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    AB0RA927708 Search Results

    AB0RA927708 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: tsp53c30 TSP50C41 tsp50c4x TSP50C30 TSP6100 53C30 wf7n TMS7000 development system TMS7000 data manual
    Text: 1.0 INTRODUCTION The TSP53C30 Is a programmed TSP50C41 that operates as a slave device to a mlcroprocessor. The TSP53C30 Includes a 10 pole Linear Predictive Filter the synthesizer an 8K ROM and an 8-blt microprocessor. The speech synthesizer operates on Linear Predictive Code (LPC) or Pulse Code Modulated (PCM)

    OCR Scan
    TSP53C30 TSP50C41 TSP50C4X CVS2S-02 AB0RA927708 tsp5220 TSP50C30 TSP6100 53C30 wf7n TMS7000 development system TMS7000 data manual PDF