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    STK 401 -330

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SAN YO S E M I C O N D U C T O R CORP b3E D • 7n707b QQini3 b32 » T S A J S T K Audio Power Amplifier STK401 - 210 Series ★2ch./Ipackage, Power Supply ★ R l = 6Q-3Q ★lOW/ch. ~ 120W/ch. ★ T H D = 0. 08% Maximum Ratings Recommended Operating Conditions

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    7n707b STK401 20W/ch. STK401-210 STK401-220 STK401-230 STK401-240 STK401-250 STK401-260 STK401-270 STK 401 -330 PDF


    Abstract: QVC5 Q60H
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP S2E D 7=^707!= G Q 0 7 1 D 1 Q T-3S -0 ? 2SC4452 • N P N Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor 20S9 High-Speed Switching Applications 2811 F e a tu re s • F ast switching speed • Low collector saturation voltage • High gain-bandwidth product

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    G007101 2SC4452 -T-35-07 2SC4452-applied QVC5 Q60H PDF


    Abstract: EZ23 LC321664AT LC321664AT-80 TSOP44 7w7b A021-46
    Text: Ordering number : EN % 4942 j _ CMOS LSI LC321664AT-80 1 MEG 65536 words x 16 bits DRAM Fast Page Mode, Byte Write Preliminary Overview Package Dimensions The LC321664A series is a CMOS dynamic RAM operating on a single 5 V power source and having a

    OCR Scan
    EN4942 LC321664AT-80 LC321664A 65536-word 16-bit 0D15mà A02I60 711707b A02H2 EZ23 LC321664AT LC321664AT-80 TSOP44 7w7b A021-46 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [Ordering number:EN5521 CMOS 1C LC7874E js A Ü Y o j CD Graphics Decorder H H B Overview The LC7874E is a CMOS LSI that provides the signal processing needed for compact disc graphics CD-G on a single chip. The LC7874E accepts subcode R to W signals output from a CD player DSP LC786X Series,

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    EN5521 LC7874E LC7874E LC786X LC7862X LC7863X 711707b lC70OiOÂ CE1103 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ¡Ordering number : EN5811 CM OS 1C LC78624E js A jiY o j' Compact Disc Player DSP Overview The LC78624E is a CM OS L S I that implements the signal processing and servo control required by compact disc players. Including an EFM - PLL and text decoder, the

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    EN5811 LC78624E LC78624E QFP64E QFP80E OFP64E PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP S3E T' IRVOTb D OQIQMSH 7 S 3 « T S A J 'T - S l- O 'ï - [ Ordering number :EN3861 _ ._L C 7 8 8 4 0 M CMOS LSI Four-times or Eight-times Oversampling _ Digital Filter OVERVIEW

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    EN3861 LC78840M 384fs, 392fs 512fs, LC78840M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number: EN2020A 2SB1141/2SD1681 N 0 .2020 A PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors SAMYO 18V/1.2A Switching Applications A pplications • Converters, relay drivers, low-voltage and high power AF Amp. F eatures • Low saturation voltage and excellent linearity of hp^.

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    EN2020A 2SB1141/2SD1681 2SB1141 7n707b PDF


    Abstract: LC89000 8900c LC8900 7W07b FS48K 31-4804
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP S3E T> • 7^7071, 0010417 ôôb W T S A J T - S ?.- S e - I O lifc g a -K N a EN3743 ~1 No. 3 743 ~ ~ L C 8 9 0 0 iL C 8 9 0 0 Q SAXYO CM OS LSI Digital Audio Interface Receiver Overview: The LC8900/8900Q is a C M O S L SI circuit chip that can be used to enable the E1AJ form atted data transmission

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    EN3743 LC8900/8900Q 48kHz 32kfe 17D7b 00104H7 LC8900, LC8900Q 00104Sfl LC8800 LC89000 8900c LC8900 7W07b FS48K 31-4804 PDF

    murata hfs

    Abstract: SFC 2300 7707 serial counter marking c3j
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP SEE D LC5866H, 5868H • 7‘n ? Q 7 b QOQt.DQ4 ñ ~ r - W - n - c H C M O S LSI 3044B 4-Bit Single Chip Microcomputer - On-Chip LCD Driver, 12K/16K-Byte ROM, 1K-Bit RAM The LC5866H/68H are CMOS type 4-bit single chip microcomputers wi th Internal 12K/16K-byte ROM VK-bit

    OCR Scan
    LC5866H, 5868H 3044B 12K/16K-Byte LC5866H/68H 7T1707b 3044B] QIP80A murata hfs SFC 2300 7707 serial counter marking c3j PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T - 5 2 - j 3 - 25" O rd erin g n u m b e r: E N 3986 SANYO S EMI CONDUCT OR CORP S3E D TTTTDTh 001013^ ITSAJ 7T4 LB8620M SA\YO i Monolithic Digital 1C Low-voltage, Low-saturation, Dual-motor Driver PINOUT OVERVIEW The LB8620M is a low-voltage, low-saturation, dual­

    OCR Scan
    LB8620M LB8620M T-52-73-25 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENÌ&5085A CMOS LSI LC322271J, M, T-70/80 NO.5K5085A SA\YO 2 MEG 131072 words x 16 bits DRAM Fast Page Mode, Byte Write i Preliminary Overview The LC322271J, M and T is a CMOS dynamic RAM operating on a single 5 V power source and having a

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    LC322271J, T-70/80 5K5085A 40-pin, 44-pin. LC322271 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number: EN 3530B Video Pack VPA18 Wideband Video Output Module Video Pack Ultrahigh-resolution CRT Display Video Output Amplifier Overview Package Dimensions A single-package product designed specifically for use unit : mm as the video output stage in ultrahigh-resolution color

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    3530B VPA18 100kHz. 30Vp-p) 180MHz 30Vp-p, 7n707b DD1A75Ã PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Overview T he LA7425 is a single-chip LSI th a t perform s NTSC video sig n al processing for V H S fo rm a t VCRs. C hip in te rn a l trim m in g h a s reduced th e n u m b er of re q u ire d ad ju stm e n ts to a sin g le a d ju stm e n t and th e in co rp o ratio n of a n on-chip playback eq u a liz er an d o th e r circ u its allow s the n u m b er of ex te rn a l

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    LA7425 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: •dering number: EN 3936A Monolithic Linear IC LA7375 No. 3936 A Recording and Playback Amplifier for VHS Video Recorders Overview Package Dimensions The LA7375 is a recording and playback amplifier for VHS-format video tape recorders. It features a two-chan­

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    LA7375 LA7375 3006B-DIP16 16-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN 1706D Thick Film Hybrid IC _ STK4030II S A 0O I AF Power Amplifier Split Power Supply (35W min, THD = 0.4%) Package Dimensions Features • Sm all-sized package permitting audio sets to be made slimmer • The STK4024II series are available for output 20W to

    OCR Scan
    1706D STK4030II STK4024II STK4030D] QD505B3 STK4030H STK4030-II PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN6116 Monolithic Digital 1C LB11995H ISAfÊYO Three-Phase Brushless Motor Driver for CD-ROM Spindle Drive Overview The LB 11995H is a 3-phase brushless motor driver especially suited for CD-ROM spindle motor drives. _ . . Package Dimensions

    OCR Scan
    EN6116 LB11995H 11995H 3234-HSOP28H-C LB11995H] A12360 A12361 EN6116 PDF


    Abstract: lc6543c
    Text: I SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP SEE D ' • 7 cl c1 7 0 7t . DQDb3SS 1 ■ CM OS LSI 4-Bit Single Chip Microcomputer 2Z58D Small-Scale Control Type, On-Chip 2K/1K-Byte ROM The LC6543C/H, LC6546C/H belong to our single-chip 4-bit microcomputer LC6500 series fabricated using CMOS

    OCR Scan
    2Z58D LC6543C/H, LC6546C/H LC6500 MFP18 DIC64S DIC42S IP52S c17Q7ti D1P30 lc6543c PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANYO S E M I C O N D U C T OR CORP b3E D • 7 eH 7 D 7 b 0Q12bSl =153 « T S A J O rd e rin g n u m b e r: E N 4063 Monolithic IC LA5503 No. 4063 Multi-function, Multiple Voltage Power Supply OVERVIEW PACKAGE DIMENSIONS The LA5603 is a multi-function, low dropout voltage,

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    0Q12bSl LA5503 LA5603 3109-SIP18H PDF


    Abstract: ITT TD5 LC8800 LC8900 LC8900Q 31-4804 EN3743 0010M25 FS48K LC6900
    Text: SANYO S E M I C O N D U C T O R CORP S3E ?T ì7 0 7 ti T> o o io m ? ôôb ITSAJ 'p- l i t 3 t a - K N a EN3743 No. 3743 L C 8 9 0 0 L C SAXYO 8 9 0 0 Q CMOS LSI Digital Audio Interface Receiver Overview: The LC8900/8900Q isa CMOS LSI circu it chip that can be used to enable the E1AJ form atted data transmission

    OCR Scan
    EN3743 LC8900 LC8900Q LC8900/8900Q 20-bit D03-L D03-H 32kfe LC8900, FS-364 ITT TD5 LC8800 LC8900Q 31-4804 EN3743 0010M25 FS48K LC6900 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN4619B Monolithic linear IC LA1867NM No. 4619B Car Radio Single-Chip Tuner System Overview Package Dimensions The LA1867M is a high-performance multifunction FMIF, noise canceller, MPX and MRC single-chip tuner IC for use in car radios. High-quality tuners with superlative

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    EN4619B LA1867NM 4619B LA1867M 3148-QIP44MA LA1867NM] 001b7fi3 LA1867N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: d e rin g num ber: EN 3951B M o n o lith ic L in e a r IC No 3951B // LA7391 AN SANYO; Global VHS-format VCR Video Signal Processor |.*f ggjirg Overview Package Dimensions unit: mm T he L A 7391A N is a m u lti-form at, single-chip video signal processing IC th a t su p p o rts TV systems aro u n d the world.

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    3951B LA7391 3025B-DIP42S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANYO S E M I C O N D U C TOR CORP b3E J> m 7 cici7Q7b ODIEbSb 435 • TSAJ Ordering number: EN4185 M onolithic Linear 1C LA5685N No. 4185 SAXYO Ì OVERVIEW Multi-function, multi-power supply 1C for car radios Pinout The L A 5685N is a m u lti-fu n ctio n , m u lti-p o w e r supply

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    EN4185 LA5685N 5685N PDF

    XTAL 38khz

    Abstract: TDK L7H soi switches 2003 Sfl03 A4503 T3CG SSW05 29-42a ch 2128-4 RAM
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP SEE D LC5866H, 5868H • 7‘n ? Q 7 b QOQt.DQ4 ñ ~r-W-n-cH C M O S LSI 3 04 4B 4-Bit Single Chip Microcomputer - On-Chip LCD Driver, 12K/16K-Byte R OM , 1K-Bit RAM The LC5866H/68H are CMOS type 4-bit single chip microcomputers wi th Internal 12K/16K-byte R O M V K - b it

    OCR Scan
    000b004 LC5866H, 5868H 3044B 12K/16K-Byte LC5866H/68H 7T1707b 000fc XTAL 38khz TDK L7H soi switches 2003 Sfl03 A4503 T3CG SSW05 29-42a ch 2128-4 RAM PDF

    WE VQE 23 F

    Abstract: AT12L WE VQE 23 E
    Text: Ordering number : EN4915A SA\YO _ , CMOS LSI LC35256AM, AT-10LV/12LV/15LV No. 4915A 256K 32768 words x 8 bits SRAM with OE and CE Control Pins J Overview The LC35256AM, AT-10LV/12LV/15LV are asynchro­ nous silicon-gate CMOS SRAMs with a 32K-word by 8 -b it organization and a 6-transistor structure

    OCR Scan
    EN4915A LC35256AM, AT-10LV/12LV/15LV 32K-word WE VQE 23 F AT12L WE VQE 23 E PDF