  High ripple current  Used for computers, communication powers and inverters SPECIFICATIONS Items Operating Temperature Range ℃ Capacitance Tolerance (25℃,120Hz)

    120Hz) 2000hours 36x53 36x83 36x100 51x75 PDF


    Abstract: GXH2W103Y GXH2 GXH2W822Y
    Text: SCREW TERMINAL TYPE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS GXH Series Warranty of 5,000 hours at 105°C Product Specifications Features • The permissible ripple current, especially, in the hightemperature zone is improved through increase of heat resistance based on the improvement of etched form

    120Hz) tabG472YD GXH2G472YE GXH2G562Y GXH2G682Y GXH2G822Y GXH2G103Y GXH2G123Y 120Hz 120Hz GXH2W562YE GXH2W103Y GXH2 GXH2W822Y PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SCREW TERMINAL TYPE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS FXA Series Warranty of 5,000 hours at 85°C Product Specifications Features • Long-life and high-ripple series for inverter realized through adoption of high-reliability organic acid type electrolyte

    120Hz) 120Hz 120Hz FXA2W102Y FXA2W122Y FXA2W152Y FXA2W182Y FXA2W222Y FXA2W272Y PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Suntan ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR GE N E RAL, M I N IATU R I Z E D TS13D CD135 FEATU R E S Load life of 2000 hours at 85℃ Size may be selected High ripple current Used for computers, communication powers and inverters  Specifications I T E M S P E R F O R M A N C E

    TS13D CD135 120Hz) 315WV, 2000hours 64x96 64x115 64x130 77x115 77x130 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Richey RCT Series • • • Load life of 2000 hours at 85°C High ripple current Computers, communication powers, and inverters SPECIFICATIONS Item Operating Temperature Range °C Capacitance Tolerance (25°C, 120Hz) Leakage current (µ A) Characteristics

    120Hz) 36x83 33x83 36x100 51x75 Richey PDF


    Abstract: JIS 5102 b083 A121 B100 B121 D096 code A083 90x130 A053
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS MGA Series: Large Can Screw Terminal, 105 °C FEATURES • Endurance with ripple current: 105°C, 2000 hours SPECIFICATIONS Performance Item Operating Temp. -40°C ~+105°C ± 20% 120Hz, 20°C Capacitance Toloerance Leakage Current

    120Hz, 120Hz) 35x53 35x65 35x83 35x100 A083 JIS 5102 b083 A121 B100 B121 D096 code A083 90x130 A053 PDF


    Abstract: CD136 D10R
    Text: CD136 SERIES ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS STANDARD RATINGS Rated Voltage V.DC 200 250 315 Surge Voltage (V.DC) 250 300 365 Rated Capacitance Dissipation Factor MAX Ripple Current 330 0.15 390 (¦Ì F) 105¡æ 120Hz Outline Size Code §¶DxL(mm) 0.9 A5

    CD136 120Hz 36X53 36X65 36X83 C12R D10R PDF


    Abstract: D16R
    Text: CD13L SERIES ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS STANDARD RATINGS Outline Size Rated Voltage Surge Voltage Rated capacitance Leakage Current Dissipation Factor Ripple Current V.DC (V.DC) ( F) MAX(mA) MAX. 85℃ 120Hz(Arms) Code ФDxL(mm) 1000 3.5 0.15 3.9

    CD13L 120Hz 51x75 51x96 51x130 64x96 64x115 64x130 D10R D16R PDF


    Abstract: C12R D10R
    Text: CD136 SERIES ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS STANDARD RATINGS Rated Voltage V.DC 315 350 400 450 Surge Voltage (V.DC) 365 400 450 500 Rated Capacitance Dissipation Factor MAX Ripple Current 3900 0.15 4700 (¦Ì F) 105¡æ 120Hz Outline Size Code §¶DxL(mm)

    CD136 120Hz 77X115 77X130 90X157 36X53 C12R D10R PDF


    Abstract: FX22G153 fx22w FX22W153 FX22W123 FX22G123 FX22L102 FX22G682 FX22H392 JIS-C-5104-4
    Text: FX2 Schraubanschluss / Screw-Terminal 12000h / 85°C ŹSpezifikationen / Specifications Items Characteristics Temperaturbereich / Temperature range -40°C ~ + 85°C Nennspannung / Rated voltage 350V - 550V Spitzenspannung / Surge voltage Leckstrom bei 20°C

    12000h 120Hz JIS-C-5104-4 JIS-C-5102 FX22H472 FX22G153 fx22w FX22W153 FX22W123 FX22G123 FX22L102 FX22G682 FX22H392 JIS-C-5104-4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SCREW TERMINAL TYPE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS HCGHA Series Useful of 4,000 hours at 105°C Warranty of 2,000 hours at 105°C • Conform RoHS Features • Warranty life of 2000 hours at 105°C through improvement of electrolyte liquid Product Specifications

    120Hz) witA2G562YE HCGHA2G682Y HCGHA2G822Y HCGHA2G103Y 120Hz 250WV) 400WV) PDF

    hxa 400

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SCREW TERMINAL TYPE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS HXA Series Useful of 20,000 hours at 85°C Warranty of 20,000 hours at 85°C • Conform RoHS Features • High-reliability series with the warranty of 20,000 hours realized through improvement of the FXA type into a longer-life type

    120Hz) table22Y HXA2G152Y HXA2G182Y HXA2G222Y HXA2G272Y HXA2G332Y HXA2G392YD HXA2G392YE hxa 400 PDF


    Abstract: 315WV GE 72 F 9* capacitor D10R 1166 GE ge capacitor 3300 uF 450 suntan electrolytic
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR Suntan GE N E RAL, M I N IATU R I Z E D FEATU R E S TS13D CD135 ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ Load life of 2000 hours at 85℃ Size may be selected High ripple current Used for computers, communication powers and inverters ‹ Specifications

    TS13D CD135 120Hz) 315WV, 2000hours 64x96 64x115 64x130 77x115 77x130 CD135 315WV GE 72 F 9* capacitor D10R 1166 GE ge capacitor 3300 uF 450 suntan electrolytic PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LARGE CAN TYPE KP Screw Terminal Type Series KP • High ripple current characteristic. • Long life for 2000 hours at 85oC. RP SPECIFICATION Item Characteristic Operation Temperature Range -40 ~ +85 C -25 ~ +85oC 6.3 ~ 100VDC 160 ~ 450VDC o Rated Working Voltage

    100VDC 450VDC 120Hz 120Hz 35x80 35x100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Richey RCE Series • • • Development for the demand of higher voltage with compact size 500 V and 550 V added in the series Warranty of 5000 hours at 85°C SPECIFICATIONS Item Rated Voltage Range V Operating Temperature Range (°C) Capacitance Tolerance(25°C,120Hz)

    120Hz) 77x195 90x157 90x171 90x196 90x236 51x130 64x115 64x130 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Richey RCZ Series • Warranty of 20,000 hours at 85°C SPECIFICATIONS Item Rated Voltage Range V Operating Temperature Range (°C) Capacitance Tolerance(25°C,120Hz) Leakage Current(µ A) Characteristics 350,400,450V -40° C~+85°C ±20% 0.01CV or 5mA, whichever is smaller, (at 20°C, after 5 minutes) where

    120Hz) 51x96 51x115 51x130 64x96 64x115 64x130 77x115 64x155 PDF


    Abstract: D10R E20R g20r
    Text: RICHEY • • RCP Series The size is reduced by 14% of RCT, and high voltage series 500 V DC is added in the series Warranty of 2000 hours at 85ºC SPECIFICATIONS Item Characteristics Rated Voltage Range V 400,450,500V Operating Temperature Range (ºC)

    100Hz) 100Hz 64X96 64X115 64X130 77X115 77X130 77X155 77X171 90X131 C12R D10R E20R g20r PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Richey RCH Series • • • Load life of 2000 hours at 105°C High ripple current Computers communication powers, hi-ripple circuit of electric vehicle, electric train, general-purpose inverter SPECIFICATIONS Item Rated Voltage Range V Operating Temperature Range (°C)

    120Hz) 100VDC: 400VDx75 51x100 51x115 64x96 64x115 77x130 77x155 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SCREW TERMINAL TYPE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UPGRADE! FX3 Series Useful of 8,000 hours at 85°C • Conform RoHS Features • FX3 series is the product developed for the purpose of the miniaturization as a capacitor for primary side filters of an inverter, DC servo, and a chopper control circuit.

    120Hzï 120Hz) valX32W472YD130 FX32W562YD155 FX32W562YE115 FX32W682YE130 FX32W822YE155 FX32W822YE170 FX32W103YF157 FX32W123YF171 PDF

    JIS 5102

    Abstract: C155 E157 B096 B115 C115 d130 D155
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS MGK Series: Large Can Size, Screw Terminal, 105 °C FEATURES • Endurance with ripple current: 105°C, 5000 hours PART NUMBER EXAMPLE SPECIFICATIONS MGK 122 M 2V - B075 Performance Item Operating Temp. -40°C ~+105°C Case size: 51j x 75L

    120Hz, 120Hz) 77x115 77x130 77x155 90x157 64x155 JIS 5102 C155 E157 B096 B115 C115 d130 D155 PDF


    Abstract: b083 A083 C144* transistor C100 D144 C144 transistor transistor c144 A121 B100
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS MEA Series: Large Can Size, Screw Terminal FEATURES • Endurance with ripple current: 85°C, 2000 hours SPECIFICATIONS Performance Item -25°C ~+85°C -40°C ~+85°C Operating Temp. 10 ~ 100V 160 ~ 450V ± 20% 120Hz, 20°C

    120Hz, 120Hz) 51x130 64x96 64x115 64x130 77x115 C144 b083 A083 C144* transistor C100 D144 C144 transistor transistor c144 A121 B100 PDF

    3300uf 350v

    Abstract: B096 E157 transistor D195 C115 D130 D155 E171 transistor d115 B115
    Text: Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors MEK Features ‧Endurance with ripple current: 85℃, 5,000 hours ‧ RoHS Compliance Sleeve & Marking Color: Black & Golden SPECIFICATIONS Items Performance -40℃ ~ +85℃ Category Temperature Range at 120Hz, 20℃ ±20%

    120Hz, 120Hz) oB115 3300uf 350v B096 E157 transistor D195 C115 D130 D155 E171 transistor d115 B115 PDF