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    7905 SMD Search Results

    7905 SMD Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    1812SMS-47NG Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 47uH, 2%, 1 Element, Air-Core, SMD, 1915, SMD Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    1812SMS-68NG Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 68uH, 2%, 1 Element, Air-Core, SMD, 1915, SMD Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    5315TC-105XGBD Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 1000uH, 2%, 1 Element, SMD Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    5315TC-374XGBD Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 370uH, 2%, 1 Element, SMD Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    5315TC-704XGBD Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 700uH, 2%, 1 Element, SMD Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy

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    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE YR-MO-DA APPROVED A Complete document revision – also added device types 02, 03, 04, 05. 78-02-03 N. A. HAUCK B Complete document revision: deleted type 02. 79-07-11 N. A. HAUCK C Add condition C to burn-in. Format changes.

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