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    780NM 80MW Search Results

    780NM 80MW Datasheets Context Search

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    780nm 10mW laser diodes

    Abstract: 780nm 30mw RLD2WM 650nm 10mw photodiode dvd cd
    Text: RLD2WMGS1 Laser Diodes 660nm / 780nm Dual Wave High Power Lasers RLD2WMGS1 Stable optical output power and high break-down resistance by original die structure. Compact package suitable for small appliances using thin, high heat dissipation frame. zApplications

    660nm 780nm 240mW CW20mW 780nm 10mW laser diodes 780nm 30mw RLD2WM 650nm 10mw photodiode dvd cd PDF

    dual beam laser

    Abstract: 780nm 80mw 650nm 20mw laser
    Text: RLD2WGS1 Laser Diodes Under development 660nm High Power / 780nm Low Power Dual Wave Laser RLD2WMGS1 RLD2WMGS1 is a dual wave laser which achieved high emission point distance accuracy according to a emission point simultaneous process. zDimensions(Unit : mm)

    660nm 780nm 240mW 55MAX 650nm) 780nm) 25ipment dual beam laser 780nm 80mw 650nm 20mw laser PDF

    780nm 10mW laser diodes

    Abstract: photodiode dvd cd dvd lasers RLD2WM 660nm* 20mw 780nm 30mw
    Text: RLD2WMGS1 Laser Diodes 660nm / 780nm Dual Wave High Power Lasers RLD2WMGS1 Stable optical output power and high break-down resistance by original die structure. Compact package suitable for small appliances using thin, high heat dissipation frame. zApplications

    660nm 780nm 240mW CW20mW 780nm 10mW laser diodes photodiode dvd cd dvd lasers RLD2WM 660nm* 20mw 780nm 30mw PDF


    Abstract: LT022MC LT022PD LT027 LASER LT024MD LT022MC laser diode LT025 lt027 LT015MF LT022
    Text: Laser Diode Quick Guides~ypicaI Characteristics x x x x x x x x x x x x x I x x x x x x Quick Guide I [ Model No. ~- - . -n .,. x ., Conformable to No.84zuud/ 01 FUA u >.A .- Wavelength (rim) 750 LT030 series LT021 series LT022 series ~“-: LT023 series

    84zuud/ LT030 LT021 LT022 LT023 LT024 -LT024 LT025 LT026 LT027 LT028 LT022MC LT022PD LT027 LASER LT024MD LT022MC laser diode LT015MF PDF


    Abstract: DL7140-201 DLOP
    Text: Thorlabs, Inc. 435 Route 206 •Newton, NJ 07860 •Sales 973 579-7227 •Fax (973)383-8406 Sanyo DL7140-201λ=785nm P=70mW MAXIMUM RATINGS (Tc=25°C ) CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOL RATING Optical Output Power (CW) Po 80mW LD Reverse Voltage VR(LD) 2 PD Reverse Voltage

    DL7140-201 785nm 100mA 140mA 780nm 785nm 800nm Thorlabs DL7140-201 DLOP PDF


    Abstract: ECG107 vpk2 Sharp Hologram laser
    Text: Hologram Lasers GH5R495A3C GH5R495A3C High Power Output Hologram • Features ■ Outline Dimensions Laser for ✕16 Speed CD-R Drive Unit : mm +0 ø8.2 – 0.025 +0 ø7.5 MAX. ø6.63±0.1 4.8 – 0.1 3.97±0.1 2.8±0.15 2.0±0.1 3.2±0.15 Hologram device

    GH5R495A3C 121mW) 45MHz GH5R495A3C ECG107 vpk2 Sharp Hologram laser PDF

    650nm laser diode 200mw

    Abstract: DL-6147-040 laser diode DVD 100mw DL-3148-037 DL-3146-151 DL-3147-060 DL-3148-025 DL-7147-201 DL-3148-023 CIRCUIT iso 14001 sanyo
    Text: SANYO Laser Diodes support advanced information society. SANYO has a wide range of laser diodes from 405nm to 830nm in the line-up. SANYO laser diodes are characterized by high power models for DVD±R/RW/-RAM and CD-R. There are also 635nm models for industrial applications such as laser display, bar-code scanners,

    405nm 830nm 635nm 808nm 650nm laser diode 200mw DL-6147-040 laser diode DVD 100mw DL-3148-037 DL-3146-151 DL-3147-060 DL-3148-025 DL-7147-201 DL-3148-023 CIRCUIT iso 14001 sanyo PDF


    Abstract: laser diode 405nm 650nm laser diode 200mw DL-4146-101S DL-6147-040 Laser diode 532nm 50mW DL-8141-002 405nm 5mW laser diode DL-3147-260 DL-4146-301
    Text: LASER DIODE 2007-11 SANYO Electric Co.,Ltd Electronic Device Company Sales&Marketing Division Laser Sales Section 1-1-10 Ueno,Taito-ku,Tokyo,110-8534 JAPAN Tel:+81-3-3837-6272 Fax:+81-3-3837-6390 Tottori SANYO Electric Co.,Ltd Electronic Device Company Photonics Business Division


    mdd 2605

    Abstract: HCPL 1458 8 pin opto KS0108 128X64 graphical LCD mdd 2601 transistor chn 952 hitachi INVC 618 Data Vision P135 H4 led smd headlight bulb transistor CHN 64 946 transistor chn 943
    Text: 755 Technical portal and online community for Design Engineers - Optoelectronics, Solid State Illumination & Displays Page Alphanumeric LCD Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 903 Alphanumeric LED Displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900

    element-14 element14 mdd 2605 HCPL 1458 8 pin opto KS0108 128X64 graphical LCD mdd 2601 transistor chn 952 hitachi INVC 618 Data Vision P135 H4 led smd headlight bulb transistor CHN 64 946 transistor chn 943 PDF

    toshiba laptop schematic diagram

    Abstract: acer motherboard circuit diagram MAX1270 C source code MAX11871 mp 9141 es dc-dc lm324 pwm speed motor 220v DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROLLER schematic ACER laptop schematic diagram L-band down converter for satellite tuner wideband acer laptop MOTHERBOARD Chip Level MANUAL acer laptop motherboard circuit diagram
    Text: Welcome to the Maxim Full-Line Data Catalog. We hope you find this CD-ROM a helpful tool for selecting the best Maxim IC for your design. This CD-ROM contains: The Maxim Full-Line Data Catalog The menu to the left of this page lists the available documents. Use the small
