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    Vox Power Ltd NEVO-600ML-2282-DK000

    AC/DC CNVT 2X12V 2X24V 12V 600W
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey NEVO-600ML-2282-DK000 Box 15
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $434.60532
    • 1000 $434.60532
    • 10000 $434.60532
    Buy Now

    ROHM Semiconductor ML22823-332MBZ0AAL

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Avnet Asia ML22823-332MBZ0AAL 24 Weeks 2,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 -
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    ROHM Semiconductor ML22825-000MBZ03A

    Speech Synthesis LSI 2CH Mixing Builtin P2ROM 30Pin SSOP (Alt: ML22825-000MBZ03A)
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Avnet Silica ML22825-000MBZ03A 19 Weeks 2,000
    • 1 -
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    • 1000 -
    • 10000 -
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    ML2282 Datasheets (14)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    ML2282 Fairchild Semiconductor Serial I/O 8-Bit A/D Converter with Multiplexer Options Original PDF
    ML2282 Micro Linear Serial I-O 8-Bit A-D Converters with Multiplexer Options Original PDF
    ML2282BCP Fairchild Semiconductor ADC, SAR, Single, 8-Bit Resoultion, Serial, 8-DIP Original PDF
    ML2282BCP Micro Linear Serial I/O 8-Bit A/D Converter with Multiplexer Options Original PDF
    ML2282BCS Fairchild Semiconductor ADC, SAR, Single, 8-Bit Resoultion, Serial, 8-SOIC Original PDF
    ML2282BCS Micro Linear Serial I/O 8-Bit A/D Converter with Multiplexer Options Original PDF
    ML2282BIP Fairchild Semiconductor ADC, SAR, Single, 8-Bit Resoultion, Serial, 8-DIP Original PDF
    ML2282BIP Micro Linear Serial I/O 8-Bit A/D Converter with Multiplexer Options Original PDF
    ML2282CCP Fairchild Semiconductor ADC, SAR, Single, 8-Bit Resoultion, Serial, 8-DIP Original PDF
    ML2282CCP Micro Linear Serial I/O 8-Bit A/D Converter with Multiplexer Options Original PDF
    ML2282CCS Fairchild Semiconductor ADC, SAR, Single, 8-Bit Resoultion, Serial, 8-SOIC Original PDF
    ML2282CCS Micro Linear Serial I/O 8-Bit A/D Converter with Multiplexer Options Original PDF
    ML2282CIP Fairchild Semiconductor ADC, SAR, Single, 8-Bit Resoultion, Serial, 8-DIP Original PDF
    ML2282CIP Micro Linear Serial I/O 8-Bit A/D Converter with Multiplexer Options Original PDF

    ML2282 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: ML22865-xxxMB ML2282X-XXX ML22825 ML2282X SSOP30-P-56-0 ML22863
    Text: FEDL228XXDIGEST-03 Issue Date: March. 24, 2009 ML2282X-XXX/ML2286X-XXX Speech Synthesis LSI with Built-in P2ROM Including 2-Channel Mixing Function GENERAL DESCRIPTION ML2282X ML22825/ML22824/ML22823-XXX and ML2286X (ML22865/ML22864/ML22783-XXX) are voice synthesis LSIs with built-in P2ROM that stores speech data.

    FEDL228XXDIGEST-03 ML2282X-XXX/ML2286X-XXX ML2282X ML22825/ML22824/ML22823-XXX) ML2286X ML22865/ML22864/ML22783-XXX) 16-bit ML22865/ML22864/ML22863 ML22865 ML22865-xxxMB ML2282X-XXX ML22825 SSOP30-P-56-0 ML22863 PDF


    Abstract: ADC0831 ADC0832 ADC0834 ADC0838 ML2281 ML2282 ML2284 ML2288 CD4024 equivalent
    Text: May 1997 ML2281, ML2282*, ML2284#, ML2288# Serial I/O 8-Bit A/D Converters with Multiplexer Options GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML2281 family are 8-bit successive approximation A/D converters with serial I/O and configurable input multiplexers with up to 8 input channels.

    ML2281, ML2282* ML2284# ML2288# ML2281 35kW ADC0831 ADC0832 ADC0834 ADC0838 ML2282 ML2284 ML2288 CD4024 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: ML22824
    Text: FEDL228XXDIGEST-04 Issue Date: Aug. 25, 2011 ML2282X-XXX/ML2286X-XXX Speech Synthesis LSI with Built-in P2ROM Including 2-Channel Mixing Function GENERAL DESCRIPTION ML2282X ML22825/ML22824/ML22823-XXX and ML2286X (ML22865/ML22864/ML22783-XXX) are voice synthesis LSIs with built-in P2ROM that stores speech data.

    FEDL228XXDIGEST-04 ML2282X-XXX/ML2286X-XXX ML2282X ML22825/ML22824/ML22823-XXX) ML2286X ML22865/ML22864/ML22783-XXX) 16-bit ML22865/ML22864/ML22863 ML22825 ML22824 PDF

    LM385 2.5V zener

    Abstract: analog input optocoupler BCX 069 pin diagram of LM385 lm385-5 "Current Loop Converter" 1n4148 v4 4N28 spec sheet mux 8 inputs cmos strain gauge sensor interface with micro control
    Text: May 1997 ML2281, ML2282, ML2284, ML2288 Serial I/O 8-Bit A/D Converters with Multiplexer Options GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML2281 family are 8-bit successive approximation A/D converters with serial I/O and configurable input multiplexers with up to 8 input channels.

    ML2281, ML2282, ML2284, ML2288 ML2281 375ns 40kHz LM385 2.5V zener analog input optocoupler BCX 069 pin diagram of LM385 lm385-5 "Current Loop Converter" 1n4148 v4 4N28 spec sheet mux 8 inputs cmos strain gauge sensor interface with micro control PDF

    SARS 03

    Abstract: analog input optocoupler ADC0838CCN "Current Loop Converter" 1n4148 v4 ADC0831 ADC0832 ADC0834 ADC0838 ML2281
    Text: May 1997 ML2281, ML2282*, ML2284#, ML2288# Serial I/O 8-Bit A/D Converters with Multiplexer Options GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML2281 family are 8-bit successive approximation A/D converters with serial I/O and configurable input multiplexers with up to 8 input channels.

    ML2281, ML2282* ML2284# ML2288# ML2281 375ns SARS 03 analog input optocoupler ADC0838CCN "Current Loop Converter" 1n4148 v4 ADC0831 ADC0832 ADC0834 ADC0838 PDF


    Abstract: ML22863 ML228
    Text: FEDL228XXFULL-04 Issue Date: June. 20, 2011 ML2282X-XXX/ML2286X-XXX Speech Synthesis LSI with Built-in P2ROM Including 2-Channel Mixing Function GENERAL DESCRIPTION ML2282X ML22825/ML22824/ML22823-XXX and ML2286X (ML22865/ML22864/ML22783-XXX) are voice synthesis LSIs with built-in P2ROM that stores speech data.

    FEDL228XXFULL-04 ML2282X-XXX/ML2286X-XXX ML2282X ML22825/ML22824/ML22823-XXX) ML2286X ML22865/ML22864/ML22783-XXX) 16-bit ML22865/ML22864/ML22863 ML22825 ML22863 ML228 PDF


    Abstract: sad1 smd ML22865-xxxMB ML22824 ML2282X-XXX ML2282x SSOP30-P-56-0 ML2282 ML22825 tdk ceramic resonator smd
    Text: FEDL228XXFULL-02 OKI Semiconductor Issue Date: May. 29, 2008 ML2282X-XXX/ML2286X-XXX Speech Synthesis LSI with Built-in P2RPM Including 2-Channel Mixing Function GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ML2282X ML22825/ML22824/ML22823-XXX and ML2286X(ML22865/ML22864/ML22783-XXX) are

    FEDL228XXFULL-02 ML2282X-XXX/ML2286X-XXX ML2282X ML22825/ML22824/ML22823-XXX) ML2286X ML22865/ML22864/ML22783-XXX) 16-bit ML22865/ML22864/ML22863 2008Oki ML22865 sad1 smd ML22865-xxxMB ML22824 ML2282X-XXX SSOP30-P-56-0 ML2282 ML22825 tdk ceramic resonator smd PDF


    Abstract: ML2282x LM4890
    Text: 2008 年 9 月 1 日 V1.2_J ML2282x 音声 LSI 用サンプルプログラム 説明: 1. このドキュメントはML22825 を通して同シリーズ LSI の制御方法を説明します。 2. 説明に用いたソフトウェアは ML2282x reference board と汎用音声コントロールボー

    ML2282x ML2282x ML22825-Ref ML22825 LM4890 PDF


    Abstract: ML2282X-XXX ML22825 ML22865 ML2282X CHN 522 FJDL228XXDIGEST-04 ML22863 testo 400 ML2216
    Text: FJDL228XXDIGEST-04 発行日: 2009 年 11 月 17 日 ML2282X-XXX / ML2286X-XXX 2 チャンネルミキシング P2ROM 内蔵音声合成 LSI • 概要 ML2282X ML22825/ML22824/ML22823-XXX と ML2286X (ML22865/ML22864/ML22863-XXX) は音声 データを格納する P2ROM を内蔵した音声合成 LSI です。

    FJDL228XXDIGEST-04 ML2282X-XXX ML2286X-XXX ML2282X ML22825/ML22824/ML22823-XXX) ML2286X ML22865/ML22864/ML22863-XXX) 16kHz ML22824 ML22825 ML22865 ML2282X CHN 522 FJDL228XXDIGEST-04 ML22863 testo 400 ML2216 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FEDL228XX-05 Issue Date: Oct. 10, 2013 ML2282X-XXX/ML2286X-XXX Speech Synthesis LSI with Built-in P2ROM Including 2-Channel Mixing Function GENERAL DESCRIPTION ML2282X ML22825/ML22824/ML22823-XXX and ML2286X (ML22865/ML22864/ML22863-XXX) are voice synthesis LSIs with built-in P2ROM that stores speech data.

    FEDL228XX-05 ML2282X-XXX/ML2286X-XXX ML2282X ML22825/ML22824/ML22823-XXX) ML2286X ML22865/ML22864/ML22863-XXX) 16-bit ML22865/ML22864/ML22863 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FEDL228XXDIGEST-03 Issue Date: March. 24, 2009 ML2282X-XXX/ML2286X-XXX Speech Synthesis LSI with Built-in P2ROM Including 2-Channel Mixing Function GENERAL DESCRIPTION ML2282X ML22825/ML22824/ML22823-XXX and ML2286X (ML22865/ML22864/ML22783-XXX) are voice synthesis LSIs with built-in P2ROM that stores speech data.

    FEDL228XXDIGEST-03 ML2282X-XXX/ML2286X-XXX ML2282X ML22825/ML22824/ML22823-XXX) ML2286X ML22865/ML22864/ML22783-XXX) 16-bit ML22865/ML22864/ML22863 PDF


    Abstract: ML2282x NCR MCU LM4890
    Text: FEXL2282X_SAMPLE_PRO-01 Sample Program for ML2282x Series Speech LSIs Issue Date: September 18, 2008 NOTICE 1. The information contained herein can change without notice owing to product and/or technical improvements. Before using the product, please make sure that the information being referred to is up-to-date.

    FEXL2282X PRO-01 ML2282x ML22825 ML22825 NCR MCU LM4890 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FEDL228XXDIGEST-04 Issue Date: Aug. 25, 2011 ML2282X-XXX/ML2286X-XXX Speech Synthesis LSI with Built-in P2ROM Including 2-Channel Mixing Function GENERAL DESCRIPTION ML2282X ML22825/ML22824/ML22823-XXX and ML2286X (ML22865/ML22864/ML22783-XXX) are voice synthesis LSIs with built-in P2ROM that stores speech data.

    FEDL228XXDIGEST-04 ML2282X-XXX/ML2286X-XXX ML2282X ML22825/ML22824/ML22823-XXX) ML2286X ML22865/ML22864/ML22783-XXX) 16-bit ML22865/ML22864/ML22863 PDF


    Abstract: SDA02 ML22865 100000H 40000H 00000H ML22863-xxxMB SSOP30-P-56-0
    Text: 2008 年 7 月 16 日 ML2286x 系列芯片参考设计 1. ML2286x 产品特点 •语音合成方式: 4-bit OKI ADPCM2 8-bit 非线性 PCM 8-bit PCM/16-bit PCM 每一段可以单独指定合成方式 •采样频率: 4.0 / 5.3 / 6.4 / 8.0 / 10.7 / 12.0 / 12.8 / 16.0 / 21.3 /

    ML2286x PCM/16-bit ML2286X) SSOP30-P-56-0 65-K-MC) ML22865-xxxMB ML22864-xxxMB, ML22863-xxxMB ML22P865MB, ML22863 SDA02 ML22865 100000H 40000H 00000H ML22863-xxxMB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FEDL2256XFULL-05 Issue Date: May. 28, 2012 ML22Q563-NNNMB/ML22Q563-xxxMB/ML2256X-xxxMB Datasheet 4-Channel Mixing Speech Synthesis LSI with Built-in FLASH/MASK ROM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ML22Q563-NNN, ML22Q563-xxx and ML2256X-xxx are 4-channel mixing speech synthesis LSIs with

    FEDL2256XFULL-05 2Q563-NNNMB/ML22Q563-xxxMB/ML2256X-xxxMB ML22Q563-NNN, ML22Q563-xxx ML2256X-xxx 16-bit PDF


    Abstract: ML610Q794G ML7147 ML610Q488 ML98 ML7138 ML7247-001
    Text: Notes 1 The information contained in this document is provided as of october,2013. 2) The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Before you use our Products, please contact our sales representative as listed below) and verify the

    HUN-1119 ML86V8101 ML610Q794G ML7147 ML610Q488 ML98 ML7138 ML7247-001 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FEDL2256X-06 Issue Date: Apr. 25, 2013 ML22Q563-NNNMB/ML22Q563-xxxMB/ML2256X-xxxMB 4-Channel Mixing Speech Synthesis LSI with Built-in FLASH/MASK ROM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ML22Q563-NNN, ML22Q563-xxx and ML2256X-xxx are 4-channel mixing speech synthesis LSIs with

    FEDL2256X-06 2Q563-NNNMB/ML22Q563-xxxMB/ML2256X-xxxMB ML22Q563-NNN, ML22Q563-xxx ML2256X-xxx 16-bit PDF


    Abstract: ML2282X ML22563
    Text: FEDL2256XDIGEST-03 Issue Date: Jun. 3, 2010 ML22Q563-NNNMB/ML22Q563-xxxMB/ML2256X-xxxMB Datasheet 2-Channel Mixing Speech Synthesis LSI with Built-in FLASH/MASK ROM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ML22Q563-NNN, ML22Q563-xxx and ML2256X-xxx are 2-channel mixing speech synthesis LSIs with

    FEDL2256XDIGEST-03 2Q563-NNNMB/ML22Q563-xxxMB/ML2256X-xxxMB ML22Q563-NNN, ML22Q563-xxx ML2256X-xxx 16-bit ML22Q563 ML2282X ML22563 PDF

    Zener Diode ph 4148

    Abstract: J/Zener diode pr 4148 ph 4148 zener diode
    Text: May 1997 ^ÉL M icro Linear ML2281, ML2282, ML2284, ML2288 Serial I/O 8-Bit A/D Converters with Multiplexer Options GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML2281 family are 8-bit successive approximation A/D converters with serial I/O and configurable input multiplexers with up to 8 input channels.

    OCR Scan
    ML2281, ML2282, ML2284, ML2288 ML2281 375ns Zener Diode ph 4148 J/Zener diode pr 4148 ph 4148 zener diode PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ML2281, ML2282 ML2284, ML2288 Micro Linear Serial I /O 8-Bit A/ D Converters with Multiplexer Options GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML2281 family are 8-bit successive approximation A /D converters with serial I/O and configurable input multiplex­ ers with up to 8 input channels.

    OCR Scan
    ML2281, ML2282 ML2284, ML2288 ML2281 ML2281BCP ML2281CI) ML2281CCP ADC0831BJ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: itfcji M:rrn I :no#ir ML2281, ML2282 Micro Linear_ ML2284, ML2288 Serial I /O 8-Bit A / D Converters with Multiplexer Options GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML2281 family are 8 -bit successive approximation A /D converters with serial I /O and configurable input multiplex­

    OCR Scan
    ML2281, ML2282 ML2284, ML2288 ML2281 ML2282BMJ ML2282BIJ ML2282BCP ML2282CIJ PDF


    Abstract: "Current Loop Converter" L2282 TMS320 series l2284
    Text: tfti i i ; r t .n | ¡nA9r ML2281, ML2282 ^ Micro Linear_ML2284, ML2288 Serial I / O 8-Bit AI D Converters with Multiplexer Options GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML2281 fam ily are 8-bit successive approxim ation A / D converters w ith serial I/ O and configurable input m ultiplex­

    OCR Scan
    ML2281, ML2282 ML2284, ML2288 ML2281 C0831, 20-PIN L2288BMJ ML22825 "Current Loop Converter" L2282 TMS320 series l2284 PDF

    "Current Loop Converter"

    Abstract: cd4024 applications EE P08 regulator ic 15 b 7135 3 pin diagram
    Text: May 1997 Micro Linear ML2281, ML2282, ML2284, ML2288 Serial I/O 8-Bit A/D Converters with Multiplexer Options GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML2281 family are 8-bit successive approximation A/D converters with serial I/O and configurable input multiplexers with up to 8 input channels.

    OCR Scan
    ML2281, ML2282, ML2284, ML2288 ML2281 ADC0831, ADC0832, ADC0834, "Current Loop Converter" cd4024 applications EE P08 regulator ic 15 b 7135 3 pin diagram PDF


    Abstract: "Current Loop Converter" L2288 0832CCN
    Text: M ay 1 997 % M icn> Linear ML2281, ML2282, ML2284, ML2288 Serial I/O 8-Bit A/D Converters with Multiplexer Options GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML2281 fa m ily are 8 -b it successive approxim ation A /D converters w ith serial I/O and configurable input

    OCR Scan
    ML2281, ML2282, ML2284, ML2288 ML2281 L2281 "Current Loop Converter" L2288 0832CCN PDF