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    A07 RF AMPLIFIER Search Results

    A07 RF AMPLIFIER Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TC75S102F Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Operational Amplifier, 1.5V to 5.5V, I/O Rail to Rail, IDD=0.27μA, SOT-25 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    P206 Coilcraft Inc Designer's Kit, Mag Amp toroids, not RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    UPC251G2-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Operational Amplifier Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPC821C-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HA17904ATEL-E Renesas Electronics Corporation Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    A07 RF AMPLIFIER Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TS34119 Low Power Audio Amplifier SOP-8 DIP-8 Pin assignment: 1. CD 8. VO2 2. FC2 7. Gnd 3. FC1 6. Vcc 4. Vin 5. VO1 General Description The TS34119 is a low power audio amplifier, it integrated circuit intended primarily for telephone applications such

    TS34119 TS34119 PDF

    A07 RF Amplifier

    Abstract: audio amplifier SOP RF AMPLIFIER marking A07 TS34119CS 27BSC TS34119 TS34119CD power audio amplifier design
    Text: TS34119 Low Power Audio Amplifier SOP-8 DIP-8 Pin assignment: 1. CD 8. VO2 2. FC2 7. Gnd 3. FC1 6. Vcc 4. Vin 5. VO1 General Description The TS34119 is a low power audio amplifier, it integrated circuit intended primarily for telephone applications, such

    TS34119 TS34119 A07 RF Amplifier audio amplifier SOP RF AMPLIFIER marking A07 TS34119CS 27BSC TS34119CD power audio amplifier design PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    MAV-11SM DC-1000 DC-2000 PDF


    Abstract: power supply 30v 2 amp with ac input A07 RF Amplifier
    Text: TS321 Low Power Single Operational Amplifier SOT-25 Pin Definition: 1. Input + 2. Ground 3. Input 4. Output 5. Vcc General Description The TS321 brings performance and economy to low power systems. With high unity gain frequency and a guaranteed 0.4V/uS slew rate, the quiescent current is only 430uA/amplifier 5V . The input common mode range includes ground

    TS321 OT-25 TS321 430uA/amplifier OT-25 ts312 power supply 30v 2 amp with ac input A07 RF Amplifier PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MONOLITHIC AMPLIFIERS 50 Ω BROADBAND DC to 2.5 GHz MAR-SM MAV-SM up to +17.5 dBm output FREQ.J MHz GAIN (dB) Typical at MHz MODELu NO. MAXIMUM POWER (dBm) 100 1000 2000 Note 1 Min. DYNAMIC RANGE VSWR (:1) Typ. Output (1 dB Input NF IP3 Comp.) (no (dB) (dBm)

    MAV-11SM DC-1000 DC-2000 5996-01-450KITS af190 PDF

    power supply 30v 2 amp with ac input

    Abstract: TS321 TS324 single operational amplifier RF AMPLIFIER marking A07
    Text: TS321 Low Power Single Operational Amplifier SOT-25 Pin Definition: 1. Input + 2. Ground 3. Input 4. Output 5. Vcc General Description The TS321 brings performance and economy to low power systems. With high unity gain frequency and a guaranteed 0.4V/uS slew rate, the quiescent current is only 430uA/amplifier 5V . The input common mode range includes ground

    TS321 OT-25 TS321 430uA/amplifier OT-25 power supply 30v 2 amp with ac input TS324 single operational amplifier RF AMPLIFIER marking A07 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TS321 Low Power Single Operational Amplifier SOT-25 Pin Definition: 1. Input + 2. Ground 3. Input 4. Output 5. Vcc General Description The TS321 brings performance and economy to low power systems. With high unity gain frequency and a guaranteed 0.4V/uS slew rate, the quiescent current is only 430uA/amplifier 5V . The input common mode range includes ground

    TS321 OT-25 TS321 430uA/amplifier OT-25 PDF

    A08 monolithic amplifier

    Abstract: mar 11sm MAV-4 Code A08 RF Semiconductor A04 monolithic amplifier A03 monolithic amplifier MAV-11SM MAR-4SM marking a06 WW107
    Text: MONOLITHIC AMPLIFIERS 50 Ω BROADBAND DC to 2.5 GHz MAR-SM MAV-SM up to +18 dBm output JFREQ. MHz MODEL NO. GAIN, dB Typical at MHz ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING7 MAXIMUM DYNAMIC VSWR POWER, dBm RANGE Typ. note 5 note 1 Typ. Output Input (1 dB (no Comp.) damage)

    WW107 WW107 RRR137 RRR116 A08 monolithic amplifier mar 11sm MAV-4 Code A08 RF Semiconductor A04 monolithic amplifier A03 monolithic amplifier MAV-11SM MAR-4SM marking a06 PDF

    amplifier DFN 2x2

    Abstract: capacitor 47uF Marking code mps SOT-25 rf RF AMPLIFIER marking A07 TS9006 55 ic Sot-343 0.47uF LDO low drop out mps 0512
    Text: TS9006 150mA Low Noise CMOS LDO SOT-343 Pin Definition: 1. Enable 2. Ground 3. Output 4. Input 6. Output SOT-25 DFN 2x2 Pin Definition: 1. Input 2. Ground 3. Enable 4. Bypass 5. Output Pin Definition: 1. Input 2. N/C 3. Output 4. N/C 5. Ground 6. Enable General Description

    TS9006 150mA OT-343 OT-25 TS9006 250mV 15uVrms amplifier DFN 2x2 capacitor 47uF Marking code mps SOT-25 rf RF AMPLIFIER marking A07 55 ic Sot-343 0.47uF LDO low drop out mps 0512 PDF


    Abstract: 2.8V REGULATOR SOT-25 sot-25 marking 2x2 dfn amplifier DFN 2x2 ceramic capacitor, .1uF rf GSM low pass filter SOT-25 rf LDO low drop out TS9007
    Text: TS9007 300mA Low Noise CMOS LDO SOT-25 Pin Definition: 1. Input 2. Ground 3. Enable 4. Bypass 5. Output DFN 2x2 Pin Definition: 1. Input 2. N/C 3. Output 4. N/C 5. Ground 6. Enable General Description The TS9007 series is 300mA ultra-low-noise LDO especially designed for battery-power RF and wireless

    TS9007 300mA OT-25 TS9007 450mV 15uVrms sot-25 2.8V REGULATOR SOT-25 sot-25 marking 2x2 dfn amplifier DFN 2x2 ceramic capacitor, .1uF rf GSM low pass filter SOT-25 rf LDO low drop out PDF


    Abstract: LDO 3.3V 300MA SOT-89 A3 marking transistor sot-23 RF AMPLIFIER marking A07
    Text: TS9000 300mA CMOS LDO SOT-23 Pin Definition: TS9000 TS9000A 1. Input 1. Ground 2. Output 2. Output 3. Ground 3. Input SOT-89 Pin Definition: TS9000 TS9000A 1. Ground 1. Output 2. Input 2. Ground 3. Output 3. Input TO-92 Pin Definition: TS9000 TS9000A 1. Ground

    TS9000 300mA OT-23 TS9000A OT-89 TS9000 LDO 3.3V 300MA SOT-89 A3 marking transistor sot-23 RF AMPLIFIER marking A07 PDF


    Abstract: a1807 PTFA211801E H-32259-2 lt 860 PTFA071701GL ptfa072401fl 1800 ldmos 1805-1880 PTMA210452M
    Text: Never stop thinking RF Power Product Selection Guide LDMOS Transistors and ICs [ ] Product Selection Guide I N F I N E O N ’ S state-of-the-art LDMOS technology, high-volume manufacturing facilities and fully-automated production assembly and test

    PG-DSO-20 PG-RFP-10 H-34265-8 H-33265-8 H-30248-2 H-36248-2 H-33288-2 H-31248-2 H-37248-2 H-34288-2 PG-DSO-20 a1807 PTFA211801E H-32259-2 lt 860 PTFA071701GL ptfa072401fl 1800 ldmos 1805-1880 PTMA210452M PDF


    Abstract: TS9004
    Text: TS9004 Series 300mA CMOS LDO Adjustable Voltage with Enable & Power Good SOT-26 Pin Definition: 1. Input 2. Ground 3. Enable 4. Power Good 5. Adjustable 6. Output SOT-25 Pin Definition: 1. Input 2. Ground 3. Enable 4. Adjustable 5. Output General Description

    TS9004 300mA OT-26 OT-25 TS9004CX6 PDF

    mmic a07

    Abstract: MSA-0786 MSA-0786-TR1 MSA-07 MSA-0786-BLK A07 RF Amplifier MSA-0786-TR1G
    Text: Products > RF ICs/Discretes > RF ICs > Silicon Amplifiers, Gain Blocks > MSA-0786 MSA-0786 6V fixed gain amp Description Lifecycle status: Active Features The MSA-07 is a general purpose 6V cascadable 50ohm gain block targeted for narrow and wide bandwidth IF amplifier applications. It is offered in a wide variety of plastic and ceramic

    MSA-0786 MSA-07 50ohm MSA-0786 MSA-0786-BLK MSA-0786-BLKG MSA-0786-TR1 MSA-0786-TR1G mmic a07 MSA-0786-TR1 MSA-0786-BLK A07 RF Amplifier MSA-0786-TR1G PDF


    Abstract: TS1935 3V REGULATOR SOT-25 4- Vin
    Text: TS1935 1.6MHz Boost Converter with 30V Internal FET Switch SOT-25 Pin Definition: 1. SW 2. Ground 3. FB 4. EN 5. Input General Description Typical Application Circuit The TS1935 switching regulator is current –mode boost converters operating at fixed frequency of 1.6MHz.

    TS1935 OT-25 TS1935 OT-25 ts1935cx5 3V REGULATOR SOT-25 4- Vin PDF

    DVD pickup circuit diagram

    Abstract: dvd circuit diagram ic photodetector DVD CD-ROM diagram cd-rom circuit diagram y713 Y7131 photodetector IC dvd block diagram of DVD "dvd pickup"
    Text: EM Y7131 8x PDIC Patents Pending Preliminary CD / DVD Pickup IC Photo-Detector IC For 8x DVD Drives • General Description Block Diagram The Y7131 is an Opto-Electronic Integrated Circuit OEIC that combines the photo-detectors and high performance amplifiers required to support 8x speed

    Y7131 60MHz 32mV/uW 650nm DVD pickup circuit diagram dvd circuit diagram ic photodetector DVD CD-ROM diagram cd-rom circuit diagram y713 photodetector IC dvd block diagram of DVD "dvd pickup" PDF


    Abstract: TS9001
    Text: TS9001 Series 300mA CMOS LDO with Enable SOT-25 Pin Definition: 1. Input 2. Ground 3. Enable 4. Bypass 5. Output General Description The TS9001 series is a positive voltage linear regulator developed utilizing CMOS technology featured low quiescent current 30uA typ. ,low dropout voltage, and high output voltage accuracy, making them ideal for battery applications.

    TS9001 300mA OT-25 TS9000 PDF

    A09 RF Amplifier

    Abstract: Asy transistor DQ06 4 BU9534KV VQFP100 DQ05
    Text: 01W136A Signal processor LSI with anti-shock memory controller for CD players BU9534KV Dimension Units : mm BU9534KV is a digital signal processor LSI with built-in pre-servo amplifier, and anti-shock memory controller developed for CD players. This pre-servo amplifier is

    01W136A BU9534KV BU9534KV 180sec. 64bit corre13 A09 RF Amplifier Asy transistor DQ06 4 VQFP100 DQ05 PDF


    Abstract: A07 monolithic amplifier
    Text: Surface Mount Monolithic Amplifier DC-2 GHz Product Features • Wideband, DC to 2 GHz • Cascadable ceramic package • Low noise figure, 2.8 dB typ. • Excellent repeatability • Aqueous washable RAM-7+ CASE STYLE: AF190 PRICE: $4.60 ea. QTY. 30 Typical Applications

    AF190 2002/95/EC) ram7 A07 monolithic amplifier PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Surface Mount Monolithic Amplifier DC-2 GHz Product Features • Wideband, DC to 2 GHz • Cascadable ceramic package • Excellent repeatability • Aqueous washable • Protected under US Patent 6,943,629 RAM-7+ CASE STYLE: AF190 PRICE: $4.60 ea. QTY. 30

    AF190 2002/95/EC) PDF

    MAR-7 MMIC

    Abstract: MAR7 MAR-7 mmic mar-6 MAR-6 MMIC 10W-T MSA-0785 VV105 WW107 Resistor mttf
    Text: NON-CATALOG Drop-In Monolithic Amplifier 50Ω MAR-7+ DC to 2000 MHz Features • wideband, DC to 2000 MHz • high gain, up to 32.5 dB @ 100 MHz • low noise • MAR-7+ is equivalent to MSA-0785 • cascadable • protected by US Patent, 6,943,629 except MAR-6+

    MSA-0785 VV105 2002/95/EC) MAR-7 MMIC MAR7 MAR-7 mmic mar-6 MAR-6 MMIC 10W-T MSA-0785 VV105 WW107 Resistor mttf PDF


    Abstract: SOT-25 rf
    Text: TS9015 650mA CMOS LDO 0.9V Adjustable Voltage with Enable Function SOT-25 Pin Definition: 1. Input 2. Ground 3. Enable 4. Adjustable 5. Output General Description The TS9015 is a positive voltage linear regulator operate from +2.5V to +7V input supply, it is developed utilizing

    TS9015 650mA OT-25 TS9015 TS9015CX5 SOT-25 rf PDF

    transistor marking v72

    Abstract: power supply 30v 2 amp with ac input TS321 TS324 single operational amplifier SOT25 MARKING CODE QV TS312 RF AMPLIFIER marking A07
    Text: TS321 E TAIWAN S E M IC O N D U C T O R pb RoHS Low Power Single Operational Amplifier CO M PLIANCE SO T-25 5 4 1 23 P in D e fin itio n : 1. 2. 3. 4. Input +• Ground Input Output 5. V c c General Description The TS321 brings perform ance and econom y to low pow er system s. W ith high unity gain freq ue n cy and a guaranteed

    OCR Scan
    OT-25 TS321 430uA/arnpIifier OT-25 transistor marking v72 power supply 30v 2 amp with ac input TS324 single operational amplifier SOT25 MARKING CODE QV TS312 RF AMPLIFIER marking A07 PDF


    Abstract: MAV3 MAV4 MAV 2 MAV-3 monolithic amplifiers MAV11
    Text: broadband plug-in and surface mount Monolithic Amplifiers 50 ohms up to 66 mW +18.2 dBm output d c to 2.5 GHz case style selection ou tlin e d r a w in g s T ab le o f C o n t e n t s X -V OFREQ MHz MODEL NO. □ □ □ Q □ □ □ K f„ GAIN, dB Typical (at MHz)

    OCR Scan
    MAV-11/SM MAV-4 MAV3 MAV4 MAV 2 MAV-3 monolithic amplifiers MAV11 PDF