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    9 LHA MARKING Search Results

    9 LHA MARKING Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: basic ac motor reverse forward electrical diagram 419C NCP662 NCP663 NCV662 NCV663 SC82 9 lha marking
    Text: NCP662, NCV662, NCP663, NCV663 100 mA CMOS Low Iq Low−Dropout Voltage Regulator This series of fixed output low−dropout linear regulators are designed for handheld communication equipment and portable battery powered applications which require low quiescent current. This series

    NCP662, NCV662, NCP663, NCV663 NCP662/NCV662 NCP662/D NCV663SQ18T1G basic ac motor reverse forward electrical diagram 419C NCP662 NCP663 NCV662 NCV663 SC82 9 lha marking PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NCP662, NCV662, NCP663, NCV663 100 mA CMOS Low Iq Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator This series of fixed output low−dropout linear regulators are designed for handheld communication equipment and portable battery powered applications which require low quiescent current. This series

    NCP662, NCV662, NCP663, NCV663 NCP662/NCV662 NCP662/D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NCP662, NCV662, NCP663, NCV663 100 mA CMOS Low Iq Low−Dropout Voltage Regulator This series of fixed output low−dropout linear regulators are designed for handheld communication equipment and portable battery powered applications which require low quiescent current. This series

    NCP662, NCV662, NCP663, NCV663 NCP662/NCV662 NCP662/D PDF


    Abstract: NCP663 419C NCV662 NCV663 SC82
    Text: NCP662, NCV662, NCP663, NCV663 100 mA CMOS Low Iq Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator This series of fixed output low−dropout linear regulators are designed for handheld communication equipment and portable battery powered applications which require low quiescent current. This series

    NCP662, NCV662, NCP663, NCV663 NCP662/NCV662 NCP662/D NCP662 NCP663 419C NCV662 NCV663 SC82 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NCP662, NCV662, NCP663, NCV663 100 mA CMOS Low Iq Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator This series of fixed output low−dropout linear regulators are designed for handheld communication equipment and portable battery powered applications which require low quiescent current. This series

    NCP662, NCV662, NCP663, NCV663 NCP662/NCV662 NCP662/D PDF

    mdd 1051

    Abstract: circuit k 3683 916c Transistors marking WZ ke marking transistor transistor xl 3001 S9614
    Text: . . . . . . . .l: :;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .’. . . . . . . . MIIA3.1950W9B 12 Ne.rch 1970 SUPERSEDING MIL.T.1950W9A 12 hub? 19s9 MSLITARY SPfXfFffXTfON .-. SFADCONDUCTOR DEVICE, TRANSISTOR, PNP, GBfMi14NIUM, HIGH-FREQUENCY

    1950W9B 1950W9A GBfMi14NIUM, UG-491AW 91-6C S-1950W9B Force-11 s9614163) mdd 1051 circuit k 3683 916c Transistors marking WZ ke marking transistor transistor xl 3001 S9614 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T - 3 I- 0 .3 T Silicon N Channel MOSFET Tetrode 32E D • fl23b320 OQLbflL? b BF 996 S I S IP SIEMENS/ SPCL-, SEMICONDS • • • For input stages in UHF TV tuners High transconductance Low noise figure Type Marking Ordering code for versions in bulk BF 996 S

    OCR Scan
    fl23b320 Q62702-F964 Q62702-F1021 23b320 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FINAL CO M 'Li-7/10/12/15 IND:-10/12/15/20 MACH5-512/MACH5LV-512 V A N T I S COMP ANY M A C H 5 -5 1 2/1 2 0 -7 /1 0/1 2/1 5 M A C H 5 -5 1 2/160-7/10/12/1 5 M A C H 5 -5 1 2/184-7/10/12/1 5 M A C H 5 -5 1 2 /1 9 2 -7 /1 0 /1 2 /1 5 M A C H 5 -5 1 2/256-7/10/12/1 5

    OCR Scan
    Li-7/10/12/15 MACH5-512/MACH5LV-512 5LV-512/160-7/10/12/15 MACH5LV-512/256-7/10/12/15 asynchr2/XXX-7/10/12/15 BGD352 352-Pin 16-038-BGD352-1 DT106 ACH5-512/XXX-7/10/12/15 PDF

    Fuji Electric SM

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: This maiertaland he Information herein Is Ihe properly of Fuji Electric Co .Ltd. They shall be neither («produced, copiée tent, or disclosed in any way whatsoever for ihe use of any third partidor used for ihe manufacturing purposes without the express written consent of Fuji Electric Co., Ltd.

    OCR Scan
    YG802C09R H04-004-07 YG802C09R Fuji Electric SM PDF


    Abstract: HD63463P8 SMD SL HD63463-8 SMD MARKING CODE 4E sad1 smd HD63463CP8 ST412 120 SMD HARD DISK CONTROLLER BTM marking
    Text: H D63463-H ard D isk C o n tro lle r H D C DESCRIPTION The HD63463 (HDC: Hard Disk Controller) is a CMOS device developed for use as a peripheral LSI for the 16-bit microprocessor HD68000 (MPU: Microprocessing Unit). The HDC connects the host system and the Winchester type hard

    OCR Scan
    D63463- HD63463 16-bit HD68000 HD684S0 ST506/ST412/ST412HP DTP32 DTP16 DK812S HD63463 HD63463P8 SMD SL HD63463-8 SMD MARKING CODE 4E sad1 smd HD63463CP8 ST412 120 SMD HARD DISK CONTROLLER BTM marking PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AUSTIN SEMICONDUCTOR, INC. SRAM 8K MT59 6428JL8.3£ 8 K x 8 SRAM X 8 SRAM AVAILABLE AS MILITARY SPECIFICATIONS • SMD 5962-38294, Class M • MIL-STD-883, Class B • Radiation tolerant consult factory FEATURES • High speed: 12, 15, 20, 25 and 35ns • Battery backup: 2V data retention

    OCR Scan
    MIL-STD-883, MIL-STD-883 0000S53 10change PDF


    Abstract: fuji electric year month dc ampmeter Circuits 1000H H04-004 capacitor variator E66188 MS5K2564
    Text: Re vised Re c o r d s Fuji Electric CaJJd. . — •— —i- - DW GJfO. | í si i M S5K 2 5 6 4 2/6 H04-004-06 X 1. SCOPE T h i s s p e c i f i c a t i o n p r o v i d e s t h e r a t i n g s and t e s t r e q u i r e m e n t s f o r FUJ

    OCR Scan
    H04-004-06 ENE241) UL1414 E66188 UL1449 El23894 LR98228 H04-004-03 H04-004-06 fuji electric year month dc ampmeter Circuits 1000H H04-004 capacitor variator E66188 MS5K2564 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: — MT5C6401 883C 64K x 1 SRAM AUSTIN SEMICONDUCTOR, INC. SRAM 64K x 1 SRAM AVAILABLE AS MILITARY SPECIFICATIONS PIN ASSIGNMENT Top View • SMD 5962-86015 • M IL-STD-883, Class B • Radiation tolerant (consult factory) 22-Pin DIP FEATURES • High speed: 12, 15, 20, 25 and 35ns

    OCR Scan
    MT5C6401 IL-STD-883, 22-Pin IL-STD-883 TQQ2117 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MT5C128K8A1 RE VO LU T IO NA RY PINOUT 128K x 8 SRAM M IC R O N SRAM 128Kx 8 SRAM FEATURES • High speed: 12,15,20 and 25ns • Multiple center power and ground pins for greater noise immunity • Easy memory expansion with CE and OE options • Automatic CE power down

    OCR Scan
    MT5C128K8A1 128Kx 32-Pin PDF


    Abstract: bb2412 ipip3 T350 MARKING MHT siemens 1q B82412-A3100-M MMIC marking CODE cf fgmd d794
    Text: GaAs MMIC SIEMENS P r e lim in a r y CMY 95 d a t a * G aAs mixer with integrated IF-amplifierer fo r mobile com m unication ‘ Frequency range 0.8 GHz to 2.5 GHz ‘ Very low power consumption 1mA lyp. * G ood intermodulatfon perform ance * Single positive supply voltage

    OCR Scan
    HLEHFD21/HB 12T67 bb2412 ipip3 T350 MARKING MHT siemens 1q B82412-A3100-M MMIC marking CODE cf fgmd d794 PDF


    Abstract: 6c223
    Text: /— > / - \ \ l S I I N S I MI C O N D I C l O K . INC SRAM M T 5 C 6 4 0 5 883C 16K X 4 S R A M 16K X 4 SRAM WITH OUTPUT ENABLE AVAILABLE AS MILITARY SPECIFICATIONS PIN ASSIGNM ENT Top View • SMD 5962-86859 • MIL-STD-883, Class B • Radiation tolerant (consult factory)

    OCR Scan
    MIL-STD-883, 24-Pin MIL-STD-883 MT5CS406 B2520 6c223 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: '\ A U S T I N S E M I C O N D U C T O R , I NC. MT5C2561 883C 256K x 1 SRAM ^ SRAM 256K x 1 SRAM AVAILABLE AS MILITARY SPECIFICATIONS PIN ASSIGNMENT Top View • SM D 5962-88725,-88544 • M IL-STD -883, Class B • Radiation tolerant (consult factory)

    OCR Scan
    MT5C2561 24-Pin 28-Pin HIL-STD-883 PDF

    5 PEN PC TECHNOLOGY advance

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADVANCE M IC R O N 16 MEG X MT9D169 9 DRAM M OD ULE 16 MEG x 9 DRAM FAST PAGE MODE FEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT Top View • Industry standard pinout in a 30-pin single-in-line package • High-performance, CM OS silicon-gate process • Single 5V ±10% power supply

    OCR Scan
    MT9D169 30-pin 096-cycle A0-A11 5 PEN PC TECHNOLOGY advance PDF

    HA 1156 R

    Abstract: MT5C2568DJ-20IT
    Text: MICRON SEMICONDUCTOR INC b? E D WË blllSMT OOD'íBSG 0 5 4 • MT5C2568 32K X 8 SRAM I^IIC R O N SRAM 32K X 8 SRAM • High speed: 1 0 ,12,15,20,25 and 35ns • High-performance, low-power, CMOS double-metal process • Single +5V ±10% power supply • Easy memory expansion with CE and OE options

    OCR Scan
    MT5C2568 28-Pin MT5C2566 HA 1156 R MT5C2568DJ-20IT PDF

    micron DRAM

    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    MT8D88C132H MT16D88C232H micron DRAM PDF


    Abstract: FPM DRAM 30-pin SIMM 0/MT2D48
    Text: ADVANCE MT2D48 4 MEG X 8 DRAM MODULE ¡V U C F O N DRAM MODULE IV IU U U L t. 4 MEG x 8 4 MEG ABYTE -5VFAST PAGE MODE FEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT Front View • JEDEC- and industry-standard pinout in a 30-pin, single-in-line m emory module (SIMM) • High-perform ance CM O S silicon-gate process

    OCR Scan
    MT2D48 30-pin, 500mW 048-cycle 30-Pin T2D48M-6 T2D48 FPM DRAM 30-pin SIMM 0/MT2D48 PDF


    Abstract: 30-pin simm memory "16m x 8" MT4C1024DJ MT3019 MT4C4001 30-pin SIMM
    Text: [M IC R O N 1 MEG X MT3D19 9 DRAM MODULE 1 MEG x 9 DRAM DRAM MODULE FAST PAGE MODE MT3D19 LOW POWER, EXTENDED REFRESH (MT3D19 L) FEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT (Top View) • Industry standard pinout in a 30-pin single-in-line memory module • High-performance, CM OS silicon-gate process

    OCR Scan
    MT3D19 30-pin 625mW 024-cycle 128ms MT3D19) T3D19 30-pin simm memory "16m x 8" MT4C1024DJ MT3019 MT4C4001 30-pin SIMM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MICRON SEMICONDUCTOR INC b3E J> 512K X • b 1 1 1 5 4‘i 0000021 bl3 ■ U R N MT16D T 51232 32, 1 MEG x 16 DRAM MODULE 512 K x 32,1 MEG X 16 DRAM MODULE FAST-PAGE-MODE (MT16D(T)51232) LOW POWER, EXTENDED REFRESH (MT16D(T)51232 L) FEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT (Top View)

    OCR Scan
    MT16D 72-pin 424mW 512-cycle PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M I CR ON S E M I C O N D U C T O R INC b7E D • b l l l S H T GQ0'ì37lì D7T H M R N ADVANCE MT5C512K8B2 512K X 8 SRAM M IC R SO N I FHCONfVICTOn INC SRAM 512Kx 8 SRAM FEATURES • High speed: 12,15,20,25 and 35ns • High-performance, low-power, CMOS double-metal

    OCR Scan
    MT5C512K8B2 512Kx 36-Pin MT5CS12K8B2 SE236 PDF