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    BA7230LS Search Results

    BA7230LS Datasheets (7)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    BA7230LS ROHM Video Codec, NTSC Color TV Signal Encoder Original PDF
    BA7230LS ROHM NTSC color TV signal encoder Original PDF
    BA7230LS ROHM NTSC RGB Encoder Original PDF
    BA7230LS Unknown Shortform Data and Cross References (Misc Datasheets) Short Form PDF
    BA7230LS Unknown Video Signal Processor IC Data Book 1993 Scan PDF
    BA7230LS Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    BA7230LS Unknown NTSC color TV signal encoder Scan PDF

    BA7230LS Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: BA7230LS AN501 BA7230
    Text: AN501 Integrated Circuit Systems, Inc. Application Note Using the GSP500 with a Rohm BA7230LS Encoder Contents Page Schematics GSP500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BA7230LS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Port Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    AN501 GSP500 BA7230LS GSP500 BA7230LS AN501 BA7230 PDF


    Abstract: 2SC2021 BA7230LS rgb composite rgb-Composite RC-875 X503 nikko denshi rgb to composite Rohm video encoder
    Text: Multimedia ICs NTSC color TV signal encoder BA7230LS The BA7230LS comprises an RGB signal matrix circuit, balanced modulator circuit rectangular 2-phase modulation , oscillator circuit (VCXO) for a 3.58MHz subcarrier synchronized with video input burst signals, luminosity and

    BA7230LS BA7230LS 58MHz nikko 2SC2021 rgb composite rgb-Composite RC-875 X503 nikko denshi rgb to composite Rohm video encoder PDF


    Abstract: nikko denshi rgb composite 2SC2021 BA7230LS RC-875 C61u 5dB75 nikko dl2
    Text: Multimedia ICs NTSC color TV signal encoder BA7230LS The BA7230LS comprises an RGB signal matrix circuit, balanced modulator circuit rectangular 2-phase modulation , oscillator circuit (VCXO) for a 3.58MHz subcarrier synchronized with video input burst signals, luminosity and

    BA7230LS BA7230LS 58MHz nikko nikko denshi rgb composite 2SC2021 RC-875 C61u 5dB75 nikko dl2 PDF


    Abstract: BH4127 ba6482 bu2880 BA6898FP BA7762AFS ba7242f BH3543 ba6257 ba6138
    Text: Memory / standard ICs Memory / standard ICs products list Memory / standard ICs products list The data for Rohm monolithic and hybrid ICs are published in seven different volumes separated by classification. / standard ICs •Memory Regulator / motor driver ICs

    BA335 BA336 BA338 BA338L BA526 BU97702 QX2130FS QX2130S RPI-221 RPI-222 BH3543F BH4127 ba6482 bu2880 BA6898FP BA7762AFS ba7242f BH3543 ba6257 ba6138 PDF


    Abstract: 306-061
    Text: RGB encoder for NTSC BA7230LS The BA7230LS is an RGB encoder that is suitable for use with NTSC signals. BA7230LS SZIP24 2I.8±0.Z It consists of: • • matrix circuit for RGB signals balance modulation circuit (rectangular 2-phase modulation) • video input burst signal that is

    OCR Scan
    BA7230LS BA7230LS SZIP24) 2SC2021 3879JS 367R5 nikko 306-061 PDF


    Abstract: EY 85 rgb-Composite Sync EY07 2SC2021 BA7230LS RC-875 X503 ttl rgb to composite rgb composite
    Text: NTSC RGB Encoder BA7230LS B A 7230LS • D im ensions Unit: mm The BA7230LS is a monolithic integrated circuit consisting of an RGB signal matrix circuit, balanced modulator (2-phase quad­ rature modulation), 3.58MHz subcarrier oscillation circuit (VCXO) synchronized to

    OCR Scan
    BA7230LS BA7230LS 58MHz 1356-Alphaville, 06400-Barueri. B52-330 TEL7459326/7. 259SE 3579.545 EY 85 rgb-Composite Sync EY07 2SC2021 RC-875 X503 ttl rgb to composite rgb composite PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NTSC RGB Encoder B A 7230L S B A 7230LS Ilf t • m • Dim ensions Unit: mm The BA7230LS is a monolithic integrated circuit consisting of an RGB signal matrix circuit, balanced modulator (2-phase quad­ rature modulation), 3.58MHz subcarrier oscillation circuit (VCXO) synchronized to

    OCR Scan
    7230L 7230LS BA7230LS 58MHz 2598E BA7230 PDF


    Abstract: X503 nikko denshi rgb encoder rohm nikko dl2 2SC2021 BA7230LS RC-875 SZIP24 Rohm video encoder
    Text: Multimedia ICs NTSC Color TV Signal Encoder BA7230LS The BA7230LS comprises an RGB signal matrix circuit, balanced modulator circuit rectangular 2-phase modula­ tion , oscillator circuit (VCXO) for a 3.58MHz subcarrier synchronized with video input burst signals, luminosity and

    OCR Scan
    BA7230LS BA7230LS 58MHz 545kHz 15kHz SZIP24 nikko X503 nikko denshi rgb encoder rohm nikko dl2 2SC2021 RC-875 SZIP24 Rohm video encoder PDF

    PAL Encoders

    Abstract: nikko dl2 nikko
    Text: Multimedia ICs NTSC Color TV Signal Encoder BA7230LS The BA7230LS comprises an RGB signal matrix circuit, balanced modulator circuit rectangular 2-phase modula­ tion , oscillator circuit (VCXO) for a 3.58MHz subcarrier synchronized with video input burst signals, luminosity and

    OCR Scan
    BA7230LS BA7230LS 58MHz PAL Encoders nikko dl2 nikko PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Multimedia ICs NTSC Color TV Signal Encoder BA7230LS The BA7230LS comprises an RG B signal matrix circuit, balanced modulator circuit rectangular 2-phase modula­ tion , oscillator circuit (VCXO) for a 3.58MHz subcarrier synchronized with video input burst signals, luminosity and

    OCR Scan
    BA7230LS BA7230LS 58MHz SZIP24 PDF


    Abstract: Sync generator rgb 270MHZ ba6591af SSOP-B20 BA7230LS YUV
    Text: IC Optical Disc/Multi-media-related ICs/M ulti-m edia-TG lated Video signal D/A converter Part No. ! voltage V Resolution (Bit) Settling time (ns) 5 8 35 Supply BU3616K . Features Package Video 3 ch 8 bit DAC, high speed low power consumption, internal standard supply

    OCR Scan
    BU3616K QFP44 8U1414AK BU1417AK PAL60 24bit 5/27-OMHz QFP-A64 QFP-A64 2857F Sync generator rgb 270MHZ ba6591af SSOP-B20 BA7230LS YUV PDF

    Motor Drivers

    Abstract: BA6104 ba6840f ba6229 BA-4114 BA-4112 BA684A BA8206 ba3830s BU2616
    Text: Index Index This index lists all ICs offered by Rohm. Technical data for these ICs is contained in one of five data books: Industrial, Audio, Video, Motor Driver, and Standard & Memory. In this index, if the 1C that you are looking for has a page number after it, the

    OCR Scan
    BA10324A BA10324AF BA10339 BA10339F BA10339FV BA10358 BA10358F BA10358N BA10393 BA10393F Motor Drivers BA6104 ba6840f ba6229 BA-4114 BA-4112 BA684A BA8206 ba3830s BU2616 PDF


    Abstract: BA10358FV bu9312aks BA5415A BA6919FP-Y BU2622S BA3936 ic ba6229
    Text: Multimedia IC Products List Multimedia Cs Multimedia 1C Products List The data for Rohm monolithic and hybrid ICs are pub­ lished in seven different volumes separated by classifi­ cation. •Memory/Standard ICs •Regulator/Motor driver ICs •Communication ICs

    OCR Scan
    BA336 BA338 BA338L. BA526 BA527 BU9761FS BP5302 BP5302F. BP5307 BP5310 BA6287F BA10358FV bu9312aks BA5415A BA6919FP-Y BU2622S BA3936 ic ba6229 PDF


    Abstract: H321LNP-1436PBAB 348-526 TOKO H321LNP Rohm video encoder CRYSTAL 12MH
    Text: ICS AN501 Integrated Circuit Systems, Inc. Application Note Using the G S P 5 0 0 with a Rohm B A 7 2 3 0L S Encoder Contents Page Schematics GSP500 .

    OCR Scan
    AN501 GSP500 3321-t-R RC-875/122J-50 B230-52 -SOGA01B14 GSP500 H321LNP-1436PBAB 348-526 TOKO H321LNP Rohm video encoder CRYSTAL 12MH PDF


    Abstract: BA6485FP-Y BA-4114 BA225 BU2616 BU12101 ba658
    Text: Index Index This index lists all ICs offered by Rohm, Technical data for these ICs is contained in one of five data books: Industrial. Audio, Video, M otor Driver, and Standard & Memory. In this index, if the 1C that you are looking for has a page num ber after it, the

    OCR Scan
    BA10324A BA10324AF BA10339 BA10339F BA10339FV BA10358 BA10358F BA10358N BA10393 BA10393F BA3520F BA6485FP-Y BA-4114 BA225 BU2616 BU12101 ba658 PDF


    Abstract: Motor Drivers BA12003 BU16515 BA-4114 BA-4112 BA6296FP BP5020 BU2616 BU16307
    Text: Index Index This index lists all ICs offered by ROHM. Technical data for these ICs is contained in one of five data books: Industrial, Audio, Video, Motor Driver, and Standard & Memory. In this index, if the 1C that you are looking for has a page number after it, the

    OCR Scan
    BA12004 BA10324A BA10324AF BA10324AFV BA10339 BA10339F BA10339FV BA10358 BA10358F BU4S01 BU12101 Motor Drivers BA12003 BU16515 BA-4114 BA-4112 BA6296FP BP5020 BU2616 BU16307 PDF


    Abstract: BA10358FV BA6406F BA1450S BU1922 BA8201 BA7230 BU2872AK BA3406 bu2880
    Text: Video ICs Products List Products List The data for Rohm monolithic and hybrid ICs are pub­ lished in seven different volumes separated by classifi­ cation. •Memory/Standard ICs •Regulator/Motor driver •V id e o ICs •O p tica l disc/Magnetic disk ICs

    OCR Scan
    BA336 BA338 BA338L. BA526 BA527 BA534 BU4584B. BU4584BF BU4584BFV. BU6550KS BA6287F BA10358FV BA6406F BA1450S BU1922 BA8201 BA7230 BU2872AK BA3406 bu2880 PDF


    Abstract: BA843 BA5412 A684A BA658 6439P BA6439S BA6414FS BA7792LS BA6462FP
    Text: S i “ J I S / P a r t N u m b e r L ist / W 7 " ' j "j K i c c o o - r i i , f f lit s ijiiK c o ^ T ir s - S H f t C L i Lfco m t - r - r xm\c • B W tffllC b&-§- m 0 * {¡m (nm-ini) 0 ^ - 9 K ^ -fA ( i) (;J l/V ) • J J lf f l/ V i'J I C £ i i , Z(7)BDai - K « ( i , T - ' - i ' 7 ' ' y i ' l - i l * ! c L / : ^ nnn

    OCR Scan
    BA681A. A682A. BA682AF. BA683A. A684A. BA689 BP50M12 BP51L05 BP51L12 BP3008 BA6296FP BA843 BA5412 A684A BA658 6439P BA6439S BA6414FS BA7792LS BA6462FP PDF


    Abstract: BA7135F BA7255CS BA7125L BA7279S BA7115L BU270 BA7255BS apc 3121 BA7277s
    Text: ROHN CO LTD l^ raflBiinms'»gy MOE D _• _ E3 TflEßT'n 0003 25 5 2 BRHM _ s j . _ ^ T-~77-ll 7 ^ 7 7 - 2 1 • V id e o S ignal Processing continued Function • Type * Under Development Package Configuration No. of pins Features Reference Catalog

    OCR Scan
    77-ll BA7253S BA7254S. LFS24 0003Sb0 QFPS56 QFPS80 QFPS100 BA7147F BA7135F BA7255CS BA7125L BA7279S BA7115L BU270 BA7255BS apc 3121 BA7277s PDF


    Abstract: sop16 pwm VGA TO AV CONVERTER circuit BA7807 mic 342
    Text: Multimedia ICs Multimedia ICs Product Tables Multimedia ICs product tables Personal computers * Card Bus controller for PCs and PDAs Product no. BU6836 Power supply voltage V Functions 3 .0 -5 .5 Features Card Bus controller Package Two slots built in for PCMCIA2.1/JEIDA4.2 or CardBus card interfacing.

    OCR Scan
    BU6836 BGA256/UQFP256 BU2173F VBU2191F BA7604N BA7608N BA76Q9/F BA7807/F BA7602/F BA7627FV QSound sop16 pwm VGA TO AV CONVERTER circuit BA7807 mic 342 PDF


    Abstract: 6303F BU9312 bu2880 BA520 BU2090/F/FS BA-4116 BU2872AK bu9716 BA51W12ST
    Text: Audio ICs Audio ICs Products List Audio ICs Products List The data for Rohm monolithic and hybrid ICs are pub­ lished in seven different volumes separated by classification. •M em ory/S tandard ICs •R egu lator/M otor driver ICs •C om m unication ICs

    OCR Scan
    BA336 BA338 BAS26 BA527 BP5041 BP5302 P5302F. BP5307 BP5310 BP5311 a4558f 6303F BU9312 bu2880 BA520 BU2090/F/FS BA-4116 BU2872AK bu9716 BA51W12ST PDF


    Abstract: pulse generator sop8 BA7172S Video ICs Test pattern generator sop16 pwm sip8 amp
    Text: Introduction Product summary This chapter provides a short-form catalog for all the video ICs described in this data book. It also provides information common to all products in this book. Table 1 Luminance signal processor Part no. BA7281BS Format Supply

    OCR Scan
    BA7281BS Dummy75 SDIP32 BA7107 BA7107F BA7107S DIP28 SDIP30 BA7045 BA7045FS ba7149f pulse generator sop8 BA7172S Video ICs Test pattern generator sop16 pwm sip8 amp PDF


    Abstract: BA6302 BA10358FV ba6896fp BA-4116 BH3540A bu4066 BA4116 BA6919FP-Y A728F
    Text: Memory/Standard ICs Memory/Standard ICs Products List Memory/Standard ICs Products List The data for Rohm monolithic and hybrid ICs are pub­ lished in seven different volumes separated by classification. •Memory/Standard ICs •Regulator/Motor driver ICs

    OCR Scan
    BA336 BA338 BA526 BA527 9706K U9716A BU9716AKV. 9718K BU9728AKV. BU9761FS U4051B BA6302 BA10358FV ba6896fp BA-4116 BH3540A bu4066 BA4116 BA6919FP-Y A728F PDF


    Abstract: BA7790 BA7026L BH7733S bu2767 BU9251S 4560 pre amp BA6414 ba6591af bu2767s
    Text: ICs for Video Applications VTR System Block diagram of typical application Input via keyboard Capstan mota drivers BA6438 BA6439 BA6440 BA6441 DRUM System control servo BU38701 BU38703 Tuner timer microcontroller RAMICS-4 RAMICS-8 CyFG Cylinder motor driver

    OCR Scan
    BA6438 BA6439 BA6440 BA6441 BU38701 BU38703 BA6414 BA6458 BA6462 BU2780 BA7790LS BA7790 BA7026L BH7733S bu2767 BU9251S 4560 pre amp ba6591af bu2767s PDF