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    Abstract: NC-2H Nicera EEL25 EEL25 Core NICERA PI-2732-040901 NC-2H Nicera or Equivalent Core Material UF4007 equivalent Transformer eel25 nicera core 1N5231 equivalent
    Text: Design Idea DI-9 TOPSwitch-FX Set-top Box multiple output POWER INTEGRATIONS, INC. Application Device Power Output Input Voltage Output Voltage Topology Set-top Box TOP233Y 35 W 230 VAC 3.3 V / 5 V / 18 V / 30 V / -5 V Flyback Design Highlights • •

    OP233Y EEL25) CISPR22 EN55022B IEC1000-4-5 TOP233Y NC-2H Nicera EEL25 EEL25 Core NICERA PI-2732-040901 NC-2H Nicera or Equivalent Core Material UF4007 equivalent Transformer eel25 nicera core 1N5231 equivalent PDF

    LM324 circuit DIAGRAM

    Abstract: IN4005 LM324 PIN DIAGRAM LM324 14 PIN DIAGRAM LM324 CNC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Lm324 comparator IN-4005 pin and circuit diagram LM324 Lm324 comparator pin diagram
    Text: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ISSUE OPTIONAL COMPONENTS 303 VARIANTS FX1 1 VALUES FOR C2,Q2,R15,D4,D5,D6 C5, D3, D4, D5, J2, J3, LK1, P4 Q3, RL1, R3, R13, R14, R18, R19 HS1 NOT FITTED OR SUPPLIED FX2 FX3 FX4 1 Q2 MOUNTED OFF BOARD ECN 9 CHANGE 1 10 GRID REF. ISSUE 3 PCB - ECR0091

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    Current Rating of IN4005 diode

    Abstract: IN4005 12 volt ac to dc bridge rectifier circuit capacitor 47uF 25 volts IN4005 diode data sheet DB104
    Text: MODEL 830-004 Power Supply Module DESCRIPTION The 830-004 is a single output isolated DC/DC converter with an input range of 110 to 375 Vdc. This allows the module to operate from any rectified 80 to 265 Vac line, corresponding to line voltages found worldwide. Fixed output voltages between 5 to 18 Vdc

    22Max. Current Rating of IN4005 diode IN4005 12 volt ac to dc bridge rectifier circuit capacitor 47uF 25 volts IN4005 diode data sheet DB104 PDF


    Abstract: 10k trimpot 240v n-channel depletion mosfet DIODE in4005 01UF 10k trimpot resistor in4005 IN4005 diode data sheet Depletion-Mode MOSFET IN4005 diode
    Text: AN-D10 Application Note Off-Line Compact Universal Linear Regulator Introduction the 120VAC input line. D5 does not conduct during normal operation. An off-line compact universal linear regulator is shown in Figure 1. The regulating device is the Supertex LND150N3.

    AN-D10 120VAC LND150N3. 170VDC MC14030 10k trimpot 240v n-channel depletion mosfet DIODE in4005 01UF 10k trimpot resistor in4005 IN4005 diode data sheet Depletion-Mode MOSFET IN4005 diode PDF

    microchip tb008

    Abstract: TB008 IN4005 DIODE in4005 IN4005 diode Zener 5.1V DS91008B-page transformerless power supply 5V power supply transformerless transformerless power supply circuit
    Text: TB008 Transformerless Power Supply Author: Stan D’Souza Microchip Technology Inc. FIGURE 1: I1 C1 INTRODUCTION In most non-battery applications, the power to the microcontroller is normally supplied using a wall mounted transformer, which is then rectified, filtered

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    capacitor 47uF 25 volts

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MODEL 830-004 Power Supply Module DESCRIPTION The 830-004 is a single output isolated DC/DC converter with an input range of 110 to 375 Vdc. This allows the module to operate from any rectified 80 to 265 Vac line, corresponding to line voltages found worldwide. Fixed output voltages between 5 to 18 Vdc



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MODEL 830-004 Power Supply Module DESCRIPTION The 830-004 is a single output isolated DC/DC converter with an input range of 110 to 375 Vdc. This allows the module to operate from any rectified 80 to 265 Vac line, corresponding to line voltages found worldwide. Different fixed output voltages between 5



    Abstract: 400V to 6V DC Regulator TO 220 Package IN4005 diode 1N4005 DN2540N5 IN4005 LND150N8 series dc voltage follower regulator 300V regulator RH5RA50
    Text: LND1 Series Application Note AN–D17 High Voltage Off-Line Linear Regulator by Jimes Lei, Applications Engineer Introduction and inexpensive. The high operating voltage and high transient voltage protection are achieved by using Supertex part #LND150N8 in conjunction with a 5.0V linear regulator, Ricoh

    LND150N8 RH5RA50AA. 100nsec LND150N3 RH5RA50AA VN0340N5 LND150 120VAC RH5RA50AA 400V to 6V DC Regulator TO 220 Package IN4005 diode 1N4005 DN2540N5 IN4005 series dc voltage follower regulator 300V regulator RH5RA50 PDF


    Abstract: 300V regulator RH5RA diode 1N4005 specifications power diode with piv of 30v and 6A RH5RA50A IN4005 diode N-Channel Depletion-Mode MOSFET high voltage DIODE 1n4005 AN-D17
    Text: AN-D17 Application Note High Voltage Off-Line Linear Regulator by Jimes Lei, Applications Engineering Manager Introduction to minimize the loading on batteries, especially when the vehicles are not in use for long periods of time. For example, only a few microamperes are needed for powering memory

    AN-D17 RH5RA50AA 300V regulator RH5RA diode 1N4005 specifications power diode with piv of 30v and 6A RH5RA50A IN4005 diode N-Channel Depletion-Mode MOSFET high voltage DIODE 1n4005 AN-D17 PDF


    Abstract: IN4005 diode 400V to 6V DC Regulator TO 220 Package Current Rating of IN4005 diode 300V regulator lnd150 Application voltage Rating of IN4005 diode RH5RA capacitor 0.01uf 400v DN2540N5
    Text: LND1 Series Application Note AN–D17 High Voltage Off-Line Linear Regulator by Jimes Lei, Applications Engineering Manager Introduction There are many applications for small, linear voltage regulators that operate from high input voltages. They are ideally suited for

    100nsec LND150N3 RH5RA50AA VN0340N5 LND150 120VAC VN0640N5 Max406 RH5RA50AA IN4005 diode 400V to 6V DC Regulator TO 220 Package Current Rating of IN4005 diode 300V regulator lnd150 Application voltage Rating of IN4005 diode RH5RA capacitor 0.01uf 400v DN2540N5 PDF


    Abstract: FL4010 ag204 IN5822 diode ag208 IN4007 bridge rectifier ic IN4007S IN5405 diode AG206 Diode IN5398
    Text: 1. Q U IC K R E F E R E N C E TABLE FOR R EC TIFIE R DIO D E 1-1 1 AMPERE TO 6 AMPERES GENERAL PURPOSE AXIAL LEAD SILICON RECTIFIER VF V @IO (DC) PACKAGE PAGE 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 800 1000 FWD SURGE (A) 1.0 IN4001 IN4002 1N4003 - IN4004 - IN4005 IN4006

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    IN4001 1N4007 IN4001S IN4007S IN5391 IN5399 PS200 PS2010 IN5400 IN5408 AL1510 FL4010 ag204 IN5822 diode ag208 IN4007 bridge rectifier ic IN5405 diode AG206 Diode IN5398 PDF

    IC HXJ 2038

    Abstract: 1N52398 DB5T tfk 102 cny 70 hxj 2038 rca 40361 transistor rca 40362 TFK 680 CNY 70 Diode Equivalent 1N34A 2n5952 equivalent
    Text: The Engineering Staff of TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED Components Group The T ransistor and Diode Data Book for Design Engineers T e x a s In s t r u m e n t s IN CO RPO RATED TYPE NUMBER INDEX GLOSSARY TRANSISTOR SELECTION GUIDES TRANSISTOR INTERCHANGEABILITY

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: IN4004G IN4003G IN4005G IN4006G IN4001G IN4003 1N4002G
    Text: DIOTEC ELECTRONICS CORP n u T P i . u SfiE ] • 204^107 GGGG137 ETO M P I X DIOTEC ELECTRONICS CORP. 18020 Hobart Blvd., Unit B Gardena, CA 90248 Tel.: 310)767-1052 Fax:(310) 767-7958 Data Sheet No.: GPPD-100-A <-t- oj i _ . o »•v 1 AMP SOFT GLASS-PASSIVATED SILICON DIODES

    OCR Scan
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    IN5397 gp

    Abstract: In400I IN4007 IN5395 IN5404 IN5399 IN5397 IN5402 IN5406 IN4004

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    Abstract: IN4722 IN4001-IN4007 IN5060 IN2071 IN4385 IN5003 IN4142 IN5408 IN4720
    Text: ,LION ENTERPRISES CÔRP 5ME D • SSE^Db? □□□□□05 T ■ J ~ -Q /-o t 112 AXIAL LEAD SILICON RECTIFIERS M etallurgical^ Bonded DO-41 PACKAGE .034 (.9) ■10 7(2.7) .080 (2 .0} 70281 ¡(77) 1 — o “r Case Material U /L 9 4 V -0 Rated 1.0 M IN .

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    Abstract: in4003 IN5399 IN4005 in5054 IN4007 IN4820 in4002 IN5392 IN4822
    Text: r GENERAL PURPOSE RECTIFIERS CASE 1 AMP PART N UM BER V rrm V rsm I RRM •o* @ T a V (V) (JUA) (A) <°C) IFS M @ 60Hz (A) l2t (A 2-Sec.) V fm (V) @ lF (A) D015 IN4001 50 100 10 1.0 75 35 5 1 1 D015 IN4002 100 200 10 1.0 75 35 5 1 1 D015 IN4003 200 300 10

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    Abstract: IN5404 IN5402 IN4007 IN5401 IN5397 in4935 IN4936 IN5406 IN5395
    Text: E H A ELECTRONICS CORP 02E D T^ ol-O Ì 343fl=]ñfl 0 G 0 0 0 1 4 G • F E M T -o S -a! SILICON RECTIFIERS Type Max V RPR Max V RM S Max V DCB Type Max V RPR Max V RMS Max V DCB 6.0 AM PERES Package: R6 1.0 AM PERE Package: DO-41 IN4001 50 35 50 PX6A01 50

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    IN5397 gp

    Abstract: GP20-06

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    Abstract: IN4007g IN4001G IN4003G IN4006G 12,000 volt 50 amp diode 1N4002G IN4005G IN4007 DB3 748
    Text: DIOTEC ELECTRONICS CORP r v T P U Á .L , SfiE ]> I 204^107 nix GG00137 ETO DIOTEC ELECTRONICS CORP. 18020 Hobart Blvd., Unit B Gardena, CA 90248 Tel.: 310 767-1052 Fax: (310) 767-7958 Data Sheet No.: GPPD-100-A 'T - D l - \ 3 1 AMP SOFT GLASS-PASSIVATED SILICON DIODES

    OCR Scan
    GG00137 GPPD-100-A DO-41, MIL-STD-202, DB25/T DB25/W DB25P/T DB25P/W T0-220 O-247) IN4004G IN4007g IN4001G IN4003G IN4006G 12,000 volt 50 amp diode 1N4002G IN4005G IN4007 DB3 748 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DIOTEC ELECTRONICS CORP n T P u i . u SfiE ] • 204^107 GGGG137 ETO M P I X DIOTEC ELECTRONICS CORP. 18020 Hobart Blvd., Unit B Gardena, CA 90248 Tel.: 310)767-1052 Fax:(310) 767-7958 Data Sheet No.: GPPD-100-A <-t- oj i _ . o »• v 1 AMP SOFT GLASS-PASSIVATED SILICON DIODES

    OCR Scan
    GGGG137 GPPD-100-A DO-41 DB25/T DB25/W DB25P/T DB25P/W O-220 O-247) PDF

    IN4007 MELF

    Abstract: Q53J IN5408 IN5404 1H4007 IN4007 IN5399 IR IN4007 IN4007 maximum forward current IN5407
    Text: SEMITRON I N D U S T R I E S LTD H3E D 013760=1 0 D Ü G 2 Q G T Œ S L C B RECTIFIERS Silicon Rectifiers Operating/Storage Temperature Range -65°C to +175°C Maximum Peak Reverse Voltage Type 1.0 Maximum Forward Peak Surge Current @ 8.3ms Superimposed Maximum Reverse

    OCR Scan
    Ampere/A-405 RL101 RL102 RL103 RL104 RL105 RL106 RL107 Ampere/D0-41/MELF DL-45 IN4007 MELF Q53J IN5408 IN5404 1H4007 IN4007 IN5399 IR IN4007 IN4007 maximum forward current IN5407 PDF

    Diode IN4006

    Abstract: IN4007 IN4006 IN4004 DIODE IN4007 6A4 DIODE IN4006 diode IN4002 IN4003 INS400
    Text: IM EB m 6EÎ1 ÂSÏÂ ENTERPRISE CO 3 ÖM blDa 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 S S . 7 -0 1 -cm -% « _._J1! - Io Amp 15 25 '35 TYPE MBI5 MB25 MB35 Ïfm Vfm 7.5 12.5 17.S i.t 1.1 1.2 50 M1505 M250S MB3505 T -A î-ô l OEM ASIA ENTERPRISE CO., LTD9 E E æ VjUNQ/TAIW îm a taHSÍaí 1,R0AD

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    LG color tv Circuit Diagram schematics

    Abstract: free transistor equivalent book 2sc NPN TRANSISTORS LIST ACCORDING TO CURRENT, VOLTAG RCA SK CROSS-REFERENCE KIA 4318 transistor cs 9012 Til 322A sx3704 diode d.a.t.a. book 1N1007
    Text: The Engineering Staff of TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED Components Group The T ransistor and Diode Data Book for Design Engineers T e x a s In s t r u m e n t s IN CO RPO RATED TYPE NUMBER INDEX GLOSSARY TRANSISTOR SELECTION GUIDES TRANSISTOR INTERCHANGEABILITY

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    3186J LG color tv Circuit Diagram schematics free transistor equivalent book 2sc NPN TRANSISTORS LIST ACCORDING TO CURRENT, VOLTAG RCA SK CROSS-REFERENCE KIA 4318 transistor cs 9012 Til 322A sx3704 diode d.a.t.a. book 1N1007 PDF


    Abstract: 1N52428 zener SFC2311 78M12HM 21L02A 54175 IRS 9530 transistor 10116dc BB105G 962PC
    Text: Contents Fairchild Semiconductors Ltd. Solid State Scientific Inc. Diodes Ltd. Thomson C. S. F. B Ashcroft Electronics Ltd. Sprague Electric UK Ltd. Precision Dynamic Corp. B&R Relays Schrack Relays Heller mann Electric B Foreword We are pleased to present the latest edition of the BARLEC Catalogue, which

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    301PT1115 302PT1115 303PT1115 311PT1110 312PTI110 319PTI110 327PTI110 351PT1115 353PT1115 1n52408 1N52428 zener SFC2311 78M12HM 21L02A 54175 IRS 9530 transistor 10116dc BB105G 962PC PDF