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    HL1561 Search Results

    HL1561 Datasheets (3)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    HL1561A Hitachi Semiconductor Laser Diode, 5mW Power, 1570nm Wave Length, 25mA Current Scan PDF
    HL1561AC Hitachi Semiconductor Laser Diode, 5mW Power, 1570nm Wave Length, 25mA Current Scan PDF
    HL1561BF Hitachi Semiconductor Laser Diode, 1570nm Wave Length, 25mA Current Scan PDF

    HL1561 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    hitachi sr 302

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HITACHI/ OPTOELECTRONICS 54E HH T b SD S D D 1 2 1 S 3 254 « H I T 4 InGaAsP LD H L 1 5 6 1 A /A C /B F Description The HL1561A/AC/BF are 1.55 (am band InGaAsP X/4 phase-shifted distributed-feedback (DFB) laser diodes with a buried heterostructure. Fiber Specifications (HL1561BF only)

    OCR Scan
    HL1561A/AC/BF HL1561BF HL1561 HL1561BF) 561A/AC/BF) HL1561A/AC/BF T-41-07 hitachi sr 302 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HL1561A-Laser Diode Description H L 1561A is a 1.55 /im In G aA sP distributedfeedback D F B laser diode with k / 4 phase shifted. It is suitab le as a light source in high-bit-rate, long-distance fiberoptic com m u n icatio n s and vari­

    OCR Scan
    HL1561A--------------Laser HL1561A PDF

    hitachi sr 302

    Abstract: HL1561BF te 1819 HL1561A HL1561AC 10 gb laser diode DD121S3 Hitachi Scans-001
    Text: 54 E J> HITACHI/ OPTOELECTRONICS • HHTbSDS DD121S3 254 « H I T 4 H L 1 5 6 1 A /A C /B F InGaAsP LD Description The HL1561 A/AC/BF are 1.55 (am band InGaAsP X/4 phase-shifted distributed-feedback (DFB) laser diodes with a buried heterostructure. Fiber Specifications (HL1561BF only)

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    HL1561A/AC/BF DD121S3 HL1561A/AC/BF HL1561BF HL1561 HL1561BF) 561A/AC/BF) HE8815VG HE8813VG HE8815VG hitachi sr 302 te 1819 HL1561A HL1561AC 10 gb laser diode Hitachi Scans-001 PDF


    Abstract: HL7806 HE8807CL HL7801E HL1324MF HL83M HL7831 HL83H HE8812 hitachi he1301
    Text: Family Introduction Family Introduction Laser Diodes LD feckages AC \ E HL671I G HG FG TR DM BF DL HL1321BF HL132IDL HL 1341 BF HLI341DL HL 1541 BF HL1541DL HL7801E HL7802 HL7802E HL7802G HL7806 HL7806G HL7831 HL7831G HL7832 HL7832G HL7836 HL7836G HL7838

    OCR Scan
    HL671IG HL671I HL7801 HL7802 HL7806 HL7831 HL7832 HL7836 HL7838 HL83H HE8807CL HL7801E HL1324MF HL83M HE8812 hitachi he1301 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H L 1561A C Laser Diode D escription H L 1 5 6 1 A C is a 1 . 5 5 fj. m I n G a A s P d i s t r i b u t e d f e e d b a c k D F B la ser d io d e w ith x / 4 p h a s e sh ifted . I t is s u i t a b l e a s a li g h t s o u r c e in h i g h - b i t - r a t e ,

    OCR Scan
    HL1561 500ps/div PDF

    "gate array" hitachi

    Abstract: L1521 L1323 HD6301 1105TG 8403R hitachi ic
    Text: SELECTIO N GUIDES FOR APPLICATIONS 1. T ELEC O M NET W O R K SY ST E M ^ H IT A C H I Hitachi America, Ltd. • Hitachi Plaza • 2000 Sierra Point Pkwy. • Brisbane, CA 94005-1819 • 415 589-8300 SELECTION GUIDES FOR APPLICATIONS 2. FOR P A B X (Private Auto Branch Exchange) A P P LIC A T IO N

    OCR Scan
    JHA16811ANT/AM 16817N 8202T 1103T 1104TG 1105TG 1321D L1323T L1521A HL1561 "gate array" hitachi L1521 L1323 HD6301 1105TG 8403R hitachi ic PDF