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    EP1810T Datasheets (1)

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    EP1810TEPLD Altera High-Performance 48-Macrocell Devices Scan PDF

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    Abstract: EP320I EPM7160 Transition vhdl code for lift controller EPM9560 ep330 INTEL 8-series NEC 9801 altera ep220 Silicon Laboratories
    Text: M+2Book Page i Thursday, June 12, 1997 12:49 AM MAX+PLUS II Programmable Logic Development System Getting Started Altera Corporation 2610 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95134-2020 408 894-7000 M+2TOC+ Page iii Monday, June 9, 1997 9:34 AM Contents Preface



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Classic EPLD Family January 1998, ver. 4 Features Data Sheet • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Complete device family with logic densities of 300 to 900 usable gates see Table 1 Device erasure and reprogramming with advanced, non-volatile EPROM configuration elements



    Abstract: EP1800I EP610ILI-12 altera ep610 altera EP1810 EP1800 altera ep900i
    Text: Classic EPLD Family June 1996, ver. 3 Features Data Sheet • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Complete device family with logic densities of up to 900 usable gates see Table 1 Device erasure and reprogramming with advanced, non-volatile EPROM configuration elements


    Altera EP1810

    Abstract: EP1810 EP600I EP610 EP610-15 EP610-20 EP910 EP610 "pin compatible"
    Text: Classic EPLD Family June 1996, ver. 3 Features Data Sheet • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Complete device family with logic densities of up to 900 usable gates see Table 1 Device erasure and reprogramming with advanced, non-volatile EPROM configuration elements


    ulc xc3030

    Abstract: PQFP 176 Xilinx XC3090 altera EP300 EPM7128 Temic ulc xc3030 EPM7128 PLCC PLSI2032 Actel A1020 PLUS405
    Text: ULC Reference Guide This reference guide lists most devices available for conversion. This list is not exhaustive, as new devices are added regularly. Additional devices not shown in this list may also be supported. Updated versions are available on the TEMIC web site. Check with factory if

    ULC/A1010 ULC/A1020 ulc xc3030 PQFP 176 Xilinx XC3090 altera EP300 EPM7128 Temic ulc xc3030 EPM7128 PLCC PLSI2032 Actel A1020 PLUS405 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EP1810T EPLD Features □ □ □ □ General Description Altera's EP1810T Erasable Programmable Logic Device EPLD is a lowcost, high-performance version of the EP1810 device. This EPLD operates in a turbo mode that is optimized for high-speed applications. The Turbo

    OCR Scan
    EP1810T EP1810 68-pin EP1810-20T, EP1810-25T, EP1810-35T PDF


    Abstract: pipelined adder
    Text: EP1810 EPLD High-performance, 48-macrocell Classic EPLD Combinatorial speeds with t PD as low as 20 ns - Counter frequencies of up to 50 MHz - Pipelined data rates of up to 62.5 MHz Programmable I/O architecture with up to 64 inputs or 48 outputs The following devices are pin-, function-, and programming filecompatible: EP1810, EP1810T, and EP1810 MIL-STD-883-compliant

    OCR Scan
    EP1810 48-macrocell EP1810, EP1810T, MIL-STD-883-compliant 68-pin pipelined adder PDF


    Abstract: I7232 MIL-STD-883-compliant
    Text: EP1810 EPLD Features • High-performance, 48-macrocell Classic EPLD Combinatorial speeds with tPD as low as 20 ns Counter frequencies of up to 50 MHz Pipelined data rates of up to 62.5 MHz Programmable I/O architecture with up to 64 inputs or 48 outputs The following devices are pin-, function-, and programming filecompatible: EP1810, EP1810T, and EP1810 MIL-STD-883-compliant

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    EP1810 48-macrocell EP1810, EP1810T, MIL-STD-883-compliant 68-pin ALTERA EP I7232 PDF

    FC SUFFIX altera

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Classic EPLD Family Data Sheet M arch 1995, ver. 2 Features • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Table 1. Classic Device Features Feature EP22V10 EP22V10E EPB10 EP610T EP610I EP910 EP910T EP910I EP1810 EP1810T Available gates 400 600 600 900 900 1,800 Usable gates

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EP 1810T EPLD Features □ LI □ □ General Description A ltera's EP1810T E rasab le P ro g ram m ab le Logic D evice EPLD is a lowcost, h igh -p erform an ce version of the EP1810 d evice. T h is EP LD o p erate s in a turbo m od e that is op tim ized for h igh -sp eed ap p lication s. The T urbo

    OCR Scan
    1810T EP1810 EP1830 68-pin, EP1810T EP1810-20T, EP1810-25T, EP1810-35T EP1810-XXT PDF


    Abstract: ALTERA EP altera EP1810
    Text: Features □ □ □ □ □ □ High-performance, 48-macrocell Classic EPLD Combinatorial speeds with tPD = 20 ns, 25 ns, and 35 ns - Counter frequencies up to 50 MHz Pipelined data rates up to 62.5 MHz Programmable I/O architecture with up to 64 inputs or 48 outputs

    OCR Scan
    48-macrocell EP1810 MIL-STD-883-compliant 68-pin EP1810T EP1810-20T, EP1810-25T, EP1810-35T ALTED001 ALTERA EP altera EP1810 PDF


    Abstract: programmer EPLD EP1810 EP610 EP910 ep910 programmer QLCC 24 EP6101-10
    Text: Classic E P L D F a m ily Ja n u a ry 1098, ve r 4 Features Data Sheet • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ C om plete device fam ily w ith logic densities o f 300 to 9 X usable gates (see Table 1) D evice e ra su re an d reprogram m ing w ith advanced, non-volatile

    OCR Scan
    of300 EP1810 68-pin EP610-25 programmer EPLD EP610 EP910 ep910 programmer QLCC 24 EP6101-10 PDF


    Abstract: EP6101-10
    Text: Classic EPLD Family J a n u ary 1998. v er. J Features Data S h e e t • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Complete device family w ith logic densities of 300 to 900 usable gates see Table 1 Device erasure and reprogram m ing w ith advanced, non-volatile

    OCR Scan

    programming manual EPLD EPS448

    Abstract: Altera EPM5128 EPM7064-12 leap u1 EP-900910 PLE3-12a tcl tv circuit altera eplds EP610 "pin compatible" ALTERA MAX 5000
    Text: Data Book TENTH ANNIVERSARY A Decade of Leadership A u g u s t 1993 Data Book August 1993 A-DB-0793-01 Altera, MAX, and M A X+PLUS are registered trademarks of Altera Corporation. The following, among others, are trademarks of Altera Corporation: AHDL, M AX+PLUS II, PL-ASAP2, PLDS-HPS, PLS-ADV, PLS-ES, PLS-FLEX8, PLS-FLEX8/H P, PLS-FLEX8/SN , PLS-HPS, PLS-STD, PLS-W S/H P,

    OCR Scan
    -DB-0793-01 EP330, EP610, EP610A, EP610T, EP910, EP910A, EP910T, EP1810, EP1810T, programming manual EPLD EPS448 Altera EPM5128 EPM7064-12 leap u1 EP-900910 PLE3-12a tcl tv circuit altera eplds EP610 "pin compatible" ALTERA MAX 5000 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EP1810 EPLD Features □ Ü □ J General Description The EP1810 Erasable Programmable Logic Device E P L D offers L S I density, TTL-equivalent speed, and low power consumption. It is available in 68-pin w ind ow ed ceramic and O T P plastic j-lead chip carrier and w indow ed

    OCR Scan
    EP1810 48-macrocell EP1810T EP1830 68-pin EP1810-20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EP1810 EPLD Features ^ High-performance, 48-macrocell Classic EPLD Combinatorial speeds with tPD = 20,25,35, and 45 ns Counter frequencies up to 50 MHz Pipelined data rates up to 62.5 MHz Programmable I/O architecture with up to 64 inputs or 48 outputs Pin-, function-, and programming file-compatible with Altera's

    OCR Scan
    EP1810 48-macrocell EP1810T MIL-STD-883-compliant 68-pin ALTED001 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EP1830 EPLD Features □ □ General Description Altera's EP1830 Erasable Programmable Logic Device EPLD is a fast, low-power version of the EP1810 device. The EP1830 can implement four 12-bit counters at up to 50 MHz and typically consumes 20 mA when operating at 1 MHz. The EP1830 EPLD is available in OTP plastic 68-pin

    OCR Scan
    EP1830 EP1810 12-bit 68-pin EP1830-20, EP1830-25, PDF

    TD 265 N 600 KOC

    Abstract: core i5 520 Scans-049 camtex trays sii Product Catalog EPM9560 film hot BT 342 project TIL Display 7160S
    Text: 1996 Data Book Data Book June 1996 A-DB-0696-01 Altera, MAX, M A X+PLUS, FLEX, FLEX 10K, FLEX 8000, FLEX 8000A, MAX 9000, MAX 7000, MAX 7000E, MAX 7000S, FLASHlogic, MAX 5000, Classic, M AX+PLUS II, PL-ASAP2, PLDshell Plus, FastTrack, AHDL, MPLD, Turbo Bit, BitBlaster, PENGN, RIPP 10, PLS-ES, ClockLock, ClockBoost,

    OCR Scan
    -DB-0696-01 7000E, 7000S, EPF10K100, EPF10K70, EPF10K50, EPF10K40, EPF10K30, EPF10K20, EPF10K10, TD 265 N 600 KOC core i5 520 Scans-049 camtex trays sii Product Catalog EPM9560 film hot BT 342 project TIL Display 7160S PDF


    Abstract: ep910 programmer TI EP610 EP610-25 EP1810 EP910 ALTERA MAX 5000 programming EP6101-10
    Text: Classic EPLD Family January 1998. ver. 4 Features Data Sheet • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Complete device family w ith logic densities of 300 to 900 usable gates see Fable 1 Device erasure and reprogram m ing w ith advanced, non-volatile EPROM configuration elements

    OCR Scan
    EP1810 68-pin EP610 ep910 programmer TI EP610 EP610-25 EP910 ALTERA MAX 5000 programming EP6101-10 PDF

    Altera EP1810

    Abstract: MIL-STD-883-compliant
    Text: EP1810 MIL-STD-883-Compliant EPLD Features □ □ □ □ □ High-performance, 48-macrocell Classic EPLD Combinatorial speeds with tPD = 45 ns Counter frequencies up to 22.2 MHz Pipelined data rates up to 33.3 MHz Programmable I/O architecture with up to 20 inputs or 16 outputs

    OCR Scan
    EP1810 MIL-STD-883-Compliant 48-macrocell EP1810T 68-pin ALTED001 Altera EP1810 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANbrt r*a\ EP1810 EPLDs High-Performance 48-Macrocell Devices September 1991, ver. 2 Features Data Sheet □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ General Description tPD The EP1810 Erasable Program m able Logic Devices E P L D s offer L S I density, TTL-equivalent speed, and low power consumption. Each E P L D can

    OCR Scan
    EP1810 48-Macrocell programEP1810 PDF


    Abstract: CLASSIC EPLD FAMILY altera EP1810
    Text: Operating Requirements for Altera Devices March 1995, ver. 6 Datasheet A ltera devices com bine unique program m able logic architectures w ith advanced C M O S processes to p rovid e exceptional perform ance and re lia b ility. To m aintain the highest possible perform ance and re lia b ility of

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: Altera Classic EPLDs Altera LP5 ALTERA MAX 5000 programming ALTERA MAX 5000 eps448 logicaps sam plus mpm5192 PLDS-ENCORE
    Text: Index September 1991 A+PLUS design entry 301 design processing 303 EPLD programming 304 functional simulation 304 o verview 299 ABEL2MAX Converter 356 adapters sff P L E D /J /G /S /Q & P L M D /J /G /S /Q adapters ADP (see Altera Design Processor) AHDL (s«1 Altera Hardware Description Language)

    OCR Scan

    altera EP300

    Abstract: EPM7128 EPLD ep330 mpm5192 MPM512 MPM5128 alternative bipolar transistors book
    Text: M M r M p , 0 9 ra m m r .lv Data Sheet September 1991, ver. 2 Introduction 0 £ Programm able Logic Devices also described as P A L s , P L A s, F P L A s, PLD s, E P L D s , E E P L D s , LC A s, and F P G A s combine the logistical advantages of standard, fixed integrated circuits with the architectural flexibility of custom

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