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    Honeywell Aerospace HMC1001-RC

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    DigiKey HMC1001-RC Tube 599 1
    • 1 $31.5
    • 10 $31.5
    • 100 $31.5
    • 1000 $31.5
    • 10000 $31.5
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    Honeywell Sensing and Control HMC1001-RC

    SENSOR MR WHEAT BRIDGE 8PIN / Magnetoresistive Sensor Single Axis 8- Pin SIP
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Win Source Electronics HMC1001-RC 830
    • 1 -
    • 10 $30.6944
    • 100 $30.6944
    • 1000 $30.6944
    • 10000 $30.6944
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    HMC1001 Datasheets (4)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    HMC1001 Honeywell SENSOR LINEAR MAGN 1 AXIS 8-SIP Original PDF
    HMC1001 Honeywell 1- and 2-Axis Magnetic Sensors Original PDF
    HMC1001-RC Honeywell Magnetic Sensors - Hall Effect, Digital Switch, Linear, Compass (ICs), Sensors, Transducers, SENSOR LINEAR MAGN 1 AXIS 8-SIP Original PDF

    HMC1001 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: amp623 LM324b HMC2003 HMC1002 HMC1021 HMC1001 serial "compass Sensor" lm440 HMC1021S
    Text: SENSOR PRODUCTS APPLICATIONS Compassing Navigation Systems 1- and 2-Axis Magnetic Sensors HMC1001 / 1002 HMC1021 / 1022 Attitude Reference Traffic Detection Medical Devices C onfigured as a 4-element wheatstone bridge, these magnetoresistive sensors convert magnetic fields to

    HMC1001 HMC1021 HMC1021S 16-Pin HMC1022 LM404-2 amp623 LM324b HMC2003 HMC1002 serial "compass Sensor" lm440 HMC1021S PDF

    ZTX605 equivalent

    Abstract: lm440 HMC1021Z HMC2003 HMC10XX HMC1021 AMP04 FLUXGATE HMC1022 lm440 voltage reference
    Text: SENSOR PRODUCTS APPLICATIONS Compassing Navigation Systems 1 & 2 Axis Magnetoresistive Microcircuits Attitude Reference Traffic Detection Medical Devices Non-Contact Switch Not actual size HMC1001 / 1002 HMC1021 / 1022 C onfigured as a 4-element wheatstone bridge, these

    HMC1001 HMC1021 HMC1021S 16-Pin HMC1022 ZTX605 equivalent lm440 HMC1021Z HMC2003 HMC10XX AMP04 FLUXGATE HMC1022 lm440 voltage reference PDF


    Abstract: HMC10XX AN-205 HMC1001 HMC1002 HMC1021 HMC1022 HMC1021Z HMC1001-8-Pin
    Text: SENSOR PRODUCTS APPLICATIONS Compassing Navigation Systems 1 & 2 Axis Magnetoresistive Microcircuits Attitude Reference Traffic Detection Medical Devices Non-Contact Switch Not actual size HMC1001 / 1002 HMC1021 / 1022 C onfigured as a 4-element wheatstone bridge, these

    HMC1001 HMC1021 HMC1021S 16-Pin HMC1022 HMC1021D HMC10XX AN-205 HMC1002 HMC1022 HMC1021Z HMC1001-8-Pin PDF


    Abstract: HMC2003 set reset magnetic sensor an-201 an-201 honeywell FLUXGATE MN14 AN-201 DIP-20 HMC1001 HMC1002
    Text: SENSOR PRODUCTS Three-Axis Magnetic Sensor Hybrid APPLICATIONS Compassing Navigation Systems HMC2003 Attitude Reference Traffic Detection A complete 3-axis magnetometer with analog output in a 20pin hybrid DIP package. Uses Honeywell’s sensitive HMC1001 and HMC1002

    HMC2003 20pin HMC1001 HMC1002 DIP-20 10E-4 HMC2003 HMC2003 set reset magnetic sensor an-201 an-201 honeywell FLUXGATE MN14 AN-201 HMC1002 PDF


    Abstract: HMC2003 "pin compatible" HMC1002 HMC1001 magnetic transducer interface HMC2003 set reset
    Text: 3-Axis Magnetic Sensor Hybrid HMC2003 The Honeywell HMC2003 is a high sensitivity, three-axis magnetic sensor hybrid assembly used to measure low magnetic field strengths. Honeywell’s most sensitive magneto-resistive sensors HMC1001 and HMC1002 are utilized to

    HMC2003 HMC2003 HMC1001 HMC1002) HMC2003 "pin compatible" HMC1002 magnetic transducer interface HMC2003 set reset PDF


    Abstract: HMC1022 HMC2003 HMC1021 HMC1021S 900248 Wheatstone Bridge amplifier AN-205 HMC1001 HMC1002
    Text: SENSOR PRODUCTS APPLICATIONS Compassing Navigation Systems 1 & 2 Axis Magnetoresistive Microcircuits Attitude Reference Traffic Detection HMC1001 / 1002 HMC1021 / 1022 Medical Devices Non-Contact Switch Not actual size C onfigured as a 4-element wheatstone bridge, these

    HMC1001 HMC1021 y021Z HMC1021S 16-Pin HMC1022 HMC1021Z HMC1022 HMC2003 HMC1021S 900248 Wheatstone Bridge amplifier AN-205 HMC1002 PDF


    Abstract: HMC1001 lm440 cs5509 MN14 "MR sensor" BS250 sensor magnetic AMP04 AN201
    Text: Magnetic Products ONE AND TWO AXIS MAGNETIC SENSORS HMC1001 HMC1002 FEATURES APPLICATIONS • Measures strength and direction of magnetic fields • Compassing • Medical Instruments • Detects change in magnetic field due to presence of ferromagnetic objects

    HMC1001 HMC1002 HMC1001 HMC1002, 10E-4 HMC1002 lm440 cs5509 MN14 "MR sensor" BS250 sensor magnetic AMP04 AN201 PDF


    Abstract: HMC1021Z-One-Axis lm440 voltage reference equivalent of BS250 hmc1022-two-axis amp623 HMC1021z HMC1022 HMC1021 MN14
    Text: SENSOR PRODUCTS APPLICATIONS Compassing Navigation Systems 1- and 2-Axis Magnetic Sensors HMC1001 / 1002 HMC1021 / 1022 Attitude Reference Traffic Detection Medical Devices C onfigured as a 4-element wheatstone bridge, these magnetoresistive sensors convert magnetic fields to

    HMC1001 HMC1021 HMC1021S 16-Pin HMC1022 LM404-2 HMC1021Z-One-Axis lm440 voltage reference equivalent of BS250 hmc1022-two-axis amp623 HMC1021z HMC1022 MN14 PDF

    BJT 2N2222 datasheet

    Abstract: lmv324n LMV741 bjt 2n2222 IRF7105N HMC1001 HMC2003 circuits using BJT 2N2222 HMC100X HMC102x
    Text: 1- and 2-Axis Magnetic Sensors HMC1001/1002/1021/1022 The Honeywell HMC100x and HMC102x magnetic sensors are one and two-axis surface mount sensors designed for low field magnetic sensing. By adding supporting signal processing, cost effective magnetometers or compassing

    HMC1001/1002/1021/1022 HMC100x HMC102x HMC100x HMC102x BJT 2N2222 datasheet lmv324n LMV741 bjt 2n2222 IRF7105N HMC1001 HMC2003 circuits using BJT 2N2222 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SENSOR PRODUCTS Three-Axis Magnetic Sensor Hybrid APPLICATIONS Compassing Navigation Systems HMC2003 Attitude Reference A Traffic Detection complete 3-axis magnetometer with analog output in a 20pin hybrid DIP package. Uses Honeywell’s sensitive HMC1001 and HMC1002

    HMC2003 20pin HMC1001 HMC1002 DIP-20 10E-4 HMC2003 PDF

    EL 14v 4c

    Abstract: HMC2003 lm440 voltage reference HMC1001 LM324b amp623 magnetic sensor circuit diagram LM404-2 HMC2003 set reset HMC1021
    Text: SENSOR PRODUCTS APPLICATIONS Compassing Navigation Systems 1- and 2-Axis Magnetic Sensors HMC1001 / 1002 HMC1021 / 1022 Attitude Reference Traffic Detection Medical Devices C onfigured as a 4-element wheatstone bridge, these magnetoresistive sensors convert magnetic fields to

    HMC1001 HMC1021 HMC1021S 16-Pin HMC1022 EL 14v 4c HMC2003 lm440 voltage reference LM324b amp623 magnetic sensor circuit diagram LM404-2 HMC2003 set reset PDF


    Abstract: TCS 1002 HMC1001 2500PPM
    Text: 磁阻传感器 一维二维磁阻微电路芯片 HMC1001HMC1002) 概述 HMC1001 是一维磁阻微电路,是一个单边封装(SIP)的磁场传感器,感应与管脚方向 平行的磁场。 HMC1002 是两维磁阻微电路,是封装在小型集成电路封装(SOIC)的双磁场传感器。

    HMC1001HMC1002 HMC1001 HMC1002 25nV/Hz. HMC10011002 HMC1001/1002 HMC1002 HMC1001 TCS 1002 2500PPM PDF

    ultrasonic microcontroller based distance meter

    Abstract: schematic inductive proximity sensor vehicle loop detector how to interface inductive sensor to pic pic16xx vehicle Speed detection sensor gmr sensor vehicle detection traffic detection sensor schematic inductive sensor ultrasonic proximity sensor interfacing with microcontroller
    Text: Application Note – AN218 Vehicle Detection Using AMR Sensors ABSTRACT The ever increasing need for automated vehicle sensing has brought about interest in Honeywell’s Anisotropic Magneto-Resistive AMR sensors as an upgrade from older and simpler vehicle detection systems. With the

    AN218 ultrasonic microcontroller based distance meter schematic inductive proximity sensor vehicle loop detector how to interface inductive sensor to pic pic16xx vehicle Speed detection sensor gmr sensor vehicle detection traffic detection sensor schematic inductive sensor ultrasonic proximity sensor interfacing with microcontroller PDF


    Abstract: HMC1002 HMC2003 set reset magnetic sensor DIP-20 HMC1001
    Text: HMC2003 SENSOR PRODUCTS THREE-AXIS MAGNETIC SENSOR HYBRID Features x x x x x x x x x DIP-20 Footprint 1” by 0.75” 3-axis Capability Solid-State Design 40 micro-gauss to r2 gauss Dynamic Range Analog Output at 1 Volt per gauss -40° to 85°C Operating Temperature Range

    HMC2003 DIP-20 HMC2003 HMC1001, HMC1002) HMC1002 HMC2003 set reset magnetic sensor HMC1001 PDF

    schematic diagram atx Power supply 500w

    Abstract: pioneer PAL 012A 1000w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram 600va numeric ups circuit diagrams winbond bios 25064 TLE 9180 infineon smsc MEC 1300 nu TBE schematic diagram inverter 2000w DK55 circuit diagram of luminous 600va UPS
    Text: QUICK INDEX NEW IN THIS ISSUE! Detailed Index - See Pages 3-24 Digital Signal Processors, iCoupler , iMEMS® and iSensor . . . . . 805, 2707, 2768-2769 Connectors, Cable Assemblies, IC Sockets . . . . . . . . . . . 28-568 RF Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 454-455

    P462-ND P463-ND LNG295LFCP2U LNG395MFTP5U US2011) schematic diagram atx Power supply 500w pioneer PAL 012A 1000w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram 600va numeric ups circuit diagrams winbond bios 25064 TLE 9180 infineon smsc MEC 1300 nu TBE schematic diagram inverter 2000w DK55 circuit diagram of luminous 600va UPS PDF


    Abstract: magnetic sensor circuit diagram HMC1001 wheatstone bridge with temp. sensor HMC1002 magnetic transducer interface "Magnetic Sensor" analog compass Sensor circuit magnetic resistance element Magnetic Sensing
    Text: HMC2003 SENSOR PRODUCTS THREE-AXIS MAGNETIC SENSOR HYBRID Features • • • • • • • • • 20-pin Wide DIP Footprint 1” by 0.75” Precision 3-axis Capability Factory Calibrated Analog Outputs 40 micro-gauss to ±2 gauss Dynamic Range Analog Output at 1 Volt/gauss (2.5V @ 0 gauss)

    HMC2003 20-pin HMC2003 HMC1001 HMC1002) magnetic sensor circuit diagram wheatstone bridge with temp. sensor HMC1002 magnetic transducer interface "Magnetic Sensor" analog compass Sensor circuit magnetic resistance element Magnetic Sensing PDF

    Wheatstone Bridge amplifier

    Abstract: Wheatstone Bridge operational amplifier Wheatstone Bridge AN212 HMC1022 HMC1021 HMC1022 Wheatstone Resistive Bridge amplifier Honeywell Helmholtz coil an212 honeywell Helmholtz Coil
    Text: AN212 SENSOR PRODUCTS APPLICATION NOTE HANDLING SENSOR BRIDGE OFFSET ABSTRACT WHAT IS BRIDGE OFFSET? Anisotropic Magneto-Resistive AMR sensors are typically implemented in a popular four-element form known as a wheatstone bridge. These bridge sensors offer many desirable characteristics, but one

    AN212 diff024 Wheatstone Bridge amplifier Wheatstone Bridge operational amplifier Wheatstone Bridge AN212 HMC1022 HMC1021 HMC1022 Wheatstone Resistive Bridge amplifier Honeywell Helmholtz coil an212 honeywell Helmholtz Coil PDF


    Abstract: HMC2003 HMC1001 HMC2003 set reset
    Text: HMC2003 SENSOR PRODUCTS THREE-AXIS MAGNETIC SENSOR HYBRID Features • • • • • • • • • DIP-20 Footprint 1” by 0.75” 3-axis Capability Solid-State Design 40 micro-gauss to ±2 gauss Dynamic Range Analog Output at 1 Volt per gauss -40° to 85°C Operating Temperature Range

    HMC2003 DIP-20 HMC2003 HMC1001, HMC1002) HMC1002 HMC1001 HMC2003 set reset PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Honeywell Magnetic Products ONE AND TWO AXIS MAGNETIC SENSORS HMC1001 HMC1002 FEATURES APPLICATIONS • Measures strength and direction of magnetic fields • Compassing • Medical Instruments • Detects change in magnetic field due to presence of ferromagnetic objects

    OCR Scan
    HMC1001 HMC1002 10E-4 PDF


    Abstract: magnetic sensor an-201 "MR sensor" an205 honeywell HMC1002-Package HMC1001
    Text: Honeywell Magnetic Products ONE AND TWO AXIS MAGNETIC SENSORS HMC1001 HMC1002 FEATURES APPLICATIONS • Measures strength and direction of magnetic fields • Compassing • Medical Instruments • Detects change in magnetic field due to presence of ferromagnetic objects

    OCR Scan
    HMC1001 HMC1002 HMC1002, 10E-4Tesla, HMC1002 magnetic sensor an-201 "MR sensor" an205 honeywell HMC1002-Package PDF


    Abstract: hmc1001 honeywell TRANSDUCER MEANS magnetic field measuring
    Text: Honeywell Magnetic Products Preliminary ONE-AXIS MAGNETORESISTIVE MICROCIRCUIT HMC1001 GENERAL DESCRIPTION Honeywell's one axis magnetoresistive MR microcircuit consists of a magnetic transducer in a single-ln-Line (SIP) package. The transducer is sensitive to magnetic fields

    OCR Scan
    HMC1001 HMC1001 hmc1001 honeywell TRANSDUCER MEANS magnetic field measuring PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Honeywell SENSOR PRODUCTS Three-Axis Magnetic Sensor Hybrid APPLICATIONS Compassing Navigation Systems HMC2003 Attitude Reference Traffic Detection Æ complete 3-axis magnetometer with analog output in a 20- Proximity Detection pin hybrid DIP package. Medical Devices

    OCR Scan
    HMC2003 HMC1001 HMC1002 DIP-20 10E-4 PDF


    Abstract: magnetic sensor an-201 HMC2003 set reset
    Text: Honeywell SENSOR PRODUCTS Three-Axis Magnetic Sensor Hybrid APPLICATIONS Compassing Navigation Systems HMC2003 Attitude Reference Traffic Detection A complete 3-axis magnetometer with analog output in a 20- Proximity Detection pin hybrid DIP package. Medical Devices

    OCR Scan
    HMC2003 20pin HMC1001 HMC1002 DIP-20 10E-4 HMC2003 magnetic sensor an-201 HMC2003 set reset PDF


    Abstract: HMC1002 an205 honeywell AN-201 AN-205 magnetic sensor an-201 Anisotropic magnetoresistance magnetic sensor hmc1001 honeywell hmc1002 honeywell
    Text: Honeywell Magnetic Sensor Cross-Axis Effect AN-205 Bharat B. Pant, Ph.D., Physics Mike Caruso, Sensor Applications Engineer M agnetic sensors are generally sensitive to an applied magnetic field in a single direction, or axis. These sensors can also exhibit a change in sensitivity based on the applied field in the transverse, or cross­

    OCR Scan
    AN-205 HMC1001 HMC1002 an205 honeywell AN-201 magnetic sensor an-201 Anisotropic magnetoresistance magnetic sensor hmc1001 honeywell hmc1002 honeywell PDF