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    8XC196NT Datasheets (2)

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    8XC196NT Intel Original PDF

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    Abstract: 80C196NT 8XC196NT N87C196NT intel DOC 87C196* End of Life a5210
    Text: 8XC196NT SPECIFICATION UPDATE Release Date: October, 1996 Order Number 272865-002 The 8XC196NT may contain design defects or errors known as errata. Characterized errata that may cause the 8XC196NT’s behavior to deviate from published specifications are documented in

    8XC196NT 8XC196NT A5210-01 N80C196NT 80C196NT N87C196NT intel DOC 87C196* End of Life a5210 PDF


    Abstract: intel 87C196 PROGRAMMER GUIDE INSTRUCTION RF 300eh 87C196 Assembler Users guide 270646 intel 8XC196 PROGRAMMER GUIDE INSTRUCTION A3055 8xc196 programming support C814 RF 300CH
    Text: 8XC196NT Microcontroller User’s Manual 8XC196NT Microcontroller User’s Manual June 1995 Order Number 272317-003 Information in this document is provided solely to enable use of Intel products. Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, including infringement of any patent or copyright, for sale and use of Intel products except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions

    8XC196NT Index-15 INTEL 87C196 USER MANUAL intel 87C196 PROGRAMMER GUIDE INSTRUCTION RF 300eh 87C196 Assembler Users guide 270646 intel 8XC196 PROGRAMMER GUIDE INSTRUCTION A3055 8xc196 programming support C814 RF 300CH PDF


    Abstract: 1E4F 8XC196CB AN87C196CB 1E54H 1E7d 82527 as87c196cb board ccb2 nt 87C196CB
    Text: 87C196CB Supplement to 8XC196NT User’s Manual CB_title.fm5 Page 1 Tuesday, September 15, 1998 9:54 AM 87C196CB Supplement to 8XC196NT User’s Manual September 1998 Order Number: 272787-002 CB_legal.fm5 Page 1 Tuesday, September 15, 1998 9:39 AM Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or

    87C196CB 8XC196NT MSK15, 1E62H 1E4F 8XC196CB AN87C196CB 1E54H 1E7d 82527 as87c196cb board ccb2 nt PDF


    Abstract: 80C196NT N87C196NT 8XC196NT 80C196NT manual 272865 N80C 87C196* End of Life 87c196nt
    Text: 8XC196NT SPECIFICATION UPDATE Release Date: July, 1996 Order Number 272865-001 The 8XC196NT may contain design defects or errors known as errata. Characterized errata that may cause the 8XC196NT’s behavior to deviate from published specifications are documented in

    8XC196NT 8XC196NT N80C196NT 80C196NT N87C196NT 80C196NT manual 272865 N80C 87C196* End of Life 87c196nt PDF

    intel 82527

    Abstract: 1E50H 74HC14 oscillator application note 1E62H 1E06H 82527 INTEL 87C196CB MANUAL mcs 96 programming CAN operation Bosch 74ls373 datasheet
    Text: 87C196CB Supplement to 8XC196NT User’s Manual 87C196CB Supplement to 8XC196NT User’s Manual October 1995 Information in this document is provided solely to enable use of Intel products. Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, including infringement of any patent or copyright, for sale and use of Intel products except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions

    87C196CB 8XC196NT MSK15, intel 82527 1E50H 74HC14 oscillator application note 1E62H 1E06H 82527 INTEL 87C196CB MANUAL mcs 96 programming CAN operation Bosch 74ls373 datasheet PDF


    Abstract: 8XC196NT FFA000H N87C196NT P629 N87C196 AD815
    Text: 8XC196NT CHMOS MICROCONTROLLER WITH 1 MBYTE LINEAR ADDRESS SPACE Y 20 MHz Operation Y Oscillator Fail Detection Circuitry Y High Performance CHMOS 16-Bit CPU Y Y Up to 32 Kbytes of On-Chip OTPROM High Speed Peripheral Transaction Server PTS Up to 1 Kbyte of On-Chip Register RAM

    8XC196NT 16-Bit 10-Bit 8XC196NT 8XC196KR FFA000H N87C196NT P629 N87C196 AD815 PDF


    Abstract: 8XC196KR 8XC196NT FFA000H P629
    Text: 8XC196NT CHMOS MICROCONTROLLER WITH 1 MBYTE LINEAR ADDRESS SPACE Y 20 MHz Operation Y Oscillator Fail Detection Circuitry Y High Performance CHMOS 16-Bit CPU Y Y Up to 32 Kbytes of On-Chip OTPROM High Speed Peripheral Transaction Server PTS Up to 1 Kbyte of On-Chip Register RAM

    8XC196NT 16-Bit Channel/10-Bit mcs96 8XC196KR 8XC196NT FFA000H P629 PDF


    Abstract: 8XC196KR 8XC196NT FFA000H N87C196NT P629
    Text: 8XC196NT CHMOS MICROCONTROLLER WITH 1 MBYTE LINEAR ADDRESS SPACE Y 20 MHz Operation Y Oscillator Fail Detection Circuitry Y High Performance CHMOS 16-Bit CPU Y Y Up to 32 Kbytes of On-Chip OTPROM High Speed Peripheral Transaction Server PTS Up to 1 Kbyte of On-Chip Register RAM

    8XC196NT 16-Bit 10-Bit 8XC196NT FF00FFH 8XC196KR FFA000H N87C196NT P629 PDF


    Abstract: 80C196NT 8XC196NT N87C196NT intel DOC n80c196
    Text: 8XC196NT SPECIFICATION UPDATE Release Date: January, 1999 Order Number: 272865-004 The 8XC196NT may contain design defects or errors known as errata that may cause the processor’s behavior to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are documented in this specification update.

    8XC196NT 8XC196NT A5210-01 N80C196NT 80C196NT N87C196NT intel DOC n80c196 PDF


    Abstract: 8XC196NT FFA000H N87C196NT P629 INTEL Packaging Handbook 8XC196NT N87C196
    Text: 8XC196NT CHMOS MICROCONTROLLER WITH 1 MBYTE LINEAR ADDRESS SPACE Y 20 MHz Operation Y Oscillator Fail Detection Circuitry Y High Performance CHMOS 16-Bit CPU Y Y Up to 32 Kbytes of On-Chip OTPROM High Speed Peripheral Transaction Server PTS Up to 1 Kbyte of On-Chip Register RAM

    8XC196NT 16-Bit 10-Bit 8XC196NT 8XC196KR FFA000H N87C196NT P629 INTEL Packaging Handbook 8XC196NT N87C196 PDF


    Abstract: ESPC mcs96 family 8xc196kb memory external 8X96BH 27C256 8XC196KC 8XC196KR 8XC196KB AP475
    Text: AP-475 APPLICATION NOTE Using the 8XC196NT RICHARD N EVANS CHRISTINE NEFFENGER APPLICATIONS ENGINEERS January 1994 Order Number 272315-001 Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products Intel assumes no liability whatsoever including infringement of any patent or copyright for sale and use of Intel products except as provided in

    AP-475 8XC196NT 24-bit 0A000h 16-bit 0FFA000h 1000h 011000h MCS-96 ESPC mcs96 family 8xc196kb memory external 8X96BH 27C256 8XC196KC 8XC196KR 8XC196KB AP475 PDF


    Abstract: Intel 87C196 Programmer 87C196 Assembler Users guide intel 87C196 PROGRAMMER GUIDE INSTRUCTION 8xc196 programming support 80C196NT 87C196 8xc196 8XC196 instruction set A3060
    Text: 8XC196NT Microcontroller User’s Manual 8XC196NT Microcontroller User’s Manual June 1995 Information in this document is provided solely to enable use of Intel products. Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, including infringement of any patent or copyright, for sale and use of Intel products except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions

    8XC196NT Index-15 INTEL 87C196 USER MANUAL Intel 87C196 Programmer 87C196 Assembler Users guide intel 87C196 PROGRAMMER GUIDE INSTRUCTION 8xc196 programming support 80C196NT 87C196 8xc196 8XC196 instruction set A3060 PDF

    8XC196KC Users manual

    Abstract: 8XC196KC/KD complete users manual 8XC196KC/KD MCS-96 mcs 96 programming 8XC196KC/kd users manual MCS-96 development 8XC196KD users manual 8XC196KB Users manual 8XC196KC instructions
    Text: AP-714 APPLICATION NOTE Converting from the 8XC196KB KC KD to the 8XC196Nx Family JENNIE ABELLA APPLICATIONS ENGINEER July 1995 Order Number 272625-001 Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products Intel assumes no liability whatsoever including infringement of any patent or copyright for sale and use of Intel products except as provided in

    AP-714 8XC196KB 8XC196Nx 8XC196KC Users manual 8XC196KC/KD complete users manual 8XC196KC/KD MCS-96 mcs 96 programming 8XC196KC/kd users manual MCS-96 development 8XC196KD users manual 8XC196KB Users manual 8XC196KC instructions PDF

    88C196EC CHMOS 16-Bit Microcontroller

    Abstract: 88C196 mcs-96 programmers guide 88C196EC a6026 8067H capacitor 1e77 87C196CA S80C196EA 1E86
    Text: 8XC196EA Microcontroller User’s Manual December 1998 Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions

    8XC196EA 32-byte 64-byte Index-14 88C196EC CHMOS 16-Bit Microcontroller 88C196 mcs-96 programmers guide 88C196EC a6026 8067H capacitor 1e77 87C196CA S80C196EA 1E86 PDF


    Abstract: intel embedded microcontroller handbook 8XC196KC Users manual 87C196KD Users manual MCS51 Manual 87C196KD20 8XC196KC Users Guide 8XC196KD users manual 87C196MH MCS-96 Users guide
    Text: ZapCode II Handbook A Guide to Electronic ROM-code Transmittal ZapCode II Handbook December 1995 Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, including infringement of any patent or copyright, for sale and use of Intel products except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions of



    Abstract: microprocesser interfacing with mouse 196NT ASM32
    Text: EMULATORS SIGNUM SYSTEMS USP-196NT In-Circuit Emulator • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Non-Intrusive Emulation Up to 50 MHz On-The-Fly Access to Overlay Memory 1 MB of Memory Overlay HLL Debug For C and PL/M 32K Trace Buffer With Time Stamp Complex Hardware Breakpoints

    USP-196NT 1/95/NT Intel486TM microprocesser interfacing with mouse 196NT ASM32 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8XC196NT CHMOS MICROCONTROLLER WITH 1 MBYTE LINEAR ADDRESS SPACE • 20 MHz Operation ■ Oscillator Fail Detection Circuitry ■ High Performance CHMOS 16-Bit CPU ■ High Speed Peripheral Transaction Server PTS ■ Up to 32 Kbytes of On-Chip OTPROM B Two Dedicated 16-Bit High-Speed

    OCR Scan
    8XC196NT 16-Bit Channel/10-Bit A5545-01 A5546-01 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • . [ F W M C T raiWOEW | in t e l. 8XC196NT / 8XC196NQ CHMOS MICROCONTROLLER WITH 1 MBYTE LINEAR ADDRESS SPACE ■ High Performance CHMOS 16-Bit CPU ■ Oscillator Fail Detection Circuitry ■ Up to 32 Kbytes of On-Chip EPROM ■ Up to 1 Kbyte of On-Chip Register RAM

    OCR Scan
    8XC196NT 8XC196NQ 16-Bit Channel/10-Bit Ob10QOh 1000h 30-32h 000bh PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8XC196NT CHMOS MICROCONTROLLER WITH 1 MBYTE LINEAR ADDRESS SPACE • 16 MHz and 20 MHz Available ■ Oscillator Fail Detection Circuitry ■ High Performance CHMOS 16-Bit CPU ■ High Speed Peripheral Transaction Server PTS ■ Up to 32 Kbytes of On-Chip EPROM

    OCR Scan
    8XC196NT 16-Bit Channel/10-Bit 8XC196NT 16-bit PDF

    BD 4913

    Abstract: intel 4269 Intel Packaging Handbook N87C196NT MAAB 196NT Temperature and Burn-in options 272267-2 8XC196KR 8XC196NT FFA000H
    Text: A P M f t N K g i D M IF G 3!S M irO N ] 8XC196NT CHMOS MICROCONTROLLER WITH 1 MBYTE LINEAR ADDRESS SPACE • 20 MHz Operation ■ Oscillator Fail Detection Circuitry ■ High Performance CHMOS 16-Bit CPU ■ High Speed Peripheral Transaction Server (PTS

    OCR Scan
    8XC196NT 16-Blt Channel/10-Bit 4S2Lil75 BD 4913 intel 4269 Intel Packaging Handbook N87C196NT MAAB 196NT Temperature and Burn-in options 272267-2 8XC196KR FFA000H PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IFlRS ® !J T (PF3EW01W in to l. 8XC196NT CHMOS MICROCONTROLLER WITH 1 MBYTE LINEAR ADDRESS SPACE • 16 MHz and 20 MHz Available ■ Oscillator Fall Detection Circuitry ■ High Performance CHMOS 16-Bit CPU ■ High Speed Peripheral Transaction Server (PTS

    OCR Scan
    PF3EW01W 8XC196NT 16-Bit Channel/10-Bit 8XC196NT 16-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8XC196NT CHMOS MICROCONTROLLER WITH 1 MBYTE LINEAR ADDRESS SPACE • 20 MHz Operation ■ Oscillator Fail Detection Circuitry ■ High Performance CHMOS 16-Bit CPU ■ High Speed Peripheral Transaction Server PTS ■ Up to 32 Kbytes of On-Chip OTPROM ■ Two Dedicated 16-Bit High-Speed

    OCR Scan
    8XC196NT 16-Bit 10-Bit 8XC196NT PDF

    BD 4913

    Abstract: 1k5121 N87C196NT p55g sxc19 8XC196KR 8XC196NT FFA000H P629
    Text: intei a b w a k x s ii uraiFÇ xæ fisiÂTr 8XC196NT CHMOS MICROCONTROLLER WITH 1 MBYTE LINEAR ADDRESS SPACE • 20 MHz Operation ■ O scillator Fail Detection C ircuitry ■ High Performance CHMOS 16-Blt CPU ■ High Speed Peripheral Transaction Server PTS

    OCR Scan
    8XC196NT 16-Blt Channel/10-Blt 4flEbl75 BD 4913 1k5121 N87C196NT p55g sxc19 8XC196KR FFA000H P629 PDF

    mcs-96 architectural overview

    Abstract: MCS-96 architecture overview 80C196MC intel 80c198 INSTRUCTION SET 80C196MC soft start 80C196kr instruction set 8xc196kb memory 8097BH ST S96 intel 8098
    Text: intel MCS -96 Architectural Overview September 1992 I O rder Number: 2 7 2 1 0 9 -0 0 2 MCS-96 Architectural Overview CONTENTS PAGE CONTENTS PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION . 4 3 5.0 8XC196KB PERIPHERALS 4-7 2.0 THE C P U . 4-4

    OCR Scan
    MCS-96 8XC196KB 8XC196KC/KD 8XC196KR/KT 8XC196NT 8XC196MC 16-bit mcs-96 architectural overview MCS-96 architecture overview 80C196MC intel 80c198 INSTRUCTION SET 80C196MC soft start 80C196kr instruction set 8xc196kb memory 8097BH ST S96 intel 8098 PDF