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    HD404418 Search Results

    HD404418 Datasheets (9)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    HD404418F Hitachi Semiconductor 4-Bit Single Chip Microcomputer Scan PDF
    HD404418F Hitachi Semiconductor 4-bit single-chip microcomputers Scan PDF
    HD404418H Hitachi Semiconductor 4-Bit Single Chip Microcomputer Scan PDF
    HD404418H Hitachi Semiconductor 4-bit single-chip microcomputers Scan PDF
    HD404418S Hitachi Semiconductor 4-Bit Single Chip Microcomputer Scan PDF
    HD404418S Hitachi Semiconductor 4-bit single-chip microcomputers Scan PDF

    HD404418 Datasheets Context Search

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    2PC 502

    Abstract: T02I HD4074408S tlr2u HD4074418H hitachi eprom DP-64S HD404418S HMCS400 HD4074408
    Text: #U179 HD4074408, HD4074418 HMCS400 SERIES ZTAT MICROCOMPUTER JANUARY, 1988 0 HITACHI D e s c rip tio n T y p e o f P r o d u c ts T he HD404418, HD4074418, a n d H D 4074408 a re 4-b it sin g le c h ip m ic ro c o m p u te rs b asically e q u iv a le n t to th e HM CS400 series p ro v id in g

    OCR Scan
    HD4074408, HD4074418 HMCS400 HD404418, HD4074418, HD4074408 2PC 502 T02I HD4074408S tlr2u HD4074418H hitachi eprom DP-64S HD404418S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H D4 04 4 1 8 /H D4 07 4 41 8 / H D4074408 D e sc rip tio n T he HD404418, HD4074418, a n d H D 4074408 a re 4-b it sin g le-ch ip m ic ro c o m p u te rs b a s i­ cally e q u iv a le n t to th e HM CS400 se rie s p ro ­ vid in g h ig h p ro g ra m m in g p ro d u c tiv ity a n d

    OCR Scan
    D4074408 HD404418, HD4074418, CS400 HD404418 HD4074418 4074408S 4074418S tlr2u PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: #U179 HD4074408, HD4074418 HMCS400 SERIES ZTAT MICROCOMPUTER JANUARY, 1988 0 HITACHI Description The HD404418, HD4074418, and HD4074408 are 4-bit single chip m icrocomputers basically equivalent to th e HMCS400 series providing high program m ing productivity and high­

    OCR Scan
    HD4074408, HD4074418 HMCS400 HD404418, HD4074418, HD4074408 HD4074408 PDF


    Abstract: asda HD4074408S 4074418H marking B5T DP-64S HD404418F HD404418H HD404418S HMCS400
    Text: HD404418 Series Description The HD404418 Series of 4-bit single-chip micro­ computers are basically equivalent to the HMCS400 series providing high programming productivity and high-speed operation. The devices incorporate ROM , RAM, I/O, four timer/counters, and two

    OCR Scan
    HD404418 HMCS400 HD4074418 HD4074408 27256-compatible. tlr2u asda HD4074408S 4074418H marking B5T DP-64S HD404418F HD404418H HD404418S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H D 404418 Series Description The HD404418 Series of 4-bit single-chip micro­ computers are basically equivalent to the HMCS400 series providing high programming productivity and high-speed operation. The devices incorporate ROM , RAM , I/O, four timer/counters, and two

    OCR Scan
    HD404418 HMCS400 HD4074418 HD4074408 27256compatib HD4074418C 4074418H PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H D 4 7 4 4 8 , H D 4 0 7 4 4 1 8 D escription Type of Products The HD404418, HD4074418, and H D4074408 are 4-bit single chip m icrocom puters basically equivalent to th e HM CS400 series providing high program m ing productivity and high ­ sp eed operation. The d evices hav e on-chip

    OCR Scan
    HD404418, HD4074418, D4074408 CS400 D404418, HD404418 DP-64S, FP-64 FP-64A PDF


    Abstract: w/crouzet TIMER tLR2u tlr-2u R83-R90 Dio r02z
    Text: H D 4 4 4 1 8 S e r i e s Description The HD404418 Series of 4-bit single-chip micro­ computers are basically equivalent to the HMCS400 series providing high programming productivity and high-speed operation. The devices incorporate ROM, RAM , I/O, four timer/counters, and two

    OCR Scan
    HD404418 HMCS400 HD4074418 HD4074408 The4074418C01 HD4074408C01 tlr2u w/crouzet TIMER tLR2u tlr-2u R83-R90 Dio r02z PDF

    NT R03C

    Abstract: 4074418H HD4074408S RBDR wq 0233 tlr2u MARKING 4FL HD4074418F R13C HD404418F
    Text: H D 404418 Series Description The HD404418 Series of 4-bit single-chip micro­ computers are basically equivalent to the HMCS400 series providing high programming productivity and high-speed operation. The devices incorporate ROM , RAM , I/O, four timer/counters, and two

    OCR Scan
    HD404418 HMCS400 HD4074418 HD4074408 27256-compatible. NT R03C 4074418H HD4074408S RBDR wq 0233 tlr2u MARKING 4FL HD4074418F R13C HD404418F PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H D404418/H D4074418/ H D4074408 Description The HD404418, HD4074418, an d HD4074408 are 4-bit single chip m icrocom puters basically equivalent to th e HMCS400 series providing high program m ing productivity an d high­ speed operation. The devices have on-chip

    OCR Scan
    D404418/H D4074418/ D4074408 HD404418, HD4074418, HD4074408 HMCS400 HD4074408 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Reliability Test Data of Microcomputer 1. Introduction Microcomputers are required to provide higher reliability and quality with increasing functions for an enlarged scale for wide applications. To meet this demand, Hitachi is improving the quality by evaluating its reliability, building up quality in

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: hs4224esf01h DP64S
    Text: Program Development Procedure and Support Systems 1. General Description The cross assembler system and the hardware sim­ ulator em ulator can be used on various types of computers, and are prepared by Hitachi as support­ ing systems to develop user’s programs. The user’s

    OCR Scan

    socket adapter dp64s

    Abstract: DP-64S DP64S stores procedure hs-422
    Text: Program Development Procedure and Support Systems 1. General Description The cross assembler system and the hardware sim­ ulator emulator can be used on various types of computers, and are prepared by Hitachi as support­ ing systems to develop user’s programs. The user’s

    OCR Scan
    HMCS400 socket adapter dp64s DP-64S DP64S stores procedure hs-422 PDF

    Infrared Touch Control cooker

    Abstract: HMCS404 HD4074224 hmcs42 HD404449 Series
    Text: R e liab ility Test D a ta of M icro co m p u te r 1. Introduction M icrocomputers are required to provide higher reliability and quality with increasing functions for an enlarged scale for wide applications. To meet this demand, Hitachi is improving the quality by

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: HD404302 H4829 089f0
    Text: Microcomputers 4-bit Single-chip Microcomputers HMCS400 Series HMCS400 Lineup • General: H40XX Series Peripheral function Series H4054 Type No. Supply ROM RAM voltage Min execution x10bits (x4bits) (V) time (us) Mask HD404052 2k R0M HD404054 4k 512 ZTAT HD4074054

    OCR Scan
    HMCS400 H40XX x10bits) DP-42S FP-44A HD404052 HD404054 FP-44A HD404302 H4829 089f0 PDF