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    TDK Corporation DEA453960BT-3007B1

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    DigiKey DEA453960BT-3007B1 Cut Tape 627 1
    • 1 $1.85
    • 10 $1.342
    • 100 $1.125
    • 1000 $1.125
    • 10000 $1.125
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    DEA453960BT-3007B1 Reel
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    TDK Corporation DEA453960BT-3002B1

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    DigiKey DEA453960BT-3002B1 Cut Tape 123 1
    • 1 $2.74
    • 10 $1.7
    • 100 $1.125
    • 1000 $1.125
    • 10000 $1.125
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    DEA453960BT-3002B1 Reel
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    Qorvo TGA4539-SM

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    Bristol Electronics TGA4539-SM 191
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    A4539 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 高速度 高速ゲート カメラ イメージインテンシファイアユニット 接続 C10880-03C / C10880-03F 高速度カメラの高フレームレート撮像時の 光量不足解消照明不要 概要 イメージインテンシファイア I.I. は高い光増倍機能を

    C10880-03C C10880-03F C10880-03ã 1055J04 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Contents 目 次 特長 …………………………………… 1 構成例 ………………………………… 2 原理 …………………………………… 3 製品選定のポイント ………………… 4 仕様 ……………………………………

    0006J02 C12550 PDF


    Abstract: C4273 C5909 C3077 C2925-01 camera crane A2098 A7802 C5909-10 C6653
    Text: HIGH-SPEED GATED IMAGE INTENSIFIER UNITS ICCD CAMERA UNITS SELECTION GUIDE APPLICATION NOTES CONTENTS Capturing “Instantaneous Images” of High-speed Phenomena 1 Hints to Selecting Products . 2 Principle . 3

    C7068-01, C7069-01 SE-171-41 TAPP0001E02 C5825 C4273 C5909 C3077 C2925-01 camera crane A2098 A7802 C5909-10 C6653 PDF

    hamamatsu c1000

    Abstract: A2098 transistor a2098 A4869 A4539 C1000-12 image intensifier quantum efficiency data 40VA A3472-50 UV led 200nm
    Text: HIGH-SPEED GATED IMAGE INTENSIFIER UNITS C7244, C7245 Capturing still images of high-speed phenomena! C-mount adapter is optional. The Hamamatsu C7244 and C7245 are high-speed gated image intensifier units developed specifically for imaging of highspeed phenomena occurring at low light levels. These image intensifier units consist of an image intensifier head and its controller with a built-in high voltage power supply. The image intensifier head easily connects to the front of a CCD camera to configure a high-speed shutter camera that allows capturing still images of high-speed phenomena at any desired timing. The C7244

    C7244, C7245 C7244 C7245 C7244 S-164-40 TAPP1027E01 hamamatsu c1000 A2098 transistor a2098 A4869 A4539 C1000-12 image intensifier quantum efficiency data 40VA A3472-50 UV led 200nm PDF


    Abstract: transistor c9018 c9018 transistor a2098 C9548 transistor a2098 IC9018 C9548-01 A9017 C9018 G
    Text: SELECTION GUIDE APPLICATION NOTES Features Captures "instantaneous image" of high-speed phenomena Applications High-speed gated image intensifier units hereafter gated I.I. units are able to capture an "instantaneous image" of high-speed phenomena occurring within

    000th SE-171-41 TAPP0002E02 c9018 transistor c9018 c9018 transistor a2098 C9548 transistor a2098 IC9018 C9548-01 A9017 C9018 G PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: イメージインテンシファイアユニット C9016シリーズ C9016シリーズ 概要 GaAsP光電面やGaAs光電面マルチアルカリ光電面 の近接型イメージインテンシファイア I.I. を内蔵した ヘッド部とリモートコントローラからなるゲート機能

    C9016ã 1062J01 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: COMPATIBLE HIGH-SPEED GATED WITH HIGH- IMAGE INTENSIFIER UNITS SPEED CAMERA C10880-03C / C10880-03F OVERVIEW Image intensifiers I.I. are devices capable of intensifying an image at high gain and high-speed gating (electronic shutter operation). The C10880-03 series is an image intensifier unit which is suitable

    C10880-03C C10880-03F C10880-03 SE-171-41 1055E02 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Contents Features CONTENTS Features . 1 Captures "instantaneous image" of high-speed phenomena Configurations . 2 High-speed gated image intensifier units hereafter gated I.I. units are able to capture an "instantaneous image" of high-speed phenomena occurring within extremely short time durations by means of "gate operation

    000th SE-164 0006J01 B1201 PDF

    EPROM 27C256 interface hardware

    Abstract: 74ACT373 FB13 74ACT373 so20w 272904 273102 a4601 3528 plcc of FB19 FB17
    Text: 8x931HA USB Customer Hub Advance Information Datasheet Product Features • ■ ■ Intel 8x931HA USB Peripheral Controller 8x931HA USB Hub has One Internal Downstream, and Four External Downstream Ports USB Hub — Connectivity Management — Downstream Device Connect/

    8x931HA --500mA 8x931 BLM21P300S BLM21B201S EPROM 27C256 interface hardware 74ACT373 FB13 74ACT373 so20w 272904 273102 a4601 3528 plcc of FB19 FB17 PDF

    transistor a2098

    Abstract: a2098 A4539 Image intensifier tube 111 a2098 transistor C10880-03C image intensifier quantum efficiency data a2098 data AC Photonics A5309
    Text: COMPATIBLE WITH HIGH-SPEED CAMERA HIGH-SPEED GATED NEW IMAGE INTENSIFIER UNITS C10880-03C / C10880-03F OVERVIEW Image intensifiers I.I. are devices capable of intensifying an image at high gain and high-speed gating (electronic shutter operation). The C10880-03 series is an image intensifier unit which is suitable

    C10880-03C C10880-03F C10880-03 SE-171-41 1055E01 transistor a2098 a2098 A4539 Image intensifier tube 111 a2098 transistor image intensifier quantum efficiency data a2098 data AC Photonics A5309 PDF


    Abstract: C9548 C9548-01 a2098 data intensifier transistor a2098 AR P46 A4539
    Text: AR Y MI N PR ELI HIGH-SPEED GATED IMAGE INTENSIFIER UNITS C9548 SERIES OVERVIEW Image intensifiers I. I. are devices capable of intensifying an image at high gain and high-speed gating (electronic shutter operation). This allows them to capture "instantaneous images" of ultrafast phenomena that occur in extremely short periods of time.

    C9548 SE-171-41 TAPP1060E01 A2098 C9548-01 a2098 data intensifier transistor a2098 AR P46 A4539 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SELECTION GUIDE APPLICATION NOTES Features Captures "instantaneous image" of high-speed phenomena High-speed gated image intensifier units hereafter gated I.I. units are able to capture an "instantaneous image" of high-speed phenomena occurring within extremely short time durations by means of "gate operation (shutter operation)".

    000th SE-171-41 0005E01 A11669 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 高速ゲート 暫定資料 イメージインテンシファイアユニット C9548シリーズ 概要 イメージインテンシファイア I.I. は高い光増倍機 能と高速ゲート動作(シャッタ動作)が可能です ので高速現象の極めて短い時間の「瞬間像」を

    C9548ã TAPP1060J03 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 高速ゲート イメージインテンシファイアユニット C9016-2x, C9546, C9547シリーズ ▲左:C9016-2xシリーズ+コントローラ中:C9546シリーズ、右:C9547シリーズ 概要 イメージインテンシファイア I.I. は高い光増倍機能

    C9016-2x, C9546, C9547ã C9016-2xã C9546ã 1063J01 PDF


    Abstract: A2098 C9548 A9017 MCP1100 C9018 G A10014-35-0110 A4539 VG-230 700800
    Text: 特 長 目 次 高速現象の『瞬間像』を捕らえる 高速ゲートイメージインテンシファイアユニット(以下ゲートI.I.ユニット)は 『ゲート動作(シャッタ動作)』により高速現象の極めて短時間の『瞬間像』

    P1113 TAPPB0094JC C10880-03F C10149 C0074JA C9016-03 CCDC9016-03 A9017 A4539 A2095 C9018 A2098 C9548 A9017 MCP1100 C9018 G A10014-35-0110 A4539 VG-230 700800 PDF


    Abstract: con2 2-pins connector 74ACT373 sw-dpdt PLCC-68-SMT-TT fb1 rom 32 pin PLCC32 socket intel usb a4601 PLCC32 through hole socket
    Text: 8x931HA USB Customer Hub Advance Information Datasheet Product Features • ■ ■ Intel 8x931HA USB Peripheral Controller 8x931HA USB Hub has One Internal Downstream, and Four External Downstream Ports USB Hub — Connectivity Management — Downstream Device Connect/

    8x931HA --500mA 8x931 BLM21P300S BLM21B201S SO20W con2 2-pins connector 74ACT373 sw-dpdt PLCC-68-SMT-TT fb1 rom 32 pin PLCC32 socket intel usb a4601 PLCC32 through hole socket PDF