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    NetBurner Inc MOD-DEV-100-REV-1.12

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    DigiKey MOD-DEV-100-REV-1.12 Bulk
    • 1 -
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    Novatek Microelectronics Corp REV-114 24V

    Timer; 0,1s÷10days; DPDT; 250VAC/6A; 24VDC; for DIN rail mounting
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TME REV-114 24V 7 1
    • 1 $28.57
    • 10 $26.65
    • 100 $26.65
    • 1000 $26.65
    • 10000 $26.65
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    Novatek Microelectronics Corp REV-114

    Timer; 0,1s÷10days; DPDT; 250VAC/6A; Usup: 230÷240VAC; -30÷55°C
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TME REV-114 1 1
    • 1 $28.57
    • 10 $26.65
    • 100 $26.65
    • 1000 $26.65
    • 10000 $26.65
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    Avnet Integrated BLAB001REV111PCB

    BLAB001REV111PCB (Alt: ASMBLAB001REV111!A)
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    EBV Elektronik BLAB001REV111PCB 143 Weeks 1
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    OMRON Industrial Automation EJ1NHFUBNFLKPREV11

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    Master Electronics EJ1NHFUBNFLKPREV11
    • 1 $464.86
    • 10 $464.86
    • 100 $464.86
    • 1000 $464.86
    • 10000 $464.86
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    REV11 Datasheets Context Search

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    CREE XR-E Q4

    Abstract: CREE XR-E Q3 DS-05 XREWHT-L1-0000-007E4 XREWHT-L1-0000-00901 XREWHT-L1-0000-00D01 cree xr-e q5
    Text: CLD DS-05 REV11 PRODUCT FAMILY DATA SHEET Cree XLamp XR-E LED ® PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The XLamp XR-E LED is leading the FEATURES • LED lighting revolution with its unprecedented lighting-class brightness, efficacy, lifetime and quality of light. These lighting-class fea-

    DS-05 REV11 CREE XR-E Q4 CREE XR-E Q3 XREWHT-L1-0000-007E4 XREWHT-L1-0000-00901 XREWHT-L1-0000-00D01 cree xr-e q5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Power LED I TECHNICAL DATA W10190 S10190 N10190 D10190 B10190 G10190 R10190 C10190 A10190 SEOUL SEMICONDUCTOR CO., LTD. 148-29, Kasan-Dong, Keumchun-Gu, Seoul, Korea TEL : 82-2-3281-6269 FAX : 82-2-857-5430 Rev11 – 2006/08 1 SPECIFICATIONS - Features • Super high flux output and high luminance

    W10190 S10190 N10190 D10190 B10190 G10190 R10190 C10190 A10190 Rev11 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR CONTROLLER MANUAL CM26-10113-1E F2MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95130/M Series HARDWARE MANUAL F2MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95130/M Series HARDWARE MANUAL Be sure to refer to the “Check Sheet” for the latest cautions on development.

    CM26-10113-1E MB95130/M 8/16-bit 16-bit 8/10-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR CONTROLLER MANUAL CM71-10134-1E FR 60 32-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB91470/480 Series HARDWARE MANUAL FR 60 32-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB91470/480 Series HARDWARE MANUAL Be sure to refer to the “Check Sheet” for the latest cautions on development.

    CM71-10134-1E 32-BIT MB91470/480 32-trol 0000B, 0018H) CMP14 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR CONTROLLER MANUAL CM26-10107-1E F2MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95100A/H Series HARDWARE MANUAL 2 F MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95100A/H Series HARDWARE MANUAL Be sure to refer to the “Check Sheet” for the latest cautions on development.

    CM26-10107-1E MB95100A/H 8/16-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS CONTROLLER MANUAL CM26-10109-3E F2MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95110B/M Series HARDWARE MANUAL F2MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95110B/M Series HARDWARE MANUAL The information for microcontroller supports is shown in the following homepage.

    CM26-10109-3E MB95110B/M 8/16-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS CONTROLLER MANUAL CM26-10112-3E F2MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95100B/AM Series HARDWARE MANUAL F2MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95100B/AM Series HARDWARE MANUAL The information for microcontroller supports is shown in the following homepage.

    CM26-10112-3E MB95100B/AM 8/16-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Continental Device India Limited IS/ISO 9002 Lic# QSC/L-000019.3 An IS/ISO 9002 and IECQ Certified Manufacturer NPN SILICON PLANAR TRANSISTOR 2N6719 TO-237 Plastic Package Designed for Applilcation as a Video Output to Drive Color CRT ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Ta=25ºC unless specified otherwise

    QSC/L-000019 2N6719 O-237 C-120 2N6719 Rev110302D PDF


    Abstract: transistor bc 331 BC 331 Transistor 100MHZ
    Text: Continental Device India Limited An ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified Company PN2369 NPN SILICON HIGH SPEED SWITHCHING TRANSISTORS TO-92 Plastic Package E BC LOW POWER FOR HIGH SPEED SWITCHING APPLICATIONS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Ta=25ºC unless specified otherwise

    PN2369 C-120 PN2369 Rev110302D transistor bc 331 BC 331 Transistor 100MHZ PDF


    Abstract: lineage 12A100 48Volt LUCENT LINEAGE
    Text: 12A75 and 12A100 Battery Packing More Power and Efficiency into Small Spaces • Top terminal space saving Absorbed Glass Mat AGM construction (48 volt system fits in 23” racks) • Individual plate formation optimizes cell voltage balance and performance

    12A75 12A100 80-year April10 Rev11 lineage 48Volt LUCENT LINEAGE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Continental Device India Limited An ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified Company SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS CLB764 PNP CLD863 NPN TO-92 Plastic Package E CB Voltage Regulator, Relay Lamp Driver Electrical Equipment Applications ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Ta=25ºC

    CLB764 CLD863 25ustomers C-120 Rev111209E PDF


    Abstract: 0P-61F "PWM Controllers" UC 3842 FMN5 lear layout of 4 channel 315 rf transmitter TMP91C820AF tlp 748 ah202f ay- 8500 system philips semiconductor data handbook
    Text: Data Book 16bit Micro controller TLCS-900/L1 series TMP91C820AF Rev. 2.5 07/December/2001 contents - Contents -TLCS-900/L1 LSI DEVICES TMP91C820AF 1. 2. Outline and Device Characteristics Pin Assignment and Pin Functions 2.1 Pin Assignment Diagram

    16bit TLCS-900/L1 TMP91C820AF 07/December/2001 --------TLCS-900/L1 91C820A-347 TMP91C820A NameP-LQFP144-1616-0 91C820A-348 TLCS-90 0P-61F "PWM Controllers" UC 3842 FMN5 lear layout of 4 channel 315 rf transmitter TMP91C820AF tlp 748 ah202f ay- 8500 system philips semiconductor data handbook PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CMR60 Series • Ratings from 35A to 65A @ 660 VAC • 45mm width package • SCR output for heavy industrial loads • LED input status indicator • AC or DC control • Zero-crossing (resistive loads) or random-fire (inductive loads) output PRODUCT SELECTION

    CMR60 CMRD6035 CMRA6035 CMRA6035E CMRD6045 CMRA6045 CMRA6045E CMRD6055 CMRA6055 CMRA6055E PDF

    Schottky Diodes at 915MHZ

    Abstract: MRFIC1817 LT317 R13B1 AN1602 LT17 R13C AN1697 DCS1800 GSM900
    Text: Order this document by AN1697/D AN1697 GSM900/DCS1800 Dual-Band 3.6 V Power Amplifier Solution with Open Loop Control Scheme Prepared by: Jacques Trichet, Gilles Montoriol, Cyril Quennehen, Philippe Riondet, Brigitte Ray, Philippe Didier Motorola, Inc., Semiconductor Prouducts Section, Wireless Subcriber Systems Group

    AN1697/D AN1697 GSM900/DCS1800 DCS1800/PCS1900 MRFIC0919 MRFIC0917 Schottky Diodes at 915MHZ MRFIC1817 LT317 R13B1 AN1602 LT17 R13C AN1697 DCS1800 GSM900 PDF

    bbc 598 479

    Abstract: MB95100A PC01 philips 22 ah 590 SCR avr SCHEMATIC circuit diagram ch-0505 MB95F108AM
    Text: FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR CONTROLLER MANUAL CM26-10112-2E F2MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95100B/AM Series HARDWARE MANUAL F2MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95100B/AM Series HARDWARE MANUAL Be sure to refer to the “Check Sheet” for the latest cautions on development.

    CM26-10112-2E MB95100B/AM 8/16-bit bbc 598 479 MB95100A PC01 philips 22 ah 590 SCR avr SCHEMATIC circuit diagram ch-0505 MB95F108AM PDF


    Abstract: AD9243 AD9260 AD9801 AD1671 AD1672 AD871 AD9220 AD9221 AD9223
    Text: A/D CONVERTERS: >1MSPS <20MSPS, DC SPECS MODEL # Bits +Vcc Volts Power Supply Input Requirements Voltage +Icc -Vee -Iee +Vdd +Idd Range mA Volts mA Volts mA Volts Sample Sample Analog Accuracy Differential Full Scale Zero Bipolar Rate Rate Band or Linearity Linearity

    20MSPS, AD9221 AD9241 AD9260 AD1672 AD9223 AD9243 AD9220 AD9801 100mA AD9241 AD9243 AD9260 AD9801 AD1671 AD1672 AD871 AD9220 AD9221 AD9223 PDF


    Abstract: video genlock pll 3.3 2247X ADV101 ADV453 ADV471 ADV476 ADV478 ADV601 ADV601LC
    Text: Video Multi-Media: Video Graphics RAM Dac's # Bits Model Video Codec ADV601 ADV601LC Triple Video D/As, RS-343/RS-170 ADV101 ADV7120 ADV7122 Triple Pseudo Color RAM D/As, RS-343/RS-170 ADV476 ADV471 ADV453 ADV458 ADV478 ADV7151 Triple True Color RAM D/As, RS-343/RS-170

    ADV601 ADV601LC RS-343/RS-170 ADV101 ADV7120 ADV7122 ADV476 ADV471 ADV453 ADV458 video genlock pll 3.3 2247X ADV101 ADV453 ADV471 ADV476 ADV478 ADV601 ADV601LC PDF


    Abstract: MB95F378E MB95370L MB95F318E MB95F318 MB95F376E MB95310
    Text: FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR CONTROLLER MANUAL CM26-10125-1E F2MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95310L/370L Series HARDWARE MANUAL F2MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95310L/370L Series HARDWARE MANUAL For the information for microcontroller supports, see the following website.

    CM26-10125-1E MB95310L/370L 8/10-bit 8/16-bit MB95F378 MB95F378E MB95370L MB95F318E MB95F318 MB95F376E MB95310 PDF

    sumitomo sfp

    Abstract: SPP5300
    Text: TS-S12D109A September, 2012 10Gb/s SFP Optical Transceiver Module SPP5300SR-GL 10GBASE-SR, 850nm VCSEL, PIN-PD Æ 10Gb/s Serial Optical Interface Ü High quality and reliability optical device and sub-assemblies Ü 850nm VCSEL laser for up to 300m over Multi Mode Fiber

    TS-S12D109A 10Gb/s SPP5300SR-GL 10GBASE-SR, 850nm IEEE802 SPP5300 sumitomo sfp PDF


    Abstract: max1987 AXK5 Socket AM2 Q156 a6vm Q152 1068v NV44MV F02JK2E
    Text: 5 4 3 2 1 CPU DOTHAN 533MHZ D D PAGE 3,4 FSB 533MHz LVDS PAGE 25 PAGE 26 MCH-M Alviso PCI-E Nvidia G7XM CRT DDR2 DDR2 SO-DIMM PAGE 22,23,24 TV OUT PAGE 6,7,8,9,10 PAGE 12,13,14,15,16 ,55,56,57,58 PAGE 26 DMI interface PCMCIA PAGE 36 C PCI 33MHz PAGE 17 PRINTER PORT

    533MHZ 533MHz 33MHz R5C841 33MHz LPC47N217 88E8001 1000PF/16V C1079 1uF/10V 88E8001 max1987 AXK5 Socket AM2 Q156 a6vm Q152 1068v NV44MV F02JK2E PDF


    Abstract: CMI9739A asus TPC28 CMI9739 max1987 1T329 LM339 foxconn 82570EI
    Text: 5 4 3 2 1 DDR2 SO-DIMM PCIE SLOT CLOCK GENERATOR PAGE 30 CPU DOTHAN ATI M24 CSP64 D LVDS FAN + SENSOR Power On Sequence PAGE 3,4 PCIE X16 D PAGE 5 PAGE 40 PSB Startup Circuit PAGE 38,39 PAGE 12 Power Flowchart MCH-M Alviso LVDS PAGE 14 CRT DDR2 DDR2 SO-DIMM

    CSP64 33MHz R5C593 AC97/Azalia CMI9880 CMI9739A asus TPC28 CMI9739 max1987 1T329 LM339 foxconn 82570EI PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    CM71-10127-1E 32-BIT MB91260B PDF

    drc Rotary encoder

    Abstract: UPC157C
    Text: Preliminary Application Note TM V850E/MS1 32-/16-Bit Single-Chip Microcontrollers Hardware PPD703100 PPD703101 PPD703102 PPD70F3102 Document No. U14214EJ1V0AN00 1st edition Date Published August 1999 N CP(K) Printed in Japan 1999 [MEMO] 2 Preliminary Application Note U14214EJ1V0AN00

    V850E/MS1 32-/16-Bit PPD703100 PPD703101 PPD703102 PPD70F3102 U14214EJ1V0AN00 u2/9044 drc Rotary encoder UPC157C PDF

    rotary encoder 500 pulses .5" shaft quadrature

    Abstract: quadrature shaft rotary encoder 500 pulses MX212
    Text: MX21 INSTA-MOUNT Series—Modular Incremental Rotary Optical Encoder BEI Industrial Encoders By the time you have read this first sentence, you could have installed BEI’s model MX21 INSTA-MOUNT™ modular optical encoder. In addition to its quick and easy installation, the MX21 is designed to

    Rev1-10 rotary encoder 500 pulses .5" shaft quadrature quadrature shaft rotary encoder 500 pulses MX212 PDF