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    Text: phyCORE-P87C591 QuickStart Instructions Using PHYTEC FlashTools98 for Windows and the Tasking 8051 Embedded Development Environment EDE Evaluation Version Note: The PHYTEC Spectrum CD includes the electronic version of the phyCORE-P8xC591 English Hardware Manual

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    Abstract: L51_BANK.A51 C505C Monitor-51 hardware 80517 Monitor-51 BL51 MONITOR51
    Text: C Compiler • Real-Time OS • Simulator • Training • Evaluation Boards Installing and Using the Keil Monitor-51 Application Note 152 May 31, 2000, Munich, Germany by Keil Support, Keil Elektronik GmbH [email protected] +49 89 456040-0 This Application Note describes the steps that are required to install and use the Keil Monitor-51 on a

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Using up to 5 external interrupts of 80C51 family microcontrollers ANdon Most 80C51 family derivatives offer at least two dedicated external interrupt inputs. However, interrupts generated by on-chip peripherals can mimic additional external interrupt inputs. This application note describes how to utilize

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