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    93C06 NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    MG800FXF1JMS3 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation N-ch SiC MOSFET Module, 3300 V, 800 A, iXPLV, High-side: SiC SBD、Low-side: SiC MOSFET Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCK424G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET Gate Driver IC, 2.7 to 28 V, External MOSFET Gate drive / Inrush current reducing, WCSP6G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCK425G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET Gate Driver IC, 2.7 to 28 V, External MOSFET Gate drive / Inrush current reducing, WCSP6G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCK423G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET Gate Driver IC, 2.7 to 28 V, External MOSFET Gate drive / Inrush current reducing, WCSP6G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCK422G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET Gate Driver IC, 2.7 to 28 V, External MOSFET Gate drive / Inrush current reducing, WCSP6G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    93C06 NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR Datasheets Context Search

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    ATMEL 93C86

    Abstract: 93c46 rotated atmel 708 atmel 93C46 atmel 222 93C46 atmel 717 93C46 national X24c64 93c46 atmel 93c46 spi
    Text: SERIAL EEPROM Serial EEPROM Cross Reference Guide The purpose of this document is to provide a quick way to determine the closest Microchip equivalent to Serial EEPROMs produced by other manufacturers. The cross reference section is broken down by manufacturer and lists all parts from that manufacturer, and the

    DS21090F-page ATMEL 93C86 93c46 rotated atmel 708 atmel 93C46 atmel 222 93C46 atmel 717 93C46 national X24c64 93c46 atmel 93c46 spi PDF

    atmel 93C46

    Abstract: 93c46 atmel 93C46 national 93C46 national semiconductor 24c04 Atmel 93c46 I2C atmel 24c04 ATMEL 24c32 atmel 24c02 24c04a atmel
    Text: SERIAL EEPROM Serial EEPROM Cross Reference Guide The purpose of this document is to provide a quick way to determine the closest Microchip equivalent to Serial EEPROMs produced by other manufacturers. The cross reference section is broken down by manufacturer and lists all parts from that manufacturer, and the

    DS21090D-page atmel 93C46 93c46 atmel 93C46 national 93C46 national semiconductor 24c04 Atmel 93c46 I2C atmel 24c04 ATMEL 24c32 atmel 24c02 24c04a atmel PDF

    93C06 6

    Abstract: 93C06 93C46X 200B 93C46 93C46T DS11179 93C46 national
    Text: 93C06/46 256 Bit/1K 5.0V Microwire Serial EEPROM FEATURES PACKAGE TYPES DIP CS 1 8 VCC CLK 2 7 NC DI 3 6 NC DO 4 5 VSS CS 1 8 VCC CLK 2 7 NC DI 3 6 NC DO 4 5 VSS NC 1 8 NC VCC 2 7 V SS CS 3 6 DO CLK 4 5 DI 93C06 93C46 SOIC 93C06 93C46 • Low power CMOS technology

    93C06/46 93C06 93C46 16-bit 93C06) 93C46) DS11179D-page 93C06 6 93C06 93C46X 200B 93C46 93C46T DS11179 93C46 national PDF

    winbond 25080

    Abstract: 29F200BB 16LF648A 89V51RD2 18f252 89S51 National SEMICONDUCTOR GAL16V8 29sf040 12f675 29F400BB
    Text: Dataman-S4 Version 3.00 <ALL> Devices List - 1. S4 8 bit EPROM lib. V3.00 - AMD 27010

    2732B 27C100 27HB010 27C256 27HC64 27C128 27C040 7128A winbond 25080 29F200BB 16LF648A 89V51RD2 18f252 89S51 National SEMICONDUCTOR GAL16V8 29sf040 12f675 29F400BB PDF

    93C46 national semiconductor

    Abstract: 93C46 national 93c06 national semiconductor D13D1 D14D 93C06 93C46 C1995 ED11 NM93C06
    Text: INTRODUCTION Designers have resisted using a low cost serial EEPROM because of the uncommon interface required The added components and circuitry have caused many engineers to resort to a larger parallel EEPROM even when only a few bytes of non-volatile memory were required


    eeprom 93c66 programmer schematic

    Abstract: 93C46 national semiconductor 93C46 national 93C66 national semiconductor an8411 93c06 national semiconductor COP820 NM93Cxx an841 NM93C06
    Text: National Semiconductor Application Note 841 Paul Bryant July 1996 ABSTRACT National’s NM93Cxx and NM93CSxx family of serial EEPROMs have MICROWIRE ‘‘slave’’ interfaces that directly connect to the MICROWIRE ‘‘master’’ interfaces on the COP8TM family of 8-bit microcontrollers Peak data transfer

    NM93Cxx NM93CSxx eeprom 93c66 programmer schematic 93C46 national semiconductor 93C46 national 93C66 national semiconductor an8411 93c06 national semiconductor COP820 an841 NM93C06 PDF

    93C46 national semiconductor

    Abstract: 93C46 national sk 841 93C66 national semiconductor COP800 eeprom 93c66 programmer schematic NATIONAL 93C46 national semiconductor 93c46 93C46 93C56
    Text: National Semiconductor Application Note 841 Robert Stodieck July 1992 ABSTRACT National’s NM93Cxx and NM93CSxx family of serial EEPROMs have MICROWIRE ‘‘slave’’ interfaces that directly connect to the MICROWIRE ‘‘master’’ interfaces on the

    NM93Cxx NM93CSxx COP800 20-3A 93C46 national semiconductor 93C46 national sk 841 93C66 national semiconductor eeprom 93c66 programmer schematic NATIONAL 93C46 national semiconductor 93c46 93C46 93C56 PDF


    Abstract: 24c04 Atmel 27c301 atmel 24c02 39SF040 24C08 ATMEL dataman s4 27C101 Xicor 28256 eeprom 2864a
    Text: Dataman S4 Programmer Device Support List Library Version 2.84 May 2001 8 Bit EPROMS, EEPROMS & Flash ROMS AMD 27010 2716B 2732B 27C010 27C100 27C512L 27HB010 28C256 28F256 29F002NBB 29F040 9716 9864-25 27128 27256 27512 27C020 27C128 27C64 2817A 28F010 28F512

    2716B 2732B 27C010 27C100 27C512L 27HB010 28C256 28F256 29F002NBB 29F040 27C32 24c04 Atmel 27c301 atmel 24c02 39SF040 24C08 ATMEL dataman s4 27C101 Xicor 28256 eeprom 2864a PDF

    atmel 93c66

    Abstract: PH29EE010 2764 EEPROM 537RU10 sst ph29ee010 556RT7A 556RT5 intel 8755 eprom 2716 537RU17
    Text: Универсал ьны й програм матор Sterh ST­011 Производст во: Россия. Цен а: 17500 руб. с НД С. ST­011 имеет всего одну универсальную DIP­42 панель для программирования

    ST011 DIP42 DIP42, RS232 155RE3 556RT4 556RT4A 556RT5 atmel 93c66 PH29EE010 2764 EEPROM 537RU10 sst ph29ee010 556RT7A intel 8755 eprom 2716 537RU17 PDF


    Abstract: NE2000 isa C1995 DP83905 LA17 AN-897 isa slot pcb layout pc motherboard schematics "AN-897" an897
    Text: 2 3 ISA Bus Description TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 0 DP83905 ETHERNET INTERFACE DESIGN 1 1 Design Decisions and Implementation Details 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 ISA BusConnection Interrupts Buffer RAM Crystal Oscillators Boot ROM Remote Program Load PROM

    DP83905 16-Bit 20-3A ne2000 NE2000 isa C1995 LA17 AN-897 isa slot pcb layout pc motherboard schematics "AN-897" an897 PDF

    ATMEL 620 93c46

    Abstract: GAL16V8 palce16v8 programming algorithm PH29EE010 XL28C16B CAT29F010 stag orbit 32 device list EP320I program altera ep320 GAL22CV10
    Text: Orbit 48 Device Support List Version 28.11 Note ALL PLDs require Orbit 48 PLD Module Please consult device specific information at the end of this list. Stag Programmers Ltd. Silver Court, Watchmead, Welwyn Garden City, Herts AL7 1LT, U.K. Tel 01707 332148 Fax 01707 371503

    EP310-XX EP320 EP320I EP330 EP610 EP630-XX EP630 EP610I AM2716 ATMEL 620 93c46 GAL16V8 palce16v8 programming algorithm PH29EE010 XL28C16B CAT29F010 stag orbit 32 device list program altera ep320 GAL22CV10 PDF

    palce16v8 programming algorithm

    Abstract: PH29EE010 ATMEL 620 93c46 EPROM NMC27C512AQ atmel 130 24c02 EP320I gal16v8 stag orbit 32 device list ph29ee010-xx gal16v8 programming
    Text: Datum 18.11.1998 aus Orbit 48 Device Support List Version 25.0 Note ALL PLDs require Orbit 48 PLD Module Please consult device specific information at the end of this list. Stag Programmers Ltd. Silver Court, Watchmead, Welwyn Garden City, Herts AL7 1LT, U.K.

    PALCE29M16H-XX PALCE29MA16H-XX PALLV22V10/Z PALCE16V8H/Q/Z-XX PALLV16V8/Z-XX PALLV16V8Z-XX PALCE16V8HD-XX PALCE16V8 palce16v8 programming algorithm PH29EE010 ATMEL 620 93c46 EPROM NMC27C512AQ atmel 130 24c02 EP320I gal16v8 stag orbit 32 device list ph29ee010-xx gal16v8 programming PDF


    Abstract: NEC D2716 GAL16V8 TC578200D AT25C01 EP320I stag orbit 32 device list D27C64 GAL22CV10 MBM27C2048
    Text: Orbit 48 Device Support List Version 29.0 Note ALL PLDs require Orbit 48 PLD Module Please consult device specific information at the end of this list. Stag Programmers Ltd. Silver Court, Watchmead, Welwyn Garden City, Herts AL7 1LT, U.K. Tel +44 1707 332148

    EP310-XX EP320 EP320I EP330 EP610 EP630-XX EP630 EP610I AM2716 PH29EE010 NEC D2716 GAL16V8 TC578200D AT25C01 stag orbit 32 device list D27C64 GAL22CV10 MBM27C2048 PDF


    Abstract: LM393 8096 microcontroller architecture application 8096 microcontroller architecture 8096 microcontroller features 74HC04 80C51 87C51 AD22100 AD590
    Text: a ONE TECHNOLOGY WAY AN-395 APPLICATION NOTE • P.O. BOX 9106 • NORWOOD, MASSACHUSETTS 02062-9106 • 617/329-4700 Interfacing the AD22100 Temperature Sensor to a Low Cost Single-Chip Microcontroller by Norm Bernstein The AD22100 is a new monolithic silicon temperature

    AN-395 AD22100 AD22100 E2029 NSC93C06 LM393 8096 microcontroller architecture application 8096 microcontroller architecture 8096 microcontroller features 74HC04 80C51 87C51 AD590 PDF

    93c06 national semiconductor

    Abstract: 93C06
    Text: NM93C06/C46/C56/C66 National Semiconductor NM93C06/C46/C56/C66 256-/1024-/2048-/4096-Bit Serial EEPROM MICROWIRE Bus Interface General Description Features The N M 93C06/C46/C56/C66 devices are 25 6/10 24/ 2048/4096 bits, respectively, of CMOS non-volatile electri­

    OCR Scan
    NM93C06/C46/C56/C66 NM93C06/C46/C56/C66 256-/1024-/2048-/4096-Bit 93C06/C46/C56/C66 16-bit 93c06 national semiconductor 93C06 PDF


    Abstract: 93C06 93c06 national semiconductor 93C46 93C46T 93C46X
    Text: 93C06/46 M ic r o c h ip 256 Bit/IK 5.0V Microwire Serial EEPROM FEATURES • Low power CMOS technology • 16 bit memory organization - 1 6 x 1 6-bit organization 93C06 - 64 x 16-bit organization (93C46) • Single 5V only operation • Self-timed ERASE and WRITE cycles

    OCR Scan
    93C06/46 16x16-bit 93C06) 16-bit 93C46) 93C06 93C46 93C46X B10320 93c06 national semiconductor 93C46T PDF


    Abstract: 93c06 national semiconductor
    Text: 93C06/46 M ic r o c h ip 256 Bit/1K 5.0V Microwire Serial EEPROM FEATURES PACKAGE TYPES • Low power CMOS technology DIP • 16 bit memory organization - 16 x 16-bit organization 93C06 - 64 x 16-bit organization (93C46) • Single 5V only operation • Self-timed ERASE and WRITE cycles

    OCR Scan
    93C06/46 16-bit 93C06) 93C46) 93C06/46 DS11179D-page 93CQ6 93c06 national semiconductor PDF


    Abstract: NM93C06MN 93c06
    Text: NM93C06/C46/C56/C66 256-/1024-/2048-/4096-Bit Serial EEPROM MICROWIRE Bus Interface General Description Features The N M 93C06/C46/C56/C66 devices are 256/1024/ 2048/4096 bits, respectively, of CMOS non-volatile electri­ cally erasable memory divided into 16 /64/1 28/2 56 16-bit

    OCR Scan
    NM93C06/C46/C56/C66 NM93C06/C46/C56/C66 256-/1024-/2048-/4096-Bit 93C06/C46/C56/C66 16-bit XD15X' NM93C06M-NM93C66M NM93C06MN 93c06 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: August 1996 S em iconductor N M 93C06/C46/C56/C66 256-/1024-/2048-/4096-Bit Serial EEPROM MICROWIRE Bus Interface General Description Features The NM93C06/C46/C56/C66 devices are 256/1024/ 2048/4096 bits, respectively, of CMOS non-volatile electri­ cally erasable memory divided into 16/64/128/256 16-bit

    OCR Scan
    93C06/C46/C56/C66 256-/1024-/2048-/4096-Bit NM93C06/C46/C56/C66 16-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NM93C06LZ/C46LZ/C56LZ/C66LZ 256-/1024-/2048-/4096-Bit Serial EEPROM with Zero Power and Extended Voltage 2V to 6V (MICROWIRE Bus Interface) G eneral Description Features The NM 93C06LZ/C46LZ/C56LZ/C66LZ devices are 256/ 1024/2048/4096 bits respectively, of CMOS non-volatile

    OCR Scan
    NM93C06LZ/C46LZ/C56LZ/C66LZ NM93C06LZ/C46LZ/C56LZ/C66LZ 256-/1024-/2048-/4096-Bit 93C06LZ/C46LZ/C56LZ/C66LZ 16-bit TL/D/11865-4 TL/D/11865-6 XD15X- 93C66LZ PDF

    rolling code

    Abstract: COP8TM D12301 decoder rolling code home burglar alarm HiSeC 13005 2 93C06 6 NM93C46 NM95HS01
    Text: March 1995 MM57HS01 HiSeC Fixed and Rolling C o d e D eco der General Description The MM57HS01 rolling code decoder is a programmed member of the COP8TM microcontroller family. It is a fully static device fabricated using double-metal silicon gate microCMOS technology. This decoder is capable of decod­

    OCR Scan
    MM57HS01 MM57HS01 NM95HS01 /NM95HS02 rolling code COP8TM D12301 decoder rolling code home burglar alarm HiSeC 13005 2 93C06 6 NM93C46 PDF

    93C66 national semiconductor

    Abstract: 93c06 b1 93c06 national semiconductor 93C06 6

    OCR Scan
    M93C86, M93C76, M93C66 M93C56, M93C46, M93C06 16K/8K/4K/2K/1 K/256 M93Cx6 M93Cx6-W 93C66 national semiconductor 93c06 b1 93c06 national semiconductor 93C06 6 PDF

    IEEE 802.3 Clause 27

    Abstract: DP33840 "IEEE 802.3" "Clause 27"
    Text: DP83850 PRELIM INARY N ational Semiconductor tß DP83850 100 M b/s Repeater Interface Controller G eneral Description Features The DP83850 100 M b/s Repeater Interface Controller is designed specifically to meet the needs of today's high speed Ethernet networking systems. The DP83850 is fully

    OCR Scan
    DP83850 DP83850s DP83856 tl/f/12391â L-501124 010D21D IEEE 802.3 Clause 27 DP33840 "IEEE 802.3" "Clause 27" PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DP83850 J W PRELIMINARY National Semiconductor DP83850 100 Mb/s Repeater Interface Controller General Description Features The DP83850 100 M b /s Repeater Interface Controller Is designed specifically to meet the needs of today's high speed Ethernet networking systems. The DP83850 is fully

    OCR Scan
    DP83850 DP83850 DP83850s DP83856 LS01124 PDF