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    Rochester Electronics LLC UPD44647186AF5-E25-FQ1

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    DigiKey UPD44647186AF5-E25-FQ1 Bulk 4
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    Rochester Electronics LLC UPD44644362AF5-E40-FQ1

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    Rochester Electronics LLC UPD44645182AF5-E40-FQ1

    STANDARD SRAM, 4MX18, 0.45NS
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    Rochester Electronics LLC UPD44645184AF5-E33-FQ1

    72-MB DDR II+ SRAM (2M X 36-BIT)
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    Rochester Electronics LLC UPD44647186AF5-E22-FQ1

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    PD446 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: NEC 75116 IC-7529B PD7228 uPD75112 uPD75108 uPD75116 uPD75P116 75108CW dot matrix printer schematic diagram
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid



    Abstract: PD7228 uPD75108F uPD75116 uPD75116F uPD75P116 IC-2810B
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid



    Abstract: DC MOTOR HL-1 75p116 PD7228 PD6323 75P116GF dot matrix printer circuit diagram datasheet pd446 177Fh PD75104A
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT µPD75104, 75106, 75108 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER DESCRIPTION µPD75108 is a 4-bit single-chip microcomputer integrating timer/event counters, serial interface, and vector interrupt function, in addition to a CPU, ROM, RAM, and I/O ports, on a single chip. Operating at high speeds,

    PD75104, PD75108 DC MOTOR HL-1 75p116 PD7228 PD6323 75P116GF dot matrix printer circuit diagram datasheet pd446 177Fh PD75104A PDF


    Abstract: 2716 eprom 4016 RAM 2716 eprom datasheet memory 2716 eprom 2716 pd446 static ram 4802 2716 2k eprom retention memory ram 6116
    Text: GR281 2K x 8 NON-VOLATILE RAM GR281 (2K x 8) NON-VOLATILE RAM Symbol Vdd Vi/o Temp DESCRIPTION The GR281 is a 2048 word by 8 bits (2K x 8) nonvolatile CMOS Static Ram, fabricated from advanced silicon gate CMOS technology and a high reliability lithium power cell.

    GR281 GR281 2000/95/EC 2716 eprom 4016 RAM 2716 eprom datasheet memory 2716 eprom 2716 pd446 static ram 4802 2716 2k eprom retention memory ram 6116 PDF


    Abstract: fmem NEC 75116 application note 6332 prom 75116GF hl wire cutting system IC-7529B P1233 uPD75116 uPD75108
    Text: µPD75112, 75116 4-Bit Single-Chip Microcomputer Data Sheet Description The µPD75116 is one of the 4-bit single-chip microcomputer 75X series. The µPD75116 is a product with the extended ROM capacity of the µPD75108. In addition of high-speed operations,

    PD75112, PD75116 PD75108. IEI-1209) PTH02 fmem NEC 75116 application note 6332 prom 75116GF hl wire cutting system IC-7529B P1233 uPD75116 uPD75108 PDF


    Abstract: PD7228 uPD75108cw uPD75108GF uPD75104 uPD75106 uPD75108 uPD75P108B IEM-922 uPD751XX
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid



    Abstract: PD7228 IEM922 8224B uPD75108F uPD75116 uPD75116F uPD75P116 UPD284 hl wire cutting system
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT µPD75108F,75112F,75116F 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER DESCRIPTION The µPD75116F offers high-speed operation tCY = 1.91 µ s at a low supply voltage (VDD = 2.7 V) which is not possible with the µPD75116. It has the same functions as, and is pin compatible with, the µPD75116, allowing low voltage sets to be developed

    PD75108F 75112F 75116F PD75116F PD75116. PD75116, PD75P116* IEM-922 PD7228 IEM922 8224B uPD75108F uPD75116 uPD75116F uPD75P116 UPD284 hl wire cutting system PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT PD44646092, 44646182, 44646362, 44646093, 44646183, 44646363 72M-BIT DDR II+ SRAM 2.0 & 2.5 Cycle Read Latency 2-WORD BURST OPERATION Description The μPD44646092 and μPD44646093 are 8,388,608-word by 9-bit, the μPD44646182 and μPD44646183 are

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    4464 ram

    Abstract: D4464 D446 D446* RAM pd446 UPD446
    Text: SEC ¿/PD4464 8 ,1 9 2 x 8 -B IT S T A T IC CMOS RAM NEC Electronics Inc. D e sc rip tio n P in C o n fig u r a t io n The*/PD4464 is a h ig h -sp e e d 8.192-w ord by 8-bit static R A M fabricated with advanced silicon -ga te technology. Full C M O S storage ce lls w ith six transistors m ake the

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    uPD4464 192-word jPD4464 The//PD4464 28-pin /PD4464 4464 ram D4464 D446 D446* RAM pd446 UPD446 PDF


    Abstract: UPD41254 upd41256l
    Text: NEC N E C ELECTRONICS INC 72C D • b427525 DDObMMl 3 ■ SURFACE MOUNT DEVICES Introduction M em ory Surface mount technology SMT is an idea whose time has come. NEC anticipated the current trend and now offers an exceptionally broad choice of com­ ponents in suface mount packages. Four factors

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    b427525 uPD41254L-12 uPD41254L-15 uPD41256L-12 uPD41256L-15 uPD41257L-12 uPD41257L--15 uPD41258G-10 uPD41258G-12 uPD41258G-15 UPD41258G10 UPD41254 upd41256l PDF


    Abstract: d4464 PD4464 pd446 d 4464 ud44
    Text: MEC //P D 44 64 8,192 X 8-B IT STATIC CMOS RAM NEC Electronics Inc. Description Pin Configuration The/PD4464 is a high-speed 8,192-word by 8-b it static RAM fabricated with advanced siiicon-gate technology. Full C M O S storage cells with six transistors make the

    OCR Scan
    uPD4464 192-word 28-pin 3-001761A LU1PA d4464 PD4464 pd446 d 4464 ud44 PDF


    Abstract: PD446 d446c HPD446C PD446G-45 HPD446C-2 JPD446C-1 1317I PD446C cmos UPD446
    Text: PD446 2,048 X 8-BIT STATIC CM OS RAM NEC NEC Electronics Inc. Revision 3 D e sc rip tio n Pin C o n fig u ra tio n T h e ;j P D 4 4 6 is a h ig h -s p e e d , lo w -po w er, 2 04 8 -w o rd by 8b it s ta tic C M O S R A M fa b ric a te d w ith a d v a n c e d s ilic o n ­

    OCR Scan
    3-001843A PD446C PD446 d446c HPD446C PD446G-45 HPD446C-2 JPD446C-1 1317I PD446C cmos UPD446 PDF


    Abstract: 8410A 8416a MB8416A-12 MB8416A-12U15L
    Text: F U JIT S U MOS Memories m M B 8 4 1 6 A -1 2 , M B 8416A -12L , M B 8 4 16 A -1 5, M B 8410A -15L CM O S 16,384-Bit Static Random Access Memory Description The Fujitsu MB8416A is a 2048-word by 8-bit static random ac­ cess memory fabricated with CMOS silicon gate process. The

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    384-Bit MB8416A 2048-word MB8416A-15 8410A 8416a MB8416A-12 MB8416A-12U15L PDF

    NEC d446c

    Abstract: d446c-2 d446c PD446C d446c-2 RAM PD446C-3 D446* nec D446* RAM MPD446C-3 pd446
    Text: SEC NEC Electronics Inc. ¿¿PD446 2 ,0 4 8 X 8-B IT STATIC CMOS RAM Revision 3 Description Pin Configuration The ¿¿PD446 is a high-speed, low-power, 2048-word by 8bit static CMOS RAM fabricated with advanced silicongate CMOS technology. A unique circuitry technique

    OCR Scan
    uPD446 2048-word mPD446 fiPD446 24-pin nPD446 PD446 NEC d446c d446c-2 d446c PD446C d446c-2 RAM PD446C-3 D446* nec D446* RAM MPD446C-3 PDF


    Abstract: pd446
    Text: GREENWICH 2K x 8 NON-VOLATILE RAM INSTRUMENTS LTD • • • • • • NVR2 Plug-in replacement for Static RAM chips Retains data for up to 10 years No erasure required Functions as Data or Program RAM No limit to number of programming cycles Fits standard 24-pin socket

    OCR Scan
    24-pin PD446 NVR2 PDF

    ram 8416

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FAST A C C E S S - 2K x 8 NON-VOLATILE RAM • • • • • • • GR281-4 Plug-in replacement for Static RAM 10 years data retention No erasure required Fast power down Functions as Data or Program RAM No limit to number of programing cycles Standard 24-pin JEDEC pinout

    OCR Scan
    GR281-4 24-pin GR281 PD446 ram 8416 PDF


    Abstract: MB8416-20L MB8416
    Text: F U JIT S U MB8416-20 MB8416-20L M IC R O E L E C T R O N IC S . IN C. CMOS 16384-BIT STATIC RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY ^ ¿4 Í 4 L C £- DESCRIPTION The Fujitsu M B8416 is a 2048 word by 8-bit static random ac­ cess m em ory fabricated w ith high density, high reliability Com ple­

    OCR Scan
    16384-BIT B8416 MB8416-20/MB8416-20L MB6416-20/MB8416-20L MB8416-20 MB8416-20L MB8416 PDF


    Abstract: 446G-25 d446c 446G-45 pd446 HPD446C HPD446C-2 JPD446C-1 UPD446 PD446G-45
    Text: PD446 2,048 X 8-BIT STATIC CMOS RAM NEC NEC Electronics Inc. Revision 3 Description Pin Configuration T h e ;j P D 4 4 6 is a h ig h -s p e e d , lo w -po w er, 2 04 8 -w o rd by 8b it s ta tic C M O S R A M fa b ric a te d w ith a d v a n c e d s ilic o n ­

    OCR Scan
    3-001843A ///y/////777 PD446C 446G-25 d446c 446G-45 pd446 HPD446C HPD446C-2 JPD446C-1 UPD446 PD446G-45 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RPR 2K x 8 NON-VOLATILE RAM MsmumnsusA • • • • • • • • • GR281 Has instant power circuit, does not require voltage slew Plug-in replacement for Static RAM chips Retains data for up to 10 years No erasure required Functions as Data or Proram RAM

    OCR Scan
    GR281 24-pin GR281 PD446, PDF


    Abstract: 4464 ram d446 PD4464 D446* nec diagram rice lights LTGe pd446 d4464ac PD44
    Text: SEC /¿PD 4464 8 ,1 9 2 x 8 - B IT S T A T IC CM O S RAM NEC Electronics Inc. Description Pin Configuration PD4464 is a high-speed 8.192-word by 8-bit static RAM fabricated with advanced silicon-gate technology. Full CMOS storage cells with six transistors make the

    OCR Scan
    uPD4464 192-word J/PD4464 The/jPD4464 28-pln 28-Pin D4464 4464 ram d446 PD4464 D446* nec diagram rice lights LTGe pd446 d4464ac PD44 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EBHNWICH INSTRUMENTS LTD * Plug-in replacement for Static R A M * 10 years data retention * N o erasure required * Fast power down * Functions as Data o r Program R A M * N o limit to number of programming cycles * Standard 24-pin J E D E C pinout G R 2 81 is 2 kilobyte of non-volatile m em ory w hich is

    OCR Scan
    24-pin 15JUS. DA146NWTel: MM3218 PDF


    Abstract: static ram 4802 pd446 4016 RAM
    Text: GREENWICH INSTRUMENTS USA • Plug-in replacement for Static RAM • 10 years data retention • No erasure required • Fast power down • Functions as Data or Program RAM • No limit to number of programming cycles • Standard 24-pin JEDEC pinout GR281 is 2 kilobyte of non-volatile memory which is pin-compatible

    OCR Scan
    24-pin GR281 static ram 4802 pd446 4016 RAM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: apR FAST ACCESS - 2K x 8 NON-VOLATILE RAM • • • • • • • GR281-4 Plug-in replacement for Static RAM 10 years data retention No erasure required Fast power down Functions as Data or Program RAM No limit to number of programing cycles Standard 24-pin JEDEC pinout

    OCR Scan
    GR281-4 24-pin GR281 PD446 GR281 PDF


    Abstract: MB8416-20 TC5517 MB8416 HM6116 PD446
    Text: F U J IELECTRO T S U NICS INC. _ M ICRO CMOS 16384-BIT STATIC RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY MB8416-20 MB8416-20L DESCRIPTION T h e F u jits u M B 8 4 1 6 is a 2048 w o rd b y 8 -b it s ta t ic ra n d o m a c ­ c e s s m e m o ry fa b ric a te d w ith h ig h d e n s ity , h ig h re lia b ility C o m p le ­

    OCR Scan
    16384-BIT MB8416 MB8416-20: MB8416-20-L: MB8416-20L: TheA02 100I2 54ITYP 32PLCS MB8416-20L MB8416-20 TC5517 HM6116 PD446 PDF