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    A 1668 35 O Search Results

    A 1668 35 O Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    DW3316-685ML Coilcraft Inc Power inductor, coupled, 20% tol, SMT, RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc
    DW3316-685MLB Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 6800uH, 20%, 2 Element, Ferrite-Core, SMD, ROHS COMPLIANT Visit Coilcraft Inc
    DW3316-685MLD Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 6800uH, 20%, 2 Element, Ferrite-Core, SMD, ROHS COMPLIANT Visit Coilcraft Inc
    DW3316-685 Coilcraft Inc Telecom Filter, 2 Function(s), ROHS COMPLIANT PACKAGE-4 Visit Coilcraft Inc
    R5F61668MD50FPV Renesas Electronics Corporation Microcontrollers with 32-bit CISC CPU for System Control Applications (Non Promotion), LQFP, / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    A 1668 35 O Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PLL Product Specification Model: Parameter Frequency Range - PLL300-1668 Rev: A Date: 4/17/2003 SIRENZA Customer: MICRODEVICES, INC. AppNote: 113 Option 207000 Operating Temperature Range: -35 ° to 85 ° C Min Typ Max Units X 1630 1668 1705 MHz X kHz X

    PLL300-1668 PDF


    Abstract: MABACT0013 M513 MABA-007731-CT1980 MABA-007731-CT19TB
    Text: RoHS Compliant 1:1 Transmission Line Transformer 50-2150MHz Features • • • • • • MABA-007731-CT1980 V1 Schematic Surface Mount 1:1 Impedance 260°C Reflow Compatible RoHS* Compliant RoHS version of MABACT0013 Available on Tape and Reel. Reel quantity 2000

    50-2150MHz MABA-007731-CT1980 MABACT0013 MABA-007731-CT1980 SM-152 ct1980 MABACT0013 M513 MABA-007731-CT19TB PDF


    Abstract: low THD 500mW amplifier DB15 dwg DB10 LTC1668 LTC1668C
    Text: Final Electrical Specifications LTC1668 16-Bit, 50Msps DAC February 2000 U FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ DESCRIPTIO The LTC 1668 is a 16-bit, 50Msps differential current output DAC implemented on a high performance BiCMOS process with laser trimmed, thin-film resistors. The combination of a novel current-steering architecture and a

    LTC1668 16-Bit, 50Msps 16-bit LTC1406 HP1663EA low THD 500mW amplifier DB15 dwg DB10 LTC1668 LTC1668C PDF

    laptop lcd to vga

    Abstract: E10A-USB L1500 480x272 H8SX1668
    Text: Advanced Direct Drive LCD Advanced Direct Drive LCD Description: Using the Renesas API to create real world LCD products Objectives Create an Animated Icon on a custom background. Lab Materials: Please verify you have the following materials at your lab station.

    H8SX/1668 laptop lcd to vga E10A-USB L1500 480x272 H8SX1668 PDF


    Abstract: gapi_font_gen.exe E10A-USB L1500
    Text: Advanced Direct Drive LCD Advanced Direct Drive LCD Description: Using the Renesas API to create real world LCD products Objectives Create a Slider and create an anti-aliased font Prerequisites: Completed Lab1 and Lab2 and Lab3 Skill Level : Intermediate to Advanced knowledge of C

    H8SX/1668 font gapi_font_gen.exe E10A-USB L1500 PDF


    Abstract: kdc_ndts NDTD1215C
    Text: NDTS Series Isolated 3W Single Output DC/DC Converters SELECTION GUIDE FEATURES „ RoHS compliant „ Industry standard footprint „ Single isolated output „ Short circuit protection „ Operating temperature range –40°C to +85°C „ Low profile 24 pin case

    NDTS0503C NDTS0505C NDTS0512C NDTS0515C NDTS1203C NDTS1205C NDTS1212C NDTS1215C NDTS2403C NDTS2405C NDTS kdc_ndts NDTD1215C PDF


    Abstract: 2sc4381
    Text: SavantIC Semiconductor Product Specification Silicon NPN Power Transistors 2SC4381 2SC4382 DESCRIPTION •With TO-220F package ·Complement to type 2SA1667/1668 APPLICATIONS ·For TV vertical output ,audio output driver and general purpose applications PINNING

    2SC4381 2SC4382 O-220F 2SA1667/1668 O-220F) 2SC4381 2SC4382 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NDTS SERIES Isolated 3W Single Output DC/DC Converters SELECTION GUIDE FEATURES n RoHS compliant n Industry standard footprint n Single isolated output n Short circuit protection n Operating temperature range –40°C to +85°C n Low profile 24 pin case Order Code

    NDTS0503C NDTS0505C NDTS0512C NDTS0515C NDTS1203C NDTS1205C NDTS1212C NDTS1215C NDTS2403C NDTS2405C PDF


    Abstract: ndtd1215c ndts2405c NDTS0515C ndts4805c ndts48
    Text: NDTS Series Isolated 3W Single Output DC/DC Converters SELECTION GUIDE FEATURES n RoHS compliant n Industry standard footprint n Single isolated output n Short circuit protection n Operating temperature range –40°C to +85°C n Low profile 24 pin case n 2:1 Wide input range

    NDTS0503C NDTS0505C NDTS0512C NDTS0515C NDTS1203C NDTS1205C NDTS1212C NDTS1215C NDTS2403C NDTS2405C NDTS0503C ndtd1215c ndts2405c NDTS0515C ndts4805c ndts48 PDF

    B 1403 N

    Abstract: EFM-1900 27 66 77 9
    Text: EFM-1900 E-Series Surface Mount Mixer 1850 – 1980 MHz Features • • • • • LO Power +13 dBm +22dB Compression Point Surface Mount +32dBm IIP3 Up and Down converting SM-106 Package Note: Non Hermetic Package,Metal Cover. 0.800 20.32 2 Description

    EFM-1900 32dBm SM-106 EFM-1900 13dBm. 1980MHz 13dBm B 1403 N 27 66 77 9 PDF

    microprocessors interface 8086 to 8251

    Abstract: USART 8251 interfacing with 8051 microcontroller to design a full 18*16 barrel shifter design USART 8251 18*16 barrel shifter design microprocessors architecture of 8251 USART 8251 expanded block diagram cqfp100 P2QFP100-GH-1420 full 18*16 barrel shifter design
    Text: CLA90000 SERIES HIGH DENSITY CMOS GATE ARRAYS DS4375 - 2.0 April 1997 INTRODUCTION BENEFITS The CLA90000 family of gate arrays from Mitel Semiconductor consists of 14 fixed-size arrays with the option of building optimized arrays with up to 1.1 million gates. This

    CLA90000 DS4375 microprocessors interface 8086 to 8251 USART 8251 interfacing with 8051 microcontroller to design a full 18*16 barrel shifter design USART 8251 18*16 barrel shifter design microprocessors architecture of 8251 USART 8251 expanded block diagram cqfp100 P2QFP100-GH-1420 full 18*16 barrel shifter design PDF

    USART 8251 interfacing with 8051 microcontroller

    Abstract: full 18*16 barrel shifter design 18*16 barrel shifter design USART 8251 USART 8251 expanded block diagram 8251 UNIVERSAL SYNCHRONOUS ASYNCHRONOUS RECEIVER P4QFP100-GH-1420 interfacing 8051 with ppi USART 8251 interfacing M8490 scsi
    Text: CLA90000 Series High Density CMOS Gate Arrays DS5500 ISSUE 2.0 INTRODUCTZarlinkION BENEFITS The CLA90000 family of gate arrays from Zarlink Semiconductor consists of 14 fixed-size arrays with the option of building optimized arrays with up to 1.1 million gates. This

    CLA90000 DS5500 USART 8251 interfacing with 8051 microcontroller full 18*16 barrel shifter design 18*16 barrel shifter design USART 8251 USART 8251 expanded block diagram 8251 UNIVERSAL SYNCHRONOUS ASYNCHRONOUS RECEIVER P4QFP100-GH-1420 interfacing 8051 with ppi USART 8251 interfacing M8490 scsi PDF

    marking code smd fujitsu

    Abstract: smd marking 5G Fujitsu vco VC-2r7a 1619 smd VC-3R0A smd code marking for japanese
    Text: Voltage Controlled Oscillator VCO VC-50 Type :180~2300(MHz Range) (Main Application:CDMA and PCS and PDC) Special Characteristics Possessed the Best C/N Performance and the Lowest Current Consumption, VC-50 Type VCOs are known as the most flexible CDMA & PCS & PDC VCOs for

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    1820 2273

    Abstract: H26S6635A0AA FAX 3828 13 T 99-2033 aerovox aerovox capacitor ac 1820-2273 2781 H50S6601A0AA H50S6602A0AA
    Text: Aerovox Corp. Type H Higher Voltage AC & DC Capacitors Film Capacitors for Power Electronics Applications RoHS Compliant The Type H is a very versatile metallized polypropylene capacitor that is available in a round or oval, steel or aluminum case with many terminal options to fit the

    E51176 UL810 1820 2273 H26S6635A0AA FAX 3828 13 T 99-2033 aerovox aerovox capacitor ac 1820-2273 2781 H50S6601A0AA H50S6602A0AA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN 4944 Monolithic Digital 1C No. L B 1668,1668M , L B 1667,1667M 4944 SAiYO Two-Phase Unipolar Drive Brushless M otor Drivers Preliminary Overview Package Dimensions The L B 1668 Series are 2-phase unipolar drive brushless unit: mm motor drivers that feature a wide usable voltage range and

    OCR Scan
    1668M 1667M 3098B-D1P10S 11ZL PDF


    Abstract: MC6844 MN1600 MN1613 MN1668 MN1610
    Text: PANASONIC INDL/ELEK -CIO 72 DE J 1^32052 □ ODS'iflfl S T-52-33-03 D 6932852 PANASONIC INOL,ELECTRONIC 72C 05988 MN1668 M N 1 6 6 8 68 T Bus Exchange Adapter 3 ^ a 5 « / P i n Assignment M N 1668 i± , MN1610, M N1613 t£ i f , '* X _ h •< F > ? - 3- — ? ' ' >

    OCR Scan
    MN1668 T-52-33-03 MN1668 MN1610, MN1613 om211/Oj- MC6844) MC684 MC6844 MN1600 MN1613 MN1610 PDF

    Transformer MG-200

    Abstract: STK4036X DBA40C MG-200 STK4028X MG200
    Text: Ordering number : EN 1668D Thick Film Hybrid IC STK4036X A F Power Amplifier Split Power Supply _ (SOW min, THD - 0.008%) P a c k a g e D im e n sio n F e a tu re s » Small-sized package permitting audio sets to be made slimmer • The STK4028X series are available for output 30W to

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    1668D STK4036X STK4028X /100kHz-LPF Transformer MG-200 STK4036X DBA40C MG-200 MG200 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: L I N Doc L i m M T L X 1668 Y Pro gram m ab le M u ltip le O u tp ut M I C R O E L E C T R O N I C S T H I n f i n i t e P o w e r o f I n n o v a t i o n P r e l i m i n a r y DESCRIPTION T h e LX 1668 is a M o n o lith ic S w itc h in g R egu lator C o n tr o lle r IC designed to p ro ­

    OCR Scan
    LX1668 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: í?/píVO Low-Saturat ion Vol tage Seri es T0“220, MF, ML Pack g > A p p l i c a t i o n s ♦ Relay drivers. * High-speed inverters. * Conve r te r s . * H igh-cu r ren t switchinf! F e a t u r e s * Low VCE(sat). * Highly resistant to breakdown because of wide ASO. * Fast switching

    OCR Scan
    O-220 2SB903 2SD1212 2SB1467 2SD2218 2SB1468 2SD2219 2SB1268 2SD1904 T0-220MF 2sa128 PDF

    ID 48 Megamos

    Abstract: 35N25 IXTM35N25 ixtm35n30
    Text: I X Y S CORP IDE D I 4t . fl b25 L. ÜDDOBbO QDOGBtiO b | 4t.flt.S5t DIXYS MegaMOS'“ FETs IXTH35N30, 25 IXTM35N30, 25 MAXIMUM RATINGS Parameter Sym. Drain-Source Voltage 1 Vdss Vdgr Drain-Gate Voltage (Rq s = 1-OMft) (1) Gate-Source Voltage Continuous

    OCR Scan
    IXTH35N25 IXTM35N25 IXTH35N30 IXTM35N30 O-204 O-247 IXTH350 ID 48 Megamos 35N25 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANKEN ELECTRIC CO LT» SSE D 2SA1667 2SA1668 Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25'C -1 5 0 -2 0 0 VcEO -1 5 0 -2 0 0 V Vebo 6 V lc 2 A -1 A Pc 25 (Tc =25°C) W Tj 150 •c —5 5 ~ + 1 5 0 "C Ib Tstg Common Emitter Characteristics (Typical value) lc (A ) • Outline Drawing 4 . . FM20

    OCR Scan
    2SA1667 2SA1668 50min 200min 60min 20typ T0220) PDF

    AX 1668 F 24 pin

    Abstract: AX 1668 F IXTH17P25 ixtm17p25
    Text: I Î O E D 1 4bflhS2b GOODatiO 5 | X Y S CORP P-CHANNEL MOSFETS □ IX Y S IXTH17P25 IXTM17P25 ' MAXIMUM RATINGS Parameter Sym. IXTH17P25 IXTM17P25 * Unit Drain-Source Voltage 1 VDss 250 Vdc Drain-Gate Voltage (Rqs = 1.0MÎ1) (1) Vdgr 250 Vdc Vqs ± 20 Vcjc

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    IXTH17P25 IXTM17P25 IXTM17P25 O-247 O-204 AX 1668 F 24 pin AX 1668 F PDF

    TL 1838

    Abstract: ITT 2222 A Mitel Semiconductor process flow to design a full 18*16 barrel shifter design pic 1840 ATS 16Mhz MITEL CLA full 18*16 barrel shifter design
    Text: CLA90000 SERIES j j j j ivilTEL HIGH DENSITY CMOS GATE ARRAYS s b m Sc o n â î c t o r DS4375 - 2.0 April 1997 INTRODUCTION BENEFITS The CLA90000 family of gate arrays from Mitel Sem icon­ ductor consists of 14 fixed-size arrays with the option of building optimized arrays with up to 1.1 million gates. This

    OCR Scan
    CLA90000 DS4375 84-ACB-2828 144-ACB-4040 208-ACB-4545 209-ACB-4545 TL 1838 ITT 2222 A Mitel Semiconductor process flow to design a full 18*16 barrel shifter design pic 1840 ATS 16Mhz MITEL CLA full 18*16 barrel shifter design PDF

    ITT 2222 A

    Abstract: itt 2222
    Text: Si GEC P L E S S E Y APRIL 1997 S E M I C O N D U C T O R S CLA90000 SERIES HIGH DENSITY CMOS GATE ARRAYS INTRODUCTION BENEFITS The CLA90000 family of gate arrays from GEC Plessey Semiconductors GPS consists of 14 fixed-size arrays with the option of building optimized arrays with up to 1.1 million

    OCR Scan
    CLA90000 84-ACB-2828 144-ACB-4040 208-ACB-4545 209-ACB-4545 ITT 2222 A itt 2222 PDF