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    IR3P66 Datasheets (1)

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    IR3P66 Sharp CDS Amp IC Scan PDF

    IR3P66 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CDS Amp 1C IR3P66 IR3P66 • CDS Amp IC ■ Description Pin Connections The IR3P66 is a CDS/AMP IC for a CCD area sensor. This IC receives the CCD area sensor output, clamps the feed-through level of the sensor output, samples and holds the signal level and then outputs

    OCR Scan
    IR3P66 IR3P66 IR3P68 16-pin 100MHz. PDF


    Abstract: 14 pin SN74S04N ccd 270k sharp 22 pin 47ZF IR3P68 SN74S04N sharp ccd board Ccd pwb 04 ta10600 cz v14
    Text: SHARP ELEK/ MELEC 15E 0 | D IV a ifia ? ^ 0002340 IR3P66 C D S Amp IC . IR3P66 • ■ Description Pin Connections ' Features 1. Reduces the low range noise included in the CCD area sensor output 2. Incorporates a clamp capacitor 3. Incorporates variable gain amplifier 0~6dB

    OCR Scan
    IR3P66 T-77-/7 IR3P66 IR3P68 16-pin 100MHz. 14 pin SN74S04N ccd 270k sharp 22 pin 47ZF SN74S04N sharp ccd board Ccd pwb 04 ta10600 cz v14 PDF


    Abstract: LR36683N LZ2523 LZ95B25 LZ95G55 lz95
    Text: SHARP SHARP L Z 2 5 2 3 Handle this document carefully for it contains material protected by international copyright law. Any reproduction, full or in part, of this material is prohibited without the express written permission of the company. • When using the products covered herein, please observe the conditions- written herein

    OCR Scan
    CC084002A 8x135 IR3P66 LR36683N LZ2523 LZ95B25 LZ95G55 lz95 PDF


    Abstract: Sharp IR2E02 IR2E01 IR2E25 Sharp IR2E27A IR2E02 IR2E27A SHARP LED ir2e01 ir2e09 IR2E28
    Text: Product Lineup Product Lineup • Transistor Arrays 'S H A R P 4 Product Lineup SHARP 5 Product Lineup ■ Special Function Transistor Arrayys F u nc ti o n Mo del No. O utput v o lt a g e 1mA V) 400 12 -c irc u it P rinte r D river and IR 2402 1 - c i r c u i t R ib b o n Shif t D r i v e r

    OCR Scan
    24DIP/24SOP IR2C10 IR2E34 IR2E27A Sharp IR2E02 IR2E01 IR2E25 Sharp IR2E27A IR2E02 IR2E27A SHARP LED ir2e01 ir2e09 IR2E28 PDF


    Abstract: IR2E31 IR2E01 IR2C07 IR2E27 IR2E24 IR2E19 IR2E31A IR3n06 IR2E02
    Text: Index Model No. ARM7D CPU Core Bi-CMOS 1 27 40,42 _ _ CMOS CMOS CMOS CMOS CMOS 4A 5A 8 A AH D ID1 Series ID2 Series 40,42 40.42 40,42 40,42 40 B ü.’1*"! 14,15 14 m IR2339 IR2403 IR2406 IR2406G IR2410 IR2411 IR2415 IR2419 IR2420 IR2422 IR2425 IR2429

    OCR Scan
    IR2E201 IR2E24 IR2E27/A IR2E28 IR2E29 IR2E30 IR2E31/A IR2E32N9 IR2E34 IR2E41 lh57257 IR2E31 IR2E01 IR2C07 IR2E27 IR2E19 IR2E31A IR3n06 IR2E02 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CCD Area Sensor for 1/2" NTSC Color LZ2131J LZ2131J CCD Area Sensor for 1/2* NTSC Color ■ Description The LZ2131J is a 1/2 inch solid-state image sensor comprised of PN-junction photodiodes and CCDs ch arge-co u p led d ev ice . Having approxim ately

    OCR Scan
    LZ2131J LZ2131J l/250th -l/2000th 504ccd PDF


    Abstract: ccd 512 x 512 lz2112
    Text: SHARP E L E K / MELEC 1SE 0 I fllôQ7Tâ ODOlbOM 5 | D IV CCD Area Sensor for 1/2" EIA B /W LZ2112J J -4 1 -5 5 L Z 2 1 • Description 1 2 J CCD Area Sensor for 1/2" EIA B/W Pin Connections The LZ2112J is a 1/2 inch solid-state image sensor comprised of PN-junction photodiodes and CCDs

    OCR Scan
    LZ2112J J-41-55 LZ21iy LR36682 ccd 512 x 512 lz2112 PDF


    Abstract: ccds LZ95G71 IR3P81 LZ9GG33M
    Text: SPECIAL­ FUNCTION ICs ★ Under development • CCD Peripheral ICs Model No. Description LZ9GG32M LZ9GG18/M LZ9GG33M Single-chip driver LZ95G82 LZ95G90 LZ95G83 j Timing generator \ I \ o u+ Synchronous / signal generator / Features F o r 2 2 0 k -p ix e l C C D

    OCR Scan
    LZ9GG32M LZ9GG18/M LZ9GG33M LZ95G82 LZ95G90 LZ95G83 LZ95G80 LZ95G55 LZ95G71 LR38516 LZ9GG18 ccds IR3P81 PDF


    Abstract: LZ2354BJ LZ95D52 SHARP L
    Text: SHARP SPEC No. ISSUE: E L 0 7 6 0 6 4 A May 23 1996 To ; SPECIFICATIONS Product Type 1/3-type B/W CCD Area Sensor with 410k Pixels for EIA LZ2354BJ Model No. L Z 2 3 5 4 B J ^This specifications contains 19 pages including the cover and appendix. If you have any objections, please contact us before issuing purchasing order.

    OCR Scan
    EL076064A LZ2354BJ 43TYP. LR36683N LZ2354BJ LZ95D52 SHARP L PDF


    Abstract: marking code B9 DG SMD Transistor transistor smd sensor 80L transistor bf 175 sdz-370n ccd LZ1032 Transister Data Book
    Text: MOS DATA BOOK General Information Gate Arrays/Standard Cells Display Drivers 3 J T elecommunications II CCDs/CCD Peripherals ICs for Audio/Visual Equipment 6 | Voice/Melody Generators ICs for Clock Others Preface In recent years, the seemingly unlimited progress seen in

    OCR Scan
    LH5047/LH5048 LR3441 marking code B9 DG SMD Transistor transistor smd sensor 80L transistor bf 175 sdz-370n ccd LZ1032 Transister Data Book PDF


    Abstract: LZ9GG13 IR3P69 LZ2316J IR3P82A ir3y17a IR3P81 LZ93N19 LZ2346 LZ9GG13M
    Text: SPECIAL­ FUNCTION ICs ★ Under development • 1/2 Type CCD Area Sensors No. of pixels TV standard 270 000 320 000 Color NTSC B/W EIA Color PAL B/W CCIR Model No. LZ2113Y LZ2114J LZ2123Y LZ2124J Electronic shutter S 1/60 to 1/10 000 1/50 to 1/10 000 Resolution

    OCR Scan
    LZ2113Y LZ2114J LZ2123Y LZ2124J 20SDIP LZ2313H5 LZ2313B5 LZ23132 LZ2314AK IR3Y17 LZ9GG13 IR3P69 LZ2316J IR3P82A ir3y17a IR3P81 LZ93N19 LZ2346 LZ9GG13M PDF

    ccd ofd

    Abstract: tv pattern generator ic sharp CCD Camera sharp CCD Image Sensor IR3P98 sharp CCD Image Sensor NTSC 16-pin camera LZ95D42 ccd iu IR3P97
    Text: S HA R P C0RP bOE î> m a ia G v ^ a d g o ^ s 3l,t » s r p j T - H t -S S - LZ2353 LZ95D42 • P RE. L I M I N A R Y 1/3-inch High Responsivity Color CCD with 400K Pixels CCD Timing Pulse Generator LSI H Description The LZ2353 is a high responsivity 400K-pixel CCD

    OCR Scan
    LZ2353 LZ95D42 400K-pixel 16-pin LZ2353) 48QFP 16MFP LZ2353 LZ2313A1/B1 ccd ofd tv pattern generator ic sharp CCD Camera sharp CCD Image Sensor IR3P98 sharp CCD Image Sensor NTSC 16-pin camera LZ95D42 ccd iu IR3P97 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C C D Area Sensor for 1 12 “ EIA B /W LZ2112J • L Z 21 12J CCD Area Sensor for 1/2' EIA B/W Description Pin Connections The LZ2112J is a 1/2 inch solid-state image sensor comprised of PN-junction photodiodes and CCDs charge-coupled d ev ice . Having approxim ately

    OCR Scan
    LZ2112J LZ2112J lz92e PDF


    Abstract: lz93n3 IR3P66 LR36683N LZ2353B LZ95D52 lz95 215dcl
    Text: SHARP SPEC No. ISSUE: To C C 0 6 Z 0 0 9 Mar. 15 1995 ; 1 P R E L I M I N A R Y S P E C I F I C A T I O N S Product Type l/3-type Color CCD Area Sensor with 410k Pixels for NTSC L Z 2 3 5 3 B Model No. S&This specifications contains 18 pages including the cover and appendix.

    OCR Scan
    CC06Z009 LZ2353B lz93n33 lz93n3 IR3P66 LR36683N LZ2353B LZ95D52 lz95 215dcl PDF


    Abstract: IR2C53 IR2E02 IR2E27 IR2E10 IR3N34 IR2E31A IR2E01 IR2C07 ir2e31
    Text: lndeX Model No. ARM7D CPU Core28,32,33 ARM7DM 28,33 CMOS CMOS CMOS CMOS 76 5A A F G 44 44 44 44 ID1 series ID2 series ID3 seríes ID21K064 ID21K128 ID21K256 ID21K512 ID21M010 ID21M015 ID21M020 ID21M040 ID22K256 ID22K512 ID22M010 ID22M020 ID22M040 ID22M080

    OCR Scan
    Core28 IR2C24A/AN IR2C26 IR2C30/N IR2C32 IR2C33 IR2C34 IR2C36 IR2C38/N IR2C43 IR2E27A IR2C53 IR2E02 IR2E27 IR2E10 IR3N34 IR2E31A IR2E01 IR2C07 ir2e31 PDF


    Abstract: LZ2121 LZ92E62
    Text: CCD Area Sensor for 1/2 " PAL Color LZ2121J LZ2121J CCD Area Sensor for 1/2" PAL Color ■ Description The LZ2121J is a 1/2 inch solid-state image sensor comprised of PN-junction photodiodes and CCDs charge-cou pled d ev ice . Having approxim ately 320,000 (542 horizontal X 582 vertical) pixels, the

    OCR Scan
    LZ2121J LZ2121J l/2000th LZ2121 LZ92E62 PDF


    Abstract: GDP014B-18E0 IR3P66 LR36683N LZ2453A LZ95B25 LZ95G71 X140 mg - 404 e
    Text: SHARP SHARP LZ2 4 5 3A # Handle this document carefully for it contains material protected by international copyright law. Any reproduction, full or in part, of this material is prohibited without the express written permission of the company. 9 When using the products covered herein, please observe the conditions written herein

    OCR Scan

    ccd ae

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CCD PERIPHERAL IC * ★ New product Under development <CCD Peripheral IC> Model No. Description LZ9GG32M Single-chip driver LZ9GG33M Timing generator \ + ☆ LR38580 Synchronous signal generator * LZ9FD34 j For 220 k-pixel CCD with single-voltage 5 VJ operation

    OCR Scan
    LZ9GG32M LZ9GG33M 48QFP* LR38580 LZ9FD34 k/320 V/12V) ccd ae PDF


    Abstract: ir3y17a LZ9GG13M LR36683N LZ95G8 LZ2454 IR3Y17 IR3P81 LZ9GG13 lz9gg
    Text: SPECIALFUNCTION ICs CCD Area Sanaora and CCD Peripheral ICe ★ Underdevelopm ent 1 / 2 Type CCD Area Sensors No. of pixels 270 000 320 000 TV standard Model No. Color NTSC LZ2113Y B/W EIA LZ2114J Color PAL LZ2123Y B/W CCIR LZ2124J Electronic shutter s 1/60 to 1/10 000

    OCR Scan
    512x492 LZ2113Y LZ2114J LZ2123Y LZ2124J 20SDIP LZ2326J IR3Y17A/A1 270k-pixel 320k-pixel IR3P06 ir3y17a LZ9GG13M LR36683N LZ95G8 LZ2454 IR3Y17 IR3P81 LZ9GG13 lz9gg PDF


    Abstract: CT5-T LZ2413H VH3A 413H LR36685 LZ95B25 LZ95G55
    Text: SHARP SHARP LZ 2 4 1 3 H • Handle this document carefully for it contains material protected by international copyright law. Any reproduction, full or in part, of this material is prohibited without the express written permission of the company, • Vhen using the products covered herein, please observe the conditions written herein

    OCR Scan
    EL103143 evM06i 30TYP. 46TYP. 27TYP. lz2413h dv339 CT5-T LZ2413H VH3A 413H LR36685 LZ95B25 LZ95G55 PDF

    photo transistor MEL 11

    Abstract: sharp ir sensor H123 LZ2122J LR36682
    Text: SHARP E L E K / MELEC LSE o | D IV a ia a ? ^ o o a ib n CCD Area Sensor for 1/2" CCIR B /W LZ2122J • 7 | LZ2122J T -4 1 -5 5 CCD Area Sensor for 1/2MCCIR B/W Pin Connections Description The LZ2122J is a 1/2 inch solid-state image sensor comprised of PN-junction photodiodes, and CCDs

    OCR Scan
    LZ2122J T-41-55 l/1000th l/2000th 071fl LZ2122J T-41-55 photo transistor MEL 11 sharp ir sensor H123 LR36682 PDF


    Abstract: transistor 683 lz93n25 683 Transistor sharp CCD Image Sensor camera sensor CM500 LR36682 1STF LZ93N
    Text: 15 E o I SHARP ELEK/ MELEC DIV a i a a v ì f l aoaib2£, m | LZ2131J C C D Area Sensor for 1/2" NTSC Color T-41-55 LZ2131J • CCD Area Sensor for 1/2" NTSC Color Pin Connections Description The LZ2131J is a 1/2 inch solid-state image sensor comprised of PN-junction photodiodes and CCDs

    OCR Scan
    LZ2131J T-41-55 l/250th-l/2000th LZ2131J VQD30 transistor 683 lz93n25 683 Transistor sharp CCD Image Sensor camera sensor CM500 LR36682 1STF LZ93N PDF