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    sod 81

    Abstract: sod81 rectifier handbook SOD-81 BYD33D PICTURE TUBE DIODES BYD33d
    Text: b3E D • bbSa^SL» QQ7H333 0Tb « S I C 3 BYD33D;G;J;K;M NAPC/PHILIPS SEMICON] FOR D ETA ILED INFO R M ATIO N SEE THE LATEST ISSUE OF HANDBOOK SCOT OR DATASHEET AVALANCHE FAST SOFT-RECOVERY RECTIFIER DIODES R e c tifie r diodes in h e rm e tica lly sealed axial-leaded ID * envelopes. T he y are intended fo r television and

    OCR Scan
    0G7H333 BYD33D OD-81. sod 81 sod81 rectifier handbook SOD-81 PICTURE TUBE DIODES BYD33d PDF