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    Honeywell Sensing and Control VP25KA 2500

    Wire Wound, Resistor, Resistance 2500 Ohm, Power Rating 25 Watt |Honeywell VP25KA 2500
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    Newark VP25KA 2500 Bulk 50
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    Honeywell Sensing and Control / Clarostat VP50KA2500

    Wirewound Resistors - Chassis Mount VP Adjustable Series, 2.5 kOhms, 50.0 W, Adjustable, Wirewound Resistor
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    Sager VP50KA2500
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    KA2500 Datasheets (1)

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    Abstract: KSP42 74HCT125 VIDEO amplifier BRIGHT CIRCUIT BAV21 KA78T05 KSP92 V151
    Text: APRIL. 1998 DATA SHEET KA2500 I2C BUS CONTROLLED R/G/B VIDEO AMPLIFIER FOR MONITORS KA2500 I2C BUS CONTROLLED R/G/B VIDEO AMPLIFIER 28-DIP-600A The KA2500 is a very high frequency video amplifier system with I2C Bus control used in Monitors with high resolution up to1280 x 1024.

    KA2500 28-DIP-600A KA2500 to1280 KSP42 74HCT125 VIDEO amplifier BRIGHT CIRCUIT BAV21 KA78T05 KSP92 V151 PDF


    Abstract: 74HCT125 BAV21 KA78T05 KSP42 KSP92 V151 Iiso10k
    Text: I2C BUS CONTROLLED R/G/B VIDEO AMPLIFIER FOR MONITORS KA2500 I2C BUS CONTROLLED R/G/B VIDEO AMPLIFIER 28-DIP-600A The KA2500 is a very high frequency video amplifier system with I2C Bus controlled used in Monitor with high resolution up to1280 x 1024. It contains 3 matched R/G/B video Amplifiers with OSD

    KA2500 28-DIP-600A KA2500 to1280 02/03/04H) 74HCT125 BAV21 KA78T05 KSP42 KSP92 V151 Iiso10k PDF


    Abstract: KA2500 KA78T05 S1D2500A S1D2500A01 S1D2500A01-D0B0 V151 28-DIP-600A
    Text: I2C BUS CONTROLLED R/G/B VIDEO AMPLIFIER FOR MONITORS S1D2500A01 I2C BUS CONTROLLED R/G/B VIDEO AMPLIFIER 28-DIP-600A The S1D2500A01 is a very high frequency video amplifier system with I2C Bus control used in Monitors with high resolution up to1280 x 1024.

    S1D2500A01 28-DIP-600A S1D2500A01 to1280 S1D2500A01-D0B0 BAV21 KA2500 KA78T05 S1D2500A S1D2500A01-D0B0 V151 28-DIP-600A PDF

    transistor NEC K2500

    Abstract: nec k2500 NEC K2500 Transistor component NEC K2500 mosfet CD4558 cq met t3.15A 250V k2500 N-Channel MOSFET c5042f TO-92 78L05 voltage regulator pin configuration i ball 450 watt smps repairing
    Text: A merican Gaming and Electronics, Inc. represents over 200 vendors and carries thousands of items. This catalog is just a partial listing of our products. If for any reason, you do not see the item s you are searching for, please call your local sales representative. The sales


    samsung crt monitor circuit diagram

    Abstract: ks2501 samsung crt monitor osd samsung crt monitor circuit diagrams samsung crt monitor rgb cable ks24c04 CRT monitor block circuit diagram samsung P6232 CRT monitor block diagram samsung in power supply KB2511B
    Text: KS88C6216/C6224/C6232/P6232 MICROCONTROLLER 1 APPLICATION NOTE Hardware Introduction 1-1. KS88C6216/C6224/C6232/P6232 Introduction The KS88C6216/C6224/C6232 and KS88P6232 are controllers for MONITOR which are composed of Samsung SAM8 CPU core, on-chip program memory, general purpose

    KS88C6216/C6224/C6232/P6232 KS88C6216/C6224/C6232 KS88P6232 KS88C6216/C6224/C6232. 16/24/32-Kbyte 464-byte samsung crt monitor circuit diagram ks2501 samsung crt monitor osd samsung crt monitor circuit diagrams samsung crt monitor rgb cable ks24c04 CRT monitor block circuit diagram samsung P6232 CRT monitor block diagram samsung in power supply KB2511B PDF


    Abstract: M270HVN02.2
    Text: Datasheet Tentative SmartLED-III 40W LED Backlight Converter Design EN55022 and EN61000-6-2 oriented Version 0.1.2 29.04.2014 The information contained in this document has been carefully researched and is, to the best of our knowledge, accurate. However, we assume no liability for any product failures or damages, immediate or

    EN55022 EN61000-6-2 I-35010 LM230WF3-SLD1 M270HVN02.2 PDF

    Sync On Green seperator

    Abstract: sync seperator osd rgb sog composite 1uf/63v ksp42 S1D25 KA2507 S1D2507B SoG seperator
    Text: KA2507 WIDE BAND ANALOG SWITCH FOR MONITORS WIDE BAND ANALOG SWITCH 24-SDIP-300 The device has internal switches for switching between wideband R/G/B signals and H/V Sync. also, has an internal Sync. Seperator. INTRODUCTION ORDERING INFORMATION • Video Input Switch for High-End Color Monitor

    KA2507 24-SDIP-300 24-SDIP-300 BAV21 KSP92 Sync On Green seperator sync seperator osd rgb sog composite 1uf/63v ksp42 S1D25 KA2507 S1D2507B SoG seperator PDF

    TIL 815

    Abstract: KA-500
    Text: Z&texe Power Se m iconductor Devices High Frequency T hyristors—Disc Type Model @Tc=75*C A KA200/12 KA300/12 KA500/12 KA800/12 KA1000/12 KA1500/12 KA2000/12 KA2500/12 200 300 500 800 1000 1500 2000 2500 Vdrm I tsm @50HZ v V rrm V kA V 1200 1200 1200

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    Tc-75X: 00V/U> KA200/12 KA300/12 KA500/12 KA800/12 KA1000/12 KAI500/12 KA2000/12 KA2500/12 TIL 815 KA-500 PDF


    Abstract: KP500 KP800 KP300 kp1500 kp 100 thyristor KP2000 KP600 KP1000 zx25
    Text: fa te x e Power Tianjin Century Electronics Co.,Ltd. • i - si Brief Introduction of Company Tianjin C entury E lectronics Co., Ltd was registered in Tianjin P ort Free Trade Zone as an independent co rp o ra tio n in A ugust 1997. S ince its e sta b lish m e n t 10 y ea rs ago, th e com pany h as s h ifte d from a

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