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    DPD16M Search Results

    DPD16M Datasheets (12)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    DPD16MS32PW5-10C Dense-Pac Microsystems DRAM Board Original PDF
    DPD16MS32PW5-70C Dense-Pac Microsystems DRAM Board Original PDF
    DPD16MS32PW5-80C Dense-Pac Microsystems DRAM Board Original PDF
    DPD16MS36PW5-10C Dense-Pac Microsystems DRAM Board Original PDF
    DPD16MS36PW5-70C Dense-Pac Microsystems DRAM Board Original PDF
    DPD16MS36PW5-80C Dense-Pac Microsystems DRAM Board Original PDF
    DPD16MS40PKW5-10C Dense-Pac Microsystems DRAM Board Original PDF
    DPD16MS40PKW5-70C Dense-Pac Microsystems DRAM Board Original PDF
    DPD16MS40PKW5-80C Dense-Pac Microsystems DRAM Board Original PDF
    DPD16MX8RY5-50C DPAC Technologies DRAM Module, FPM DRAM, 16MByte Density, 5V Supply, TSOP Package Original PDF
    DPD16MX8RY5-60C DPAC Technologies DRAM Module, FPM DRAM, 16MByte Density, 5V Supply, TSOP Package Original PDF
    DPD16MX8RY5-70C DPAC Technologies DRAM Module, FPM DRAM, 16MByte Density, 5V Supply, TSOP Package Original PDF

    DPD16M Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 576 Megabit CMOS DRAM DPD16MS36PW5 PRELIMINARY DESCRIPTION: PIN-OUT DIAGRAM The DPD16MS36PW5 is the 16 Meg x 36 Dynamic RAM module in the family of Super SIMM modules that utilize the new and innovative space saving TSOP stacking technology. The module is constructed of eight dynamic RAM stacks surface

    DPD16MS36PW5 DPD16MS36PW5 72-pin 30A152-00 CL480 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 640 Megabit CMOS DRAM DPD16MS40PKW5 PRELIMINARY DESCRIPTION: PIN-OUT DIAGRAM The DPD16MS40PKW5 is the 16 Meg x 40 Dynamic RAM module in the family of Super SIMM modules that utilize the new and innovative space saving TSOP stacking technology. The module is constructed of 12 stacks, 4 consisting of four 16

    DPD16MS40PKW5 DPD16MS40PKW5 72-pin 30A153-00 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 512 Megabit CMOS DRAM DPD16MS32PW5 PRELIMINARY PIN-OUT DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION: The DPD16MS32PW5 is the 16 Meg x 32 Dynamic RAM module in the family of Super SIMM modules that utilize the new and innovative space saving TSOP stacking technology. The module is constructed of eight dynamic RAM stacks surface

    DPD16MS32PW5 DPD16MS32PW5 72-pin 30A146-00 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PENSE-PAC 64 Megabit CM OS DRAM DPD16MX4PY5 VI i C R 0 S Y S i H M S D E S C R IP T IO N : The DPD16MX4PY5 is the 16 Megx 4 Dynamic RAM module that utilize the new and innovative space savingTSOP stacking technology. The module is constructed of four 16 Meg x 1

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    DPD16MX4PY5 DPD16MX4PY5 OA149-04 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DENSE-PAC MICROSYSTEMS 64 Megabit C M O S D R A M DPD16MX4PKY5 PRELIMINARY D E S C R IP T IO N : The DPD16M X4PKY5 is the 16 M eg x 4 Dynamic R A M module that utilize the new and innovative space saving 300m il T S O P stacking technology. The module is constructed of four 16 Meg x 1 Dynamic RAM's.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DENSE-PAC MICROSYSTEMS 640 Megabit C M O S D R A M DPD16MS40PKW5 PRELIMINARY D E S C R IP T IO N : The D PD 16M S40PKW 5 is the 16 Meg x 40 Dynamic R A M module in the family of S o p e rS / M M modules that utilize the new and innovative space saving TSOP

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    DPD16MS40PKW5 S40PKW 72-pin 100ns D032 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DENSE-PAC MICROSYSTEMS 640 Megabit CMOS DRAM DPD16MX40PKW5 PRELIMINARY PIN-OUT DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION: The DPD16MX40PKW5 is the 16 Meg x 40 ECC Dynamic RAM module in the family of SuperSIMM modules that utilize the new and innovative space saving TSOP stacking technology. The module is constructed of 4 stacks consisting of four 16 Meg x

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    DPD16MX40PKW5 DPD16MX40PKW5 72-pin 3QA153-10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D E N S E - P A 512 Megabit C M O S D R A M C M I C E OS Y S T EM S DPD16MS32PW5 PRELIMINARY DESCRIPTION: The DPD16MS32PW 5 is the 16 Meg x 32 Dynamic RAM module in the family of Super SIMM1*1 modules that utilize the new and innovative space saving TSOP stacking technology. The module is constructed of eight dynamic RAM stacks surface

    OCR Scan
    MS32PW5 DPD16MS32PW 72-pin 100ns 30A146-00 DPD16MS32PW5 California92841-1428 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DENSE-PAC 512 Megabit CMOS DRAM DPD16MS32PW5 MICROSYSTEMS ADVA N CED INFORM ATION PIN-OUT DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION: The DPD16MS32PW5 is the 16 Meg x 32 Dynamic RAM module in the fam ily of S uper SIMM modules that utilize the new and innovative space saving TSOP

    OCR Scan
    DPD16MS32PW5 DPD16MS32PW5 72-pin 100ns PDF


    Abstract: AL3124 d04s DU32 1-23AL
    Text: DENSE-PAC 1152 Megabit CMOS DRAM MI C R O S Y Ë T EM S DPD16MS72RW5 ADVANCED INFORMATION PIN-OUT DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION: The DPD16MS72RW5 is the 16 Meg x 72 Dynamic RAM module in the family of Super DIMM modules that utilize the new and innovative space saving TSOP

    OCR Scan
    DPD16MS72RW5 DPD16MS72RW5 168-pin 30A182-CO du27 AL3124 d04s DU32 1-23AL PDF


    Abstract: DPD16MS32P
    Text: DENSE-PAC 512 Megabit CMOS DRAM M I C R O S Y ST E M S DPD16MS32PW5 P R E L IM IN A R Y DESCRIPTION: The DPD16MS32PW5 is the 16 Meg x 32 Dynamic RAM module in the family of S u per SIM/VP modules that utilize the new and innovative space saving TSOP stacking technology. The module is constructed of eight dynamic RAM stacks surface

    OCR Scan
    DPD16MS32PW5 DPD16MS32PW5 72-pin 100ns 30A146-00 California92841-1428 30A146-00 DQ2451 DPD16MS32P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DENSE-PAC MICROSYSTEMS 576 Megabit CMOS DRAM DPD16MX36PKW5 PRELIMINARY D E S C R IP T IO N : The DPD16MX36PKW5 is the 16 Meg x 36 Dynamic RAM module in the family of S u p erS IM M modules that utilize the new and innovative space saving TSOP stacking technology. The module is constructed of twelve dynamic RAM stacks

    OCR Scan
    DPD16MX36PKW5 DPD16MX36PKW5 72-pin 30A152-11 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D E N S E -P A C 576 Megabit CMOS DRAM MICROSYSTEMS DPD16MS36PKW5 PRELIMINARY D ESCRIPTIO N : PIN -OUT DIAGRAM The DPD16MS36PKW5 is the 16 Meg x 32 Dynamic RAM module in the family of Super SIMM modules that utilize the new and innovative space saving TSOP

    OCR Scan
    DPD16MS36PKW5 DPD16MS36PKW5 72-pin 30A152-10 100ns PE51C DQ29-DQ31 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DENSE-PAC 576 Megabit CMOS DRAM DPD16ML36PL5/DPD16ML36PW5 MICROSYSTEMS ADVANCED INFORMATION DESCRIPTION: The DPD16ML36PL5 and the DPD16ML36PW5 are the Low Profile 16 Meg x 36 Dynamic RAM module in the family of SuperSIM M modules that utilize the new and innovative space saving TSOP stacking technology. The module is constructed

    OCR Scan
    DPD16ML36PL5/DPD16ML36PW5 DPD16ML36PL5 DPD16ML36PW5 72-pin DPD16ML36PL5/DPD16ML36PW5 30A15M PDF

    16M 72PIN

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DENSE-PAC o vi i c R 576 Megabit CMOS DRAM DPD16MS36RW s y s r i: m s PIN-OUT DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION: The DPD16MS36RW is the 16 Meg x 36 Dynamic RAM module in the family of modules that utilize the space saving TSOP technology. The module is constructed of eight 16M x 4 and four 16M x 1 dynamic RAMs surface mounted on an industry

    OCR Scan
    DPD16MS36RW DPD16MS36RW 72-pin DQ0-DQ31 100ns 30A172-00 16M 72PIN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PENSE-PAC M Í Ü R O S YS T IÍM S 64 Megabit CM OS DRAM DPD16MX4PKY5 D E SC R IP T IO N : The DPD16MX4PKY5 is the 16 Meg x 4 Dynamic RAM module that utilize the new and innovative space saving 300 mil TSOP stacking technology. The module is constructed of four 16 Megx 1 Dynamic RAM's.

    OCR Scan
    DPD16MX4PKY5 DPD16MX4PKY5 30A149-14 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DENSE-PAC o vi i c R 512 Megabit CMOS DRAM DPD16MS32RW s y s r i: m s PIN-OUT DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION: The DPD16MS32RW is the 16 Meg x 32 Dynamic RAM module in the family of modules that utilize the space saving TSOP technology. The module is constructed of eight 16M x 4 dynamic RAM surface mounted on an industry standard 72-pin

    OCR Scan
    DPD16MS32RW DPD16MS32RW 72-pin 100ns 30A173-00 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 128 Megabit CMOS DRAM Dense-Pac Microsystems. Inc. ^ DPD16MX8PH4 PRELIMINARY DESCRIPTION: The DPD16MX8PH4 DRAM module is a revo lu tio n ary m em ory system using Dense-Pac M icrosystem s' new 2nd G eneration Stacking Technology. The module combines eight stackable ceramic

    OCR Scan
    DPD16MX8PH4 DPD16MX8PH4 100ns PHET17 100ns PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DENSE-PAC 512 Megabit CMOS DRAM MICROSYSTEMS DPD16MX32PKW5 PRELIMINARY DESCRIPTION: PIN-OUT DIAGRAM The DPD16MX32PKW5 is the 16 Meg x 32 Dynamic RAM module in the family of Super SIMM modules that utilize the new and innovative space saving TSOP stacking technology. The module is constructed of 12 dynamic RAM stacks surface

    OCR Scan
    DPD16MX32PKW5 DPD16MX32PKW5 72-pin 3QA146-11 PDF


    Abstract: 16J3 512X32 48pin
    Text: R E F E R E N C E D R A O RG AN IZA TIO N PART NUMBER SIZE M P R O D 512 M egabit 6 4 0 Megabit 1024 Megabit 1152 Megabit 1152 Megabit S I Î A M P SPEED ns PACKAGE 16M x4 60, 70, 80 26-Pin TStack 19 16M x32 70, 80, 100 72-Pin S IM M 29 DPD16M X32PKW 5 16M x32

    OCR Scan
    26-Pin 72-Pin A273D 16J3 512X32 48pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DENSE-PAC MICROSYSTEMS 1152 Megabit CMOS DRAM DPD16MS72PKW5 ADVANCED INFORMATION D E S C R IP T IO N : PIN -O U T DIAGRAM The DPD16MS72PKW5 is the 16 Meg x 72 Dynamic RAM module in the family of Super DIMM modules that utilize the new and innovative space saving TSOP

    OCR Scan
    DPD16MS72PKW5 DPD16MS72PKW5 168-pin 30A160-00 DQ51d PDF

    dram zip 256kx16

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INDEX GENERAL PRO D U CT INFORM ATION Dense-Pac Memory Module and Monolithic . 4 Emerging Technology / P r o d u c t s . 5

    OCR Scan
    DPS1MS16P/XP 150ns, DPS512S8H4 DPS512S8P/Pt/PLL DPS512S8Ü DPS256X24P DPS256S32W DPS256X32L/W 512Kx16, 256Kx32 dram zip 256kx16 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DENSE-PAC 576 Megabit CMOSDRAM vi i c Ro SYS r i: m s D PD 16M X36RW PRBJMINARY PIN-OUT DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION: T h e D PD 16M X 3 6 R W i s th e 1 6 M e g x 3 6 D ynam i c RAM m o d u ie an th e jam iiy o f m o d u l e s fh a t u t iliz e th e s p a c e s a v in g TSO P t e c h n o l o g y . T h e m o d u ie i s c o n s t r u c t e d

    OCR Scan
    X36RW DPD16MX36RW 30A17240 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 512 MegabitDCMOSDRAM PD 16M X32RW DENSE-PAC vi i c Ro sys r i: m s PRBJMINARY PIN-OUT DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION: T h e D PD 16M X32RW is th e 1 6 M e g x 32 D ynam ic RAM m o d u Je in th e Jam Hy o f m o d u ie s th a tu tU iz e th e sp a c e sa v in g TSO P te c h n o ] o g y . T h e m o d u ie is c o n stru c te d

    OCR Scan
    X32RW X32RW DPD16MX32RW JJ-10 PDF