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    National Semiconductor Corporation COP87L84EGM-XE

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    COP87L84EG Datasheets (6)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    COP87L84EG National Semiconductor 8-Bit One-Time Programmable (OTP) Microcontroller with UART and Three Multi-Function Timers Original PDF
    COP87L84EG National Semiconductor microCMOS One-Time Programmable (OTP) Microcontrollers Original PDF
    COP87L84EGM-XE National Semiconductor 8-Bit Microcontroller with UART and Three Multi-Function Timers Original PDF
    COP87L84EGM-XE National Semiconductor 8 Bit One-Time Programmable (OTP) Microcontroller with UART and Three Multi-Function Timers Original PDF
    COP87L84EGN-XE National Semiconductor 8-Bit Microcontroller with UART and Three Multi-Function Timers Original PDF
    COP87L84EGN-XE National Semiconductor 8 Bit One-Time Programmable (OTP) Microcontroller with UART and Three Multi-Function Timers Original PDF

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    Abstract: COP87L84EG COP87L88EG COP884CG COP884CS COP884EG COP888CG COP888CS COP888EG
    Text: September 1996 COP87L88EG COP87L84EG 8-Bit One-Time Programmable OTP Microcontroller with UART and Three Multi-Function Timers Y General Description The COP87L88EG COP87L84EG OTP microcontrollers are members of the COP8TM feature family using an 8-bit core

    COP87L88EG COP87L84EG COP888EG COP884EG 16-bit C1996 COP884CG COP884CS COP888CG COP888CS PDF

    canton AS 60 SC service manual

    Abstract: canton AS 100 SC service manual canton AS 65 SC service manual A852 COP888EG C1996 COP87L84EG COP87L88EG COP884CG canton AS 85 SC service manual
    Text: February 1996 COP87L88EG COP87L84EG microCMOS One-Time Programmable OTP Microcontrollers Y General Description The COP87L88EG COP87L84EG programmable microcontrollers are members of the COP8 TM 8-bit OTP microcontroller family It is pin and software compatible to the mask

    COP87L88EG COP87L84EG COP888EG COP884EG canton AS 60 SC service manual canton AS 100 SC service manual canton AS 65 SC service manual A852 C1996 COP884CG canton AS 85 SC service manual PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: COP87L84EG,COP87L88EG COP87L88EG COP87L84EG 8-Bit One-Time Programmable OTP Microcontrollers with UART and 3 Multi-Function Timers Literature Number: SNOS780A September 1996 COP87L88EG COP87L84EG 8-Bit One-Time Programmable (OTP) Microcontroller with UART and Three Multi-Function Timers



    Abstract: COP8SAC740N8 COP8SAC728N8 COPC822-xxx 820C 840C 880C COP8SAB728N9 COPC842 smd wm
    Text: Analog On-Chip Features √ √ 912C 768 64 √ 3 1 √ 6 820C 1k 64 √ 3 1 √ 7 840C 2k 128 √ 3 1 √ 8 880C 4k 128 √ 3 1 √ 5 A/D Converter WATCHDOG 3 Timer T0 Brown-Out √ Reduced EMI Interrupts 128 840CJ IDLE 2k 4 32k OTP √ COP √ Page #

    840CJ 820CJ 100ns 39kHz 16-Bit COP8SA-PGMA-44QFP MHW-QFP44 IM-COP8/400/1 IM-COP8/400/2 COP87L88EGV-XE COP8SAC740N8 COP8SAC728N8 COPC822-xxx 820C 840C 880C COP8SAB728N9 COPC842 smd wm PDF

    core i3 addressing modes

    Abstract: C1996 COP684CS COP688CS COP884CS COP888CS COP984CS COP988CS
    Text: COP688CS COP684CS COP888CS COP884CS COP988CS COP984CS 8-Bit Microcontroller with UART and One Multi-Function Timer General Description Y The COP888 family of microcontrollers uses an 8-bit single chip core architecture fabricated with National Semiconductor’s M2CMOSTM process technology The COP888CS is a

    COP688CS COP684CS COP888CS COP884CS COP988CS COP984CS COP888 16-bit core i3 addressing modes C1996 COP884CS PDF


    Abstract: COP87L88RDV-XE COPC840-XXX/N COP87L40CJN-1N COP87L84BCM-XE EPU-COP8780-2 EPU-COP888GG Scrambler COPC822-xxx COP87L88EGV-XE
    Text: Selection Guide Selection Guide Feature Overview Part Numbering Scheme Home Power-On Reset CAN-Interface SPI-Interface USART Communication Interfaces MICROWIRE/PLUSTM Comparators Analog Function Block A/D Converter Pulse Train Generator 100ns Capture Timer

    100ns 39kHz 16-Bit 820CJ 840CJ 44-pin COPC822 COP87L88RDV-XE COPC840-XXX/N COP87L40CJN-1N COP87L84BCM-XE EPU-COP8780-2 EPU-COP888GG Scrambler COPC822-xxx COP87L88EGV-XE PDF


    Abstract: N40A V44A C1996 COP884CG canton AS 85 SC service manual canton AS 40 SC service manual
    Text: COP884CG COP888CG 8-Bit Microcontroller with UART and Three Multi-Function Timers Y General Description Y The COP888 family of microcontrollers uses an 8-bit single chip core architecture fabricated with National Semiconductor’s M2CMOSTM process technology The COP888CG is a

    COP884CG COP888CG COP888 16-bit N40A V44A C1996 canton AS 85 SC service manual canton AS 40 SC service manual PDF


    Abstract: C1996 COP684EG COP688EG COP884EG COP984EG COP988EG canton AS 65 SC service manual
    Text: COP688EG COP684EG COP888EG COP884EG COP988EG COP984EG 8-Bit Microcontroller with UART and Three Multi-Function Timers Y General Description The COP8TM feature family of microcontrollers use an 8-bit single-chip core architecture fabricated with National Semiconductor’s M2CMOSTM process technology

    COP688EG COP684EG COP888EG COP884EG COP988EG COP984EG COP884EG 16-bit C1996 canton AS 65 SC service manual PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: COP87L84RG COP87L84RG 8-Bit One-Time Programmable OTP Microcontroller with 32 Kbytes of Program Memory Literature Number: SNOS895A August 1996 COP87L84RG 8-Bit One-Time Programmable (OTP) Microcontroller with 32 Kbytes of Program Memory Y Y The COP87L84RG is a member of the COP8TM OTP microcontroller family It is pin and software compatible to the



    Abstract: XMTG C1996 COP87L84EG COP87L84RG COP87L84RGN-XE COP884EG COP888CG COP888EG STP78
    Text: August 1996 COP87L84RG 8-Bit One-Time Programmable OTP Microcontroller with 32 Kbytes of Program Memory Y General Description Y The COP87L84RG is a member of the COP8TM OTP microcontroller family It is pin and software compatible to the mask ROM COP888EG product family



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: August 1996 COP87L84RG 8-Bit One-Time Programmable OTP Microcontroller with 32 Kbytes of Program Memory Y Y The COP87L84RG is a member of the COP8TM OTP microcontroller family It is pin and software compatible to the mask ROM COP888EG product family (Continued)


    canton AS 85 SC service manual

    Abstract: canton AS 65 SC service manual canton AS 40 SC service manual COP87L88EG COP87L88EGV-XE V44A COP87L88EGN-XE
    Text: PRELIMINARY N a t i o n a l S e m February 1996 i c o n d u c t o r ß COP87L88EG/COP87L84EG microCMOS One-Time Programmable (OTP Microcontrollers Three 16-bit tim ers, each w ith tw o 16-bit registers supporting: — Processor Independent PWM m ode — External Event c o un ter mode

    OCR Scan
    bS0112fl COP87L88EG/COP87L84EG COPS7L88EG/COP87L84EG COP888EG/COP884EG 5549C canton AS 85 SC service manual canton AS 65 SC service manual canton AS 40 SC service manual COP87L88EG COP87L88EGV-XE V44A COP87L88EGN-XE PDF

    l 0713

    Abstract: COP87L84EG COP87L84RG COP884EG COP888CG COP888EG DD12672 7490 pin configuration 7490 national
    Text: -PRELIMINARY Semiconductor National August 1996 CO P87L84RG 8-B it O ne-Tim e Program m able O TP M icrocontroller w ith 32 K bytes o f Program M em ory General Description The COP87L84RG is a member of the COP8 OTP micro­ controller family. It is pin and software compatible to the

    OCR Scan
    COP87L84RG COP888EG 16-bit l 0713 COP87L84EG COP884EG COP888CG DD12672 7490 pin configuration 7490 national PDF

    HC 5287

    Abstract: COP87L88EGV-XE COP888CG N40A V44A AWPn 9765b HC 5301 COP87L84EGM-XE
    Text: COP884CG/COP888CG National Semiconductor COP884CG/COP888CG 8-Bit Microcontroller with UART and Three Multi-Function Timers • S ch m itt trigger inputs on Port G General Description ■ Packages: — 44 PLCC with 40 I/O pins — 40 DIP w ith 36 I/O pins — 28 DIP w ith 24 I/O pins

    OCR Scan
    COP884CG/COP888CG COP888 COP888CG 16-bit HC 5287 COP87L88EGV-XE N40A V44A AWPn 9765b HC 5301 COP87L84EGM-XE PDF