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    Analog Devices Inc AD7884BN

    ADC, FLASH METHOD; Temperature Grade: INDUSTRIAL; Terminal Form: THROUGH-HOLE; No. of Terminals: 40; Package Code: DIP; Package Shape: RECTANGULAR;
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    AD7884BN Datasheets (3)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    AD7884BN Analog Devices LC 2 MOS 16-Bit, High Speed Sampling ADC Original PDF
    AD7884BN Analog Devices LC2MOS 16-Bit, High Speed Sampling ADCs Scan PDF
    AD7884BN Analog Devices L2CMOS 16-Bit, High Speed Sampling ADCs Scan PDF

    AD7884BN Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a LC2MOS 16-Bit, High Speed Sampling ADCs AD7884/AD7885 FEATURES Monolithic Construction Fast Conversion: 5.3 ␮s High Throughput: 166 kSPS Low Power: 250 mW APPLICATIONS Automatic Test Equipment Medical Instrumentation Industrial Control Data Acquisition Systems

    16-Bit, AD7884/AD7885 16-BIT AD7884 AD7884/AD7885 images/AD7884 AD7884AQ PDF


    Abstract: C1620 AD7884 AD7885 AD7885A AD7885AAP AD7885BN
    Text: a LC2MOS 16-Bit, High Speed Sampling ADCs AD7884/AD7885 FEATURES Monolithic Construction Fast Conversion: 5.3 ␮s High Throughput: 166 kSPS Low Power: 250 mW APPLICATIONS Automatic Test Equipment Medical Instrumentation Industrial Control Data Acquisition Systems

    16-Bit, AD7884/AD7885 AD7884 16-BIT AD7884/AD7885 44-Pin P-44A) C1620b ins40 C1620 AD7884 AD7885 AD7885A AD7885AAP AD7885BN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BACK a LC2MOS 16-Bit, High Speed Sampling ADCs AD7884/AD7885 FEATURES Monolithic Construction Fast Conversion: 5.3 ␮s High Throughput: 166 kSPS Low Power: 250 mW APPLICATIONS Automatic Test Equipment Medical Instrumentation Industrial Control Data Acquisition Systems

    16-Bit, AD7884/AD7885 16-BIT AD7884 AD7884/AD7885 44-Pin P-44A) C1620b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ► AN ALO G D E V IC E S FEATURES Monolithic Construction Fast Conversion: 5.3 |as High Throughput: 166 kSP S Low Power: 250 mW LC2M0S 16-Bit, High Speed Sampling ADCs AD7884/AD7885 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMS * 3V , „ F =3 V in S AGNDS AGNDF AVpo A Vss Voo

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit, AD7884/AD7885 AD7884 AD7884/AD7885 16-bit ADSP-2101 AD7884 PDF


    Abstract: AD7884AP AD7885 AD7885A AD7885AAP AD7885BN a 7800
    Text: ANALOG ► DEVICES FEATURES M onolithic Construction Fast Conversion: 5.3 |xs High Throughput: 166 kSPS Low Power: 250 m W l c 2m o s 1 6-Bit, High Speed Sampling ADCs FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMS ±3V, n F =3V|N S AGND S AGNDF A V dd A V Ss V dd Vss APPLICATIONS

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit, AD7884/AD7885 16-bit AD7884 28-Pin N-28A) 0DH7771 AD7884AP AD7885 AD7885A AD7885AAP AD7885BN a 7800 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES □ FEATURES Monolithic Construction Fast Conversion: 5.3 |it High Throughput: 166 kSPS Low Power: 250 mW lc 2mos 16-Bit High Speed Sampling ADCs AD7884/AD7885 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMS AGNDS AGNDF AVM AV3S v , » Vss o —p — O— O— 0 —0 -

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit AD7884/AD7885 AD7884/AD788S AD7884 74HC574 ADSP-2101 PDF


    Abstract: 24 AGN03 B A0788 AD7884 AD7884AN AD7884BN AD7885 T-51-10-16 ad7885ap AD788S
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES INC □ ANALOG DEVICES 4EE D GölbflOO 0030566 1 « A N A T -51 -10-16 LC^MOS 16-Bit, High Speed Sampling ADCs AD7884/AD7885 FEATURES Monolithic Construction Fast Conversion: 5.3 |is High Throughput: 166 kSPS Low Power: 2S0 mW FU N C T IO N A L BLOCK DIAGRAM S

    OCR Scan
    0Q30S4Â 16-Bit, AD7884/AD7885 16-bit AD7884, AD7884 74HC574 til082 24 AGN03 B A0788 AD7884AN AD7884BN AD7885 T-51-10-16 ad7885ap AD788S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES FEATURES Monolithic Construction Fast Conversion: 5.3 |ms High Throughput: 166 kSPS Low Power: 250 mW lc 2mos 16-Bit, High Speed Sampling ADCs AD7884/AD7885 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMS ±3V,n F =3V|N S AGNDS AGNDF A V dd A V ss V dd Vss APPLICATIONS

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit, AD7884/AD7885 AD7884/AD7885 16-bit AD7884 ADSP-2101 28-Pin N-28A) PDF

    sine wave pv inverter circuit diagram

    Abstract: OP07S
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES □ FEATURES Monolithic Construction Fast Conversion: 5.3 is High Throughput: 166 kSPS Low Power: 250 mW LC2M0S 16-Bit High Speed Sampling ADCs AD7884/AD7885 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMS ±3Vm F :3 V * S AGNDS AGNDF * V DD A V s s V j» VM APPLICATIONS

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit AD7884/AD7885 AD7884/AD7885 AD7884 74HC574 ADSP-2101 sine wave pv inverter circuit diagram OP07S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALOG ► DEVICES lc 2mos 16-Bit, High Speed Sampling ADCs FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMS FEATURES M onolithic Construction Fast Conversion: 5.3 ¿s High Throughput: 166 kSPS Low Power: 250 m W ,3 V i n F -3V i n S AGNDS AGNDF A V qd A V ss AGNDS AGNDF AV0D A V ss

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit, AD7884/AD7885 16-bit 40-Pin AD7884/AD7885 44-Pin P-44A) PDF

    FA 5323

    Abstract: AD7884 AD7884AP AD7885 AD7885A AD7885AAP AD7885BN
    Text: ANALOG ► DEVICES FEATURES M onolithic Construction Fast Conversion: 5.3 |xs High Throughput: 166 kSPS Low Power: 250 m W l c 2m o s 1 6-Bit, High Speed Sampling ADCs FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMS ± 3 V ,n F = 3 V |n S AGND S AGNDF A V dd A V Ss V dd Vss APPLICATIONS

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit, AD7884/AD7885 AD7884/AD7885 16-bit AD7887) 40-Pin 44-Pin P-44A) FA 5323 AD7884 AD7884AP AD7885 AD7885A AD7885AAP AD7885BN PDF

    80286 microprocessor features

    Abstract: 80286 microprocessor pin out diagram VW TL 82284 design adc interfaces with 8088 microprocessor microprocessor 80286 internal architecture timing diagram of 8286 microprocessor AD7884 AD7884AP AD7885 AD7885A
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES LC2M06 16-Bit, High Speed Sampling ADCs AD7884/AD7885 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMS FEATURES Monolithic Construction Fast Conversion: 5.3 jis High Throughput: 166 kSPS Low Power: 250 mW ± 3 V ,„ F ± 3 V ,„S AGNDS AGNDF AV Dd AV ss V Dd Vss

    OCR Scan
    LC2M06 16-Bit, AD7884/AD7885 AD7884/AD7885 16-bit 74HC574 AD7884 ADSP-2101 28-Pin 80286 microprocessor features 80286 microprocessor pin out diagram VW TL 82284 design adc interfaces with 8088 microprocessor microprocessor 80286 internal architecture timing diagram of 8286 microprocessor AD7884AP AD7885 AD7885A PDF


    Abstract: FA 5323 t71c AD7884 AO AD7005 sine wave pv inverter circuit diagram t71cb2 AD7834 AD7884 AD7884AN
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES INC GfilbflDD D0331bb 1 HbE D IANA T -S I-IO -/6 F q k A N A L O G : D E V IC E S LC: 16-Bit, High Spssd Sampling AOOs AD7834/ÄD7835 FU NCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMS FEATURES Monolithic Construction Fast Conversion: 5.3 |xs High Throughput: 166 kSPS

    OCR Scan
    D0331bb 16-Bit, AD7834/Ã D7835 AD7884/AD7885 16-bit 40-Pin AD7034/AD7885 44-Pin P-44A) ad738 FA 5323 t71c AD7884 AO AD7005 sine wave pv inverter circuit diagram t71cb2 AD7834 AD7884 AD7884AN PDF


    Abstract: VDE 0812 OP-177 dbqp AD7884 AD7884AN AD7884AP AD7884BN AD7884BP ac to dc conversion by pie filter circuit
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES LC2M0S 16-Bit High Speed Sampling ADCs AD7884/AD7885 FEATURES Monolithic Construction Fast Conversion: 5.3 i n High Throughput: 166 kSPS Low Power: 250 mW FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMS A G ND S AGNDF A V m * V SS V|x> Vs s O—O— 0— 0—0 - 0 -

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit, AD7884/AD7885 AD7884/AD7885 16-bit AD7884 74HC574 80S8 VDE 0812 OP-177 dbqp AD7884AN AD7884AP AD7884BN AD7884BP ac to dc conversion by pie filter circuit PDF