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    7H0 ITT Search Results

    7H0 ITT Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: i!S NOTES CO MT I. LD MT rCM LD 1 O X) MATERIAL :7h0|j 7 = K 4 6 , }\ o y y ? HOUSING U L 9 4 V - 0 (6 ) P0LYAM IDE46, GLASS FILLED, UL94V-0(WHITE) ^-LJXxXJXm xxM K ACTUATOR o s LJ U L94V-0C M ) ( t = 0 = 2) PHOSPOR BRONZE JIN - B IS M U TH OVER NICKEL PLATING

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    IDE46, UL94V-0 L94V-0C SD-52T45-049 MXJ-54 SD-52745-049 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Infrared-LED Absolute Maximum Ratings Forward Current Jp Reverse Voltage I Ir - Power Dissipation Pv = 2 1 0 rti'v'V Peak W avelength Emission IF 100 mA Af,i - Forward Voltage IF = 100 mA =• 1 5 0 m A 5 V 950 mm i|- 1,7 V m a x . Order No. IRED 1 Feature*

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Prelim inary D a ta s h e e t IXSH15N120A IGBT VCES VCE sat "S" Series - Improved SCSOACapability Sym bol T e s t C o n d itio n s M a x im u m R a tin g s 30 A 1200 V 4.0 V T O -2 4 7 A D 1200 J j = 2 5 °C to 150°C Tj = 2 5 °C to 150°C ; F^E= 1 MO 1200

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    IXSH15N120A 1252C, XSH15 PDF


    Abstract: ite60f06 L120A "welding circuit " IGBT 12v dc motor igbt control
    Text: Si G E C P L E S S E Y PRELIMINARY INFORMATION S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS4307 -1.2 ITE60F06/ITE60C06 POWERLINE N-CHANNEL IGBT WITH OPTIONAL ULTRAFAST DIODE The IT E 6 0X 06 is a robust n-channel, enhancem ent mode insulated gate bipolar transistor IG BT designed for

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    ITE60X06 002m07 ITE60X06 37bfl522 002bMQfi 37bflS22 002b41D DS4307 ite60f06 L120A "welding circuit " IGBT 12v dc motor igbt control PDF

    Harris CA3046

    Abstract: CA3046 7h0 ITT ICAN-5296
    Text: S E MI CON] SECTOR 4DE D 4302271 J i HARRIS 003220b I HAS CA3045 CA3046 General Purpose N -P-N Transistor Arrays August 1991 fea tu res Description • Two Matched Tran sisto rs: V b ë Matched ±5mV; Input Offset Current 2pA Max at lc = 1mA The CA304S and CA3046 each consist of fivo general

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    003220b CA3045 CA3046 CA304S CA3046 Harris CA3046 7h0 ITT ICAN-5296 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SMJ320C50/SMQ320C50 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR S G U S 0 2 0 - JUNE 1996 Military Operating Temperature Range: - 55°C to 125°C HFG PA CKAGE TO P V IE W Processed to MIL-PRF-38535 Fast Instruction Cycle Time (30 ns and 40 ns) Source-Code Compatible With All ’C1x

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    SMJ320C50/SMQ320C50 MIL-PRF-38535 16-Bit 32-Bit PDF


    Abstract: aatj BTZ 12h ltzt 64X4 97053 35H-W X20878 BL-5B D17121
    Text: t 8— N E C 5* • 5/ — S ^ M O S In teg rated C ircu it j « P D 1 7 1 2 1 4 t i -y h • • > y ÿ > f 7 7 , , 7 - f i > n 3 > h P - 7 juPD17121 l i , rS’ - l ' v « ^ £ 4 fcf *y ^ • '> > / i n - * > / / * n — ?'•?> • Mt -y I-@K, ■> 'I TU- • -i > ÿ 7 x —X SrrtiSL T I.'

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    uPD17121 PD17121 JUPD17P133 ffifi86 17121E aatj BTZ 12h ltzt 64X4 97053 35H-W X20878 BL-5B D17121 PDF

    PSA B20 0110

    Abstract: 2ce51
    Text: M ic r o c h ip PIC12CE5XX Devices: Pin Diagram: 8-Pin, 8-Bit CMOS Microcontroller with _ EEPROM Data Memory_ PIC12CE518 and PIC12C E519 are 8-bit microcontrol­ lers packaged in 8-lead packages. They are based on the Enhanced PIC16C 5X family.

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    PIC12CE5XX PIC12CE518 PIC12C PIC16C PIC12CE518 512x12 PIC12CE519 bl03201 DS40172A-page PSA B20 0110 2ce51 PDF

    diode GFP AA

    Abstract: KT 208 sierra The SDH interface in AXE MQE vco ss19 810 DD107* CONVERTER WD 969 TAA 611 T12 ic tb 810 datasheet hp 9720
    Text: D A TA S H E E T PM PM C -970133 IS S U E 2 n /K PR ELIM INA R Y 1 PMC-Sierra, Inc. PM5342 s p e c tra -155 SO N ET/SDH PA YLO AD EXTRACTO R/ALIG NER FEATURES • Monolithic SONET/SDH PAYLOAD EXTRACTOR/ALIGNER for use in STS-1 STM-0/AU3 , STS-3 (STM-1/AU3) or STS-3c (STM-1/AU4) interface

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    pms342 spectra-155 pmc-970133 20x20 001G7L5 diode GFP AA KT 208 sierra The SDH interface in AXE MQE vco ss19 810 DD107* CONVERTER WD 969 TAA 611 T12 ic tb 810 datasheet hp 9720 PDF