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    Sharp Microelectronics of the Americas PC9D10

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    PC9D10 Datasheets (3)

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    PC9D10 Sharp Ultra-high Speed Response, 2-channel OPIC Photocoupler Original PDF
    PC9D10 Sharp Ultra-high Speed Response, 2-channel OPIC Photocoupler Original PDF
    PC9D10 Unknown Interface IC/Device Data Book (Japanese) Scan PDF

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    Abstract: 1K60 PC9d10 sharp
    Text: PC9D10 PC9D10 Ultra-high Speed Response, 2-channel OPIC Photocoupler • Features ■ Outline Dimensions 1. Built-in 2-channel 2. Ultra-high speed response t PHL , t PLH : TYP. 50ns at R L = 350 Ω 3. Isolation voltage between input and output ( VISO : 2 500Vrms )

    PC9D10 500Vrms perpher40 PC9D10 1K60 PC9d10 sharp PDF


    Abstract: PC9D10 PC9d10 sharp
    Text: PC9D10 PC9D10 Ultra-high Speed Response, 2-channel OPIC Photocoupler • Features ■ Outline Dimensions 1. Built-in 2-channel 2. Ultra-high speed response t PHL , t PLH : TYP. 50ns at R L = 350 Ω 3. Isolation voltage between input and output ( VISO : 2 500Vrms )

    PC9D10 500Vrms 4k200 PC9D10 PC9d10 sharp PDF


    Abstract: HCPL-2211 sop5 package
    Text: V I S H AY I N T E R T E C H N O L O G Y, I N C . OPTOCOUPLERS Optoelectronics - High Speed Optocouplers in Multiple Packages High Speed High-Speed Optocouplers FEATURES APPLICATIONS • JEDEC-compatible • Industrial communication buses • Reinforced insulation

    RES4-9337-2726 VMN-SG2129-1403 VOW2201 HCPL-2211 sop5 package PDF

    pc111 optocoupler

    Abstract: PC123 optocoupler qtc 2630 qtc 2531 optocoupler qtc 2631 qtc 2531 PC817 SOP-4 qtc 2731 PC113 optocoupler pc120 optocoupler
    Text: California Eastern Laboratories Optocoupler & Solid State Relay Product Cross-Reference HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE The Cross Reference provides a listing of CEL/NEC’s closest replacement devices to the Manufacturer. The replacement may or may not be an exact replacement, so the customer should consult both data

    PC120 PS2701-1 Labo-89 SFS-EN-60-950 NEK-EN-60-950 A21409 24-Hour pc111 optocoupler PC123 optocoupler qtc 2630 qtc 2531 optocoupler qtc 2631 qtc 2531 PC817 SOP-4 qtc 2731 PC113 optocoupler pc120 optocoupler PDF

    SHARP S201S02

    Abstract: S201S01 s201s02 GP1A01 S201S04 is433 PC818u Sharp is433 SHARP S201S01 PC923 equivalent
    Text: Product Change Notification Type of Notification: Discontinuation ISSUE DATE LAST BUY DATE NOTIFICATION NO. LAST SHIP DATE 25 November 2003 31 December 2003 20031125-01 March 31, 2004 This is to advise you that the following product s have been discontinued.

    GP1A01 GP1A13R GP1A15 GP1A17 GP1A18 GP1A20 GP1A33R GP1A67H GP1A67L GP1A70R SHARP S201S02 S201S01 s201s02 GP1A01 S201S04 is433 PC818u Sharp is433 SHARP S201S01 PC923 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: PC614 PC613 PC618 pc890 Photocoupler PC525 PC817 VDE PC617 UL1577 e64380
    Text: PHOTOCOUPLER AGENCY APPROVALS List of Safety Standard Approved Models Photocouplers Approved Model Number PC100 PC101 PC110 PC111 PC112 PC113 PC120 PC121 PC123 PC1231 PC352 PC353 PC354 PC355 PC356 PC357 PC358 PC359 PC364 PC365 PC367 PC3D14 PC3D15 PC3D16

    PC100 PC101 PC110 PC111 PC112 PC113 PC120 PC121 PC123 PC1231 pc890 PC614 PC613 PC618 pc890 Photocoupler PC525 PC817 VDE PC617 UL1577 e64380 PDF


    Abstract: S202DS4 S102DS2 SHARP S202DS4 s201s01 SHARP S201S02 s201s02 S202DS4 SHARP IS1621 pc111ys
    Text: Obsolete Optoelectronics Products and Replacement Part Numbers Subcategory Model SHARP Replacement Part Detector BS100D BR100C Detector BS100G1 BR100C Detector BS120R BR120 Detector BS521 BR520 Detector GA100T802MZ GA100T802MZ1 Detector GA100T8R1MZ GA100T8R2MZ

    BS100D BR100C BS100G1 BS120R BR120 BS521 BR520 GA100T802MZ GA100T802MZ1 S202DS2 S202DS4 S102DS2 SHARP S202DS4 s201s01 SHARP S201S02 s201s02 S202DS4 SHARP IS1621 pc111ys PDF

    vishay 6N136

    Abstract: TLP2630 application not tlp559 AVAGO 2200 A 2630 DIP8 PC9D10 mosFET K 2611 A 4503 A 4503 ic K6N135
    Text: V I S H AY I N T E R T E C H N O L O G Y, I N C . Optoelectronics - High Speed Optocouplers in Multiple Packages AND TEC I INNOVAT O L OGY High Speed N HN OPTOCOUPLERS O 19 62-2012 High-Speed Optocouplers FEATURES APPLICATIONS • JEDEC-compatible • Industrial communication buses

    VMN-SG2129-1205 vishay 6N136 TLP2630 application not tlp559 AVAGO 2200 A 2630 DIP8 PC9D10 mosFET K 2611 A 4503 A 4503 ic K6N135 PDF


    Abstract: GP1S525V GP1U27XB GP1U291q GP1U28qp GP1U271R GP3A21 GP3A07 PQ09RD1X pc35* sharp
    Text: Product Change Notification Type of Notification: Product Discontinuation ISSUE DATE LAST BUY DATE NOTIFICATION NO. LAST SHIP DATE 15 January 2003 31 March 2003 20030115-01 30 June 2003 This is to advise you that the following product s have been discontinued.

    BS100G1 GA100T8R1MZ GL430 GL430QAB GL450S GL451VH3 GL481T GL484 GL526J GP1A20 gp1u28xp GP1S525V GP1U27XB GP1U291q GP1U28qp GP1U271R GP3A21 GP3A07 PQ09RD1X pc35* sharp PDF

    6N137 application note

    Abstract: VO0611 K 2611 MOSFET OPTOCOUPLER tlp2531 IEC60068-2-43 HCPL-0601 / TLP113 IEC60068-2-42 IEC-60068-2-43 k6n137 k6n135
    Text: V i s h ay I n t e r t e c h n o l o g y, I n c . o p t o e l e c t r o n i cs optocouplers Selector Guide High-Speed Optocouplers w w w. v i s h a y. c o m Analog and digital output High-Speed Optocouplers Features Applications • JEDEC-compatible • Industrial communication buses

    VO2601 IEC60068-2-42 IEC60068-2-43 VMN-SG2129-1003 6N137 application note VO0611 K 2611 MOSFET OPTOCOUPLER tlp2531 IEC60068-2-43 HCPL-0601 / TLP113 IEC60068-2-42 IEC-60068-2-43 k6n137 k6n135 PDF

    pc111 optocoupler

    Abstract: qtc 2531 qtc 2630 qtc 2731 qtc 2530 qtc 2631 LH1571 PC123 optocoupler PC923 equivalent 74ol6000 equivalent

    UL1577 PS71XX-1A PS71XX-2A E72422 VDE0884 BS415 /EC55 BS7002 /EC950 SS-441-01-55 pc111 optocoupler qtc 2531 qtc 2630 qtc 2731 qtc 2530 qtc 2631 LH1571 PC123 optocoupler PC923 equivalent 74ol6000 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: E90700 nec 2502 OPTOCOUPLER 3700 PC9D10 PC6N139 74ol6000 cross H11L1SR2M TLP114 an h11l1
    Text: FSC-001 OptoKit_r8 1/21/04 3:09 PM Page 1 High Performance Optocoupler Sample Kit 1. CMR/Coplanar packaging description 2. Key specifications table 3. Packaging information DIP/SO-8/MFP5, Single/Dual Channel 4. Cross reference 5. Ordering information 6. Optoelectronics reliability statement

    FSC-001 E90700. HCPL-2601 HCPL-2611 HCPL-2630 HCPL-2631 PC6N135 E90700 nec 2502 OPTOCOUPLER 3700 PC9D10 PC6N139 74ol6000 cross H11L1SR2M TLP114 an h11l1 PDF

    qtc 2601

    Abstract: qtc 2531 pc111 optocoupler qtc 2631 qtc 2530 qtc 2630 qtc 2731 PC123 optocoupler qtc 2531 optocoupler QTC 3700

    2013-B 24-Hour qtc 2601 qtc 2531 pc111 optocoupler qtc 2631 qtc 2530 qtc 2630 qtc 2731 PC123 optocoupler qtc 2531 optocoupler QTC 3700 PDF


    Abstract: LT9550ED pq09tz1u LT1446 PC817 VDE pc817 "direct replacement" SHARP PC817 GL5LR63 PC725VT S11MD3
    Text: Product Change Notification Type of Notification: ISSUE DATE LAST BUY DATE NOTIFICATION NO. LAST SHIP DATE 6 February 2004 31 March 2004 20040206-01 2 August 2004 This is to advise you that the following product s have been discontinued. Product ID (Description):

    GL1HY211 GL1HY212 S21MT1 PC3ST11NSZD S26MD01 PR36MF11NSZ PCN-1-16 PCN-1-17 GL8EG22T LT9550ED pq09tz1u LT1446 PC817 VDE pc817 "direct replacement" SHARP PC817 GL5LR63 PC725VT S11MD3 PDF


    Abstract: PC9D10
    Text: SHARP PC9D10 P C 9D 10 Ultra-high Speed Response, 2-channel OPIC Photocoupier • Features ■ O utlne Dim ensions 1. Built-in 2-channel 2. Ultra-high speed response ti-HL, ti’Lii : TYP. 50ns at RL= 3500 3. Isolation voltage between input and output (Viso : 2 500V )

    OCR Scan
    PC9D10 500VTM) a2601 PC9D10 PDF


    Abstract: PC929 pc923 PC847 PC829 pc926 PC817 VDE PC895 PC-847 PC827
    Text: PHOTOCOUPLER <350 I Internal connection diagram M odel No. A pproved by safety standards Features UL PC922X*1 P C 923*1 s r In » P C 924*1 PC925 -1-Amplifier PS PC926 ArnpHier PC928 AirplifiBr r -ñ i t t i IQ6T Dio PC929 Vduje Amputier rn rr-n A : Under application

    OCR Scan
    PC400 fPC353T, PC419 PC410/PC417/ PC457: PC3Q62, PC3Q63, PC3Q65 PC3Q66Q, PC910X pc925 PC929 pc923 PC847 PC829 pc926 PC817 VDE PC895 PC-847 PC827 PDF


    Abstract: P621GB DPC817B DPC-817B p621g P620GB p620-gb TLP622 621-4G Toshiba P521 Photocoupler
    Text: PHOTOCOUPLER CROSS REFERENCE For user’s convenience, the Sharp equivalents in comparison with the other m anufacturers’ products are suggested in this list. The data is prepared on the basis of main electrical and mechanical characteristics, however, Sharp assumes no responsibility for the actual use of the data and for the specifications of other

    OCR Scan
    LP666J LP721 TLP721F LP731 TLP732 PC918 PC702V PC714V mcp3021z P621GB DPC817B DPC-817B p621g P620GB p620-gb TLP622 621-4G Toshiba P521 Photocoupler PDF


    Abstract: PQ2WZ51 LT024MD GP1F31T s202t02 GP1U801X LT022 GP2L20L GP1U78R PQ05DZ51
    Text: SHARP Model No. List Model No. List • Infrared Emitting Diodes Model No. GL1F20 GL380 QL381 GL382 GL390 GL390V GL453 GL454 GL480 GL480Q GL4S3Q GL4800 GL460 GL461 GL4600 GL4610 GL4100 GL4200 GL4910 GL496 GL513F GL514 GL560 GL561 GL533 GL537 GL538 GL550 GL551

    OCR Scan
    GL1F20 GL380 QL381 GL382 GL390 GL390V GL453 GL454 GL480 GL480Q LT1560ED PQ2WZ51 LT024MD GP1F31T s202t02 GP1U801X LT022 GP2L20L GP1U78R PQ05DZ51 PDF

    sharp PC 904

    Abstract: PC912X sharp ic pc 904
    Text: PHOTOCOUPLER l IC is a trad em a rk of the SHARP C o rpo ration. An O PIC co n s is ts of OPIC PHOTOCOUPLERS 1) ( a“OligP ICh t-d” (Oe tepctica tin g elem ent and s ig n a l-p ro c e s s in g c irc u it integrated onto a single chip. I Model No. Internal

    OCR Scan
    PC400 PC401 PC410 PC905 sharp PC 904 PC912X sharp ic pc 904 PDF


    Abstract: LM24P20 LM162KS1 BSCR86L00 IR2C07 LM5Q31 IR3Y29B BSCU86L60 lq6bw lq6bw506
    Text: INDEX 1 0 4 - 1 0 9 _ DC_ GL1PR112.69 GL3KG63. 66 GL5EG41.66 1 0 4 - n 0 5 O o c .113 DC1B1CP. 100 GL1PR135.69 GL3KG8. 66

    OCR Scan
    109-n GL1PR112. GL1PR135. GL1PR136. GL1PR211. GL1PR212. GL3KG63. GL3P201. GL3P202. GL3P305. LQ070T5BG01 LM24P20 LM162KS1 BSCR86L00 IR2C07 LM5Q31 IR3Y29B BSCU86L60 lq6bw lq6bw506 PDF


    Abstract: pc817 Photocoupler pc817 circuit PC817 analog PC910 sharp Photocoupler PC357NT coupler pc910 Photocoupler high speed Photointerrupter Photointerrupter
    Text: SHARP T^gical_Models_b^^ggjiCTtíon Typical Models by Appfication • Audio Visual Field Audio Visual Equipment Camcorder Applications Model No. Audio Visual Equipment Photointerrupter for GP1A67H GP1A67L automatic iris GP1S27 GP1S37 Photointerrupter for tape remaining detecd on /R eel rotation

    OCR Scan
    GP1A67H GP1A67L GP1S27 GP1S37 GP2S22 GP2S24 GP2S26 GP2S27 GP1S50 GP1S52 PC817 pc817 Photocoupler pc817 circuit PC817 analog PC910 sharp Photocoupler PC357NT coupler pc910 Photocoupler high speed Photointerrupter Photointerrupter PDF

    PC923 equivalent

    Abstract: ST ZO 103 TRIAC triac zo 109 ma triac ZO 109 st triac ZO 109 PC922 equivalent S202S02 application S216S02 Application note PC851 equivalent TRIAC ZO 103 MA
    Text: General Description of Optoelectronic Devices 2-1 General Description of Optoelectronic Devices 2-1-1 Infrared Emitting Diode LED * 1-24 , =— (1 ) Operating principle The infrared L E D utilizes the PN junction of gallium arsenide (G aA s) crystals.

    OCR Scan
    S101D01 S102S01 112S01/S116S01 S10211) PC923 equivalent ST ZO 103 TRIAC triac zo 109 ma triac ZO 109 st triac ZO 109 PC922 equivalent S202S02 application S216S02 Application note PC851 equivalent TRIAC ZO 103 MA PDF

    S216S02 Application circuit

    Abstract: PC113 SHARP GP1U78R GP1S73P S202S02 application IS471FS pt461100 s26md IS489 GP1A71A1
    Text: Solid State Low Po we v o l t a g e R e Chopper R< P M i T i a r v H e Quick Reference Guide Quick Reference Guide • Infrared Emitting Diodes « For IR Data Communication IrDA » Mode! No. Features Operating Suppply Voltage v cc (V) GL1F20 Applicable to IrDA 1.0

    OCR Scan
    GL1F20 12MHz S101S06V S201S06V S102S02 S112S02 S116S02 S202S02 S212S02 S216S02 S216S02 Application circuit PC113 SHARP GP1U78R GP1S73P S202S02 application IS471FS pt461100 s26md IS489 GP1A71A1 PDF


    Abstract: pc906 PC12KI PT4800 PC111L 1 928 403 736 PC101 SHARP GL453 PC8520 PC849 SHARP
    Text: SHARP Model No. List Model No. List Model No. Page • PIN Photodiodes Model No. ■ Phototransistors Page Model No. Page GL360 116 PD49PI GL371 119 PD410PI GL372 119 PD412PI G L380 122 PD480PI 178 PT461F 234 GL381 122 PD480PI1 178 PT465F 234 PD481PI 170 PT480

    OCR Scan
    GL360 GL371 GL372 GL380 GL381 GL390 GL390V GL453 GL454 GL460 gp1u58x pc906 PC12KI PT4800 PC111L 1 928 403 736 PC101 SHARP PC8520 PC849 SHARP PDF