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    NXP Semiconductors BF748-T/R

    NPN; Configuration: SINGLE; Surface Mount: NO; Nominal Transition Frequency (fT): 1200 MHz; Maximum Collector Current (IC): .05 A; JESD-30 Code: O-PBCY-T3;
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    Vyrian BF748-T/R 188
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    BF748 Datasheets (1)

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    BF748 Philips Semiconductors NPN 1 GHz Wideband Transistor Original PDF

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: , iJnc. 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. TELEPHONE: 973 376-2922 (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 NPN1 GHz wideband transistor BF748 PINNING FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Stable oscillator operation • High current gain PIN • Low feedback capacitance

    BF748 fTO-92 500MHz PDF


    Abstract: BF740 mc88000 BA20 BA23 BA25 BA27 BA28 BA29 DSP96002 fft
    Text: Order this data sheet by DSP96002/D MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA DSP96002 Advance Information 96-bit General Purpose IEEE Floating-Point Dual Port Processor The DSP96002 is the first member of Motorola’s family of single-chip, dual port, HCMOS, low-power, general purpose IEEE

    DSP96002/D DSP96002 96-bit DSP96002 beff17b2 bef41f07 bee900b7 beddbe79 bed25a09 f333 BF740 mc88000 BA20 BA23 BA25 BA27 BA28 BA29 DSP96002 fft PDF


    Abstract: BF681 BF136 ba05 30014 aa26 stg Nippon capacitors BF308 BF740 BTS 129
    Text: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Order this document by: DSP96002/D, Rev. 2 DSP96002 The DSP96002 is designed to support intensive graphic image and numeric processing. It is a dual-port, low-power, general purpose floating-point processor. The DSP includes 1024

    DSP96002/D, DSP96002 DSP96002 32-bit f3620 BF681 BF136 ba05 30014 aa26 stg Nippon capacitors BF308 BF740 BTS 129 PDF


    Abstract: f3620 BF136 BF681 BF239 ad1794 BA 9511 F7314 30014 BF273
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by: DSP96002/D, Rev. 2 SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA DSP96002 32-BIT GENERAL PURPOSE FLOATING-POINT DUAL-PORT PROCESSOR The DSP96002 is designed to support intensive graphic image and numeric processing. It is a dual-port, low-power, general purpose floating-point processor. The DSP includes 1024

    DSP96002/D, DSP96002 32-BIT DSP96002 BF740 f3620 BF136 BF681 BF239 ad1794 BA 9511 F7314 30014 BF273 PDF


    Abstract: 000007B0 000007FC BF681 bf373a23 DSP96002 bc490 3F40D 000004B8 0000052C
    Text: Appendix B – X and Y Memory ROM Tables xr:$00000400= xr:$00000404= xr:$00000408= xr:$0000040c= xr:$00000410= xr:$00000414= xr:$00000418= xr:$0000041c= xr:$00000420= xr:$00000424= xr:$00000428= xr:$0000042c= xr:$00000430= xr:$00000434= xr:$00000438= xr:$0000043c=

    0000040c= 0000041c= 0000042c= 0000043c= 0000044c= 0000045c= 0000046c= 0000047c= 0000048c= 0000049c= 000004B0 000007B0 000007FC BF681 bf373a23 DSP96002 bc490 3F40D 000004B8 0000052C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors b b 5 3 c]31 0031082 842 M A P X Product specification NPN 1 GHz wideband transistor £ N ACER PHILIPS/DISCRETE BF748 btt » “ PINNING FEATURES • Stable oscillator operation DESCRIPTION PIN Code: F748 • High current gain • Low feedback capacitance

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    bb53c BF748 PDF

    so 54 t

    Abstract: BF547B BF751 T143R BFG65
    Text: 54 RF/Microwave Devices RF W ideband Transistors Ratings V ic * Type No. BF547 B F547W BF689K BF747 BF747W BF748 BF751 BF763 B F G 16 A B F G 17 A B FG 25 A /X BFG31 BFG 32 B FG 33 BFG33/X BFG33/XR B FG 34 BFG35 BFG 55 B FG 65 B FG 67 B FG67/X BFG67/XR BFG90A

    OCR Scan
    BF547 F547W BF689K BF747 BF747W BF748 BF751 BF763 BFG31 BFG33/X so 54 t BF547B T143R BFG65 PDF

    transistor bl 187

    Abstract: yl1 TRANSISTOR f748 transistor ac 132 BF748
    Text: Produc^jæcification Philips Semiconductors BF748 NPN 1 GHz wideband transistor PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL IPHIN 711062b 0044^71 S7T SbE PINNING FEATURES • Stable oscillator operation DESCRIPTION PIN Code: F748 • High current gain • Low feedback capacitance

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    BF748 711062b transistor bl 187 yl1 TRANSISTOR f748 transistor ac 132 BF748 PDF

    bl 565 transistor

    Abstract: BF748 f748 IEC134 702 y TRANSISTOR aC/DC/cpu 224 aC/DC/f748
    Text: Philips Semiconductors bbsa^l 0031005 Ö42 • APX Product specification NPN 1 GHz wideband transistor £ N ACER PHILIPS/DISCRETE BF748 U'lE 3>“ PINNING FEATURES • Stable oscillator operation DESCRIPTION PIN Code: F748 • High current gain • Low feedback capacitance

    OCR Scan
    BF748 bl 565 transistor BF748 f748 IEC134 702 y TRANSISTOR aC/DC/cpu 224 aC/DC/f748 PDF


    Abstract: BF0262 OM335 1N5821ID OM336 OM2061 OM926 BUK645 OM2060 BLY94
    Text: Alphanumeric Type Index Typo Page Type Page Type Page Page Type 1N821 1N821A 1N823 1N823A 1N825 11 11 11 11 11 1N5227B 1N5228B 1N5229B 1N5230B 1N5231B 13 13 13 13 13 2N2905A 2N2906 2N2906A 2N2907 2N2907A 17 17 17 17 17 2N6599 2N6600 2N6601 2N7000 2N7002 1N825A

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    1N821 1N821A 1N823 1N823A 1N825 1N825A 1N827 1N827A 1N829 1N829A bf0262a BF0262 OM335 1N5821ID OM336 OM2061 OM926 BUK645 OM2060 BLY94 PDF


    Abstract: DSP96002UM moc 2030 000004B0 BF740 xr 2277 BF299 AA06 AA1716 Nippon capacitors
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by: DSP96002/D, Rev. 2 SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA DSP96002 32-BIT GENERAL PURPOSE FLOATING-POINT DUAL-PORT PROCESSOR The DSP96002 is desig n ed to su p p o rt intensive graphic im age a n d n u m eric processing. It is a d u al-p o rt, low -pow er, general p u rp o se floating-point processor. The DSP includes 1024

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    DSP96002/D, DSP96002 32-BIT DSP96002 ------------------------------1ATX24213-6 1CV96 DSP96002/D MOC BTA DSP96002UM moc 2030 000004B0 BF740 xr 2277 BF299 AA06 AA1716 Nippon capacitors PDF

    transistor f6 13003

    Abstract: equivalent transistor bj 131-6 transistor Eb 13003 BM BB112 smd TRANSISTOR code marking 2F 6n a1211 lg CQY58 BU705 TRANSISTOR 131-6 BJ 026 philips om350
    Text: W IDEBAND TRANSISTORS AND W IDEBAND HYBR ID 1C MODULES page P refa ce. 3 Selection guide Wideband transistors.

    OCR Scan
    SC08b transistor f6 13003 equivalent transistor bj 131-6 transistor Eb 13003 BM BB112 smd TRANSISTOR code marking 2F 6n a1211 lg CQY58 BU705 TRANSISTOR 131-6 BJ 026 philips om350 PDF


    Abstract: transistor bf 175 BFG65 equivalent BF547B BFG25AXD
    Text: Philips Sem iconductors RF Wideband Transistors The New Generation Contents page PREFACE 3 SELECTION GUIDE 6 S-PARAMETERS 22 SPICE AND PACKAGE PARAMETERS 44 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS 48 DEVICE DATA in alpha-num eric sequence 54 OUTLINES 442 INDEX 448 DEFINITIONS

    OCR Scan
    LCD01 BF547A transistor bf 175 BFG65 equivalent BF547B BFG25AXD PDF


    Abstract: bf498 BF982 BF980 SOT-103 Dual-Gate* bf981 BF926 sot103 BF980 Philips BF751
    Text: Small Signal Leaded Devices Field Effect Transistors Dual-Gate MOSFET cont. •d SS VDS Type BF980 BF980A BF981 BF982 BF988 Pkg (V) SOT-103 SOT-103 SOT-103 SOT-103 SOT-103 18 18 20 20 12 (mA) _V(P) Gl-S max (V) yfs typ (mA/V) 1.3 20 2.5 1.3 2.5 19 19 14

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    BF980 BF980A BF981 BF982 BF988 OT-103 OT-103 bf498 SOT-103 Dual-Gate* bf981 BF926 sot103 BF980 Philips BF751 PDF


    Abstract: BFT93A BFG134 bf689 sot37 sot173 BFG34 BFQ52 bfg65 sot143 philips bfw92
    Text: 52 RF/Microwave Devices First Generation RF W ideband Transistors fT to 3.5 GHz metal can fr/ lc Curve Polarity (1) (2) N PN NPN (3) (4) (5) NPN NPN NPN (6) (18) NPN NPN TO-39 surface mount plastic TO-72 TQ-92 BFY90 BF689K BF763 BFW30 SOt-37 ceramic SOT-122E

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    BFY90 TQ-92 BF689K BF763 SOt-37 BFT24 BFW92 BFW93 OT-122E OT-23 BFT92A BFT93A BFG134 bf689 sot37 sot173 BFG34 BFQ52 bfg65 sot143 philips bfw92 PDF

    BFG591 amplifier

    Abstract: SC08a bfr591 sot173x BB544 sot122 sot172 bfg65 sot143 SIEMENS BFP520 macro-X ceramic
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Semiconductors for Telecom systems Selection List General For further information, refer to Data Handbook S C 1 4,1993; "RF Wideband Transistors", except otherwise specified. RF wideband transisto rs March 1993 14 Philips Semiconductors

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    OT122 OT143 OT223 OT323 BFS17W BFG17A BFG16A BF547W BF747W BFT25 BFG591 amplifier SC08a bfr591 sot173x BB544 sot122 sot172 bfg65 sot143 SIEMENS BFP520 macro-X ceramic PDF