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    MC14LC5480EVK Datasheets (1)

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    MC14LC5480EVK Motorola Development tool Original PDF

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    Abstract: fsync in PCM J10B MC145482 MC14LC5480 J20A MC145481 MC145483 MC145484 MC145532
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MC14LC5480EVK/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC14LC5480EVK Advance Information MC14LC5480, MC145481, MC145482, MC145483, and MC145484 PCM Codec-Filter Evaluation Kit Users Manual + 5 V GND CLOCK GENERATION CIRCUITRY ANALOG INTERFACE

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    Abstract: MC14553 J11A fsync in PCM J10B varistor motorola RJ11 handset connector specifications MC14LC5480 J20A MC145481
    Text: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Order this document by MC14LC5480EVK/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC14LC5480EVK Advance Information MC14LC5480, MC145481, MC145482, MC145483, and MC145484 PCM Codec-Filter Evaluation Kit Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.

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    Abstract: RJ11 pin pin RJ11 RJ11 4pin varistor motorola circuit diagram of hearing aid Hearing Aid Circuit Diagram circuit diagram of digital hearing aid hearing aid microphone fsync in PCM
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MC14LC5480EVK/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC14LC5480EVK Advance Information MC14LC5480, MC145481, MC145482, MC145483, and MC145484 PCM Codec-Filter Evaluation Kit Users Manual + 5 V GND CLOCK GENERATION CIRCUITRY ANALOG INTERFACE

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    SCHEMATIC ATI graphics card

    Abstract: motorola hc11 schematic programmer lauterbach JTAG Programmer Schematics motorola 68hc11 schematic programmer emware ec cable connection connect cpu with lcd HC05 PROGRAM DEMO CODE motorola 68hc12 schematic programmer 68HC908 powertap emulator powerpc
    Text: SOFTWARE AND DEVELOPMENT TOOLS QUARTER 1, 2004 SG1011/D REV 0 WWW.MOTOROLA.COM/SEMICONDUCTORS About This Revision–Q1/2004 A summary of new information is provided in this section. In addition, a change bar appears in the left margin of every page referenced in this section to mark the

    SG1011/D Q1/2004 M68MULTILINK12 SG1011 USBMULTILINK12 68HC12 SG1011/D 1PHX36855-13 SCHEMATIC ATI graphics card motorola hc11 schematic programmer lauterbach JTAG Programmer Schematics motorola 68hc11 schematic programmer emware ec cable connection connect cpu with lcd HC05 PROGRAM DEMO CODE motorola 68hc12 schematic programmer 68HC908 powertap emulator powerpc PDF

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MC145482/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC145482 Product Preview 5 V 13-Bit Linear PCM Codec-Filter The MC145482 is a 13–bit linear PCM Codec–Filter with 2s complement data format, and is offered in 20–pin SOG and SSOP packages. This device

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    IC OP AMP for piezoelectric microphone

    Abstract: 940C MC145484 MC145572 MC145574 MC14LC5480EVK Nippon capacitors
    Text: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Order this document by MC145484/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC145484 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 5 V PCM Codec-Filter The MC145484 is a general purpose per channel PCM Codec–Filter with pin selectable Mu–Law or A–Law companding, and is offered in 20–pin SOG,

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    Abstract: embedded rtos for voice over ip uclinux NetBurner voip basics DSP56800E DSP56854 MC145482 MC33997 MCF5249
    Text: Building Control Voice-Enabled SOHO Router Overview This application leverages today’s highspeed cable and DSL Internet connections, and can support both a home or small office local area network LAN and a high-quality secondary phone line service. The router

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    Abstract: motorola hc11 schematic programmer M68MOD912C32 68HC705e6 GR60 DRAGONBALL VZ EVALUATION KIT SCHEMATIC HC12 bldc 40 pin eprom programmer circuit 68hc12 motorola linker 68HC16Y1
    Text: Software and Development Tools Quarter 4, 2004 SG1011Q42004 Rev 0 About This Revision–Q4/2004 When new products are introduced, a summary of the new products will be provided in this section. However, the New Product section will only appear on this page when new

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MC145484/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC145484 5 V PCM Codec-Filter The MC145484 is a general purpose per channel PCM Codec–Filter with pin selectable Mu–Law or A–Law companding, and is offered in 20–pin SOG, SSOP, and TSSOP packages. This device performs the voice digitization and

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    Abstract: fpi bus TRMD-030-L LED DIP2 82C54 LED10 PC16550 J10132 0x000030 ISA connector
    Text: 2000-01-25 @ 14:54 CAREB Users Manual CARMEL Test and Evaluation Board V0.90 1999-12 Confidential Infineon Technologies Table of Contents Table of Contents Page 1 1.1 1.1.1 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



    Abstract: MC145484 MC145572 MC145574 MC14LC5480EVK
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MC145484/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC145484 5 V PCM Codec-Filter The MC145484 is a general purpose per channel PCM Codec–Filter with pin selectable Mu–Law or A–Law companding, and is offered in 20–pin SOG, SSOP, and TSSOP packages. This device performs the voice digitization and

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    Abstract: IC OP AMP for Piezoelectric transducers piezoelectric transducer to generate high frequency 940C MC145484 MC145484DT MC145484DW MC145484SD MC145572 011EM
    Text: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Order this document by MC145484/D MC145484 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 5 V PCM Codec-Filter The MC145484 is a general purpose per channel PCM Codec–Filter with pin DW SUFFIX selectable Mu–Law or A–Law companding, and is offered in 20–pin SOG,

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    Abstract: 8250n MPC852 MPC8560 freescale user manual HP 30 pin lcd flex cable pinout green hills ppc compiler manual motorola hc08 schematic programmer 68HC908 fads host software users manual spi flash mpc programmer
    Text: Software and Development Tools Quarter 1, 2005 SG1011Q12005 Rev 0 About This Revision–Q1/2005 When new products are introduced, a summary of the new products will be provided in this section. However, the New Product section will only appear on this page when new

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    Abstract: micro HCS12E128 CWHC16 9S12C32 motorola 68hc11 schematic programmer 82c250 motorola M68MOD912C32 68HC16Y1 motorola 68hc11a8 eeprom fads host software users manual
    Text: Software and Development Tools Quarter 3, 2004 SG1011Q32004 Rev. 0 About This Revision–Q3/2004 When new products are introduced, a summary of the new products will be provided in this section. However, the New Product section will only appear on this page

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    Abstract: Nippon capacitors
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MC14LC5480/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Advance Information MC14LC5480 5 V PCM Codec-Filter The MC14LC5480 is a general purpose per channel PCM Codec–Filter with pin selectable Mu–Law or A–Law companding, and is offered in 20–pin DIP,

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    Abstract: MPX7007 SG187 DSPA56371AF150 DSP56F803BU80E MPC8548 DSP56303PV100 9s12dp256, 9s12dg256, 9s12dt256 MRF648 applications mrf6s19100nb
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Product Selector Guide Cross-Reference Quarter 3, 2005 SG1000CRQ32005 Rev 0 Introduction The Freescale Semiconductor Product Selector Guide Cross-Reference provides a listing of all products documented in the fifteen Freescale Semiconductor Product

    SG1000CRQ32005 SG1000CRQ32005 MC9S12XDP384 MPX7007 SG187 DSPA56371AF150 DSP56F803BU80E MPC8548 DSP56303PV100 9s12dp256, 9s12dg256, 9s12dt256 MRF648 applications mrf6s19100nb PDF

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    Abstract: CW68 68hc811e2 68HC705B16 SCHEMATIC ATI graphics card M68SPGMR08 ETAS555 green hills debug probe users guide PowerPC 8240 HC12 bldc
    Text: SOFTWARE AND DEVELOPMENT TOOLS QUARTER 3, 2002 SG1011/D REV 0 WWW.MOTOROLA.COM/SEMICONDUCTORS HOW THIS SELECTOR GUIDE IS ORGANIZED This selector guide presents software and development tool information that corresponds to specific selector guides in the SG1000 series. These sections include the following:

    SG1011/D SG1000 32-Bit SG1001/D) SG1002/D) SG1004/D) SG1006/D) SG1007/D) SG1011 motorola 68hc05 schematic programmer CW68 68hc811e2 68HC705B16 SCHEMATIC ATI graphics card M68SPGMR08 ETAS555 green hills debug probe users guide PowerPC 8240 HC12 bldc PDF


    Abstract: green hills ppc compiler manual mpc5xx BDM green hills ppc linker manual 68HC908JL3E CABLEPPC HC908QB8 PWM code asm using HCS08 68HC16Y1 DRAGONBALL VZ EVALUATION KIT SCHEMATIC
    Text: INC .20 06 MIC ON DU CT OR , SE Software and Development Tools AR CH IVE DB YF RE ES CA LE Quarter 2, 2006 SG1011Q22006 Rev 0 INC .20 06 MIC ON DU CT OR , About This Revision–Q2/2006 When new products are introduced, a summary of the new products will be provided in this section. However, the New Product section will only appear on this page when new

    SG1011Q22006 Q2/2006 SG1011Q22006 68HC908qb8 green hills ppc compiler manual mpc5xx BDM green hills ppc linker manual 68HC908JL3E CABLEPPC HC908QB8 PWM code asm using HCS08 68HC16Y1 DRAGONBALL VZ EVALUATION KIT SCHEMATIC PDF


    Abstract: 68hc811e2 motorola 68hc11 schematic programmer 68HC908JB8 68HC11P2 TRACE32 jtag target cable HC12 CodeTAP M68EM08AS60 motorola hc11 schematic programmer SCHEMATIC ATI graphics card
    Text: SOFTWARE AND DEVELOPMENT TOOLS QUARTER 1, 2002 SG1011/D REV 0 WWW.MOTOROLA.COM/SEMICONDUCTORS :KDW•V 1HZ HOW THIS SELECTOR GUIDE IS ORGANIZED This selector guide is divided into sections that support other selector guides in this series. Currently, these sections include the following:

    SG1011/D 32-Bit SG1001/D) SG1002/D) SG1004/D) SG1006/D) SG1007/D) SG1011 68HC11KA4 68hc811e2 motorola 68hc11 schematic programmer 68HC908JB8 68HC11P2 TRACE32 jtag target cable HC12 CodeTAP M68EM08AS60 motorola hc11 schematic programmer SCHEMATIC ATI graphics card PDF


    Abstract: MRF185 MRF373 MRF650 MG4100 MC3PHAC MRF648 applications mpx6115 MPX53 TPV8100B
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Product Selector Guide Cross-Reference Quarter 4, 2004 SG1000CRQ42004 Rev 0 Introduction The Freescale Semiconductor Product Selector Guide Cross-Reference provides a listing of all products documented in the fifteen Freescale Semiconductor Product

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    Abstract: K-line interface MC33291 MC33291L MC33298 SG1002 fuel injector driver FET fuel injector programmable Alternator regulator MPC17559
    Text: Analog Quarter 4, 2005 SG1002Q42005 Rev 0 Introduction FREESCALE SEMICONDUCTOR ANALOG PRODUCTS Freescale Semiconductor is a supplier of world class Analog products for power switching, networking, communications, motion control, and power management! Analog has been part of Freescale

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    Abstract: green hills ppc linker manual MPC566 "pin compatible" M68EVB908Q powertap emulator powerpc MPC8272ADS PWM code asm using HCS08 MPC82XX MPC55XX JTAG Embedded Toolsmiths
    Text: Software and Development Tools Quarter 4, 2005 SG1011Q42005 Rev 0 About This Revision–Q4/2005 When new products are introduced, a summary of the new products will be provided in this section. However, the New Product section will only appear on this page when new

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA O rder this docum ent by MC145484/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M CI45484 Advance Information 5 V PCM Codec-Filter The MC145484 is a general purpose per channel PCM C odec-F ilter with pin selectable M u -L a w or A -L a w com panding, and is offered in 2 0 -p in SOG,

    OCR Scan
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    Nippon capacitors

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by m c i 45484/d SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC145484 Advance Information 5 V PCM Codec-Fitter The MC145484 is a general purpose per channel PCM Codeo-Filter with pin selectable Mu-Law or A-Law companding, and is offered in 20-pin SOG and

    OCR Scan
    45484/d MC145484 MC145484 20-pin MC145484/D Nippon capacitors PDF