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    Abracon Corporation AMPMADB-14.31818

    MEMS Crystal Oscillator 14.31818MHz ?25ppm 4-Pin SMD Bulk - Bulk (Alt: AMPMADB-14.31818)
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Avnet Americas AMPMADB-14.31818 Bulk 1,000
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    Mouser Electronics AMPMADB-14.31818
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $1.38
    • 10000 $1.26
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    Avnet Abacus AMPMADB-14.31818 113 Weeks 1,000
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    • 10000 -
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    Abracon Corporation AMPMADB-14.7456T3

    MEMS Crystal Oscillator 14.7456MHz ?25ppm 4-Pin SMD T/R - Tape and Reel (Alt: AMPMADB-14.7456T3)
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Avnet Americas AMPMADB-14.7456T3 Reel 3,000
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    Mouser Electronics AMPMADB-14.7456T3
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
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    • 10000 $1.24
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    Avnet Abacus AMPMADB-14.7456T3 113 Weeks 3,000
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    Abracon Corporation AMPMADB-14.7456T

    MEMS Crystal Oscillator 14.7456MHz ?25ppm 4-Pin SMD T/R - Tape and Reel (Alt: AMPMADB-14.7456T)
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Avnet Americas AMPMADB-14.7456T Reel 1,000
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    Mouser Electronics AMPMADB-14.7456T
    • 1 -
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    • 100 -
    • 1000 $1.31
    • 10000 $1.26
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    Avnet Abacus AMPMADB-14.7456T 113 Weeks 1,000
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    Abracon Corporation AMPMADB-14.31818T

    MEMS Crystal Oscillator 14.31818MHz ?25ppm 4-Pin SMD T/R - Tape and Reel (Alt: AMPMADB-14.31818T)
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Avnet Americas AMPMADB-14.31818T Reel 1,000
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    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 -
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    Mouser Electronics AMPMADB-14.31818T
    • 1 -
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    • 1000 $1.31
    • 10000 $1.26
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    Avnet Abacus AMPMADB-14.31818T 113 Weeks 1,000
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    Abracon Corporation AMPMADB-14.7456

    MEMS Crystal Oscillator 14.7456MHz ?25ppm 4-Pin SMD Bulk - Bulk (Alt: AMPMADB-14.7456)
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    Avnet Americas AMPMADB-14.7456 Bulk 1,000
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    Mouser Electronics AMPMADB-14.7456
    • 1 -
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    • 100 -
    • 1000 $1.38
    • 10000 $1.26
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    Avnet Abacus AMPMADB-14.7456 113 Weeks 1,000
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    ADB14 Datasheets Context Search

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    d114 digital transistor

    Abstract: D123 D124 D125 D126 D127 W93902 SF10 ADB13 ADA16
    Text: W93902 POCSAG DECODER FOR PAGERS GENERAL DESCRIPTION The W93902 is a very-low-power decoder for pagers that is fully compatible with CCIR Radio Paging Code Number 1 POCSAG code operating at 512, 1200, or 2400 bps using a single 76.8 KHz crystal. To enhance the sensitivity of the pager system, a digital filter and digital PLL have been incorporated

    W93902 W93902 d114 digital transistor D123 D124 D125 D126 D127 SF10 ADB13 ADA16 PDF


    Abstract: mfm modulator CDC16XXF-E 217 plus ADB22 Micronas Automotive Controller CDC1607F-C
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET MICRONAS Edition May 26, 2004 6251-608-1PD CDC1607F-E Automotive Controller MICRONAS CDC1607F-E PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET Contents Page Section Title 3 3 7 1. 1.1. 1.2. Introduction Features Abbreviations 9 9 10 11 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. Package and Pins

    CDC1607F-E 6251-608-1PD CDC1607F-E ADB23 mfm modulator CDC16XXF-E 217 plus ADB22 Micronas Automotive Controller CDC1607F-C PDF


    Abstract: SN8P2808QG st 70 2005 11 DIP48 LQFP48 LQFP64 SSOP48 SN8P2800
    Text: SN8P2808 8-bit micro-controller build-in 4*32 LCD and 12-bit ADC. SN8P2808 USER’S MANUAL Preliminary Specification Version 0.7 SONiX 8-Bit Micro-Controller SONIX reserves the right to make change without further notice to any products herein to improve reliability, function or design. SONIX does not

    SN8P2808 12-bit 15F-2, SN8P2808 SN8P2808QG st 70 2005 11 DIP48 LQFP48 LQFP64 SSOP48 SN8P2800 PDF

    basic stamp bipolar stepper motor

    Abstract: LAYOUT PCB BTL TDA 2003 capacitor 1e77 ADB11 smd 1e74 65C816 transistor smd zG j1 B12 GDM smd h2d transistor CDC1631F-E
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET MICRONAS CDC16xxF-E Automotive Controller Family User Manual CDC1605F-E Automotive Controller Specification Edition May 25, 2004 6251-606-1PD MICRONAS CDC16xxF-E PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET Contents Page Section Title 5 5 9 1. 1.1. 1.2. Introduction

    CDC16xxF-E CDC1605F-E 6251-606-1PD basic stamp bipolar stepper motor LAYOUT PCB BTL TDA 2003 capacitor 1e77 ADB11 smd 1e74 65C816 transistor smd zG j1 B12 GDM smd h2d transistor CDC1631F-E PDF


    Abstract: 65C02 Stepper Motor Quartz Clock 6251 65C816 CDC1605F-E CDC1607F-E CDC1631F-E Stepper Motor Quartz Clock 65C816 micronas CDC1607F-C
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET MICRONAS Edition May 26, 2004 6251-608-1PD CDC1607F-E Automotive Controller MICRONAS CDC1607F-E PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET Contents Page Section Title 3 3 7 1. 1.1. 1.2. Introduction Features Abbreviations 9 9 10 11 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. Package and Pins

    6251-608-1PD CDC1607F-E CDC16XXF-E 65C02 Stepper Motor Quartz Clock 6251 65C816 CDC1605F-E CDC1607F-E CDC1631F-E Stepper Motor Quartz Clock 65C816 micronas CDC1607F-C PDF

    capacitor 1e76

    Abstract: 15 1e75 1E69 capacitor 1e81 65C816 15 1E74 1E7A 1E68 65C02 CDC1651F-E
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION CDC1651F-E Automotive Controller Edition Jan. 27, 2005 6251-667-1AI MICRONAS CDC1651F-E ADVANCE INFORMATION Contents Page Section Title 3 3 7 8 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. Introduction Features Abbreviations Block Diagram 9 9 10 11 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3.

    CDC1651F-E 6251-667-1AI capacitor 1e76 15 1e75 1E69 capacitor 1e81 65C816 15 1E74 1E7A 1E68 65C02 CDC1651F-E PDF


    Abstract: SN8P2808QG SN8P2700A LQFP48 LQFP64 1fh3 SN8P2808QB DIP41 SN8P2800 P45M
    Text: SN8P2808 8-bit micro-controller build-in 4*32 LCD and 12-bit ADC. SN8P2808 用户参考手册 Version1.1 SONiX 8 位单片机 SONiX 公司保留对以下所有产品在可靠性,功能和设计方面的改进作进一步说明的权利。SONiX 不承担由本

    SN8P2808 12-bit SN8P2807Q SN8P2808 SN8P2808QG SN8P2700A LQFP48 LQFP64 1fh3 SN8P2808QB DIP41 SN8P2800 P45M PDF

    IR Receiver Modules 170

    Abstract: 5h15 65C816 micronas CDC16XXF-E ADB22 CDC1607F-C
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION CDC1607F-E Automotive Controller Specification Edition Feb. 17, 2003 6251-608-1AI MICRONAS CDC1607F-E ADVANCE INFORMATION Contents Page Section Title 3 3 8 1. 1.1. 1.2. Introduction Features Abbreviations 10 10 11 12 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. Package and Pins

    CDC1607F-E 6251-608-1AI CDC1607F-E CDC1605F-C CDC1607F-C CDC1641F-C CDC16previous IR Receiver Modules 170 5h15 65C816 micronas CDC16XXF-E ADB22 PDF


    Abstract: 65C816 CDC1631F-E 65C02 CDC1607F-C 65C816 micronas micronas PQFP100 Stepper Motor Quartz Clock 6251 CDC1605F-E CDC1607F-E
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION MICRONAS Edition June 11, 2003 6251-617-1AI CDC1631F-E Automotive Controller MICRONAS CDC1631F-E ADVANCE INFORMATION Contents Page Section Title 3 3 7 1. 1.1. 1.2. Introduction Features Abbreviations 9 9 10 11 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. Package and Pins

    6251-617-1AI CDC1631F-E CDC16xxF-E 65C816 CDC1631F-E 65C02 CDC1607F-C 65C816 micronas micronas PQFP100 Stepper Motor Quartz Clock 6251 CDC1605F-E CDC1607F-E PDF


    Abstract: 1E7d capacitor 1e7d capacitor 1e76 1E79 capacitor 1e78 1E75 15 1e75 1E82 capacitor 1e74
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET MICRONAS Edition Aug. 2, 2004 6251-617-1PD CDC1631F-E Automotive Controller MICRONAS CDC1631F-E PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET Contents Page Section Title 3 3 7 8 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. Introduction Features Abbreviations Block Diagram 9 9 10 11

    6251-617-1PD CDC1631F-E 1E76 1E7d capacitor 1e7d capacitor 1e76 1E79 capacitor 1e78 1E75 15 1e75 1E82 capacitor 1e74 PDF


    Abstract: AB-150 AD450 450C
    Text: ANTENEX TM DUAL BAND & SPECIAL APPS With ANTENEX dual band antennas, you will experience outstanding performance on both the VHF and UHF bands. Our manufacturing techniques exercise tight control over all the parameters necessary to build a mobile gain antenna for outstanding

    ADB450S ad140 AB-150 AD450 450C PDF


    Abstract: ADA03 DA05 display ada01 display DA05 ADA02 ADA05 ADB11 DA02 ADB02
    Text: DEMO CIRCUIT 1250 16-BIT HIGH PERFORMANCE ADC DRIVERS QUICK START GUIDE LTM9001 16-bit Receiver Subsystem DESCRIPTION Demonstration circuit 1250 is an evaluation board featuring Linear Technology Corporation’s LTM9001 16-bit Receiver Subsystem. DC1250 demonstrates good circuit

    16-BIT LTM9001 16-bit DC1250 ada04 ADA03 DA05 display ada01 display DA05 ADA02 ADA05 ADB11 DA02 ADB02 PDF

    micronas vct 49 x 3f

    Abstract: micronas vct 49 MICRONAS VCT TELEVISION EHT 2070 lot 2070 eht arabic dot matrix driver vct 3834a c4 3832A c20m 08 3831a
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET MICRONAS Edition Jan. 8, 2002 6251-518-1PD VCT 38xxA/B Video/Controller/Teletext IC Family MICRONAS VCT 38xxA/B PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET Contents Page Section Title 7 1. Introduction 8 1.1. Features 8 8 8 8 8 8 1.1.1. 1.1.2. 1.1.3. 1.1.4.

    6251-518-1PD 38xxA/B micronas vct 49 x 3f micronas vct 49 MICRONAS VCT TELEVISION EHT 2070 lot 2070 eht arabic dot matrix driver vct 3834a c4 3832A c20m 08 3831a PDF

    micronas vct 49 x 3f

    Abstract: vct 3834a c4 micronas vct 49 MICRONAS VCT 38xxB-D6 1F52 Micronas i2c vct philips uv 617 modulator 3833A 301f07
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET MICRONAS Edition Jan. 8, 2002 6251-518-1PD VCT 38xxA/B Video/Controller/Teletext IC Family MICRONAS VCT 38xxA/B PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET Contents Page Section Title 7 1. Introduction 8 1.1. Features 8 8 8 8 8 8 1.1.1. 1.1.2. 1.1.3. 1.1.4.

    38xxA/B 6251-518-1PD 38xxA/B micronas vct 49 x 3f vct 3834a c4 micronas vct 49 MICRONAS VCT 38xxB-D6 1F52 Micronas i2c vct philips uv 617 modulator 3833A 301f07 PDF

    micronas vct 49

    Abstract: MICRONAS VCT 3834A lot 2070 eht 150db tv booster circuit diagram 24 pin rgb 8x8 Dot Matrix Display 3050s osd font arabic dot matrix driver 3832A
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION MICRONAS Edition Oct. 17, 2000 6251-518-1AI VCT 38xxA Video/Controller/Teletext IC Family MICRONAS VCT 38xxA ADVANCE INFORMATION Contents Page Section Title 7 1. Introduction 8 1.1. Features 8 8 8 8 8 8 1.1.1. 1.1.2. 1.1.3. 1.1.4. 1.1.5.

    6251-518-1AI 38xxA micronas vct 49 MICRONAS VCT 3834A lot 2070 eht 150db tv booster circuit diagram 24 pin rgb 8x8 Dot Matrix Display 3050s osd font arabic dot matrix driver 3832A PDF

    smd code wKX

    Abstract: smd h1d transistor LAYOUT PCB BTL TDA 2003 P06V B12 GDM 65C816 15 1E78 1f34 capacitor 1e7d 1E7d
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION CDC16xxF-E Automotive Controller Family User Manual CDC1605F-E Automotive Controller Emulator Specification Edition March 31, 2003 6251-606-2AI MICRONAS CDC16xxF-E ADVANCE INFORMATION Contents Page Section Title 5 5 9 1. 1.1. 1.2. Introduction

    CDC16xxF-E CDC1605F-E 6251-606-2AI smd code wKX smd h1d transistor LAYOUT PCB BTL TDA 2003 P06V B12 GDM 65C816 15 1E78 1f34 capacitor 1e7d 1E7d PDF


    Abstract: ADB450S
    Text: ELEVATED FEED POINT ANTENNAS ANTENEX elevated feed antennas are ideal when you want a good radiation pattern from your antenna but have a poor mounting location or a nonconductive mounting surface. The elevated feed style antenna typically mounts on the trunk of a vehicle while still


    5 VOLT buzzer DATASHEET

    Abstract: D147 Crystal Oscillator MCS51 SEG22 SEG23 W928C70 ADB14 POCSAG "POCSAG Decoder" FUN20
    Text: Preliminary W928C70 POCSAG MICROCONTROLLER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The W928C70 is a high performance 8 bits microcontroller with build-in POCSAG decoder and LCD driver. It is possible to switch the normal mode, idle mode and power down mode for power saving purpose. The W928C70 is an extended µC from standard 8031 excluding UART that it can be easily

    W928C70 W928C70 MCS51 16-bit 5 VOLT buzzer DATASHEET D147 Crystal Oscillator MCS51 SEG22 SEG23 ADB14 POCSAG "POCSAG Decoder" FUN20 PDF


    Abstract: SN8P2711A SN8P2711ASB SN8P2711AP SN8P2711Apb SN8P2711AS S8P2711A SN8ICE 2711A SN8P27
    Text: SN8P2711A 8-Bit Micro-Controller SN8P2711A USER’S MANUAL Version 0.1 SONiX 8-Bit Micro-Controller SONIX reserves the right to make change without further notice to any products herein to improve reliability, function or design. SONIX does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent

    SN8P2711A 15F-2, sn8p2711 SN8P2711A SN8P2711ASB SN8P2711AP SN8P2711Apb SN8P2711AS S8P2711A SN8ICE 2711A SN8P27 PDF


    Abstract: MCS51 SEG22 SEG23 W928C73 lcd t-con buzzer tmb d127
    Text: Preliminary W928C73 POCSAG MICROCONTROLLER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The W928C73 is a high performance 8 bits microcontroller with build-in POCSAG decoder and LCD driver. It is possible to switch the normal mode, idle mode and power down mode for power saving purpose. The W928C73 is an extended µC from standard 8031 excluding UART that it can be easily

    W928C73 W928C73 MCS51 16-bit POCSAG MCS51 SEG22 SEG23 lcd t-con buzzer tmb d127 PDF


    Abstract: capacitor 1e7d 1E79 capacitor 1e76 capacitor 1e81 capacitor 15 1E88 capacitor 1e74 1E76 1E88 capacitor 1E88
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET MICRONAS Edition Aug. 2, 2004 6251-617-1PD CDC1631F-E Automotive Controller MICRONAS CDC1631F-E PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET Contents Page Section Title 3 3 7 8 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. Introduction Features Abbreviations Block Diagram 9 9 10 11

    CDC1631F-E 6251-617-1PD CDC1631F-E 1E7d capacitor 1e7d 1E79 capacitor 1e76 capacitor 1e81 capacitor 15 1E88 capacitor 1e74 1E76 1E88 capacitor 1E88 PDF


    Abstract: ADA16
    Text: W93902 finvinbond NJ it l^ 55EEEE Electronics Corp. POCSAG DECODER FOR PAGERS GENERAL DESCRIPTION The W93902 is a very-low-power decoder for pagers that is fully compatible with CCIR Radio Paging Code Number 1 POCSAG code operating at 512, 1200, or 2400 bps using a single 76.8 KHz crystal.

    OCR Scan
    W93902 55EEEE W93902 ADA10 ADA16 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DUAL BAND & SPECIAL APPS With A N T E N E X * dual band antennas, you will experience outstanding performance on both the VHF and UHF bands. Our m anufacturing techniques exercise tight control over all the parameters necessary to build a mobile gain antenna for outstanding

    OCR Scan
    ADB450S 300User S1000> AD140 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SPECIAL APPLICATIONS I ._ R ecent im provem ents to this line de live r low er VSWR & b e tte r po w er transfers Denotes most popular models. Model Frequency

    OCR Scan
    A144/440C A150/450C C144/440C C150/450C C144/440CS C150/450CS A150/450C, C150/450CS, ADB150, NA9153, AD140 PDF