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    Fox Electronics FC5BSECLM40.0-T1

    Crystal 40MHz 18pF 4-Pin Surface Mount T/R - Tape and Reel (Alt: FC5BSECLM40.0-T1)
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    Avnet Americas FC5BSECLM40.0-T1 Reel 1,000
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    CLM400 Datasheets (7)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    CLM400 Clairex Electronics 40 mA, Led photoconductor isolator Scan PDF
    CLM400 Senisys Photoconductor Isolator Scan PDF
    CLM4006A Clairex Electronics Photomods Six Volt l Iodules Scan PDF
    CLM4006A Clairex Electronics 40 mA, photomod six volt module Scan PDF
    CLM4006A Unknown Catalog Scans - Shortform Datasheet Scan PDF
    CLM400D Clairex Electronics 40 mA, Led isolated dual photoconductor isolator Scan PDF
    CLM400D Senisys Led isolated dual photoconductor isolator Scan PDF

    CLM400 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: optocouplers clm600 clairex clm6500 CLM6000 CLM9000 clairex Photoconductor CLM8600 CLM6200 CLM8000
    Text: Clairex Technologies, Inc. Home Optocouplers Next Page LED - Photoconductor Optocouplers Previous P/N Case 1 No. Ω (max) at IF (2)(4) mA CLM400 same 23 500 1845 Summit Ave. Ste. 404 Plano, TX 75074 CLM410 same 23 CLM600 CLM6000 Phone: 972.422.4676 Fax: 972.423.8628

    CLM400 CLM410 CLM600 CLM6000 CLM620 CLM6200 CLM650 CLM6500 CLM800 CLM8000 CLM600 optocouplers clm600 clairex clm6500 CLM6000 CLM9000 clairex Photoconductor CLM8600 CLM6200 CLM8000 PDF


    Abstract: til99 photoconductor CL5M9M CLM610 CLM6000 CLM3000 CLE3309B CL8601M-X cl703 clairex CLT2190-X
    Text: DISCONTINUED PRODUCTS Call for Pricing Ph: 972-265-4900, email: [email protected] These parts are no longer made by Clairex and must be regarded as one time purchases. All parts with an X suffix will be retested prior to shipment. PART NUMBER C-100-A-X C-100-B-X

    C-100-A-X C-100-B-X C-101-X CL1073MA-X CL1420M-2-X CL1636-X CL1641-X CL1652P-1-X CL1652P-X CL1654P-X CL9020 til99 photoconductor CL5M9M CLM610 CLM6000 CLM3000 CLE3309B CL8601M-X cl703 clairex CLT2190-X PDF


    Abstract: CLM410D LFR20
    Text: CLM400D CLM410D LEDIsolated Dual P hotoconductors Isolators .0 5 0 REF. The CLM400D and CLM410D incorporate an LED with tw o p h o to co n d u c tiv e cells to provide a dual optoisolator with isolated outputs. The presence of iso­ lated output elem ents allows one of the sensors to be

    OCR Scan
    CLM400D CLM410D CLM410D lfr-20 25ENT LFR20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a oseni 4QE D es 3 4 ^ 7 3 6 dddidm b FASCO INDS/ SENISYS Photomods Six Volt Modules CLM3006A CLM4006A • Six Volt, 40 Ma Lamp • Low Impedance, Long Life • Isolation Voltage 2500V PAC • No Moving Parts APPLICATIONS CLM3006A and CLM4006A CLM3006A — This module is designed for applica­

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    CLM3006A CLM4006A CLM3006A PDF

    clairex photomod cl

    Abstract: clm3006 Photocell CLM3006A CLM4006A CLAIREX
    Text: CLAIREX ELECTRONICS DIV ITE D • 2 1 4 2 7 CH Q O Q Q ? “!^ 4 T - 4 I- 8 I Photomods Six Volt Modules • • • • CLM3006A CLM4006A Six Volt, 40 Ma Lamp Low Impedance, Long Life Isolation Voltage 2500V PAC No Moving Parts CLM3006A and CLM4006A APPLICATIONS

    OCR Scan
    CLM3006A CLM4006A CLM3006A CLM3006ARcl< 30RCl clairex photomod cl clm3006 Photocell CLM4006A CLAIREX PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CLM3006A CLM4006A Photomods Six Volt Modules • Six Volt, 40 Ma Lamp • Low Impedance, Long Life • Isolation Voltage 2500V PAC • No Moving Parts APPLICATIONS CLM3006A and CLM4006A CLM3006A — This module is designed for applica­ tions where appropriate lamp power is available. It

    OCR Scan
    CLM3006A CLM4006A CLM3006A PDF


    Abstract: CLM410D
    Text: MOE D B 34=1=1730 O O O I O ? 11! ? S E N I FA S C O INDS/ SENISVS “P'-U-'S CLM400D CLM410D LEDIsolated Dual Photoconductors Isolators LED CATHODE .0 I0 X .0 2 3 The CLM400D and CLM410D incorporate an LED with tw o p h o to co n d u ctiv e cells to provide a dual optoisolator with isolated outputs. The presence of iso­

    OCR Scan
    000107e] CLM400D CLM410D CLM410D PDF


    Abstract: CLM3006A CLM4006A
    Text: MOE D n 34=^730 FASCO ñ O SENI •qw2 I IN3>S/ SENISYS CLM3006A CLM4006A Photomods Six Volt Modules • • • • 0DD1043 Six V olt, 40 Ma Lamp Low Impedance, Long Life Isolation Voltage 2500V PAC No Moving Parts C LM 3006A and C LM 4006A jm - REF.

    OCR Scan
    CLM3006A CLM4006A CLM3006A s1854 CLM4006A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4QE D B 3 4 ^ 7 3 6 QOQIQ?11! 7 B S E N I FASCO INDS/ SENISYS CLM400D CLM410D 1 1 LEDIsolated Dual Photoconductors Isolators .512 |«- .020 ~ ~ .0 5 0 REF. J ±.015 .330 .04 .115 MIN. 6 LEADS T -.200 LED CATHODE •0 I0 X .0 2 3 The CLM400D and CLM410D incorporate an LED with

    OCR Scan
    CLM400D CLM410D CLM400D CLM410D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CLM400D CLM410D 1 1 LEDIsolated Dual P hotoconductors Isolators - .512 * j«- .020 ~ ~ .050 REF. '] ±.015 .330 .115 MIN. 6 LEADS The CLM400D and CLM410D incorporate an LED with two photoconductive cells to provide a dual optoisolator with isolated outputs. The presence of iso­

    OCR Scan
    CLM400D CLM410D CLM400D CLM410D PDF


    Abstract: CLM6000 CLM60 CLM600 vdo x10 CLM400 51427
    Text: ITE D CLAIREX ELECTRONICS DIV • 51427^^ DD00Ö30 0 T -H i-g l CLM400 CLM410 LEDPhotoconductor Isolators |"- >3 Or w-f I .ISO The first in the series is the CLM400, which is an exact drop-in replacement electrically for the CLM6000 PHOTOMOD. The radial

    OCR Scan
    51427TÃ CLM400 CLM410 CLM400, CLM6000 CLM410 CLM60 CLM600 vdo x10 51427 PDF

    switch photocell

    Abstract: CLM3006A CLM4006A
    Text: CLM3006A CLM4006A Photomods Six Volt Modules • Six Volt, 40 Ma Lamp CLM3006A and CLM4006A • Low Impedance, Long Life • Isolation Voltage 2500V PAC • No Moving Parts APPLICATIONS CLM4006A — This is a moderate speed switching module for use in very low impedance circuitry. It is

    OCR Scan
    CLM3006A CLM4006A CLM3006A 2i427n switch photocell CLM4006A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 40E D 3 4 <=l'=i7 3 fl 0001077 3 1SSENI PM1-9 \ FASCO INDS/ SENISYS f £ 3 £ CLM400 CLM410 LEDPhotoconductor Isolators The first in the series is the CLM400, which is an exact drop-in replacement electrically for the CLM6000 PHOTOMOD. The radial lead design eliminates costly lead cutting and forming operations

    OCR Scan
    CLM400 CLM410 CLM400, CLM6000 CLM410 CLM400 PDF


    Abstract: CLM400 CLM410 CLM600 CLM60
    Text: CLM400 CLM410 LEDPhotoconductor Isolators Tv: .3 3 0 4 LED CATHODE .010 X -0 2 3 < \ CM-f- I .150 rv » The first in the series is the CLM400, which is an exact drop-in replacem ent electrically for the CLM6000 PHOTO MOD. The radial lead design eliminates costly lead cutting and forming operations

    OCR Scan
    CLM400 CLM410 CLM400, CLM6000 CLM410 X-023 CLM600 CLM60 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CLM400 CLM410 LEDPhotoconductor Isolators The first in the series is the CLM400, which is an exact drop-in replacement electrically for the CLM6000 PHOTOMOD. The radial lead design eliminates costly lead cutting and forming operations now needed for PCB usage.

    OCR Scan
    CLM400 CLM410 CLM400, CLM6000 CLM410 CLM400 D001Q42 PDF


    Abstract: CLM6000 CLM600 CLM410 CLM400
    Text: 0001077 3 13SENI 40E D FASCO INDS/ SENISYS ? m - 9 \ CLM400 CLM410 LEDPhotoconductor Isolators The first in the series is the CLM400, which is an exact drop-in replacement electrically for the CLM6000 PHOTOMOD. The radial lead design eliminates costly lead cutting and forming operations

    OCR Scan
    CLM400 CLM410 CLM400, CLM6000 CLM410 M4-OO CLM600 PDF


    Abstract: PLT-10585 CLM6000 NSL-4960 CL5M2L cl5m9m clairex clm6500 Clairex CL703L NSL-5540
    Text: SILONEX/CLAIREX EQUIVALENTS HERMETICS TO-5 HERMETIC TO-18 HERMETIC Silonex P/N Clairex P/N Silonex P/N Clairex P/N NSL-3510 NSL-3530 NSL-3540 NSL-4510 NSL-5510 NSL-5530 NSL-5540 NSL-6510 NSL-6530 NSL-7 5 10 NSL-7530 NSL-754 0 NSL-7550 NSL-9510 CL703L CL703A

    OCR Scan
    NSL-3510 NSL-3530 NSL-3540 NSL-4510 NSL-5510 NSL-5530 NSL-5540 NSL-6510 NSL-6530 NSL-7530 NSL-9510 PLT-10585 CLM6000 NSL-4960 CL5M2L cl5m9m clairex clm6500 Clairex CL703L PDF