Part | ECAD Model | Manufacturer | Description | Download | Buy |
D1U54T-M-2500-12-HB4C | Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd | 2.5KW 54MM AC/DC 12V WITH 12VDC STBY BACK TO FRONT AIR |
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GRJ43DR7LV224KW01K | Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd | Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors with Soft Termination for General Purpose |
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GRJ55DR7LV474KW01L | Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd | Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors with Soft Termination for General Purpose |
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GRJ55DR7LV334KW01K | Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd | Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors with Soft Termination for General Purpose |
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GRJ43QR7LV154KW01L | Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd | Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors with Soft Termination for General Purpose |
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Catalog Datasheet | Type | Document Tags | |
verilog hdl code for parity generator
Abstract: verilog code for half adder using behavioral modeling verilog code mealy for vending machine drinks vending machine circuit SR flip flop using discrete gates vending machine hdl verilog disadvantages vending machine xilinx schematic system verilog verilog hdl code for encoder
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XC2064, XC3090, XC4005, XC5210, XC-DS501 verilog hdl code for parity generator verilog code for half adder using behavioral modeling verilog code mealy for vending machine drinks vending machine circuit SR flip flop using discrete gates vending machine hdl verilog disadvantages vending machine xilinx schematic system verilog verilog hdl code for encoder | |
verilog code for 16 bit carry select adder
Abstract: X8978 verilog code of 8 bit comparator 8 bit carry select adder verilog codes UNSIGNED SERIAL DIVIDER using verilog SR-4X verilog code for johnson counter asm chart ieee vhdl verilog code for half subtractor
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XC2064, XC3090, XC4005, XC5210, XC-DS501 verilog code for 16 bit carry select adder X8978 verilog code of 8 bit comparator 8 bit carry select adder verilog codes UNSIGNED SERIAL DIVIDER using verilog SR-4X verilog code for johnson counter asm chart ieee vhdl verilog code for half subtractor | |
full adder circuit using nor gates
Abstract: free transistor equivalent book Verilog code for 2s complement of a number verilog code for four bit binary divider 16 bit carry select adder verilog code hex to 7 segment decoder BASYS+3
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vhdl coding for pipeline
Abstract: verilog code of 2 bit comparator verilog code for 4 bit ripple COUNTER RAM32X32 structural vhdl code for ripple counter
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DW01 pinout
Abstract: vhdl code for full subtractor full subtractor implementation using 4*1 multiplexer 16 bit carry select adder verilog code
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verilog code for modified booth algorithm
Abstract: vhdl code for Booth algorithm vhdl code for a updown counter using structural m verilog code pipeline ripple carry adder vhdl code for siso shift register 8 bit booth multiplier vhdl code vhdl code for pipo shift register vhdl code for asynchronous piso VHDL program to design 4 bit ripple counter verilog code for carry look ahead adder
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2/1200XL, 3200DX, verilog code for modified booth algorithm vhdl code for Booth algorithm vhdl code for a updown counter using structural m verilog code pipeline ripple carry adder vhdl code for siso shift register 8 bit booth multiplier vhdl code vhdl code for pipo shift register vhdl code for asynchronous piso VHDL program to design 4 bit ripple counter verilog code for carry look ahead adder | |
verilog code for Modified Booth algorithm
Abstract: 8 bit booth multiplier vhdl code Booth algorithm using verilog booth multiplier code in vhdl structural vhdl code for ripple counter vhdl code for Booth multiplier 8 bit carry select adder verilog code verilog code for 16 bit carry select adder
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Abstract: digital FIR Filter verilog code in hearing aid UG073 transposed fir Filter VHDL code VHDL code for polyphase decimation filter digital FIR Filter verilog code digital FIR Filter VHDL code 3 tap fir filter based on mac vhdl code verilog code for barrel shifter MULT18X18_PARALLEL.v
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UG073 DSP48 digital FIR Filter verilog code in hearing aid UG073 transposed fir Filter VHDL code VHDL code for polyphase decimation filter digital FIR Filter verilog code digital FIR Filter VHDL code 3 tap fir filter based on mac vhdl code verilog code for barrel shifter MULT18X18_PARALLEL.v | |
Abstract: verilog code for 8 bit carry look ahead adder carry save adder verilog program catalogue book
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verilog code for Modified Booth algorithm
Abstract: verilog code pipeline ripple carry adder verilog TCAM code 4x4 unsigned multiplier VERILOG coding 4-bit AHDL adder subtractor "Galois Field Multiplier" verilog 3-bit binary multiplier using adder VERILOG verilog codes for 64-bit sqrt carry select adder verilog code for adaptive cordic rotator algorithm in vector mode 32 bit carry select adder code
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MNL-01017-5 verilog code for Modified Booth algorithm verilog code pipeline ripple carry adder verilog TCAM code 4x4 unsigned multiplier VERILOG coding 4-bit AHDL adder subtractor "Galois Field Multiplier" verilog 3-bit binary multiplier using adder VERILOG verilog codes for 64-bit sqrt carry select adder verilog code for adaptive cordic rotator algorithm in vector mode 32 bit carry select adder code | |
hx 740
Abstract: verilog bin to gray code active hdl verilog code for fixed point adder
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vhdl code for 8-bit brentkung adder
Abstract: 8 bit wallace tree multiplier verilog code dadda tree multiplier 8bit 16 bit wallace tree multiplier verilog code dadda tree multiplier 8 bit wallace-tree VERILOG vhdl code for Wallace tree multiplier dadda tree multiplier 4 bit radix 2 modified booth multiplier code in vhdl 24 bit wallace tree multiplier verilog code
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R1-2002 vhdl code for 8-bit brentkung adder 8 bit wallace tree multiplier verilog code dadda tree multiplier 8bit 16 bit wallace tree multiplier verilog code dadda tree multiplier 8 bit wallace-tree VERILOG vhdl code for Wallace tree multiplier dadda tree multiplier 4 bit radix 2 modified booth multiplier code in vhdl 24 bit wallace tree multiplier verilog code | |
Abstract: LIN VHDL source code 3 bit carry select adder verilog codes carry save adder verilog program 8 bit carry select adder verilog codes vhdl code for carry select adder 5AC324 verilog code for fixed point adder PLCC68 PLCC84
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sklansky adder verilog code
Abstract: vhdl code for 8-bit brentkung adder dadda tree multiplier 8bit dadda tree multiplier 4 bit radix 2 modified booth multiplier code in vhdl 8-bit brentkung adder vhdl code Design of Wallace Tree Multiplier by Sklansky Adder 4 bit multiplication vhdl code using wallace tree vhdl code Wallace tree multiplier 16 bit carry lookahead subtractor vhdl
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verilog code of 8 bit comparator
Abstract: vhdl code for 4 bit updown counter 8 bit full adder 1-BIT D Latch Verilog code of 1-bit full subtractor half subtractor MANUAL Millenium 3 Verilog code subtractor 2 bit magnitude comparator using 2 xor gates verilog coding for asynchronous decade counter
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1-800-LATTICE pDS2110-UM verilog code of 8 bit comparator vhdl code for 4 bit updown counter 8 bit full adder 1-BIT D Latch Verilog code of 1-bit full subtractor half subtractor MANUAL Millenium 3 Verilog code subtractor 2 bit magnitude comparator using 2 xor gates verilog coding for asynchronous decade counter | |
Abstract: verilog code for barrel shifter delay balancing in wave pipeline vhdl code for complex multiplication and addition verilog code for barrel shifter and efficient add DSP48 8 bit carry select adder verilog code with UG073 X0Y24 FIR Filter verilog code
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DSP48A UG431 DSP48A verilog code for barrel shifter delay balancing in wave pipeline vhdl code for complex multiplication and addition verilog code for barrel shifter and efficient add DSP48 8 bit carry select adder verilog code with UG073 X0Y24 FIR Filter verilog code | |
Abstract: DSP48A1 UG389 UG389 XC6SL DSP48A1 post adder XC6SLX150T verilog code for barrel shifter 8 bit carry select adder verilog code verilog code for 16 bit carry select adder systolic multiplier and adder vhdl code
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DSP48A1 UG389 DSP48A1 UG389 UG389 XC6SL DSP48A1 post adder XC6SLX150T verilog code for barrel shifter 8 bit carry select adder verilog code verilog code for 16 bit carry select adder systolic multiplier and adder vhdl code | |
verilog code for modified booth algorithm
Abstract: vhdl code for Booth multiplier vhdl code for pipelined matrix multiplication verilog code for matrix multiplication 8 bit booth multiplier vhdl code booth multiplier code in vhdl vhdl code for matrix multiplication vhdl code for 8bit booth multiplier matrix multiplier Vhdl code verilog code pipeline square root
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XAPP467 18x18 XC3S50 verilog code for modified booth algorithm vhdl code for Booth multiplier vhdl code for pipelined matrix multiplication verilog code for matrix multiplication 8 bit booth multiplier vhdl code booth multiplier code in vhdl vhdl code for matrix multiplication vhdl code for 8bit booth multiplier matrix multiplier Vhdl code verilog code pipeline square root | |
structural vhdl code for ripple counter
Abstract: vhdl code for siso shift register verilog code pipeline ripple carry adder booth multiplier code in vhdl verilog code for SIPO shifter vhdl code for a updown counter verilog code for barrel shifter vhdl code for 8bit booth multiplier 8 bit booth multiplier vhdl code vhdl code for 4 bit updown counter
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888-99-ACTEL structural vhdl code for ripple counter vhdl code for siso shift register verilog code pipeline ripple carry adder booth multiplier code in vhdl verilog code for SIPO shifter vhdl code for a updown counter verilog code for barrel shifter vhdl code for 8bit booth multiplier 8 bit booth multiplier vhdl code vhdl code for 4 bit updown counter | |
Abstract: Spartan-6 PCB design guide Digital filter design for SPARTAN 6 FPGA digital FIR Filter VHDL code DSP48A1 electrocardiogram vhdl code for 4 bit barrel shifter SPARTAN 6 Configuration ug389 verilog code for barrel shifter
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DSP48A1 UG389 SPARTAN-6 GTP Spartan-6 PCB design guide Digital filter design for SPARTAN 6 FPGA digital FIR Filter VHDL code electrocardiogram vhdl code for 4 bit barrel shifter SPARTAN 6 Configuration ug389 verilog code for barrel shifter | |
Abstract: full adder 7483 8count 8count macrofunction VHDL program 4-bit adder vhdl code for carry select adder FLEX10K equivalent a_8fadd 8fadd FLEX10K
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System/6000 industr29 DW03D full adder 7483 8count 8count macrofunction VHDL program 4-bit adder vhdl code for carry select adder FLEX10K equivalent a_8fadd 8fadd FLEX10K | |
16 bit carry select adder verilog code
Abstract: verilog code for 16 bit carry select adder vhdl code for carry select adder 8 bit carry select adder verilog code with 8 bit carry select adder verilog code 32 bit carry select adder code 32 bit carry select adder in vhdl VHDL code for 16 bit ripple carry adder vhdl code for 64 carry select adder full adder circuit using 2*1 multiplexer
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Delta39KTM/Quantum38KTM Delta39KTM Quantum38KTM Delta39K Quantum38K Ultra37000 16 bit carry select adder verilog code verilog code for 16 bit carry select adder vhdl code for carry select adder 8 bit carry select adder verilog code with 8 bit carry select adder verilog code 32 bit carry select adder code 32 bit carry select adder in vhdl VHDL code for 16 bit ripple carry adder vhdl code for 64 carry select adder full adder circuit using 2*1 multiplexer | |
vhdl code for 8 bit bcd to seven segment display
Abstract: vhdl code for BCD to binary adder vhdl code for 8-bit BCD adder verilog code for fixed point adder
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v1999 vhdl code for 8 bit bcd to seven segment display vhdl code for BCD to binary adder vhdl code for 8-bit BCD adder verilog code for fixed point adder | |
32 bit carry select adder in vhdl
Abstract: No abstract text available
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mux21a 32 bit carry select adder in vhdl |